Poll: To Impeach Or Not To Impeach? (Liberals and Conservatives)

To Impeach or Not

  • I am a liberal and I want him impeached

  • I am a liberal and I don't want him impeach

  • I am a conservative and I want him impeached

  • I am a conservative and I don't want him impeached

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He'd done nothing to be impeached for, but I'd like to see the Dems throw away 2020 with an impeachment that will go nowhere.
After suffering the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune...

I twill be interesting to find who is more in favor of impeachment

I am ...

I favor the Dims impeaching him, but not so that they will actually go through with it.

No, I just want them to do what they said they would do in order to get elected, but because they know that they are full of poo, they refuse to impeach a man they have repeatedly said all evidence proves he was guilty that he has sold out to the Russians.

Imagine, they are essentially saying that they would rather have Putin in the White House than impeach Trump, which I think is treasonous, is it not?

When will these twats back up what they say rather then just sling poo around?
Hey dipshit we just got to start our investigations a couple months ago. I believe the House will perform its oversight duties that had been completey abandoned by republicans. I believe they will vote to impeach Trump; but Trump will be saved by a Senate that is hungry to profit further from Trump’s crimes. Until November 2020. Trump will serve time in prison when he leaves office.
Maize is a moll working for China.
Option 5

I don't care if he's impeached

Even if he is a dick I do. Impeachment is supposed to be a serious thing. This just makes it “another thing” that’s just politics. There was no crime, with Clinton there was. When it happens those pushing it will be very sorry they did it.
After suffering the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune...

I twill be interesting to find who is more in favor of impeachment

I am ...

I favor the Dims impeaching him, but not so that they will actually go through with it.

No, I just want them to do what they said they would do in order to get elected, but because they know that they are full of poo, they refuse to impeach a man they have repeatedly said all evidence proves he was guilty that he has sold out to the Russians.

Imagine, they are essentially saying that they would rather have Putin in the White House than impeach Trump, which I think is treasonous, is it not?

When will these twats back up what they say rather then just sling poo around?
Hey dipshit we just got to start our investigations a couple months ago. I believe the House will perform its oversight duties that had been completey abandoned by republicans. I believe they will vote to impeach Trump; but Trump will be saved by a Senate that is hungry to profit further from Trump’s crimes. Until November 2020. Trump will serve time in prison when he leaves office.

Bull shit dumbfuck. The investigation started two years ago. Less porn, more news.
I prefer to execute whatever plan will drive the most LefTards to commit suicide...not political suicide...the real SUICIDE.
Impeach with no evidence will not go well for the Dems.

They know it's a dead end street! With a Big "Do Not Enter Sign". Anyone who would testify "differently" than they did during the " Investigative Inquiry" would be subject to perjury charges. "They all know it" It's game over For the conspirators if Impeachment begins. Republicans get to ask questions too! They just want to keep the lie alive and the focus off of the AG investigation. IG report coming soon! Maybe the Caucus meeting last week was to decide who is going to be the most surprised when people start going to jail for treason or other lesser crimes of sedition.:huddle:
After suffering the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune...

I twill be interesting to find who is more in favor of impeachment

I am ...
/——/ Why in hell would any person wish that humiliation on themselves? This is nothing more than idol speculation by a bunch of arm chair political hacks. Stupid.
Trump is begging to be impeached, which is exactly my point.

The worst mistake the Democrats could make is to impeach Trump!

In the first place, heading into the 2020 Presidential election, Democrats should not do exactly what their main rival wants them to do.

In the second place, what exactly would be accomplished by impeachment? Some naive congressmen and women think impeachment is an end onto itself. It is not. Impeachment is merely an indictment. The trial takes place in the Trump Republican held Senate where conviction will only happen when pigs can fly. Trump would become a martyr, a victim of Democratic overreach. Why do you think Trump wants to be impeached?

In the third place, these immature lawmakers who think Trump should be impeached should look back on 1998 and the failed impeachment of Bill Clinton which was led by the Republicans. After Clinton was vindicated he became more popular. The pending election was a disaster for the GOP. The Speaker, Newt Gingrich, first lost his post. Months later, he was booted out of the House. That is what impeachment accomplished for the Republicans, and Pelosi and others with more experience remember it well.

In the fourth place, a recent poll showed that only 37% want Trump impeached, probably mostly Republicans. It is Trump's only chance. 60% of Americans oppose impeachment. When asked should Trump be reelected, 60% said no, 37% said yes. Recently, three different federal courts have ruled against Trump and in favor of the House Democrats.

What does this mean? It means the Democrats are already winning. Taking into consideration 1998, why risk throwing the election in favor of Trump?

OLC, Tlaib, Omar and others calling for impeachment say that it is a Constitutional duty for the House to impeach Trump. Consider this. The worst possible threat to our Constitution is another four years of the Trump Presidency.

That was illustrated in living color last week ... and the week before that and the week before that, etc. etc.
The threat to our Constitution was the last administration.
Trump undid most or all of Obamas unconstitutional Executive orders.

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