Polls show that millennials are more open to establishing slave reparations

Poll: Millennials more open to idea of slavery reparations

As older white men die out, and this country becomes more diverse, more forward thinking, and less white-dominated, there eventually will be reparations for slavery and Jim Crow laws. And rightfully so. The harmful legacy of 200 years of slavery and 100 years of Jim Crow has hurt communities of color to this day. Communities do not simply recover from centuries of oppression and abuse without outside help.

For those of you who snarkily say "oh, all the slaves are dead now," need to remember that those slaves had children, grandchildren, etc. who live today. The effects of growing up being treated like a piece of furniture, being banned from receiving an education or finding a job, is nothing that can be wiped away with a wave of the hand. There needs to be a full apology from the white community in this country for the evils of Slavery and Jim Crow laws, and reparations to help the African American community recover from 400 years of subjugation and pain.

Regressive masterpiece of the day!

Almost as entertaining as "All PIV= Rape". But let's not forget, while this is a joke to us, the regressives ACTUALLY BELIEVE THIS NONSENSE, making them a dangerous threat.

Ah, it will very entertaining when the regressives have to state that Trump is their president.
Trump won't win. 538 has him at 13 percent chances. The New York Times has him at 8 percent. The Huffington Post has him at around 1 percent.

Your sources don't lend credibility to your claim.
Poll: Millennials more open to idea of slavery reparations

As older white men die out, and this country becomes more diverse, more forward thinking, and less white-dominated, there eventually will be reparations for slavery and Jim Crow laws. And rightfully so. The harmful legacy of 200 years of slavery and 100 years of Jim Crow has hurt communities of color to this day. Communities do not simply recover from centuries of oppression and abuse without outside help.

For those of you who snarkily say "oh, all the slaves are dead now," need to remember that those slaves had children, grandchildren, etc. who live today. The effects of growing up being treated like a piece of furniture, being banned from receiving an education or finding a job, is nothing that can be wiped away with a wave of the hand. There needs to be a full apology from the white community in this country for the evils of Slavery and Jim Crow laws, and reparations to help the African American community recover from 400 years of subjugation and pain.

620,000 people gave their lives. Thats more than enough apology. And no reparations either.
Poll: Millennials more open to idea of slavery reparations

As older white men die out, and this country becomes more diverse, more forward thinking, and less white-dominated, there eventually will be reparations for slavery and Jim Crow laws. And rightfully so. The harmful legacy of 200 years of slavery and 100 years of Jim Crow has hurt communities of color to this day. Communities do not simply recover from centuries of oppression and abuse without outside help.

For those of you who snarkily say "oh, all the slaves are dead now," need to remember that those slaves had children, grandchildren, etc. who live today. The effects of growing up being treated like a piece of furniture, being banned from receiving an education or finding a job, is nothing that can be wiped away with a wave of the hand. There needs to be a full apology from the white community in this country for the evils of Slavery and Jim Crow laws, and reparations to help the African American community recover from 400 years of subjugation and pain.

Regressive masterpiece of the day!

Almost as entertaining as "All PIV= Rape". But let's not forget, while this is a joke to us, the regressives ACTUALLY BELIEVE THIS NONSENSE, making them a dangerous threat.

Ah, it will very entertaining when the regressives have to state that Trump is their president.
Trump won't win. 538 has him at 13 percent chances. The New York Times has him at 8 percent. The Huffington Post has him at around 1 percent.

And your sources' credibility is at 0 percent.
Poll: Millennials more open to idea of slavery reparations

As older white men die out, and this country becomes more diverse, more forward thinking, and less white-dominated, there eventually will be reparations for slavery and Jim Crow laws. And rightfully so. The harmful legacy of 200 years of slavery and 100 years of Jim Crow has hurt communities of color to this day. Communities do not simply recover from centuries of oppression and abuse without outside help.

For those of you who snarkily say "oh, all the slaves are dead now," need to remember that those slaves had children, grandchildren, etc. who live today. The effects of growing up being treated like a piece of furniture, being banned from receiving an education or finding a job, is nothing that can be wiped away with a wave of the hand. There needs to be a full apology from the white community in this country for the evils of Slavery and Jim Crow laws, and reparations to help the African American community recover from 400 years of subjugation and pain.

All kids that age thought the same thing until they grew up , Got a job and paid taxes
People actually do NOT get more conservative as they age.

They get more PROGRESSIVE


Busting Myth, People Turn More Liberal With Age

Lmao off kid your 24 I am 51 again I thought the same thing when I was your age till I grew the fuck up, paid taxes, got married and started a family you moron child

You really don't have a job do you?

Ya do know knowledge and wisdom are not the same, learn the difference


It's obvious he's one of those petulant millennials living in his mom's basement. He's got $120,000 in student loans to pay off so he wants to destroy all of society to get out of it.
Poll: Millennials more open to idea of slavery reparations

As older white men die out, and this country becomes more diverse, more forward thinking, and less white-dominated, there eventually will be reparations for slavery and Jim Crow laws. And rightfully so. The harmful legacy of 200 years of slavery and 100 years of Jim Crow has hurt communities of color to this day. Communities do not simply recover from centuries of oppression and abuse without outside help.

For those of you who snarkily say "oh, all the slaves are dead now," need to remember that those slaves had children, grandchildren, etc. who live today. The effects of growing up being treated like a piece of furniture, being banned from receiving an education or finding a job, is nothing that can be wiped away with a wave of the hand. There needs to be a full apology from the white community in this country for the evils of Slavery and Jim Crow laws, and reparations to help the African American community recover from 400 years of subjugation and pain.

All kids that age thought the same thing until they grew up , Got a job and paid taxes
People actually do NOT get more conservative as they age.

They get more PROGRESSIVE


Busting Myth, People Turn More Liberal With Age

Lmao off kid your 24 I am 51 again I thought the same thing when I was your age till I grew the fuck up, paid taxes, got married and started a family you moron child

You really don't have a job do you?

Ya do know knowledge and wisdom are not the same, learn the difference


It's obvious he's one of those petulant millennials living in his mom's basement. He's got $120,000 in student loans to pay off so he wants to destroy all of society to get out of it.

pay off... for his gender studies social justice degree. He thought that by agreeing with women as hard as possible, being a complete wimp, he would actually get some action. Unfortunately, he got scammed by the liberal professors.
Poll: Millennials more open to idea of slavery reparations

As older white men die out, and this country becomes more diverse, more forward thinking, and less white-dominated, there eventually will be reparations for slavery and Jim Crow laws. And rightfully so. The harmful legacy of 200 years of slavery and 100 years of Jim Crow has hurt communities of color to this day. Communities do not simply recover from centuries of oppression and abuse without outside help.

For those of you who snarkily say "oh, all the slaves are dead now," need to remember that those slaves had children, grandchildren, etc. who live today. The effects of growing up being treated like a piece of furniture, being banned from receiving an education or finding a job, is nothing that can be wiped away with a wave of the hand. There needs to be a full apology from the white community in this country for the evils of Slavery and Jim Crow laws, and reparations to help the African American community recover from 400 years of subjugation and pain.

This is easy......sue the democrat party for their history of slavery, jim crow, lynching and murder of blacks...that way the people who did the crimes are punished for the crimes...then sue Britain, Spain and the continent of Africa for their collusion with the slave trade......

Anyone who is a registered Republican gets a pass from any payments to blacks...since their anscestors died freeing the blacks....
You know that the GOP and the Democrats switched memberships in the 1960's, over the issue of civil rights, yes?

Southern strategy - Wikipedia


Reparations for all Slave families or only for Blacks!?!
Poll: Millennials more open to idea of slavery reparations

As older white men die out, and this country becomes more diverse, more forward thinking, and less white-dominated, there eventually will be reparations for slavery and Jim Crow laws. And rightfully so. The harmful legacy of 200 years of slavery and 100 years of Jim Crow has hurt communities of color to this day. Communities do not simply recover from centuries of oppression and abuse without outside help.

For those of you who snarkily say "oh, all the slaves are dead now," need to remember that those slaves had children, grandchildren, etc. who live today. The effects of growing up being treated like a piece of furniture, being banned from receiving an education or finding a job, is nothing that can be wiped away with a wave of the hand. There needs to be a full apology from the white community in this country for the evils of Slavery and Jim Crow laws, and reparations to help the African American community recover from 400 years of subjugation and pain.

This is easy......sue the democrat party for their history of slavery, jim crow, lynching and murder of blacks...that way the people who did the crimes are punished for the crimes...then sue Britain, Spain and the continent of Africa for their collusion with the slave trade......

Anyone who is a registered Republican gets a pass from any payments to blacks...since their anscestors died freeing the blacks....
You know that the GOP and the Democrats switched memberships in the 1960's, over the issue of civil rights, yes?

Southern strategy - Wikipedia

No...that is wrong...that is the great lie told by democrats to keep blacks voting for the party of slavery and jim crow....

the democrats changed tactics...they never gave up their racism...every core group of the democrat party is openly and proudly racist...

la raza,
black lies matter
congressional black caucus...

and the leaders are racist as well...

bill clinton,
barak obama...

racism and violence are the heart and soul of the democrat party.....
For the last fucking time, people of color cannot be racist. Just like dogs can't fly, or rocks can't talk. It's just a fact.

And you're either daft or just like lying!

Every race has it share of racists!
Poll: Millennials more open to idea of slavery reparations

As older white men die out, and this country becomes more diverse, more forward thinking, and less white-dominated, there eventually will be reparations for slavery and Jim Crow laws. And rightfully so. The harmful legacy of 200 years of slavery and 100 years of Jim Crow has hurt communities of color to this day. Communities do not simply recover from centuries of oppression and abuse without outside help.

For those of you who snarkily say "oh, all the slaves are dead now," need to remember that those slaves had children, grandchildren, etc. who live today. The effects of growing up being treated like a piece of furniture, being banned from receiving an education or finding a job, is nothing that can be wiped away with a wave of the hand. There needs to be a full apology from the white community in this country for the evils of Slavery and Jim Crow laws, and reparations to help the African American community recover from 400 years of subjugation and pain.

620,000 people gave their lives. Thats more than enough apology. And no reparations either.

again.....sue the democrat party and dissolve their assets...the members of the democrat party actually owned the slaves, the party went to war to keep the slaves and they enacted jim crow laws to keep the freed slaves from being citizens......
Poll: Millennials more open to idea of slavery reparations

As older white men die out, and this country becomes more diverse, more forward thinking, and less white-dominated, there eventually will be reparations for slavery and Jim Crow laws. And rightfully so. The harmful legacy of 200 years of slavery and 100 years of Jim Crow has hurt communities of color to this day. Communities do not simply recover from centuries of oppression and abuse without outside help.

For those of you who snarkily say "oh, all the slaves are dead now," need to remember that those slaves had children, grandchildren, etc. who live today. The effects of growing up being treated like a piece of furniture, being banned from receiving an education or finding a job, is nothing that can be wiped away with a wave of the hand. There needs to be a full apology from the white community in this country for the evils of Slavery and Jim Crow laws, and reparations to help the African American community recover from 400 years of subjugation and pain.

This is easy......sue the democrat party for their history of slavery, jim crow, lynching and murder of blacks...that way the people who did the crimes are punished for the crimes...then sue Britain, Spain and the continent of Africa for their collusion with the slave trade......

Anyone who is a registered Republican gets a pass from any payments to blacks...since their anscestors died freeing the blacks....
You know that the GOP and the Democrats switched memberships in the 1960's, over the issue of civil rights, yes?

Southern strategy - Wikipedia

No...that is wrong...that is the great lie told by democrats to keep blacks voting for the party of slavery and jim crow....

the democrats changed tactics...they never gave up their racism...every core group of the democrat party is openly and proudly racist...

la raza,
black lies matter
congressional black caucus...

and the leaders are racist as well...

bill clinton,
barak obama...

racism and violence are the heart and soul of the democrat party.....
For the last fucking time, people of color cannot be racist. Just like dogs can't fly, or rocks can't talk. It's just a fact.

And, for the second time today, there you have it, the stupidest fucking thing I have heard all day.
what about all of my italian decendants that were slaves around the times of Jesus! I want to sue those slave owners!!!
A sampling of 1,200+ people indicate that Millennials are increasingly in favor of Slavery Reparations?

That's OK.

The Boomers and X'ers will be in control long enough so that the Millennials will have time to grow up before they gain power.

And, in growing up, and coming to the realization that Reparations will have to come out of their own pockets, that opinion, too, will change, by the time they're older.
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Poll: Millennials more open to idea of slavery reparations

As older white men die out, and this country becomes more diverse, more forward thinking, and less white-dominated, there eventually will be reparations for slavery and Jim Crow laws. And rightfully so. The harmful legacy of 200 years of slavery and 100 years of Jim Crow has hurt communities of color to this day. Communities do not simply recover from centuries of oppression and abuse without outside help.

For those of you who snarkily say "oh, all the slaves are dead now," need to remember that those slaves had children, grandchildren, etc. who live today. The effects of growing up being treated like a piece of furniture, being banned from receiving an education or finding a job, is nothing that can be wiped away with a wave of the hand. There needs to be a full apology from the white community in this country for the evils of Slavery and Jim Crow laws, and reparations to help the African American community recover from 400 years of subjugation and pain.

This is easy......sue the democrat party for their history of slavery, jim crow, lynching and murder of blacks...that way the people who did the crimes are punished for the crimes...then sue Britain, Spain and the continent of Africa for their collusion with the slave trade......

Anyone who is a registered Republican gets a pass from any payments to blacks...since their anscestors died freeing the blacks....
You know that the GOP and the Democrats switched memberships in the 1960's, over the issue of civil rights, yes?

Southern strategy - Wikipedia

No...that is wrong...that is the great lie told by democrats to keep blacks voting for the party of slavery and jim crow....

the democrats changed tactics...they never gave up their racism...every core group of the democrat party is openly and proudly racist...

la raza,
black lies matter
congressional black caucus...

and the leaders are racist as well...

bill clinton,
barak obama...

racism and violence are the heart and soul of the democrat party.....
For the last fucking time, people of color cannot be racist. Just like dogs can't fly, or rocks can't talk. It's just a fact.

And, for the second time today, there you have it, the stupidest fucking thing I have heard all day.


Stupid yes, but the day is still young and many of the regulars ( including myself ) to surpass the stupidity of the OP'er...

Idealists like the OP'er would seem cute if they were not riddle with so much ignorance!
Poll: Millennials more open to idea of slavery reparations

As older white men die out, and this country becomes more diverse, more forward thinking, and less white-dominated, there eventually will be reparations for slavery and Jim Crow laws. And rightfully so. The harmful legacy of 200 years of slavery and 100 years of Jim Crow has hurt communities of color to this day. Communities do not simply recover from centuries of oppression and abuse without outside help.

For those of you who snarkily say "oh, all the slaves are dead now," need to remember that those slaves had children, grandchildren, etc. who live today. The effects of growing up being treated like a piece of furniture, being banned from receiving an education or finding a job, is nothing that can be wiped away with a wave of the hand. There needs to be a full apology from the white community in this country for the evils of Slavery and Jim Crow laws, and reparations to help the African American community recover from 400 years of subjugation and pain.

Yes...we agree..the democrat party has a lot to answer for....and they should be held to account for the evil they have perpetrated against blacks.......and are still perpetrating against blacks...but...blacks are voting for these evil people at about the 95% rate.......when do you ask them to stop supporting their oppressors?
Most of the cities of the Northern US States were built on the backs of the Irish and Germans and Italians and Swedes and Dutch and Poles and the like.

Many of whom were Indentured Servants (pseudo-slaves) or who were forced to work for near-slave wages once they were here.

That multi-generational discrimination harmed my family's prospects and well-being for generations afterwards.

We can give Reparations to those beige-colored descendants of REAL Africans when my ethnic bloc(s) get Reparations for their own terrible victimization.
Poll: Millennials more open to idea of slavery reparations

As older white men die out, and this country becomes more diverse, more forward thinking, and less white-dominated, there eventually will be reparations for slavery and Jim Crow laws. And rightfully so. The harmful legacy of 200 years of slavery and 100 years of Jim Crow has hurt communities of color to this day. Communities do not simply recover from centuries of oppression and abuse without outside help.

For those of you who snarkily say "oh, all the slaves are dead now," need to remember that those slaves had children, grandchildren, etc. who live today. The effects of growing up being treated like a piece of furniture, being banned from receiving an education or finding a job, is nothing that can be wiped away with a wave of the hand. There needs to be a full apology from the white community in this country for the evils of Slavery and Jim Crow laws, and reparations to help the African American community recover from 400 years of subjugation and pain.

Sorry but making people pay for something that ended over 150 years ago is not forward thinking its as backwards as you can get. My family didn't own slaves so does that mean I'm exempt. Do you also suggest that Arabic states contribute to these reparations they where a major supplier for the trade you should also include the African tribes that sold the enemies they capture, and how can we forget the English and French and so on back to the beginning of the human race.

Either everyone owes some other group reparations or we just move forward acknowledging that terrible things have happened in the past and find a way not to repeat them .
Poll: Millennials more open to idea of slavery reparations

As older white men die out, and this country becomes more diverse, more forward thinking, and less white-dominated, there eventually will be reparations for slavery and Jim Crow laws. And rightfully so. The harmful legacy of 200 years of slavery and 100 years of Jim Crow has hurt communities of color to this day. Communities do not simply recover from centuries of oppression and abuse without outside help.

For those of you who snarkily say "oh, all the slaves are dead now," need to remember that those slaves had children, grandchildren, etc. who live today. The effects of growing up being treated like a piece of furniture, being banned from receiving an education or finding a job, is nothing that can be wiped away with a wave of the hand. There needs to be a full apology from the white community in this country for the evils of Slavery and Jim Crow laws, and reparations to help the African American community recover from 400 years of subjugation and pain.

Sorry but making people pay for something that ended over 150 years ago is not forward thinking its as backwards as you can get. My family didn't own slaves so does that mean I'm exempt. Do you also suggest that Arabic states contribute to these reparations they where a major supplier for the trade you should also include the African tribes that sold their enemies they capture, and how can we forget the English and French and so on back to the beginning of the human race.

Either everyone owes some other group reparations or we just move forward acknowledging that terrible things have happened in the past and find a way not to repeat them .

You obviously don't understand how left wing guilt/punishment works........

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