Poll: "Ship of Fools" - Is Tucker Carlson right?

Does Tucker Carlson correctly diagnose Trump's win and how to fix the US?

  • Yes, Tucker basically nailed it!

    Votes: 19 82.6%
  • No, Tucker is WRONG, and my post explains why

    Votes: 4 17.4%

  • Total voters
I agree with most of that. The American people are sick of the criminals in our political class,

I'm not sure who these criminals you are sick of might be...but the response in any regard is NOT to put private sector criminals into public office

And Carlson is certainly "right if center"...wayyyy right and cynical as all hell (all about the Benjamins ya know)

But he's almost never "correct"
Trump is a disaster and a great lesson to all who observe. The lesson being that politics is a profession best left to the professionals. The sooner this fucking idiot is removed from office either by ballot, impeachment or term limits, the better off this nation and the world will be.

I’m more apt to agree with your first point. Trump and his supporters are only about sticking it to people. Nothing else.

LMAO This nation is doing better than it has in decades you idiot.

UE is the lowest its been since 69.

There are jobs, jobs and more jobs available.

The economy is doing great.

For someone you see as a "disaster" that disaster is doing pretty damned good.

He'll win in 2020 so you best suck it up as you are doomed to more disappointment.

Really does suck to be you.
What cracks me up...is that the economy is on almost the same exact track it was for the entire second have of the Obama Presidency...and the same people touting Trump's "great economy" were SCREAMING how bad it was all throughout those four years

What's even more weird is that the stock market has flattened out over the last year...GDP is declining..and states like South Dakota are getting CREAMED by Trump's stupid tariffs

No accounting for Trumper stupidity.
I agree with most of that. The American people are sick of the criminals in our political class,

I'm not sure who these criminals you are sick of might be...but the response in any regard is NOT to put private sector criminals into public office

And Carlson is certainly "right if center"...wayyyy right and cynical as all hell (all about the Benjamins ya know)

But he's almost never "correct"
Wrong. We had an easy choice. HER or Donnie. We knew she was a crook and totally controlled by the .1%.

Who are these criminals I speak of? Just about the entire cabal that is Congress and the Executive branch.
Trump is a disaster and a great lesson to all who observe. The lesson being that politics is a profession best left to the professionals. The sooner this fucking idiot is removed from office either by ballot, impeachment or term limits, the better off this nation and the world will be.

I’m more apt to agree with your first point. Trump and his supporters are only about sticking it to people. Nothing else.

LMAO This nation is doing better than it has in decades you idiot.

UE is the lowest its been since 69.

There are jobs, jobs and more jobs available.

The economy is doing great.

For someone you see as a "disaster" that disaster is doing pretty damned good.

He'll win in 2020 so you best suck it up as you are doomed to more disappointment.

Really does suck to be you.
What cracks me up...is that the economy is on almost the same exact track it was for the entire second have of the Obama Presidency...and the same people touting Trump's "great economy" were SCREAMING how bad it was all throughout those four years

What's even more weird is that the stock market has flattened out over the last year...GDP is declining..and states like South Dakota are getting CREAMED by Trump's stupid tariffs

No accounting for Trumper stupidity.

Oh Barry left Trump a fair hand but Trump has improved on it bigly.

No accounting for Trump hater and his stupidity.
Trump is a disaster and a great lesson to all who observe. The lesson being that politics is a profession best left to the professionals. The sooner this fucking idiot is removed from office either by ballot, impeachment or term limits, the better off this nation and the world will be.

I’m more apt to agree with your first point. Trump and his supporters are only about sticking it to people. Nothing else.
/----/ "The lesson being that politics is a profession best left to the professionals."
The goal of the professional politician is to be reelected and fatten their wealth.
25 Richest Members of Congress - 24/7 Wall St.
25 Richest Members of Congress
Most U.S. members of congress are millionaires. ... wealth to springboard political careers. When they leave office, some of the individuals on this list will be able to leverage their status as a ...
I would like to know how much each of the 25 richest Congressmen had at the beginning of their political career. And, why do most say that finance, real estate and investments are their main holdings. Thought they had blind portfolios.
My two takeaways from reading "Ship of Fools" are:

1. Tucker nailed Trump's 2016 win:
"Trump might be vulgar and ignorant, but he wasn't responsible for the many disasters America's leaders created. He didn't open the borders, or sit idly by as manufacturing sector collapsed and the middle class died.
Trump's election wasn't about Trump. It was a throbbing middle finger in the face of America's ruling class (the Establishment of BOTH parties). It was a gesture of contempt, a howl, a rage, the end result of of decades of selfish decisions made by selfish leaders of both parties.
In retrospect, the lesson was "Ignore voters for long enough and you get Donald Trump". Yet the people the message was aimed at never received it. Instead of pausing, listening, thinking, and changing, America's ruling class withdrew. They explained away their loss with theories as implausible as:
1. Trump lost the popular vote, so he's really illigitamate
2. Trump won because of fake news and propaganda on FXN
3. Trump won because of Russian meddling
4. Trump won because he's a racist, and that's what white voters really want"

But none of these stupid excuses withstand scrutiny...."

2. How can we save the US and the middle class?
Tucker believes that the death of the middle class, as seen by family formation and family income distribution changes is the problem to be solved, before the US devolves into Latin America, with only the wealthy and the serfs. A healthy democracy depends on a healthy middle class. From where the US is now it can progress in two directions:
a) It can go from Trump to Maduro, where the serfs want, or demand, more wealth, and socialism seems the quickest way to get it. Seeing the "Green New Deal" this option is now on the table, and Bernie can make it happen.
b) The leaders in government can pass laws to strengthen the middle class by creating better jobs, and taxing the wealthy more, but not excessively more. Control immigration to protect wages. Protect entitlements.

So those are opinions as presented. Is Tucker mostly right? Lets take a poll.

So in other words, you're supporting the Democractic agenda and you're turning against Trump and his "transfer of wealth" tax cuts.

A red line under a word means its misspelled.

I support a "top rate tax increase", and the thread proposing a "transaction tax" on stock purchases & sales, that's it. The rest of the socialist agenda is garbage. I especially support Trump's economic advisors Navarro and Lightheiser, I hope they fix the trade imbalances and bring back more manufacturing jobs. The top 1% needs to be reeled back into reality.
Trump is a disaster and a great lesson to all who observe. The lesson being that politics is a profession best left to the professionals. The sooner this fucking idiot is removed from office either by ballot, impeachment or term limits, the better off this nation and the world will be.

I’m more apt to agree with your first point. Trump and his supporters are only about sticking it to people. Nothing else.
You would be hard pressed to get me to believe the way we have been doing things is better than this dipshit we have now.
You fuckers just let the corrupt establishment ass fuck you with massive dildos. And you like it.
Blows my fucking mind.
Exactly why did you flee in terror from your ISIS allies on the battlefield in Syria?
Perhaps you are a Illegal alien kidnapping little girls and selling them in to sexual slavery. Or maybe you are a Mullah in Iran shouting Death to America and Israel?
Perhaps you are just a loser shooting Heroin in your veins every day and think America owes you a welfare check, for simply successfully climbing over a wall, the only work you have ever done in your life. Or maybe you are a Chinese, or Russian Troll promoting disinformation and sowing division.

One thing you aren't is a Partiotic American who loves My America.

Take your boil covered ass back to Libphuckistan, and don't let the door hit you in the ass........you could pop a nasty pustule letting that happen.

Trump is a disaster and a great lesson to all who observe. The lesson being that politics is a profession best left to the professionals. The sooner this fucking idiot is removed from office either by ballot, impeachment or term limits, the better off this nation and the world will be.

I’m more apt to agree with your first point. Trump and his supporters are only about sticking it to people. Nothing else.
/----/ "The lesson being that politics is a profession best left to the professionals."
The goal of the professional politician is to be reelected and fatten their wealth.
25 Richest Members of Congress - 24/7 Wall St.
25 Richest Members of Congress
Most U.S. members of congress are millionaires. ... wealth to springboard political careers. When they leave office, some of the individuals on this list will be able to leverage their status as a ...
I would like to know how much each of the 25 richest Congressmen had at the beginning of their political career. And, why do most say that finance, real estate and investments are their main holdings. Thought they had blind portfolios.
It should be remembered that when Bill and Hill left the White House, they were dirt poor! Poor things.
Democrat socialists have got to be continually telling us how bad Trump is. They certainly don't want anyone to recognize how much better off we are than under the rape of shitstain obama.
My two takeaways from reading "Ship of Fools" are:

1. Tucker nailed Trump's 2016 win:
"Trump might be vulgar and ignorant, but he wasn't responsible for the many disasters America's leaders created. He didn't open the borders, or sit idly by as manufacturing sector collapsed and the middle class died.
Trump's election wasn't about Trump. It was a throbbing middle finger in the face of America's ruling class (the Establishment of BOTH parties). It was a gesture of contempt, a howl, a rage, the end result of of decades of selfish decisions made by selfish leaders of both parties.
In retrospect, the lesson was "Ignore voters for long enough and you get Donald Trump". Yet the people the message was aimed at never received it. Instead of pausing, listening, thinking, and changing, America's ruling class withdrew. They explained away their loss with theories as implausible as:
1. Trump lost the popular vote, so he's really illigitamate
2. Trump won because of fake news and propaganda on FXN
3. Trump won because of Russian meddling
4. Trump won because he's a racist, and that's what white voters really want"

But none of these stupid excuses withstand scrutiny...."

2. How can we save the US and the middle class?
Tucker believes that the death of the middle class, as seen by family formation and family income distribution changes is the problem to be solved, before the US devolves into Latin America, with only the wealthy and the serfs. A healthy democracy depends on a healthy middle class. From where the US is now it can progress in two directions:
a) It can go from Trump to Maduro, where the serfs want, or demand, more wealth, and socialism seems the quickest way to get it. Seeing the "Green New Deal" this option is now on the table, and Bernie can make it happen.
b) The leaders in government can pass laws to strengthen the middle class by creating better jobs, and taxing the wealthy more, but not excessively more. Control immigration to protect wages. Protect entitlements.

So those are opinions as presented. Is Tucker mostly right? Lets take a poll.

So in other words, you're supporting the Democractic agenda and you're turning against Trump and his "transfer of wealth" tax cuts.

A red line under a word means its misspelled.

I support a "top rate tax increase", and the thread proposing a "transaction tax" on stock purchases & sales, that's it. The rest of the socialist agenda is garbage. I especially support Trump's economic advisors Navarro and Lightheiser, I hope they fix the trade imbalances and bring back more manufacturing jobs. The top 1% needs to be reeled back into reality.
View attachment 248976

I think there are ways we could successfully make the tax code more fair, and also increase revenues and get rid of loopholes.

Oh, that's right, President Trump put forth an initiative to fit the entire tax code on a Post Card.

The Swamp didn't like it.

If we had enacted President Trump's tax plan, The Economy would have taken off even more, and revenues would have increased. Heck we could have closed the doors to THE IRS.

But AOC probably would have never gotten elected. So it was probably a bad idea.
My two takeaways from reading "Ship of Fools" are:

1. Tucker nailed Trump's 2016 win:
"Trump might be vulgar and ignorant, but he wasn't responsible for the many disasters America's leaders created. He didn't open the borders, or sit idly by as manufacturing sector collapsed and the middle class died.
Trump's election wasn't about Trump. It was a throbbing middle finger in the face of America's ruling class (the Establishment of BOTH parties). It was a gesture of contempt, a howl, a rage, the end result of of decades of selfish decisions made by selfish leaders of both parties.
In retrospect, the lesson was "Ignore voters for long enough and you get Donald Trump". Yet the people the message was aimed at never received it. Instead of pausing, listening, thinking, and changing, America's ruling class withdrew. They explained away their loss with theories as implausible as:
1. Trump lost the popular vote, so he's really illigitamate
2. Trump won because of fake news and propaganda on FXN
3. Trump won because of Russian meddling
4. Trump won because he's a racist, and that's what white voters really want"

But none of these stupid excuses withstand scrutiny...."

2. How can we save the US and the middle class?
Tucker believes that the death of the middle class, as seen by family formation and family income distribution changes is the problem to be solved, before the US devolves into Latin America, with only the wealthy and the serfs. A healthy democracy depends on a healthy middle class. From where the US is now it can progress in two directions:
a) It can go from Trump to Maduro, where the serfs want, or demand, more wealth, and socialism seems the quickest way to get it. Seeing the "Green New Deal" this option is now on the table, and Bernie can make it happen.
b) The leaders in government can pass laws to strengthen the middle class by creating better jobs, and taxing the wealthy more, but not excessively more. Control immigration to protect wages. Protect entitlements.

So those are opinions as presented. Is Tucker mostly right? Lets take a poll.

Wish I could give another star for you being a reader.

If Liberals were readers, there wouldn't be any Liberals.
My two takeaways from reading "Ship of Fools" are:

1. Tucker nailed Trump's 2016 win:
"Trump might be vulgar and ignorant, but he wasn't responsible for the many disasters America's leaders created. He didn't open the borders, or sit idly by as manufacturing sector collapsed and the middle class died.
Trump's election wasn't about Trump. It was a throbbing middle finger in the face of America's ruling class (the Establishment of BOTH parties). It was a gesture of contempt, a howl, a rage, the end result of of decades of selfish decisions made by selfish leaders of both parties.
In retrospect, the lesson was "Ignore voters for long enough and you get Donald Trump". Yet the people the message was aimed at never received it. Instead of pausing, listening, thinking, and changing, America's ruling class withdrew. They explained away their loss with theories as implausible as:
1. Trump lost the popular vote, so he's really illigitamate
2. Trump won because of fake news and propaganda on FXN
3. Trump won because of Russian meddling
4. Trump won because he's a racist, and that's what white voters really want"

But none of these stupid excuses withstand scrutiny...."

2. How can we save the US and the middle class?
Tucker believes that the death of the middle class, as seen by family formation and family income distribution changes is the problem to be solved, before the US devolves into Latin America, with only the wealthy and the serfs. A healthy democracy depends on a healthy middle class. From where the US is now it can progress in two directions:
a) It can go from Trump to Maduro, where the serfs want, or demand, more wealth, and socialism seems the quickest way to get it. Seeing the "Green New Deal" this option is now on the table, and Bernie can make it happen.
b) The leaders in government can pass laws to strengthen the middle class by creating better jobs, and taxing the wealthy more, but not excessively more. Control immigration to protect wages. Protect entitlements.

So those are opinions as presented. Is Tucker mostly right? Lets take a poll.

Forgive me if you've provided this already....but for those who haven't read Porter's novel...no matter how absurd seemingly unattainable evil's intentions are.....if good people do not rise up and confront them, they will accomplish what they mean to do.

In Katherine Anne Porter's "Ship of Fools," she puts this prophetic question in the mouth of a Jewish traveler on the ship, speaking about the future for Jews in pre-war Germany:

"Listen, my friend, there are a million Jews in Germany alone. What are they going to do, kill us all?"
Trump is a disaster and a great lesson to all who observe. The lesson being that politics is a profession best left to the professionals. The sooner this fucking idiot is removed from office either by ballot, impeachment or term limits, the better off this nation and the world will be.

I’m more apt to agree with your first point. Trump and his supporters are only about sticking it to people. Nothing else.
You would be hard pressed to get me to believe the way we have been doing things is better than this dipshit we have now.
You fuckers just let the corrupt establishment ass fuck you with massive dildos. And you like it.
Blows my fucking mind.

What did i say?

Not sure. You seem to believe that If we had had Trump in office instead of Lincoln, Roosevelt, FDR, Reagan, Clinton et. al. We ‘d somehow be better off. I’d ask you to demonstrate your reasoning but I’m sure you won’t in place of more profane snark.

Perhaps you will surprise me and tell us how the blob would have been better than those men.
Lincoln was a tyrant. How the fuck does your disingenuous ass blast trump for the constitution and throw out lincoln who shit on our constitution more than all other presidents combined?
Ahh…all of the sudden “shitting on the constitution” bothers you? LOL

The people you listed were more "presidential" but that doesnt mean we would have been better off. And there is no possible way to compare it. Different times.
Would have been better off?

We are what we are, the strongest nation financially, militarily, and in a very true sense, culturally. That is the reality created by the men and women we have elected over time.

You seem to be of the opinion that if a miserable fucking idiot like Trump were in the place of these people, we’d somehow be better off? I’m still waiting for you to prove that thesis. But, of course, you supply only profanity and snark.

Of course, you obviously bath in fallacy.
I “bath” in fallacy? LOL

Our professional politicians, as you like to call them threw the middle east in chaos.
True. The Middle East was so stable before hand. LOL

Helped throw south america in chaos.

Helped build up the mexican cartels with their fascist policies.

Armed our enemies.
Oh brother.

Literally put drugs in our streets.
Let our children starve while we raise our debt to line dictators pockets.
I agree, we have spent too much on too many bells and whistles. Meanwhile your blob wants to create a “space force” and cut aid to needy families. He’s let Puerto Rico fend for itself. Essentially all of the stuff you’ve just accused others of doing.

Try to THINK.

Yeah…you first.
My two takeaways from reading "Ship of Fools" are:

1. Tucker nailed Trump's 2016 win:
"Trump might be vulgar and ignorant, but he wasn't responsible for the many disasters America's leaders created. He didn't open the borders, or sit idly by as manufacturing sector collapsed and the middle class died.
Trump's election wasn't about Trump. It was a throbbing middle finger in the face of America's ruling class (the Establishment of BOTH parties). It was a gesture of contempt, a howl, a rage, the end result of of decades of selfish decisions made by selfish leaders of both parties.
In retrospect, the lesson was "Ignore voters for long enough and you get Donald Trump". Yet the people the message was aimed at never received it. Instead of pausing, listening, thinking, and changing, America's ruling class withdrew. They explained away their loss with theories as implausible as:
1. Trump lost the popular vote, so he's really illigitamate
2. Trump won because of fake news and propaganda on FXN
3. Trump won because of Russian meddling
4. Trump won because he's a racist, and that's what white voters really want"

But none of these stupid excuses withstand scrutiny...."

2. How can we save the US and the middle class?
Tucker believes that the death of the middle class, as seen by family formation and family income distribution changes is the problem to be solved, before the US devolves into Latin America, with only the wealthy and the serfs. A healthy democracy depends on a healthy middle class. From where the US is now it can progress in two directions:
a) It can go from Trump to Maduro, where the serfs want, or demand, more wealth, and socialism seems the quickest way to get it. Seeing the "Green New Deal" this option is now on the table, and Bernie can make it happen.
b) The leaders in government can pass laws to strengthen the middle class by creating better jobs, and taxing the wealthy more, but not excessively more. Control immigration to protect wages. Protect entitlements.

So those are opinions as presented. Is Tucker mostly right? Lets take a poll.

Wish I could give another star for you being a reader.

If Liberals were readers, there wouldn't be any Liberals.
My two takeaways from reading "Ship of Fools" are:

1. Tucker nailed Trump's 2016 win:
"Trump might be vulgar and ignorant, but he wasn't responsible for the many disasters America's leaders created. He didn't open the borders, or sit idly by as manufacturing sector collapsed and the middle class died.
Trump's election wasn't about Trump. It was a throbbing middle finger in the face of America's ruling class (the Establishment of BOTH parties). It was a gesture of contempt, a howl, a rage, the end result of of decades of selfish decisions made by selfish leaders of both parties.
In retrospect, the lesson was "Ignore voters for long enough and you get Donald Trump". Yet the people the message was aimed at never received it. Instead of pausing, listening, thinking, and changing, America's ruling class withdrew. They explained away their loss with theories as implausible as:
1. Trump lost the popular vote, so he's really illigitamate
2. Trump won because of fake news and propaganda on FXN
3. Trump won because of Russian meddling
4. Trump won because he's a racist, and that's what white voters really want"

But none of these stupid excuses withstand scrutiny...."

2. How can we save the US and the middle class?
Tucker believes that the death of the middle class, as seen by family formation and family income distribution changes is the problem to be solved, before the US devolves into Latin America, with only the wealthy and the serfs. A healthy democracy depends on a healthy middle class. From where the US is now it can progress in two directions:
a) It can go from Trump to Maduro, where the serfs want, or demand, more wealth, and socialism seems the quickest way to get it. Seeing the "Green New Deal" this option is now on the table, and Bernie can make it happen.
b) The leaders in government can pass laws to strengthen the middle class by creating better jobs, and taxing the wealthy more, but not excessively more. Control immigration to protect wages. Protect entitlements.

So those are opinions as presented. Is Tucker mostly right? Lets take a poll.

Forgive me if you've provided this already....but for those who haven't read Porter's novel...no matter how absurd seemingly unattainable evil's intentions are.....if good people do not rise up and confront them, they will accomplish what they mean to do.

In Katherine Anne Porter's "Ship of Fools," she puts this prophetic question in the mouth of a Jewish traveler on the ship, speaking about the future for Jews in pre-war Germany:

"Listen, my friend, there are a million Jews in Germany alone. What are they going to do, kill us all?"

Hell I read Ship of Fools when I was in high school. Great book and they made a pretty good movie as well.
My two takeaways from reading "Ship of Fools" are:

1. Tucker nailed Trump's 2016 win:
"Trump might be vulgar and ignorant, but he wasn't responsible for the many disasters America's leaders created. He didn't open the borders, or sit idly by as manufacturing sector collapsed and the middle class died.
Trump's election wasn't about Trump. It was a throbbing middle finger in the face of America's ruling class (the Establishment of BOTH parties). It was a gesture of contempt, a howl, a rage, the end result of of decades of selfish decisions made by selfish leaders of both parties.
In retrospect, the lesson was "Ignore voters for long enough and you get Donald Trump". Yet the people the message was aimed at never received it. Instead of pausing, listening, thinking, and changing, America's ruling class withdrew. They explained away their loss with theories as implausible as:
1. Trump lost the popular vote, so he's really illigitamate
2. Trump won because of fake news and propaganda on FXN
3. Trump won because of Russian meddling
4. Trump won because he's a racist, and that's what white voters really want"

But none of these stupid excuses withstand scrutiny...."

2. How can we save the US and the middle class?
Tucker believes that the death of the middle class, as seen by family formation and family income distribution changes is the problem to be solved, before the US devolves into Latin America, with only the wealthy and the serfs. A healthy democracy depends on a healthy middle class. From where the US is now it can progress in two directions:
a) It can go from Trump to Maduro, where the serfs want, or demand, more wealth, and socialism seems the quickest way to get it. Seeing the "Green New Deal" this option is now on the table, and Bernie can make it happen.
b) The leaders in government can pass laws to strengthen the middle class by creating better jobs, and taxing the wealthy more, but not excessively more. Control immigration to protect wages. Protect entitlements.

So those are opinions as presented. Is Tucker mostly right? Lets take a poll.

Wish I could give another star for you being a reader.

If Liberals were readers, there wouldn't be any Liberals.
My two takeaways from reading "Ship of Fools" are:

1. Tucker nailed Trump's 2016 win:
"Trump might be vulgar and ignorant, but he wasn't responsible for the many disasters America's leaders created. He didn't open the borders, or sit idly by as manufacturing sector collapsed and the middle class died.
Trump's election wasn't about Trump. It was a throbbing middle finger in the face of America's ruling class (the Establishment of BOTH parties). It was a gesture of contempt, a howl, a rage, the end result of of decades of selfish decisions made by selfish leaders of both parties.
In retrospect, the lesson was "Ignore voters for long enough and you get Donald Trump". Yet the people the message was aimed at never received it. Instead of pausing, listening, thinking, and changing, America's ruling class withdrew. They explained away their loss with theories as implausible as:
1. Trump lost the popular vote, so he's really illigitamate
2. Trump won because of fake news and propaganda on FXN
3. Trump won because of Russian meddling
4. Trump won because he's a racist, and that's what white voters really want"

But none of these stupid excuses withstand scrutiny...."

2. How can we save the US and the middle class?
Tucker believes that the death of the middle class, as seen by family formation and family income distribution changes is the problem to be solved, before the US devolves into Latin America, with only the wealthy and the serfs. A healthy democracy depends on a healthy middle class. From where the US is now it can progress in two directions:
a) It can go from Trump to Maduro, where the serfs want, or demand, more wealth, and socialism seems the quickest way to get it. Seeing the "Green New Deal" this option is now on the table, and Bernie can make it happen.
b) The leaders in government can pass laws to strengthen the middle class by creating better jobs, and taxing the wealthy more, but not excessively more. Control immigration to protect wages. Protect entitlements.

So those are opinions as presented. Is Tucker mostly right? Lets take a poll.

Forgive me if you've provided this already....but for those who haven't read Porter's novel...no matter how absurd seemingly unattainable evil's intentions are.....if good people do not rise up and confront them, they will accomplish what they mean to do.

In Katherine Anne Porter's "Ship of Fools," she puts this prophetic question in the mouth of a Jewish traveler on the ship, speaking about the future for Jews in pre-war Germany:

"Listen, my friend, there are a million Jews in Germany alone. What are they going to do, kill us all?"

Hell I read Ship of Fools when I was in high school. Great book and they made a pretty good movie as well.

If you want a good laugh, ask a Democrat voter to name a few of the books that informed their political views....and watch the deer-in-the-headlights expressions.
Trump is a disaster and a great lesson to all who observe. The lesson being that politics is a profession best left to the professionals. The sooner this fucking idiot is removed from office either by ballot, impeachment or term limits, the better off this nation and the world will be.

I’m more apt to agree with your first point. Trump and his supporters are only about sticking it to people. Nothing else.
My two takeaways from reading "Ship of Fools" are:

1. Tucker nailed Trump's 2016 win:
"Trump might be vulgar and ignorant, but he wasn't responsible for the many disasters America's leaders created. He didn't open the borders, or sit idly by as manufacturing sector collapsed and the middle class died.
Trump's election wasn't about Trump. It was a throbbing middle finger in the face of America's ruling class (the Establishment of BOTH parties). It was a gesture of contempt, a howl, a rage, the end result of of decades of selfish decisions made by selfish leaders of both parties.
In retrospect, the lesson was "Ignore voters for long enough and you get Donald Trump". Yet the people the message was aimed at never received it. Instead of pausing, listening, thinking, and changing, America's ruling class withdrew. They explained away their loss with theories as implausible as:
1. Trump lost the popular vote, so he's really illigitamate
2. Trump won because of fake news and propaganda on FXN
3. Trump won because of Russian meddling
4. Trump won because he's a racist, and that's what white voters really want"

But none of these stupid excuses withstand scrutiny...."

2. How can we save the US and the middle class?
Tucker believes that the death of the middle class, as seen by family formation and family income distribution changes is the problem to be solved, before the US devolves into Latin America, with only the wealthy and the serfs. A healthy democracy depends on a healthy middle class. From where the US is now it can progress in two directions:
a) It can go from Trump to Maduro, where the serfs want, or demand, more wealth, and socialism seems the quickest way to get it. Seeing the "Green New Deal" this option is now on the table, and Bernie can make it happen.
b) The leaders in government can pass laws to strengthen the middle class by creating better jobs, and taxing the wealthy more, but not excessively more. Control immigration to protect wages. Protect entitlements.

So those are opinions as presented. Is Tucker mostly right? Lets take a poll.

Wish I could give another star for you being a reader.

If Liberals were readers, there wouldn't be any Liberals.
My two takeaways from reading "Ship of Fools" are:

1. Tucker nailed Trump's 2016 win:
"Trump might be vulgar and ignorant, but he wasn't responsible for the many disasters America's leaders created. He didn't open the borders, or sit idly by as manufacturing sector collapsed and the middle class died.
Trump's election wasn't about Trump. It was a throbbing middle finger in the face of America's ruling class (the Establishment of BOTH parties). It was a gesture of contempt, a howl, a rage, the end result of of decades of selfish decisions made by selfish leaders of both parties.
In retrospect, the lesson was "Ignore voters for long enough and you get Donald Trump". Yet the people the message was aimed at never received it. Instead of pausing, listening, thinking, and changing, America's ruling class withdrew. They explained away their loss with theories as implausible as:
1. Trump lost the popular vote, so he's really illigitamate
2. Trump won because of fake news and propaganda on FXN
3. Trump won because of Russian meddling
4. Trump won because he's a racist, and that's what white voters really want"

But none of these stupid excuses withstand scrutiny...."

2. How can we save the US and the middle class?
Tucker believes that the death of the middle class, as seen by family formation and family income distribution changes is the problem to be solved, before the US devolves into Latin America, with only the wealthy and the serfs. A healthy democracy depends on a healthy middle class. From where the US is now it can progress in two directions:
a) It can go from Trump to Maduro, where the serfs want, or demand, more wealth, and socialism seems the quickest way to get it. Seeing the "Green New Deal" this option is now on the table, and Bernie can make it happen.
b) The leaders in government can pass laws to strengthen the middle class by creating better jobs, and taxing the wealthy more, but not excessively more. Control immigration to protect wages. Protect entitlements.

So those are opinions as presented. Is Tucker mostly right? Lets take a poll.

Forgive me if you've provided this already....but for those who haven't read Porter's novel...no matter how absurd seemingly unattainable evil's intentions are.....if good people do not rise up and confront them, they will accomplish what they mean to do.

In Katherine Anne Porter's "Ship of Fools," she puts this prophetic question in the mouth of a Jewish traveler on the ship, speaking about the future for Jews in pre-war Germany:

"Listen, my friend, there are a million Jews in Germany alone. What are they going to do, kill us all?"

Hell I read Ship of Fools when I was in high school. Great book and they made a pretty good movie as well.

If you want a good laugh, ask a Democrat voter to name a few of the books that informed their political views....and watch the deer-in-the-headlights expressions.
/---/ Well there is one that turned Libs against Nuke energy. It was published back in the 1960s but I don't recall the title.
And Al Bore's book An Inconvenient Truth influenced Libtards. Both were works of fiction, I might add.
My two takeaways from reading "Ship of Fools" are:

1. Tucker nailed Trump's 2016 win:
"Trump might be vulgar and ignorant, but he wasn't responsible for the many disasters America's leaders created. He didn't open the borders, or sit idly by as manufacturing sector collapsed and the middle class died.
Trump's election wasn't about Trump. It was a throbbing middle finger in the face of America's ruling class (the Establishment of BOTH parties). It was a gesture of contempt, a howl, a rage, the end result of of decades of selfish decisions made by selfish leaders of both parties.
In retrospect, the lesson was "Ignore voters for long enough and you get Donald Trump". Yet the people the message was aimed at never received it. Instead of pausing, listening, thinking, and changing, America's ruling class withdrew. They explained away their loss with theories as implausible as:
1. Trump lost the popular vote, so he's really illigitamate
2. Trump won because of fake news and propaganda on FXN
3. Trump won because of Russian meddling
4. Trump won because he's a racist, and that's what white voters really want"

But none of these stupid excuses withstand scrutiny...."

2. How can we save the US and the middle class?
Tucker believes that the death of the middle class, as seen by family formation and family income distribution changes is the problem to be solved, before the US devolves into Latin America, with only the wealthy and the serfs. A healthy democracy depends on a healthy middle class. From where the US is now it can progress in two directions:
a) It can go from Trump to Maduro, where the serfs want, or demand, more wealth, and socialism seems the quickest way to get it. Seeing the "Green New Deal" this option is now on the table, and Bernie can make it happen.
b) The leaders in government can pass laws to strengthen the middle class by creating better jobs, and taxing the wealthy more, but not excessively more. Control immigration to protect wages. Protect entitlements.

So those are opinions as presented. Is Tucker mostly right? Lets take a poll.

Wish I could give another star for you being a reader.

If Liberals were readers, there wouldn't be any Liberals.
My two takeaways from reading "Ship of Fools" are:

1. Tucker nailed Trump's 2016 win:
"Trump might be vulgar and ignorant, but he wasn't responsible for the many disasters America's leaders created. He didn't open the borders, or sit idly by as manufacturing sector collapsed and the middle class died.
Trump's election wasn't about Trump. It was a throbbing middle finger in the face of America's ruling class (the Establishment of BOTH parties). It was a gesture of contempt, a howl, a rage, the end result of of decades of selfish decisions made by selfish leaders of both parties.
In retrospect, the lesson was "Ignore voters for long enough and you get Donald Trump". Yet the people the message was aimed at never received it. Instead of pausing, listening, thinking, and changing, America's ruling class withdrew. They explained away their loss with theories as implausible as:
1. Trump lost the popular vote, so he's really illigitamate
2. Trump won because of fake news and propaganda on FXN
3. Trump won because of Russian meddling
4. Trump won because he's a racist, and that's what white voters really want"

But none of these stupid excuses withstand scrutiny...."

2. How can we save the US and the middle class?
Tucker believes that the death of the middle class, as seen by family formation and family income distribution changes is the problem to be solved, before the US devolves into Latin America, with only the wealthy and the serfs. A healthy democracy depends on a healthy middle class. From where the US is now it can progress in two directions:
a) It can go from Trump to Maduro, where the serfs want, or demand, more wealth, and socialism seems the quickest way to get it. Seeing the "Green New Deal" this option is now on the table, and Bernie can make it happen.
b) The leaders in government can pass laws to strengthen the middle class by creating better jobs, and taxing the wealthy more, but not excessively more. Control immigration to protect wages. Protect entitlements.

So those are opinions as presented. Is Tucker mostly right? Lets take a poll.

Forgive me if you've provided this already....but for those who haven't read Porter's novel...no matter how absurd seemingly unattainable evil's intentions are.....if good people do not rise up and confront them, they will accomplish what they mean to do.

In Katherine Anne Porter's "Ship of Fools," she puts this prophetic question in the mouth of a Jewish traveler on the ship, speaking about the future for Jews in pre-war Germany:

"Listen, my friend, there are a million Jews in Germany alone. What are they going to do, kill us all?"

Hell I read Ship of Fools when I was in high school. Great book and they made a pretty good movie as well.

If you want a good laugh, ask a Democrat voter to name a few of the books that informed their political views....and watch the deer-in-the-headlights expressions.
My two takeaways from reading "Ship of Fools" are:

1. Tucker nailed Trump's 2016 win:
"Trump might be vulgar and ignorant, but he wasn't responsible for the many disasters America's leaders created. He didn't open the borders, or sit idly by as manufacturing sector collapsed and the middle class died.
Trump's election wasn't about Trump. It was a throbbing middle finger in the face of America's ruling class (the Establishment of BOTH parties). It was a gesture of contempt, a howl, a rage, the end result of of decades of selfish decisions made by selfish leaders of both parties.
In retrospect, the lesson was "Ignore voters for long enough and you get Donald Trump". Yet the people the message was aimed at never received it. Instead of pausing, listening, thinking, and changing, America's ruling class withdrew. They explained away their loss with theories as implausible as:
1. Trump lost the popular vote, so he's really illigitamate
2. Trump won because of fake news and propaganda on FXN
3. Trump won because of Russian meddling
4. Trump won because he's a racist, and that's what white voters really want"

But none of these stupid excuses withstand scrutiny...."

2. How can we save the US and the middle class?
Tucker believes that the death of the middle class, as seen by family formation and family income distribution changes is the problem to be solved, before the US devolves into Latin America, with only the wealthy and the serfs. A healthy democracy depends on a healthy middle class. From where the US is now it can progress in two directions:
a) It can go from Trump to Maduro, where the serfs want, or demand, more wealth, and socialism seems the quickest way to get it. Seeing the "Green New Deal" this option is now on the table, and Bernie can make it happen.
b) The leaders in government can pass laws to strengthen the middle class by creating better jobs, and taxing the wealthy more, but not excessively more. Control immigration to protect wages. Protect entitlements.

So those are opinions as presented. Is Tucker mostly right? Lets take a poll.

Wish I could give another star for you being a reader.

If Liberals were readers, there wouldn't be any Liberals.
My two takeaways from reading "Ship of Fools" are:

1. Tucker nailed Trump's 2016 win:
"Trump might be vulgar and ignorant, but he wasn't responsible for the many disasters America's leaders created. He didn't open the borders, or sit idly by as manufacturing sector collapsed and the middle class died.
Trump's election wasn't about Trump. It was a throbbing middle finger in the face of America's ruling class (the Establishment of BOTH parties). It was a gesture of contempt, a howl, a rage, the end result of of decades of selfish decisions made by selfish leaders of both parties.
In retrospect, the lesson was "Ignore voters for long enough and you get Donald Trump". Yet the people the message was aimed at never received it. Instead of pausing, listening, thinking, and changing, America's ruling class withdrew. They explained away their loss with theories as implausible as:
1. Trump lost the popular vote, so he's really illigitamate
2. Trump won because of fake news and propaganda on FXN
3. Trump won because of Russian meddling
4. Trump won because he's a racist, and that's what white voters really want"

But none of these stupid excuses withstand scrutiny...."

2. How can we save the US and the middle class?
Tucker believes that the death of the middle class, as seen by family formation and family income distribution changes is the problem to be solved, before the US devolves into Latin America, with only the wealthy and the serfs. A healthy democracy depends on a healthy middle class. From where the US is now it can progress in two directions:
a) It can go from Trump to Maduro, where the serfs want, or demand, more wealth, and socialism seems the quickest way to get it. Seeing the "Green New Deal" this option is now on the table, and Bernie can make it happen.
b) The leaders in government can pass laws to strengthen the middle class by creating better jobs, and taxing the wealthy more, but not excessively more. Control immigration to protect wages. Protect entitlements.

So those are opinions as presented. Is Tucker mostly right? Lets take a poll.

Forgive me if you've provided this already....but for those who haven't read Porter's novel...no matter how absurd seemingly unattainable evil's intentions are.....if good people do not rise up and confront them, they will accomplish what they mean to do.

In Katherine Anne Porter's "Ship of Fools," she puts this prophetic question in the mouth of a Jewish traveler on the ship, speaking about the future for Jews in pre-war Germany:

"Listen, my friend, there are a million Jews in Germany alone. What are they going to do, kill us all?"

Hell I read Ship of Fools when I was in high school. Great book and they made a pretty good movie as well.

If you want a good laugh, ask a Democrat voter to name a few of the books that informed their political views....and watch the deer-in-the-headlights expressions.
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They'll never admit it!!!
"happy countries don't elect Trump president, my friends, desperate ones do" - Tucker in Ship Of Fools

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