Poll: To Impeach Or Not To Impeach? (Liberals and Conservatives)

To Impeach or Not

  • I am a liberal and I want him impeached

  • I am a liberal and I don't want him impeach

  • I am a conservative and I want him impeached

  • I am a conservative and I don't want him impeached

Results are only viewable after voting.
One of my favorite movies.
"Are you gonna do something or just stand there and bleed?"

My favorite scene from one of my favorite movies!
Good one. Of course, mine is "I'm your huckleberry".
What a great fuckin' movie, beginning to end. Val Kilmer, freakin' iconic role.
Yes, I have a classic video DVD collection of movies from the 40s, 50s, etc, but this is one of the few modern ones I had to have.
Still too early to impeach

Dems don’t want to impeach over something insignificant like a blow job
Why do we have to label ourselves in order to vote in this poll?

Because Identity Politics is the game dumbass!

Wow, just yesterday my family was talking about how ppl on the Internet have to post in such shmucky and jerky ways, and they can't understand why. Your answer without the word "dumbass" at the end of it, would have sufficed. And no, being nasty does not equal cool. It seems that a person cannot ask a simple, innocent and reasonable question on the Internet anymore, without being attacked by supposedly "cool" ppl. But, like I said before, it's not cool. It's just shmucky.

So you didn't like being called a dumbass, so you worked overtime to prove you are a dumbass? Great job!

First of all, I wasn't even talking to you. Secondly, I don't know how you could've possibly gotten THAT out of what I said. Maybe I hit a nerve with you. I don't know you from this Board, but if you took personal offense at what I said to the other dude, then you probably also routinely act that way on the Internet because you think it makes you look cool, or because you think it makes you look like a cyberspace tuff guy.

No. I hate stupid people. Dumbass!
Why do we have to label ourselves in order to vote in this poll?

Because Identity Politics is the game dumbass!

Wow, just yesterday my family was talking about how ppl on the Internet have to post in such shmucky and jerky ways, and they can't understand why. Your answer without the word "dumbass" at the end of it, would have sufficed. And no, being nasty does not equal cool. It seems that a person cannot ask a simple, innocent and reasonable question on the Internet anymore, without being attacked by supposedly "cool" ppl. But, like I said before, it's not cool. It's just shmucky.

So you didn't like being called a dumbass, so you worked overtime to prove you are a dumbass? Great job!

First of all, I wasn't even talking to you. Secondly, I don't know how you could've possibly gotten THAT out of what I said. Maybe I hit a nerve with you. I don't know you from this Board, but if you took personal offense at what I said to the other dude, then you probably also routinely act that way on the Internet because you think it makes you look cool, or because you think it makes you look like a cyberspace tuff guy.

No. I hate stupid people. Dumbass!

Ok, you're very cool! And I always respect keyboard tuff guys so I'm really scared right now. Satisfied?
And I wasn't even talking to you, so why are you taking personal offense? You must see yourself in that other dude. My remarks were reserved for him.
In sumation:

Deep State Clinton investigation: “We have conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, but we don’t believe she intended to."

Deep State Trump investigation: “We can’t find any conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, but we’re certain he intended to.”
The threat to our Constitution was the last administration.
Trump undid most or all of Obamas unconstitutional Executive orders.

The biggest threat to our Republic is Socialist Agenda being pushed by all the Commies on the left and their over indulged pampered snot nosed Millenial base, they'll flip when they move out of grandmas basement and actually have to face the real World and pay for the Programs the left espouses. Oh that's right they won't have to work they're being promised free shit. These people think life is finding the Magic box with rewards inside on their favorite video game.
Still too early to impeach

Dems don’t want to impeach over something insignificant like a blow job
can't think of a president who was impeached FOR THAT.

You have to be Republican to impeach over a blow job

No, it's what President Clinton did, not about the blow job.

The charges were; because he "...willfully provided perjuries, false and misleading testimony to the grand jury," and made "...corrupt efforts to influence the testimony of witnesses and to impede the discovery of evidence."
Does "impeachment" include the 25th Amendment?

Many people in wonderful places in Germany would like to know. Believe me. :cuckoo:

The 25th amendment is NOT a method of removing a President from office. It is for when a President is temporarily indisposed...like when he has to have surgery.

It does not remove him from office, it makes the Vice-president the 'acting President'. It is intended to be temporary. The President can return to his job anytime he says he's ready.

The only way the 25th amendment could be used to effectively remove a President from office is of three quarters of BOTH houses of congress were to repeatedly vote to keep him out. Then he would still be the 'President', but would be barred from any Presidential authority. But that's EXTREMELY unlikely.

Wow! Write this date down! A libtard that actually read and understood the Constitution!

I am impressed!

Seeing as how Liberals WROTE the Constitution, you shouldn't be.
While they're at it, they should impeach McConnell and Barr too!

I take it back. You didn't read the Constitution. You cannot impeach a member of the Senate, dumbass!

As usual you're wrong. In 1797 the House impeached a Senator. It is only the Senate that has determined that the House can not impeach a Senator. It is not a rule of the House, nor is it forbidden in the Constitution.
Given her reputation for being a careful and meticulous vote-counter, it may be the case that Pelosi is less concerned with how impeachment proceedings would look, than she is with getting enough House Dem votes.

That would potentially look worse than the proceedings themselves.
Does "impeachment" include the 25th Amendment?

Many people in wonderful places in Germany would like to know. Believe me. :cuckoo:

The 25th amendment is NOT a method of removing a President from office. It is for when a President is temporarily indisposed...like when he has to have surgery.

It does not remove him from office, it makes the Vice-president the 'acting President'. It is intended to be temporary. The President can return to his job anytime he says he's ready.

The only way the 25th amendment could be used to effectively remove a President from office is of three quarters of BOTH houses of congress were to repeatedly vote to keep him out. Then he would still be the 'President', but would be barred from any Presidential authority. But that's EXTREMELY unlikely.

Wow! Write this date down! A libtard that actually read and understood the Constitution!

I am impressed!

Seeing as how Liberals WROTE the Constitution, you shouldn't be.
Are you still peddling that horseshit?
Still too early to impeach

Dems don’t want to impeach over something insignificant like a blow job

No but they wanted to Ruin a Scotus nominee over an obvious conjured up fake assault charge. Really? You believe The President of the United States did nothing wrong by using his Position of Power and Influence to obtain sexual favors from a subordinate staffer, and then Lie about it until his DNA was positively Identified on "the dress" . "I'm the President of the United States blow me and I'll help your career" is Quid pro Quo in The real world which makes it "Rape" under the Law. Clinton was Disbarred you have to know that! How did he Obstruct exactly nobody has been able to give me a definitive answer to that question.:desk:
While they're at it, they should impeach McConnell and Barr too!

I take it back. You didn't read the Constitution. You cannot impeach a member of the Senate, dumbass!

As usual you're wrong. In 1797 the House impeached a Senator. It is only the Senate that has determined that the House can not impeach a Senator. It is not a rule of the House, nor is it forbidden in the Constitution.

Uh, yes it is. The entire House of Representatives fucked up and didn't read the Constitution, just like you obviously have not.

"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

Member of the House and Senate are elected by voters, are members of the Legislative branch, and thus are NOT civil Officers of the United States.

Have a nice fucking day, dumbass!
Conservative - Yes.

I want to see liberals cry and rage when he's proved innocent. Or, I want to see liberals cry when Pence becomes president. :thup:

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