POLL: Martial Law

Would you support Martial Law if President Trump ordered it?

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I voted yes because if things get bad enough, the President, (who can't declare martial law on his own) would have to petition Congress and Congress would have to vote on on it. Liberals are building up to the point where Trump might have to request it but I guarantee nobody will like it.
I say yes if, for example: necessary to round up those who ran the phony Russian coup and control those who oppose any roundup, trial and execution of top Dem stooges (and MSM enablers). Get em' now. Send a message before they try bigger in 2020.
I say yes if, for example: necessary to round up those who ran the phony Russian coup and control those who oppose any roundup, trial and execution of top Dem stooges (and MSM enablers). Get em' now. Send a message before they try bigger in 2020.
You’re joking right? You’d jump to authoritarianism that easily? Do you have principles or is your head stuck that far up Trumps butt?
I say yes if, for example: necessary to round up those who ran the phony Russian coup and control those who oppose any roundup, trial and execution of top Dem stooges (and MSM enablers). Get em' now. Send a message before they try bigger in 2020.
You’re joking right? You’d jump to authoritarianism that easily? Do you have principles or is your head stuck that far up Trumps butt?

You’re joking right?

I will chalk you up to one of those who will allow them to get away with what they attempted.
With all due respect to Mr. BrokeLoser -- who started a thread on this topic -- my frustration with that thread is that he did not include a poll so that we could see who really does think it is (or may be) time for President Trump to declare Martial Law in the country.

So let's put our cards on the table and our names on the poll, shall we?

Why on earth would anyone think that trump needs to declare martial law?

Martial law is only when there's a total breakdown in the nation or when there's out of control riots or something like that.

But hasn't trump been saying he made America great again? If America is great why would he need to declare martial law?

Trump declaring ‘martial law’ would be un-Constitutional, no matter Trump’s ‘justification.’

In Ex Parte Milligan (1866) the Supreme Court held that ‘martial law’ could be declared only in jurisdictions where the civil courts had ceased to function, and where those jurisdictions were subject to actual war.

Not that Trump and his reprehensible supporters care about the Constitution, of course.
Yeah...well...that might be what your precious so-called (air quotes) Constitution says...but...
Why on earth would anyone think that trump needs to declare martial law? Martial law is only when there's a total breakdown in the nation or when there's out of control riots or something like that. But hasn't trump been saying he made America great again? If America is great why would he need to declare martial law?
Several yes votes so far.

I'm telling you, the alternate universe has these people on the edge.
Civilian Kerry should be rounded up and executed for negotiating with Iran to torpedo and capture tankers. Comey Beast Clapper Brennan Powers Lynch etc. should not be walking free and many others for their part in the phony Russian nonsense.

If you 5AM raided and jailed those types, and dirty MSM spurred leftist to riot....it may take a crackdown to stop the mayhem. never say never.

Unless you would rather Civilian milita took out any problem spots?
I say yes if, for example: necessary to round up those who ran the phony Russian coup and control those who oppose any roundup, trial and execution of top Dem stooges (and MSM enablers). Get em' now. Send a message before they try bigger in 2020.
You’re joking right? You’d jump to authoritarianism that easily? Do you have principles or is your head stuck that far up Trumps butt?

Wow. I usually scroll right past that person's posts but I read yours so had to know what you were replying to.

I'm not shocked or even surprised that person posted and believes that. I am disgusted and sickened.

What that person is advocating is a war crime and what russia and some middle eastern nations do.

That person is so consumed with hate, it doesn't realize what it's advocating.

Only for the reason that democrats have a different view from him.

Those people scream with every post how much they hate. They hate our constitution, our bill of rights and the rest of the amendments, freedom, liberty and most of all they hate with every fiber of their being anyone who doesn't have the same views they have. Or believe in the same god they do.

It's sad that we have such people in our nation.
I say yes if, for example: necessary to round up those who ran the phony Russian coup and control those who oppose any roundup, trial and execution of top Dem stooges (and MSM enablers). Get em' now. Send a message before they try bigger in 2020.
You’re joking right? You’d jump to authoritarianism that easily? Do you have principles or is your head stuck that far up Trumps butt?

Wow. I usually scroll right past that person's posts but I read yours so had to know what you were replying to.

I'm not shocked or even surprised that person posted and believes that. I am disgusted and sickened.

What that person is advocating is a war crime and what russia and some middle eastern nations do.

That person is so consumed with hate, it doesn't realize what it's advocating.

Only for the reason that democrats have a different view from him.

Those people scream with every post how much they hate. They hate our constitution, our bill of rights and the rest of the amendments, freedom, liberty and most of all they hate with every fiber of their being anyone who doesn't have the same views they have. Or believe in the same god they do.

It's sad that we have such people in our nation.

And the "Economic Genius" gets an instant no-knock no-warning trip to the list. Congratulation Ms. "Krugman".......you have made it. Note: you probably had past warnings? but I let you off feeling sorry for your pathetic lameness on matters such as 401K or SS or Big Govt spending. A true loon....truly.

Note: "a different view" does not trigger a Phony Russian Coup.
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If there is a legitimate reason yes if not no. If there was an invasion by a foreign country or some type of major disaster yes doing so to say stop protest you don't agree with no.

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