POLL: Martial Law

Would you support Martial Law if President Trump ordered it?

  • Total voters
I say yes if, for example: necessary to round up those who ran the phony Russian coup and control those who oppose any roundup, trial and execution of top Dem stooges (and MSM enablers). Get em' now. Send a message before they try bigger in 2020.
You’re joking right? You’d jump to authoritarianism that easily? Do you have principles or is your head stuck that far up Trumps butt?

You’re joking right?

I will chalk you up to one of those who will allow them to get away with what they attempted.
What does that mean?
Word it so that it doesnt seem arbitrary, combine your two basically yes answers...and ban your foreign friends from voting. Yes it will be higher.
With all due respect to Mr. BrokeLoser -- who started a thread on this topic -- my frustration with that thread is that he did not include a poll so that we could see who really does think it is (or may be) time for President Trump to declare Martial Law in the country.

So let's put our cards on the table and our names on the poll, shall we?

Of course it depends on the reason and circumstances, but nothing currently on the Trumpsters' list of complaints warrants martial law. I would actively fight against such a measure.


liberals are out there trying to destroy our country and take away out few remaining rights!

and y
With all due respect to Mr. BrokeLoser -- who started a thread on this topic -- my frustration with that thread is that he did not include a poll so that we could see who really does think it is (or may be) time for President Trump to declare Martial Law in the country.

So let's put our cards on the table and our names on the poll, shall we?

The way that some local governments are depriving the population of police protection vs antifa, and the sanctuary cities that are actively siding with illegal aliens vs the US government?

Could justify Marital Law. Especially if Antifa gets more lethal in their use of violence.

"Could justify Marital Law. Especially if Antifa gets more lethal in their use of violence"

I see. so if the left gets too violent you want martial law so you can round up, incarcerate and execute liberals....

but according to everything I read the RIGHT is more violent (currently).....would you care to have martial law declared so we can round up, incarcerate and execute conservatives?

or do you only want to kill liberals?

is right wing violence justified?

does this mean that "any means necessary" applies to conservatives, too?

What is the purpose of the question?
What is the martial law issue about?
Are you trying to brand people as being blind fanatical Trump supporters?
The purpose of the question is to see who would support Trump if he declared martial law.

If your support depended on the situation, respond "maybe" and elaborate.

I really don't think this is all that complicated or sinister.
The purpose of the question is to see who would support Trump if he declared martial law.

If your support depended on the situation, respond "maybe" and elaborate.

I really don't think this is all that complicated or sinister.
What, if anything, makes you believe Trump needs to declare martial law?
What is the purpose of the question?
What is the martial law issue about?
Are you trying to brand people as being blind fanatical Trump supporters?
The purpose of the question is to see who would support Trump if he declared martial law.

If your support depended on the situation, respond "maybe" and elaborate.

I really don't think this is all that complicated or sinister.
The purpose of the question is to see who would support Trump if he declared martial law.

If your support depended on the situation, respond "maybe" and elaborate.

I really don't think this is all that complicated or sinister.
What, if anything, makes you believe Trump needs to declare martial law?
I don't.

Look through the thread, and you'll get some ideas, though.
For the last time: A president can't declare martial law unless the Congress votes for martial law.
I fail to see what the argument is about.
For the last time: A president can't declare martial law unless the Congress votes for martial law.
I fail to see what the argument is about.

"A president can't declare martial law unless the Congress votes for martial law.
I fail to see what the argument is about."

we are talking about people who want a civil war.

that rule only applies if everyone agrees to abide by it.

but.....what if the military and the police were all trump supporters who think congress (the swamp) needs to be "drained".....?

I have no doubt that SOME conservatives in the military or police wouldn't need or care about congress approving or voting for martial law.....

political chic wouldn't care about congress voting on it.

If trump said "martial law" she'd be out rounding up liberals.
I say yes if, for example: necessary to round up those who ran the phony Russian coup and control those who oppose any roundup, trial and execution of top Dem stooges (and MSM enablers). Get em' now. Send a message before they try bigger in 2020.
You’re joking right? You’d jump to authoritarianism that easily? Do you have principles or is your head stuck that far up Trumps butt?

You’re joking right?

I will chalk you up to one of those who will allow them to get away with what they attempted.
What does that mean?

What does that mean?

The phony Russian Coup. It is dangerous to America. They must be held accountable. I chalk you up to one who thinks nothing wrong was done, nobody to be jailed or punished?

Originally I implied, if it started mass riots to round them up, the yes Martial law to control the loons would not bother me.
With all due respect to Mr. BrokeLoser -- who started a thread on this topic -- my frustration with that thread is that he did not include a poll so that we could see who really does think it is (or may be) time for President Trump to declare Martial Law in the country.

So let's put our cards on the table and our names on the poll, shall we?
No. I would support no rash decision this amoral, unethical, ignorant, incurious president makes.
With all due respect to Mr. BrokeLoser -- who started a thread on this topic -- my frustration with that thread is that he did not include a poll so that we could see who really does think it is (or may be) time for President Trump to declare Martial Law in the country.

So let's put our cards on the table and our names on the poll, shall we?
No. I would support no rash decision this amoral, unethical, ignorant, incurious president makes.

Major List warning #1 issued on old Fart. Watch your Ps & Qs.
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I say yes if, for example: necessary to round up those who ran the phony Russian coup and control those who oppose any roundup, trial and execution of top Dem stooges (and MSM enablers). Get em' now. Send a message before they try bigger in 2020.
You’re joking right? You’d jump to authoritarianism that easily? Do you have principles or is your head stuck that far up Trumps butt?

You’re joking right?

I will chalk you up to one of those who will allow them to get away with what they attempted.
What does that mean?

What does that mean?

The phony Russian Coup. It is dangerous to America. They must be held accountable. I chalk you up to one who thinks nothing wrong was done, nobody to be jailed or punished?

Originally I implied, if it started mass riots to round them up, the yes Martial law to control the loons would not bother me.

Perhaps martial law will be employed to round up right wing fascists.....

do you know any others?

besides yourself, I mean....
With all due respect to Mr. BrokeLoser -- who started a thread on this topic -- my frustration with that thread is that he did not include a poll so that we could see who really does think it is (or may be) time for President Trump to declare Martial Law in the country.

So let's put our cards on the table and our names on the poll, shall we?
No. I would support no rash decision this amoral, unethical, ignorant, incurious president makes.

Major List warning #1 issued on old Fart. Watch your Ps& Qs.
I have no idea what you are babbling about.
I say yes if, for example: necessary to round up those who ran the phony Russian coup and control those who oppose any roundup, trial and execution of top Dem stooges (and MSM enablers). Get em' now. Send a message before they try bigger in 2020.
You’re joking right? You’d jump to authoritarianism that easily? Do you have principles or is your head stuck that far up Trumps butt?

You’re joking right?

I will chalk you up to one of those who will allow them to get away with what they attempted.
What does that mean?

What does that mean?

The phony Russian Coup. It is dangerous to America. They must be held accountable. I chalk you up to one who thinks nothing wrong was done, nobody to be jailed or punished?

Originally I implied, if it started mass riots to round them up, the yes Martial law to control the loons would not bother me.

Perhaps martial law will be employed to round up right wing fascists.....

do you know any others?

besides yourself, I mean....

Perhaps martial law will be employed to round up right wing fascists...

No President Trump supporters are burning cars or smashing business windows or beating up Liberals. So you have no reason to round any up.
With all due respect to Mr. BrokeLoser -- who started a thread on this topic -- my frustration with that thread is that he did not include a poll so that we could see who really does think it is (or may be) time for President Trump to declare Martial Law in the country.

So let's put our cards on the table and our names on the poll, shall we?
--------------------------------- sure , but only on the Southern Border and maybe the Northern . I see no problem with keeping invaders out of the USA by them simply walking or driving across the Borders Mac .
Is Donnie all butthurt again because he's a total fucking failure at everything so needs to declare martial law?

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