POLL: Serious question for conservatives: Have you given up?

Is the ideological war over, or has it just begun?

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I could easily be wrong here, but I'm seeing little signs here and there that there are conservatives who are more in a salvage operation than a rescue operation.

In other words, I'm getting the impression that they feel the country is clearly going down a different road, and that the major battle has been lost. What some seem to be doing now is trying to salvage what elements of conservatism they can. But other than that, it's over.

Am I right or wrong?

when so-called conservatives are railing because they can't hang signs on their businesses saying "no blacks, no jews, no gays", in 2016, I don't think the party has anything it can do but run a salvage operation.

seriously, actual conservatives get left out in the cold with raving loons like that. better to let them go start their own party and re-build from there.

Republicans are like little 4 year old girls throwing a tantrum in the grocery store === laying on the floor === kicking their heels and screaming at the top of their voice === because Mommy won't buy them candy, because they can't make sure the Supreme Court stays packed in their favor.
It never was "packed" in their favor. Most 5-4 decisions that have gone in favor of Republicans should have been 7-2 decisions at most. Democrat judge rulings are nothing but absolute lunacy and hypocrisy.

This kind of idiocy from Democrats all over the web is why I couldn't register as a Democrat even when I was non-political and leaned greatly towards Democrat positions.
I could easily be wrong here, but I'm seeing little signs here and there that there are conservatives who are more in a salvage operation than a rescue operation.

In other words, I'm getting the impression that they feel the country is clearly going down a different road, and that the major battle has been lost. What some seem to be doing now is trying to salvage what elements of conservatism they can. But other than that, it's over.

Am I right or wrong?

when so-called conservatives are railing because they can't hang signs on their businesses saying "no blacks, no jews, no gays", in 2016, I don't think the party has anything it can do but run a salvage operation.

seriously, actual conservatives get left out in the cold with raving loons like that. better to let them go start their own party and re-build from there.

Once again I will waste bandwidth. Can you show me exactly how you came to your really racist statement about some foolishness about signs? Really.

She won't. GOP Racism is a matter of Blind Faith which they cannot discuss reasonably.

What you mean is Democrats accusations of GOP racism is a matter of blind faith

Americans are SICK AND TIRED of Republican OBSTRUCTIONISM over the last 7 years and will not tolerate it anymore.

Any Congressman who is up for re-election who participates in another BLOCKING of the Constitution and who refuses to do his duty as a Congressman will find himself VOTED OUT OF OFFICE and they KNOW that.

Obama has a two foot dildo poised at their asshole and ready to shove it as hard as he can.

He should nominate an ultra-liberal just like the Republicans would nominate an ultra-conservative if they could and force the issue before the American people with a weekly press conference highlighting how the Republicans are REFUSING TO DO THEIR JOB.

Yes, you recite idiocy from the Soros hate sites with no grasp of reality.

You have no grasp of the Constitution, you've never read it and have no idea what is in it. You think Obama is a god, and can do anything he wants, that anyone who constrains his unbridled power is a meanie.

The reason that the Republicans hold both houses of Congress is that America is sick and tired of Obama and the leftist agenda.

You will lose the white house, i understand your master tells you otherwise, but Soros is lying, as even the party Commissars know that you have no chance to retain the Presidency. You pinned your hopes on Jeb Bush, and the chance of running against Dubya, but Jeb is out, which means you have no chance.

Ans yet the GOP does nothing to stop them
BUT we can turn the country around. Elect bern, his ideas are so awful, so unamerican, so expensive and will require large power grabs, that actual Americans will finally have had enough and fill the streets of DC with blood
I'd be careful with that strategy.

I remember hearing the same thing when McCain & Romney were running against Obama. "Hell with it, let Obama win, he'll cause so much damage that people will be BEGGING for a Republican." Well, then he set about being fairly successful at "fundamentally transforming" the country to a point where turning the ship around won't be easy for the GOP.

Just sayin'.
You're joking right?
The DSNC has told Obama to fucking stay as far away as possible from getting his fucking nose involved with the election.
If he were so fucking great the DNC would be dragging his fag ass all over the country stumping for Hillary.
There is an obvious reason this isn't happening. Most of the DEM voters are embarrassed they voted for him. 100% of REP voters can't wait to watch him move above Boystown.
I can assure you that he will support whoever wins the nom.

It's close at this time so he can't be seen backing a loser, b/c if he did, it would damage that person come the election

Americans are SICK AND TIRED of Republican OBSTRUCTIONISM over the last 7 years and will not tolerate it anymore.

Any Congressman who is up for re-election who participates in another BLOCKING of the Constitution and who refuses to do his duty as a Congressman will find himself VOTED OUT OF OFFICE and they KNOW that.

Obama has a two foot dildo poised at their asshole and ready to shove it as hard as he can.

He should nominate an ultra-liberal just like the Republicans would nominate an ultra-conservative if they could and force the issue before the American people with a weekly press conference highlighting how the Republicans are REFUSING TO DO THEIR JOB.

Yes, you recite idiocy from the Soros hate sites with no grasp of reality.

You have no grasp of the Constitution, you've never read it and have no idea what is in it. You think Obama is a god, and can do anything he wants, that anyone who constrains his unbridled power is a meanie.

The reason that the Republicans hold both houses of Congress is that America is sick and tired of Obama and the leftist agenda.

You will lose the white house, i understand your master tells you otherwise, but Soros is lying, as even the party Commissars know that you have no chance to retain the Presidency. You pinned your hopes on Jeb Bush, and the chance of running against Dubya, but Jeb is out, which means you have no chance.

Ans yet the GOP does nothing to stop them
The problem is that Democrats have had a monopoly over cultural issues since Republicans rejected the Libertarian stance that you can discriminate on private property. Once Republicans gave up the fight on private property rights they lost the entire field of politics and Democrats started using that field as a platform to push their economic policies.

The only real opposition to Democrat policies is coming from the alt-right and the old left(now called the alt-left), which is why a businessman with no political experience is just days away from winning the Republican nomination handily.

This bullshit from Republicans about how Hispanics are "the future" and therefore have absolute say in American politics is not cutting it anymore, and it has only ever strengthened the Democrats.
I could easily be wrong here, but I'm seeing little signs here and there that there are conservatives who are more in a salvage operation than a rescue operation.

In other words, I'm getting the impression that they feel the country is clearly going down a different road, and that the major battle has been lost. What some seem to be doing now is trying to salvage what elements of conservatism they can. But other than that, it's over.

Am I right or wrong?

Good question Mac, and now, it appears, you have a clear, and defining answer-)

Maybe you should be asking instead, if moderate Democrats exist any longer, lol!
I could easily be wrong here, but I'm seeing little signs here and there that there are conservatives who are more in a salvage operation than a rescue operation.

In other words, I'm getting the impression that they feel the country is clearly going down a different road, and that the major battle has been lost. What some seem to be doing now is trying to salvage what elements of conservatism they can. But other than that, it's over.

Am I right or wrong?

Good question Mac, and now, it appears, you have a clear, and defining answer-)

Maybe you should be asking instead, if moderate Democrats exist any longer, lol!
I don't see many moderates anywhere. That's the problem - moderating voices are being flushed the minute they're heard.
I could easily be wrong here, but I'm seeing little signs here and there that there are conservatives who are more in a salvage operation than a rescue operation.

In other words, I'm getting the impression that they feel the country is clearly going down a different road, and that the major battle has been lost. What some seem to be doing now is trying to salvage what elements of conservatism they can. But other than that, it's over.

Am I right or wrong?

Good question Mac, and now, it appears, you have a clear, and defining answer-)

Maybe you should be asking instead, if moderate Democrats exist any longer, lol!
I don't see many moderates anywhere. That's the problem - moderating voices are being flushed the minute they're heard.

Trumps policies are completely moderate. They won the GOP primaries and the general election.
I could easily be wrong here, but I'm seeing little signs here and there that there are conservatives who are more in a salvage operation than a rescue operation.

In other words, I'm getting the impression that they feel the country is clearly going down a different road, and that the major battle has been lost. What some seem to be doing now is trying to salvage what elements of conservatism they can. But other than that, it's over.

Am I right or wrong?

Good question Mac, and now, it appears, you have a clear, and defining answer-)

Maybe you should be asking instead, if moderate Democrats exist any longer, lol!
I don't see many moderates anywhere. That's the problem - moderating voices are being flushed the minute they're heard.

Trumps policies are completely moderate. They won the GOP primaries and the general election.

Mac, name me a policy of Trump's that you consider "extreme". Give me the most extreme one.
I could easily be wrong here, but I'm seeing little signs here and there that there are conservatives who are more in a salvage operation than a rescue operation.

In other words, I'm getting the impression that they feel the country is clearly going down a different road, and that the major battle has been lost. What some seem to be doing now is trying to salvage what elements of conservatism they can. But other than that, it's over.

Am I right or wrong?

Good question Mac, and now, it appears, you have a clear, and defining answer-)

Maybe you should be asking instead, if moderate Democrats exist any longer, lol!
I don't see many moderates anywhere. That's the problem - moderating voices are being flushed the minute they're heard.

Trumps policies are completely moderate. They won the GOP primaries and the general election.

Mac, name me a policy of Trump's that you consider "extreme". Give me the most extreme one.
"Extreme" is a hyperbolic, useless term that means essentially nothing. Just like so many other terms tossed around by partisans nowadays.

Look. I believe you when you say that you think Trump is a moderate. I believe that you believe that. So we're perfectly good.
I could easily be wrong here, but I'm seeing little signs here and there that there are conservatives who are more in a salvage operation than a rescue operation.

In other words, I'm getting the impression that they feel the country is clearly going down a different road, and that the major battle has been lost. What some seem to be doing now is trying to salvage what elements of conservatism they can. But other than that, it's over.

Am I right or wrong?

I would suggest to you that you don't really know what authentic conservatism is.
I could easily be wrong here, but I'm seeing little signs here and there that there are conservatives who are more in a salvage operation than a rescue operation.

In other words, I'm getting the impression that they feel the country is clearly going down a different road, and that the major battle has been lost. What some seem to be doing now is trying to salvage what elements of conservatism they can. But other than that, it's over.

Am I right or wrong?

Good question Mac, and now, it appears, you have a clear, and defining answer-)

Maybe you should be asking instead, if moderate Democrats exist any longer, lol!
I don't see many moderates anywhere. That's the problem - moderating voices are being flushed the minute they're heard.

Trumps policies are completely moderate. They won the GOP primaries and the general election.

Mac, name me a policy of Trump's that you consider "extreme". Give me the most extreme one.
"Extreme" is a hyperbolic, useless term that means essentially nothing. Just like so many other terms tossed around by partisans nowadays.

Look. I believe you when you say that you think Trump is a moderate. I believe that you believe that. So we're perfectly good.

Extreme is not a hyperbolic, especially not in the context of your use of the word moderate.

Trump's campaign was built on better immigration policy and better trade policy.

As the status quo on both of those is absolutely abysmal, that was A. very popular, and B. moderate.

Better jobs for American workers? Sending unwelcome foreigners home? This is not, "not moderate".

Any society that considers that "not moderate" is a very sick society.
I could easily be wrong here, but I'm seeing little signs here and there that there are conservatives who are more in a salvage operation than a rescue operation.

In other words, I'm getting the impression that they feel the country is clearly going down a different road, and that the major battle has been lost. What some seem to be doing now is trying to salvage what elements of conservatism they can. But other than that, it's over.

Am I right or wrong?

Good question Mac, and now, it appears, you have a clear, and defining answer-)

Maybe you should be asking instead, if moderate Democrats exist any longer, lol!
I don't see many moderates anywhere. That's the problem - moderating voices are being flushed the minute they're heard.

Trumps policies are completely moderate. They won the GOP primaries and the general election.

Mac, name me a policy of Trump's that you consider "extreme". Give me the most extreme one.

I know this is a very old thread, but I would like to know the answer to this question as well. What Trump policies are extreme? I am not sure many Democrats would be able to list them with a straight face. They have been told that his policies are extreme, thus they believe it.
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I could easily be wrong here, but I'm seeing little signs here and there that there are conservatives who are more in a salvage operation than a rescue operation.

In other words, I'm getting the impression that they feel the country is clearly going down a different road, and that the major battle has been lost. What some seem to be doing now is trying to salvage what elements of conservatism they can. But other than that, it's over.

Am I right or wrong?

Good question Mac, and now, it appears, you have a clear, and defining answer-)

Maybe you should be asking instead, if moderate Democrats exist any longer, lol!
I don't see many moderates anywhere. That's the problem - moderating voices are being flushed the minute they're heard.

Trumps policies are completely moderate. They won the GOP primaries and the general election.

Mac, name me a policy of Trump's that you consider "extreme". Give me the most extreme one.

I know this is a very old thread, but I would like to know the answer to this question as well. Was Trump policies are extreme? I am not sure many Democrats would be able to list them with a straight face. They have been told that his policies are extreme, thus they believe it.

Depending upon where you view the policies from, they can run the gamut from moderate, to extreme.

Look at the far Left. If they are viewed from there, of course they seem extreme. But, truth be told, Democrats when they were moderate, believed in many of these same policies.

One day I will get the JFKs policies, and put them over Trumps. Not much difference at all. Of course, no Leftist will post in that thread, because if viewing their policies together as they overlap, would destroy their whole talking point.
Good question Mac, and now, it appears, you have a clear, and defining answer-)

Maybe you should be asking instead, if moderate Democrats exist any longer, lol!
I don't see many moderates anywhere. That's the problem - moderating voices are being flushed the minute they're heard.

Trumps policies are completely moderate. They won the GOP primaries and the general election.

Mac, name me a policy of Trump's that you consider "extreme". Give me the most extreme one.

I know this is a very old thread, but I would like to know the answer to this question as well. Was Trump policies are extreme? I am not sure many Democrats would be able to list them with a straight face. They have been told that his policies are extreme, thus they believe it.

Depending upon where you view the policies from, they can run the gamut from moderate, to extreme.

Look at the far Left. If they are viewed from there, of course they seem extreme. But, truth be told, Democrats when they were moderate, believed in many of these same policies.

One day I will get the JFKs policies, and put them over Trumps. Not much difference at all. Of course, no Leftist will post in that thread, because if viewing their policies together as they overlap, would destroy their whole talking point.
Well, that's the sign of an ideologue: They are unable to understand simple perspective.

The predictable result is that "my" side is moderate and reasonable, and the "other" side is "extreme".

We see this here, constantly.
I could easily be wrong here, but I'm seeing little signs here and there that there are conservatives who are more in a salvage operation than a rescue operation.

In other words, I'm getting the impression that they feel the country is clearly going down a different road, and that the major battle has been lost. What some seem to be doing now is trying to salvage what elements of conservatism they can. But other than that, it's over.

Am I right or wrong?

when so-called conservatives are railing because they can't hang signs on their businesses saying "no blacks, no jews, no gays", in 2016, I don't think the party has anything it can do but run a salvage operation.

seriously, actual conservatives get left out in the cold with raving loons like that. better to let them go start their own party and re-build from there.

This is you dumb ass tards main problem....

Made up racism and hate is all you got...….

The sky is always falling with you nut jobs.
I don't see many moderates anywhere. That's the problem - moderating voices are being flushed the minute they're heard.

Trumps policies are completely moderate. They won the GOP primaries and the general election.

Mac, name me a policy of Trump's that you consider "extreme". Give me the most extreme one.

I know this is a very old thread, but I would like to know the answer to this question as well. Was Trump policies are extreme? I am not sure many Democrats would be able to list them with a straight face. They have been told that his policies are extreme, thus they believe it.

Depending upon where you view the policies from, they can run the gamut from moderate, to extreme.

Look at the far Left. If they are viewed from there, of course they seem extreme. But, truth be told, Democrats when they were moderate, believed in many of these same policies.

One day I will get the JFKs policies, and put them over Trumps. Not much difference at all. Of course, no Leftist will post in that thread, because if viewing their policies together as they overlap, would destroy their whole talking point.
Well, that's the sign of an ideologue: They are unable to understand simple perspective.

The predictable result is that "my" side is moderate and reasonable, and the "other" side is "extreme".

We see this here, constantly.

Which would make sense, if one side is moderate and the other side is not.
I don't see many moderates anywhere. That's the problem - moderating voices are being flushed the minute they're heard.

Trumps policies are completely moderate. They won the GOP primaries and the general election.

Mac, name me a policy of Trump's that you consider "extreme". Give me the most extreme one.

I know this is a very old thread, but I would like to know the answer to this question as well. Was Trump policies are extreme? I am not sure many Democrats would be able to list them with a straight face. They have been told that his policies are extreme, thus they believe it.

Depending upon where you view the policies from, they can run the gamut from moderate, to extreme.

Look at the far Left. If they are viewed from there, of course they seem extreme. But, truth be told, Democrats when they were moderate, believed in many of these same policies.

One day I will get the JFKs policies, and put them over Trumps. Not much difference at all. Of course, no Leftist will post in that thread, because if viewing their policies together as they overlap, would destroy their whole talking point.
Well, that's the sign of an ideologue: They are unable to understand simple perspective.

The predictable result is that "my" side is moderate and reasonable, and the "other" side is "extreme".

We see this here, constantly.

Stop avoiding the question. Lets put this more simply. What Trump policies do YOU PERCEIVE to be extreme?
Trumps policies are completely moderate. They won the GOP primaries and the general election.

Mac, name me a policy of Trump's that you consider "extreme". Give me the most extreme one.

I know this is a very old thread, but I would like to know the answer to this question as well. Was Trump policies are extreme? I am not sure many Democrats would be able to list them with a straight face. They have been told that his policies are extreme, thus they believe it.

Depending upon where you view the policies from, they can run the gamut from moderate, to extreme.

Look at the far Left. If they are viewed from there, of course they seem extreme. But, truth be told, Democrats when they were moderate, believed in many of these same policies.

One day I will get the JFKs policies, and put them over Trumps. Not much difference at all. Of course, no Leftist will post in that thread, because if viewing their policies together as they overlap, would destroy their whole talking point.
Well, that's the sign of an ideologue: They are unable to understand simple perspective.

The predictable result is that "my" side is moderate and reasonable, and the "other" side is "extreme".

We see this here, constantly.

Stop avoiding the question. Lets put this more simply. What Trump policies do YOU consider extreme?
"Extreme"? None.

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