Poor Donald, poor poor Donald...the new leader of the Klan


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
I know if this man had a chance, he'd do remix, because for the remainder of his life, his long hard legacy of sucess in the business world is forever shattered......I will never watch anything he promotes, sells or endorce. I hope it becomes a global protest, there's only so many hicks that can support this bitch, the rest of us will not!! Blame protesters all you want, the leader of the Klan deserves this and more...yes, the beast has AWAKEN ON BOTH SIDES, KEEP THAT IN MIND!!
I only WISH we had a real klan leader who knew what trees were for. Men like my great great great great grand uncle would know what to do with these protests.
this place is such a bore anymore. the left has run it into the ground over their stupid obsession with Trump. I'm going to go play a video game. more exciting
I only WISH we had a real klan leader who knew what trees were for. Men like my great great great great grand uncle would know what to do with these protests.
Oh, I do too....cause shoving a tree up his ass....would be YOUTUBE'D AND PRICELESS.
Listen, we're talkin southerners, where ignorance was rampent back in teh day....ever watch to kill a mockin bird, that's the south's dems and still are today.
Your saying your side doesn't do well outside of your urban enclaves...................tsk tsk............Fly over states getting larger over the years...........

When flying over the fly over states have plenty of that evil gas....................we don't even want you crashing here.

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