POLL: Martial Law

Would you support Martial Law if President Trump ordered it?

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and to elaborate on my vote for the option of YES or SURE . Maybe it wouldn't be Martial Law on the Border or Borders . Might just be full occupation of [especially] the Southern Border by armed and ready to pounce USA Military . And I think that that occupation has happened in the Past and is the reason that USA has or had Forts on the 'mexican' borders . ---------- just elaborating on my thinking eh MAC .
With all due respect to Mr. BrokeLoser -- who started a thread on this topic -- my frustration with that thread is that he did not include a poll so that we could see who really does think it is (or may be) time for President Trump to declare Martial Law in the country.

So let's put our cards on the table and our names on the poll, shall we?


And that is as simple as that...
With all due respect to Mr. BrokeLoser -- who started a thread on this topic -- my frustration with that thread is that he did not include a poll so that we could see who really does think it is (or may be) time for President Trump to declare Martial Law in the country.

So let's put our cards on the table and our names on the poll, shall we?
Yes simply because I would hope it would bring about a civil war and the downfall of this country.
With all due respect to Mr. BrokeLoser -- who started a thread on this topic -- my frustration with that thread is that he did not include a poll so that we could see who really does think it is (or may be) time for President Trump to declare Martial Law in the country.

So let's put our cards on the table and our names on the poll, shall we?
Yes simply because I would hope it would bring about a civil war and the downfall of this country.
With all due respect to Mr. BrokeLoser -- who started a thread on this topic -- my frustration with that thread is that he did not include a poll so that we could see who really does think it is (or may be) time for President Trump to declare Martial Law in the country.

So let's put our cards on the table and our names on the poll, shall we?

Of course it depends on the reason and circumstances, but nothing currently on the Trumpsters' list of complaints warrants martial law. I would actively fight against such a measure.


The men disagrees and they are the real power
With all due respect to Mr. BrokeLoser -- who started a thread on this topic -- my frustration with that thread is that he did not include a poll so that we could see who really does think it is (or may be) time for President Trump to declare Martial Law in the country.

So let's put our cards on the table and our names on the poll, shall we?
Yes simply because I would hope it would bring about a civil war and the downfall of this country.

See the scared liberals does not want to tell that this is not like the civil war

They want people to think that this is about men against men


This is conservatives against liberals

This then becomes men against women

Look at history to see the result coming fast
Of course martial law must now come

To save the nation
To save the children

To save the adult women from their low logic selves which is the same as saving the children
Maybe. It would really depend on the exact details of such an order. I could definitely see situations where I would totally approve of it. Though I would not accept a general issuance of martial law across the country.
Jesus Christ

Trumpers are batshit.

Martial law?

Civil War?

WOW...just wow
Let's take inventory.....

As it is now......

1). The Right cannot wear MAGA hats in public without getting attacked
2). The Right cannot speak on University campuses without getting attacked (if even allowed)
3). The Right rarely get's any media time due to the Left's monopoly on the media
4). The left owns the entertainment Industry influencing young people to move radical Left
5). Unions have worked for the left's agendas for decades
6). The Left has promised to "Stack The Supreme Court" to prevent a Conservative court
7). The Left has promised to disarm America (to make it "safer", to hel with the 2nd)
8). Democrat Leadership openly encourages the Left to attack right wing representatives in public
9). The Left has a monopoly on Social Media and uses it against the Right

Are you fucking kidding?

I would say it's no wonder the left opposes Donny declaring martial Law since the left already has the Right enduring similar circumstances to the Left's absolute advantage
For the last time: A president can't declare martial law unless the Congress votes for martial law.
I fail to see what the argument is about.

Pardon me for asking, but where did you get that silly idea?

"H.R. 5122, also known as the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 was a bill passed in the United States Congress on September 29, 2006 and signed by President George W. Bush on October 17, 2006 becoming Public Law 109-364. In addition to allocating funding for the armed forces, it also gave the president the power to declare martial law and to take command of the National Guard units of each state without the consent of state governors.

Martial law in the United States - Wikipedia
The second post about martial law? It seems to me that martial law is more likely under a democrat administration. We came close to it during the FDR administration when armed thugs rounded up American citizens in the middle of the night and locked them away without due process. Meanwhile the federal government took control of virtually all news outlets. Maybe lefties prefer anarchy these days.
I say yes if, for example: necessary to round up those who ran the phony Russian coup and control those who oppose any roundup, trial and execution of top Dem stooges (and MSM enablers). Get em' now. Send a message before they try bigger in 2020.
You’re joking right? You’d jump to authoritarianism that easily? Do you have principles or is your head stuck that far up Trumps butt?

Wow. I usually scroll right past that person's posts but I read yours so had to know what you were replying to.

I'm not shocked or even surprised that person posted and believes that. I am disgusted and sickened.

What that person is advocating is a war crime and what russia and some middle eastern nations do.

That person is so consumed with hate, it doesn't realize what it's advocating.

Only for the reason that democrats have a different view from him.

Those people scream with every post how much they hate. They hate our constitution, our bill of rights and the rest of the amendments, freedom, liberty and most of all they hate with every fiber of their being anyone who doesn't have the same views they have. Or believe in the same god they do.

It's sad that we have such people in our nation.
Just another frustrated and powerless keyboard warrior.
I suggest that youe save your disgust and sickness for someone that matters.
With all due respect to Mr. BrokeLoser -- who started a thread on this topic -- my frustration with that thread is that he did not include a poll so that we could see who really does think it is (or may be) time for President Trump to declare Martial Law in the country.

So let's put our cards on the table and our names on the poll, shall we?

But if open season on antifa enemy combatants were declared, I wouldn't shed a tear.
With all due respect to Mr. BrokeLoser -- who started a thread on this topic -- my frustration with that thread is that he did not include a poll so that we could see who really does think it is (or may be) time for President Trump to declare Martial Law in the country.

So let's put our cards on the table and our names on the poll, shall we?

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