Poor Broke Hillary


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
Prague, Czech Republic
She struggled "...to piece together resources, for houses..." From her book. Poor girl, lived in public housing with pretty everything covered for 8 years. I used a left-wing rag intentionally.

"We came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt," Clinton told ABC News at the start of a tour to promote her memoir, Hard Choices, which is released on Tuesday. "We had no money when we got there and we struggled to piece together the resources for mortgages, for houses, for Chelsea's education. You know, it was not easy."

Hillary Clinton memoir: we 'were broke' after presidency | World news | The Guardian
It's amazing you can have a salary of over $400,000 a year for 8 years, have everything in your life taken care of by the tax payers, and still somehow be broke.

So much about those evil rich making over $100,000 a year eh?
What total pieces of shit these two are. Good Lord...

Yeah Hillary, you were in debt because your husband couldn't keep it in his pants and was constantly being sued.
It's amazing you can have a salary of over $400,000 a year for 8 years, have everything in your life taken care of by the tax payers, and still somehow be broke.

So much about those evil rich making over $100,000 a year eh?

well, they did have personal legal expenses for Lewinsky and Whitewater. They also had Chelsea's education....and they had to carry the mortgages for the two houses...one in DC and the other in New York.

But then again....she had an 8 million dollar book deal waiting for her when she left the white house.

She is trying to take the position..."we get it. We were poor once too."

It wont work.
It's amazing you can have a salary of over $400,000 a year for 8 years, have everything in your life taken care of by the tax payers, and still somehow be broke.

So much about those evil rich making over $100,000 a year eh?

well, they did have personal legal expenses for Lewinsky and Whitewater. They also had Chelsea's education....and they had to carry the mortgages for the two houses...one in DC and the other in New York.

But then again....she had an 8 million dollar book deal waiting for her when she left the white house.

She is trying to take the position..."we get it. We were poor once too."

It wont work.

And couldn't maintain her own husband!
It's amazing you can have a salary of over $400,000 a year for 8 years, have everything in your life taken care of by the tax payers, and still somehow be broke.

So much about those evil rich making over $100,000 a year eh?

well, they did have personal legal expenses for Lewinsky and Whitewater. They also had Chelsea's education....and they had to carry the mortgages for the two houses...one in DC and the other in New York.

But then again....she had an 8 million dollar book deal waiting for her when she left the white house.

She is trying to take the position..."we get it. We were poor once too."

It wont work.
I'm not buying it either.
"Broke" could mean something economic.

"Broke" is also a rather crude way of meaning "brain damaged".

You choose.

Well one thing for sure, we know she is a LIAR...like most politicians. She proved herself a liar decades ago, but like her husband, lying on the Left is expected and revered. She gets a pass by the MSM because she is a hard core leftist/elitist.

Much like BO gets a pass on his numerous liars and distortions...because he is an African American and a hard core leftist/elitist.
Actually common for our politicians because they're expected to live like royalty on next to no money. Indeed, when a R talked about this, the RWs here all lined up to agree. Now that its Hilary, they're all hating on her.

BUT, this is just more reason to vote for her. Country was in hard times and Bill Clinton left office with a surplus. Her husband did it for the country and then they did it for themselves. No reason not to think she would do it again.
Actually common for our politicians because they're expected to live like royalty on next to no money. Indeed, when a R talked about this, the RWs here all lined up to agree. Now that its Hilary, they're all hating on her.

BUT, this is just more reason to vote for her. Country was in hard times and Bill Clinton left office with a surplus. Her husband did it for the country and then they did it for themselves. No reason not to think she would do it again.

Is Hillary's Brain Damage contagious?
Actually common for our politicians because they're expected to live like royalty on next to no money. Indeed, when a R talked about this, the RWs here all lined up to agree. Now that its Hilary, they're all hating on her.

BUT, this is just more reason to vote for her. Country was in hard times and Bill Clinton left office with a surplus. Her husband did it for the country and then they did it for themselves. No reason not to think she would do it again.


and no, she's older than McCain was, therefore, by your standards, she can't be Pres
Hey, go easy on the old harridan.

It's not cheap dodging all those sniper bullets.

Misspoke is Clintonista language for getting caught in a lie.


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If Hillary's short for cash she could organize a fund-raiser and I'm sure the junkyard dog she's married to would volunteer to help out. She could charge better looking babes than her a hundred bucks or so a throw to give big Willie's little Willie a blow job. Maybe even offer a bit of a discount if they wear a blue knit dress?
Total gaffe by a woman who is just round the corner from Alzheimer's. Not an off-the-cuff quip mind you, but written in the manifesto she is pimping.
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I'll bet she had to drop a ton of cash for linguists to teach her to speak with a perfect African-American accent. That level of skill isn't cheap.

While she was at it, she should have paid a little extra to learn how not to be so condescending.

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