POLL: Serious question for conservatives: Have you given up?

Is the ideological war over, or has it just begun?

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Republicans through gerrymandering completely own a lot of state houses and it's projected it will take years for the Democrats to possibly win back the Federal House.

The top item on that list was to end partisan gerrymandering: "we have to end the practice of drawing our congressional districts so that politicians can pick their voters, and not the other way around," Obama said.
In most states, state legislatures draw the district boundaries that determine how many delegates the state sends to the U.S. Congress, as well as the general partisan make-up of that delegation. State legislatures are partisan beasts, and if one party is in control of the process they can draw boundaries to give themselves a numeric advantage over their opponents in Congress.This process is called gerrymandering.

And is, of course, only bad when THOSE GUYS do it.

And the 31-18-1 advantage Republicans have with Governors is due to gerrymandering as well, right?
I don't get it. Michigan's 2 Senate seats are always Democratic, we always vote Blue for President, and yet sometimes a Republican will win the Governors house. Baffling. Especially in a union state. But the unions fucked themselves 6 years ago when they voted in Snyder. They didn't think he'd do it but he made Michigan a right to work state. The unions deserve what's coming to them.

And Republicans completely own both state houses in Michigan.

Republicans realized a long time ago it was more important to control the state government than it is the federal government. You can get more done on a state level.

The Republicans in Michigan love the pork our Democratic senators bring home for them.

And Progressives realized long ago if you can get the Supreme Court to make crap up, you can ignore winning anything at the State level.
I think it was the GOP that realized 2 justices were going to be retiring so that is why they had to STEAL the 2000 election. They had to get Alito and Roberts on the court. Well this is karma for ya. The most right winger of your Justices just croaked and the timing couldn't have been more perfect. Even if Trump wins and he appoints a conservative, no way the guy will be as conservative as Scalia was.
I doubt anyone in the DNC or the White house is thinking the "timing couldn't have been more perfect".
The chances of Sanders becoming President are zero. Even he knows that.
Every day the 'Barking Mad' soon to be charged Hillary is in the race her chances are fading. Now the DEMS are worried about her winning Nevada for Christ sake!
The Senate has drawn a red line in the sand and unlike the "Golfer-In-Chief' no nomination is going to cross it.
Leaving President Trump and his majority in both Houses.
Result: In eight years of a Trump Presidency he could put 5-6 SCJs on the bench. This will fundamentally return America to Americans with moral values.
Pity the LIBs won't get any say for decades......if ever again.
If it works lets do it. But I said that in 2000-2006 when the GOP controlled everything and one Alito and one Roberts later and they created a global recession. Tom Delay and Dennis Pedophile Hastert helped.

Balls and Strikes and the Roberts Court

And Roberts isn't alone. Samuel Alito and Antonin Scalia also sided with the Chamber over 70% of the time. (Alito sided with the Chamber a stunning 100% of the time in close cases.) Clarence Thomas took their side 68% of the time. And "centrist" Anthony Kennedy? He clocked in around 66%.
when so-called conservatives are railing because they can't hang signs on their businesses saying "no blacks, no jews, no gays", in 2016, I don't think the party has anything it can do but run a salvage operation.

seriously, actual conservatives get left out in the cold with raving loons like that. better to let them go start their own party and re-build from there.

Republicans are like little 4 year old girls throwing a tantrum in the grocery store === laying on the floor === kicking their heels and screaming at the top of their voice === because Mommy won't buy them candy, because they can't make sure the Supreme Court stays packed in their favor.

So you want us to sit back and let Barry appoint a flaming liberal?:lol:

What are you? New?

Republicans have had a Supreme Court Majority for most of 30 years.

Why shouldn't Democrats have a turn too?

Do you REALLY think Democrats / Obama should nominate a knuckle dragging conservative like Limballs?

Would a Republican ever nominate a screaming liberal like me?

What are you like 8 years old? "Now it's my turn mommy".
Your team won the last time it's our team's turn to win".
Dear GOD help us!
There are actually people as stupid as you allowed to roam free.
You need to be in a fucking 'sun-room'.

Just give him his participation trophy and he'll be alright....
I love it that people are honestly believing Trump is going to be the President. So fucking funny huh?
Its because the States actually elect the president via the electoral college, not the people directly. Have a problem with that? Amend the constitution.

Yes, it's stupid. If it's wrong to elect people based on who gets the most votes,

then every other election in the US, as far as I know, must be wrong.

Are they?

Most other elections are based on direct voting, with a plurality winning the election (some places do enforce run-offs for votes where the winner gets under 50% though).

Presidential voting is unique, and again, if you want to change it, the amendment process is out there. It's not like it hasn't been used to change the procedure before (or for that matter creating direct voting of senators).

Just because presidential voting is unique doesn't make it better.

Yes it does, it's part of the checks and balance of powers, as intended.

It's bad intention. All it does is unfairly distort the power of the individual citizen's vote based on the arbitrary condition of where a person happens to live.

Wrong again, it prevents people living in sparsely populated areas from being totally disenfranchised from the process. Direct election of the president and vice president would be the most draconian voter suppression scheme imaginable.
Give up? The GOP shellacked the left in the last election and polls show tight races for 2016...what a bunch of wishful thinking la la land BS

not national elections, winger witch.

It's really sad to see a supposedly grown woman being so freaking ignorant of how our republic works, there are no national elections, State elections are as high as it goes.
You must be a Republican ... you can't quit telling half truths.

Yes State elections are as high as it goes --- but EVERY STATE IN THE UNION holds an election on the same day when we have Presidential elections.

Yes the States elect delegates to vote for President.

The actual numerical vote count --- DOESN'T COUNT.

That's how you can win the General popular vote and lose the election because the state delegates don't HAVE to vote the way their state did ( in many states ... some, I believe, are required to vote correctly ).

So, while technically there is no such thing as a national election --- there IS such a thing as a national election.

Because there are actually TWO elections.

One where the people vote and then one where the DELEGATES vote and that is the one that counts. In and the second election EVERY delegate from every state votes ( unless he dies first or is sick and can't in which case an alternate is supposed to come into play ).

Since every delegate from every state votes === that IS, in a sense, a national election.

Semantics, the last bastion of a loser. Good Job!
BUT we can turn the country around. Elect bern, his ideas are so awful, so unamerican, so expensive and will require large power grabs, that actual Americans will finally have had enough and fill the streets of DC with blood
I'd be careful with that strategy.

I remember hearing the same thing when McCain & Romney were running against Obama. "Hell with it, let Obama win, he'll cause so much damage that people will be BEGGING for a Republican." Well, then he set about being fairly successful at "fundamentally transforming" the country to a point where turning the ship around won't be easy for the GOP.

Just sayin'.
You're joking right?
The DSNC has told Obama to fucking stay as far away as possible from getting his fucking nose involved with the election.
If he were so fucking great the DNC would be dragging his fag ass all over the country stumping for Hillary.
There is an obvious reason this isn't happening. Most of the DEM voters are embarrassed they voted for him. 100% of REP voters can't wait to watch him move above Boystown.

you're insane. "fag"?

no one is embarrassed they voted for him, loon. you're just an Obama deranged loser. but we knew that from your posts.

you understand most of us don't think he was great, but sure aren't offended by him.

and no matter what, he was better than the wingnuts you put up for the job.

now shut up and sit down, nutter.

Yet a large majority of Americans think he's taking the country in the wrong direction, that would have to include people that voted for him.
There are people on both ends of the spectrum who literally have a vested professional interest in keeping people angry and divided and intolerant, and it's not at all difficult to see the effects of their work. You can sure as hell see it on this board.

They've created and nurtured a generation of narcissistic, ideologically binary followers. And more amazingly, these followers can be very intelligent, yet they're still turned into zealots. That's how powerful and effective these messages are.

To me, that's what needs to be admitted and addressed first.

Maybe the vested interest is worth having.

My perspective is that the Constitution of the United States is a magnificent document that lays out a means of governing which protects minority interests while offering individual liberty. The document focuses as much on constraining the power and reach of government as it does on defining powers. Because power corrupts, this is a vital element.

I have a vested interest in protecting the Constitution as it is the foundation for liberty in this nation. The Constitution is under prolonged attack by those who seek power. Using the promise of booty from the public treasury, those who lust for power bribe the lowest and least to support their efforts in undermining and destroying civil, rational government.

Since the start of the enlightenment, the elite have scrambled to find a way to convince the masses that servitude to a central ruling body is better than self-determination and liberty. Under the feudal lords, the nobility offered protection and the pretence of lands to the ruled masses in exchange for obedience. What Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton offers is no different, the rulers will "care" for the enslaved masses in exchange for the masses relinquishing liberty and accepting the traditional role of serfs.

The grand experiment in liberty teeters on the edge of the abyss, the return to the state of all human history save that of America, where the landed nobility ruled an impoverished peasantry.

Ergo, those who would live as free men, with no master save themselves to chart their destiny, have a vested interest in defeating those who seek to herd us back into the pens that have defined most of history.
I think the R's had one too many presidential candidates of the same ole same ole in the beginning, also, the R's gaining full control of the House and Senate and still being a ''do nothing Congress'' has come back to bite them, making Trump stand out, as an outsider, more appealing than normal.

can you explain for me the what the meme "do nothing congress" is based upon? I mean have you looked at legislation passed and made the determination that they are doing nothing? Are you thinking of the last four congress that the democrats controlled or are you, as I suspect, just repeating talking points said so much you have come to believe them?
I could easily be wrong here, but I'm seeing little signs here and there that there are conservatives who are more in a salvage operation than a rescue operation.

In other words, I'm getting the impression that they feel the country is clearly going down a different road, and that the major battle has been lost. What some seem to be doing now is trying to salvage what elements of conservatism they can. But other than that, it's over.

Am I right or wrong?

when so-called conservatives are railing because they can't hang signs on their businesses saying "no blacks, no jews, no gays", in 2016, I don't think the party has anything it can do but run a salvage operation.

seriously, actual conservatives get left out in the cold with raving loons like that. better to let them go start their own party and re-build from there.

Once again I will waste bandwidth. Can you show me exactly how you came to your really racist statement about some foolishness about signs? Really.
I could easily be wrong here, but I'm seeing little signs here and there that there are conservatives who are more in a salvage operation than a rescue operation.

In other words, I'm getting the impression that they feel the country is clearly going down a different road, and that the major battle has been lost. What some seem to be doing now is trying to salvage what elements of conservatism they can. But other than that, it's over.

Am I right or wrong?

when so-called conservatives are railing because they can't hang signs on their businesses saying "no blacks, no jews, no gays", in 2016, I don't think the party has anything it can do but run a salvage operation.

seriously, actual conservatives get left out in the cold with raving loons like that. better to let them go start their own party and re-build from there.

Once again I will waste bandwidth. Can you show me exactly how you came to your really racist statement about some foolishness about signs? Really.

She won't. GOP Racism is a matter of Blind Faith which they cannot discuss reasonably.

Americans are SICK AND TIRED of Republican OBSTRUCTIONISM over the last 7 years and will not tolerate it anymore.

Any Congressman who is up for re-election who participates in another BLOCKING of the Constitution and who refuses to do his duty as a Congressman will find himself VOTED OUT OF OFFICE and they KNOW that.

Obama has a two foot dildo poised at their asshole and ready to shove it as hard as he can.

He should nominate an ultra-liberal just like the Republicans would nominate an ultra-conservative if they could and force the issue before the American people with a weekly press conference highlighting how the Republicans are REFUSING TO DO THEIR JOB.

Yes, you recite idiocy from the Soros hate sites with no grasp of reality.

You have no grasp of the Constitution, you've never read it and have no idea what is in it. You think Obama is a god, and can do anything he wants, that anyone who constrains his unbridled power is a meanie.

The reason that the Republicans hold both houses of Congress is that America is sick and tired of Obama and the leftist agenda.

You will lose the white house, i understand your master tells you otherwise, but Soros is lying, as even the party Commissars know that you have no chance to retain the Presidency. You pinned your hopes on Jeb Bush, and the chance of running against Dubya, but Jeb is out, which means you have no chance.
I could easily be wrong here, but I'm seeing little signs here and there that there are conservatives who are more in a salvage operation than a rescue operation.

In other words, I'm getting the impression that they feel the country is clearly going down a different road, and that the major battle has been lost. What some seem to be doing now is trying to salvage what elements of conservatism they can. But other than that, it's over.

Am I right or wrong?

when so-called conservatives are railing because they can't hang signs on their businesses saying "no blacks, no jews, no gays", in 2016, I don't think the party has anything it can do but run a salvage operation.

seriously, actual conservatives get left out in the cold with raving loons like that. better to let them go start their own party and re-build from there.

Once again I will waste bandwidth. Can you show me exactly how you came to your really racist statement about some foolishness about signs? Really.

She won't. GOP Racism is a matter of Blind Faith which they cannot discuss reasonably.

What bothers me is that lying Mrs. Bosnia Clinton is trying to relieve her racist white privilege with our money. Then again i can't blame Democrats for their sorrow over how their party hurt the black man. Now if they actually apologized and gave the blacks money from their war chest that would make sense. All my relatives fought against Mr. Clinton's in the war to free the black man, as far as I know.
And yet despite the chance we have to elect a constitutionalist, we are opting for Trump. Does that make any sense?

I left the Republican party in 1988, because George HW Bush made no sense. The GOP hasn't gotten any better.

I voted for Mitt in 2012, purely because Obama turned out to be so much worse than I had imagined in '08. But Romney was a buffoon, an establishment GOP hack who had nothing good about him. He just would have slowed the bleeding where Obama hacks away at the carotid of the nation.

This time around, if Trump is the nominee, I'm voting Libertarian. That is what I normally vote anyway.
Wrong again, it prevents people living in sparsely populated areas from being totally disenfranchised from the process. Direct election of the president and vice president would be the most draconian voter suppression scheme imaginable.

People are leftists because they are too stupid to grasp anything save the most elementary meme.

The Electoral College is a vital and brilliant way of protecting minority rights, but someone like ClosedCaption lacks the IQ points needed to ever understand such a concept.
Wrong again, it prevents people living in sparsely populated areas from being totally disenfranchised from the process. Direct election of the president and vice president would be the most draconian voter suppression scheme imaginable.

People are leftists because they are too stupid to grasp anything save the most elementary meme.

The Electoral College is a vital and brilliant way of protecting minority rights, but someone like ClosedCaption lacks the IQ points needed to ever understand such a concept.

No, they understand, but anything standing in the way of power and control, in their mind is evil, and must be destroyed. They only worry about minorities when they assist them in their power grabs, otherwise their just someone else to step on. They're hypocrites of the highest order.
In a couple of years they be no one in the country who will ever admit to having voted for Obama.
And by the way, I think that most Democrats are happy, not overjoyed, but happy with his administration. They've attained some clear victories, the Republicans have attained little if anything, and the election is a tossup after 8 years of a Democrat in the White House.
The odds of another DEM winning the Presidency after eight years of a DEM in the White House are what?
The DEMs have never in US history had more than two DEM Presidents in row.
The REPs had 4 in a row from 1869-1885
3 in a row from 1897-1913
3 in a row from 1921-1933
"Toss up" my ass!
Now you have literally a fucking 'Barking Mad' life long grifter who drags out her 'Ebonics' whenever she needs to, insult the negro base intelligence, what there is of it and who is about to be indicted by the FBI. And a bat crazy Socialist you wants to turn the US into Russia-Lite.
Good fucking luck!
Thank Debbie for the fucking fiasco. She was the one who told Biden and his running mate Warren to get lost.
It was someone with a 'vagina's' turn to be President. Who's next for the DEMs? A one armed midget who speaks in fucking tongues and communicates with Obama's dead mother?
I believe those two would have won the Presidency hand's down.
Fucking LIB losers.
when so-called conservatives are railing because they can't hang signs on their businesses saying "no blacks, no jews, no gays", in 2016, I don't think the party has anything it can do but run a salvage operation.

seriously, actual conservatives get left out in the cold with raving loons like that. better to let them go start their own party and re-build from there.

Republicans are like little 4 year old girls throwing a tantrum in the grocery store === laying on the floor === kicking their heels and screaming at the top of their voice === because Mommy won't buy them candy, because they can't make sure the Supreme Court stays packed in their favor.
I don't notice a single REP doing anything but wearing an ear-to-ear grin.
They all know they have the fucking DEMs by the short-hairs Constitutionally.
No REP Senator is about to commit political suicide by going against the REP Senate leadership.
They are a couple of 'shaky' REP Senators but they've always been that way. They have already been told enough if they lose their Senate seat the REP party will always have a financial cosy position for them. Not only that but these Senators will go down in the history of the REP party as those who were willing to fall on their swords for the party.
Debbie and the DNC have thrown the 2016 election in file 13 already.
They all know Hillary is going to quit for 'health reasons' two weeks before the FBI 'perp-walks' her out of her mansion.
Leaving Bernie to convince the majority of American's that there really is such a thing as "everyone gets free shit if I'm elected".

Americans are SICK AND TIRED of Republican OBSTRUCTIONISM over the last 7 years and will not tolerate it anymore.

Any Congressman who is up for re-election who participates in another BLOCKING of the Constitution and who refuses to do his duty as a Congressman will find himself VOTED OUT OF OFFICE and they KNOW that.

Obama has a two foot dildo poised at their asshole and ready to shove it as hard as he can.

He should nominate an ultra-liberal just like the Republicans would nominate an ultra-conservative if they could and force the issue before the American people with a weekly press conference highlighting how the Republicans are REFUSING TO DO THEIR JOB.

You do realize Senators take part in the nomination process, and are not normally referred to as congressmen, who are all up for re-election this year.

Try to be right on the basic facts before you rant about things you don't understand.
It's shame you are so dim you don't recognize the fact that many people use the term " Congressmen " generically.

But then you ARE a right weiner.
"Many people"? Bullshit.
You can attempt to walk back and parse words but ANYONE who follows US politics doesn't use "Congressmen" to refer to a fucking Senator.
Nice try though asshole.
You had better do better in future.
Real conservatives can win but the Tea Party nonsense and reactionaries have had their 15 minutes of fame.

Time to bring back the GOP big tent, and the Dems have a lot of work to do as well.
"Real conservatives" is a nonsense term.

The GOP has always been a more ideologically diverse party than the DNP.
when so-called conservatives are railing because they can't hang signs on their businesses saying "no blacks, no jews, no gays", in 2016, I don't think the party has anything it can do but run a salvage operation.

seriously, actual conservatives get left out in the cold with raving loons like that. better to let them go start their own party and re-build from there.

Republicans are like little 4 year old girls throwing a tantrum in the grocery store === laying on the floor === kicking their heels and screaming at the top of their voice === because Mommy won't buy them candy, because they can't make sure the Supreme Court stays packed in their favor.
I don't notice a single REP doing anything but wearing an ear-to-ear grin.
They all know they have the fucking DEMs by the short-hairs Constitutionally.
No REP Senator is about to commit political suicide by going against the REP Senate leadership.
They are a couple of 'shaky' REP Senators but they've always been that way. They have already been told enough if they lose their Senate seat the REP party will always have a financial cosy position for them. Not only that but these Senators will go down in the history of the REP party as those who were willing to fall on their swords for the party.
Debbie and the DNC have thrown the 2016 election in file 13 already.
They all know Hillary is going to quit for 'health reasons' two weeks before the FBI 'perp-walks' her out of her mansion.
Leaving Bernie to convince the majority of American's that there really is such a thing as "everyone gets free shit if I'm elected".

Americans are SICK AND TIRED of Republican OBSTRUCTIONISM over the last 7 years and will not tolerate it anymore.

Any Congressman who is up for re-election who participates in another BLOCKING of the Constitution and who refuses to do his duty as a Congressman will find himself VOTED OUT OF OFFICE and they KNOW that.

Obama has a two foot dildo poised at their asshole and ready to shove it as hard as he can.

He should nominate an ultra-liberal just like the Republicans would nominate an ultra-conservative if they could and force the issue before the American people with a weekly press conference highlighting how the Republicans are REFUSING TO DO THEIR JOB.

You do realize Senators take part in the nomination process, and are not normally referred to as congressmen, who are all up for re-election this year.

Try to be right on the basic facts before you rant about things you don't understand.
It's shame you are so dim you don't recognize the fact that many people use the term " Congressmen " generically.

But then you ARE a right weiner.

Actually no one I know uses "congressman" to describe a Senator, they use it pretty much exclusively to talk about members of the House.

But it figures you lash out when being corrected, you cheap dime store hack.
I think the R's had one too many presidential candidates of the same ole same ole in the beginning, also, the R's gaining full control of the House and Senate and still being a ''do nothing Congress'' has come back to bite them, making Trump stand out, as an outsider, more appealing than normal.
Well said, Care! :)
I could easily be wrong here, but I'm seeing little signs here and there that there are conservatives who are more in a salvage operation than a rescue operation.

In other words, I'm getting the impression that they feel the country is clearly going down a different road, and that the major battle has been lost. What some seem to be doing now is trying to salvage what elements of conservatism they can. But other than that, it's over.

Am I right or wrong?

when so-called conservatives are railing because they can't hang signs on their businesses saying "no blacks, no jews, no gays", in 2016, I don't think the party has anything it can do but run a salvage operation.

seriously, actual conservatives get left out in the cold with raving loons like that. better to let them go start their own party and re-build from there.
Says the raving loon who supports the party that literally advocates "no whites", "no men" and "no Christians" in public college spaces...

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