Pope Francis says all priests can forgive women who've had abortions

I don't need a mindless automaton to care for my soul, I have God to do that for me.

So you don't need a pope, either
It's not a matter of need. Who are you to say how people should express their faith?
You sure read a lot into seven words.
And you ask others how they interpret things?

My point is that we already have an intercessor and His name is Jesus.
We don't need anyone else

Amen! Jesus Christ is our intercessor! To God be the Glory!
Intercessor? Sounds like the Son of God was just downgraded.
What part of " no man enters the kingdom of heaven except through me " needs interpreting for me?
So you don't need a pope, either
It's not a matter of need. Who are you to say how people should express their faith?
You sure read a lot into seven words.
And you ask others how they interpret things?

My point is that we already have an intercessor and His name is Jesus.
We don't need anyone else

Amen! Jesus Christ is our intercessor! To God be the Glory!
Intercessor? Sounds like the Son of God was just downgraded.
What part of " no man enters the kingdom of heaven except through me " needs interpreting for me?
Oh I see, so now the Son of God is just a tour guide.
I'm telling you the truth. I know it is offensive to hear this but if I didn't care for your soul I'd leave you to believe these lies that your Pope has told you. Listen to me, Liminal. Even atheists know that what he is telling you and your fellow Catholics is a lie! Even atheists know it is a lie. Think about that! How much more so should you? Yet you do not because you have been deceived! You are going to have to think for yourself and be willing to let God reveal the truth to you in His Word. You have to have a willing heart, Liminal. God loves you! He loves you very much! You're not here by accident. The Lord wants you to know the truth. He wants you to walk in His truth! The Word of God - the King James Bible is the truth! You can believe the Word of God!
I don't need a mindless automaton to care for my soul, I have God to do that for me.

So you don't need a pope, either
It's not a matter of need. Who are you to say how people should express their faith?
You sure read a lot into seven words.
And you ask others how they interpret things?

My point is that we already have an intercessor and His name is Jesus.
We don't need anyone else

Amen! Jesus Christ is our intercessor! To God be the Glory!
The reason you need to wear God on your sleeve is because you don't know him in your heart nor have his love in your soul. You are spiritually retarded.
It's not a matter of need. Who are you to say how people should express their faith?
You sure read a lot into seven words.
And you ask others how they interpret things?

My point is that we already have an intercessor and His name is Jesus.
We don't need anyone else

Amen! Jesus Christ is our intercessor! To God be the Glory!
Intercessor? Sounds like the Son of God was just downgraded.
What part of " no man enters the kingdom of heaven except through me " needs interpreting for me?
Oh I see, so now the Son of God is just a tour guide.
Incorrigible, I tell ya.
Pope: All priests can forgive those who've had abortions - CNN.com
If the Church can forgive abortion why don`t Republicans do it? Why should these poor women suffer from mad politicians who won`t ever face such situations full of stress and doubts? Why they can`t leave women care their business?
The Pope also said that atheists can also go to heaven, because how you live your life is more important than what you say you believe.

This is completely counter to the bible. I cannot believe that the Pope of all people would make such a statement and I am an atheist...

He did say it. I have been telling you all on this board for some time now - Pope Francis is a servant of Satan. He is a false teacher and a dangerous person. All Christians everywhere need to be praying for the Roman Catholic people that God will open their eyes. It is a very serious situation. Liminal is a Catholic. You don't think he knows what his own Pope is telling him? Of course he does.
The Roman Catholic Church decided what was to be in the Bible that you read.

Wrong. They have done that with their own bible and with the newer translations but the King James Version bible is intact. See Alberto Rivera's testimony - the ex-Jesuit who said that they have been working for a very long time to destroy the King James Version bible as they know it is the true Word of God. They do not want it in the hands of the people because the true Word of God exposes lies, deception, it reveals the truth, it is the Sword of the Spirit and has the power to crush the enemy. The true Word of God has the power to convert the soul.

in other words it says what the voices in your head think it should. :cuckoo:
The Pope also said that atheists can also go to heaven, because how you live your life is more important than what you say you believe.

Yet the Bible does not teach that. What the Pope has told you is a lie.

The Bible says that Jesus said, ye must be born again. (see John Chapter 3 and Romans 10:9,10) The Bible teaches us to repent of our sins and be baptized to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and we shall be saved. (see Romans Chapter 10) The Bible does not teach us that all paths lead to heaven, the Bible does not teach us that believing in false gods will get us to heaven. Jesus said the path was narrow and few would find it. (See John Chapter 15) Jesus said if we love Him we will keep his commandments.

Jesus is the One we are to believe and follow. We are not to listen to the voice of a stranger. We are not to follow false teachers. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life and no man can come to the father except through the Son.

We do not come to God through a Roman Catholic church. We do not come to God through Mary or through praying to dead people. We do not come to God through good works. We do not come to God through buying our way into heaven and out of purgatory (there is no such thing as purgatory) We can only come to God one way! One way!

Through Jesus Christ.

Salvation is a free gift - it cannot be earned - lest any one would boast. It is a free gift. See Romans 10:9,10.

wacko... *your* bible says nothing of gays.

Stay on topic, Jillian. This discussion is about Catholicism and its false teachings such as the Pope saying all priests can forgive women who have had abortions.

i am on topic. your inability to exhibit linear thought is your problem.

Your comment was a personal attack and a comment about gays, Jillian. That is not an on topic comment.

no. it isn't. again, you seem to have trouble following normal conversational english.
You sure read a lot into seven words.
And you ask others how they interpret things?

My point is that we already have an intercessor and His name is Jesus.
We don't need anyone else

Amen! Jesus Christ is our intercessor! To God be the Glory!
Intercessor? Sounds like the Son of God was just downgraded.
What part of " no man enters the kingdom of heaven except through me " needs interpreting for me?
Oh I see, so now the Son of God is just a tour guide.
Incorrigible, I tell ya.
Catholic doctrine is much closer to the teachings of Jesus than any pop culture fundamentalist bastardization.
You abortion lovers can't ever be honest. Republicans don't give a shit if you abort all you freaking offspring/children. We just object to have to PAY for you to kill your own children through the baby killing industry like Planned Parenthood. I hope the pope said also that you will go to hell for Lying

There was a recent news report that the Pope has now announced that hell isn't a literal place.

Of course we know that hell is a literal place but this is yet another example of his false teachings which are not found in the Holy Bible, Stephanie. He is not the first Pope reported to deny a literal hell. See this report -

Pope John Paul II Rejects Reality of a Literal Hell
Do any of you fundamentalist scholars of religion have any idea how many times papal infallibility has been invoked over the past couple thousand years? Any clue at all?
Answer: Exactly twice.
"But I say to you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for he makes the sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust."
Jesus Christ

I do pray for my enemies and for those who persecute me. Including you. I am praying for you today because I want you to be saved. I do not want to see you perish in hell! If you would start reading the New Testament and asking the LORD to reveal the truth to you - he would do it. Start in the Book of John.
I'm not only familiar with Catholic doctrine, I know all about yours too, chapter and verse. You aren't a very good Christian, you think your thin distinctions of interpretations matter more than faith in God, you promote strife and prejudice only to satisfy your petty bigotry and excuse your own ignorance. Maybe if the stick wasn't jammed so far up there you'd have a chance of extracting it some day.
You abortion lovers can't ever be honest. Republicans don't give a shit if you abort all you freaking offspring/children. We just object to have to PAY for you to kill your own children through the baby killing industry like Planned Parenthood. I hope the pope said also that you will go to hell for Lying

There was a recent news report that the Pope has now announced that hell isn't a literal place.

Of course we know that hell is a literal place but this is yet another example of his false teachings which are not found in the Holy Bible, Stephanie.
The Pope was right again.
Tell us where Hell is located.
Ever been to Stockton?
It's not the priest they need to worry about. They need to ask God to forgive them.

Exactly and here is another thought to consider. There but for the grace of God go I - go any of us. There are many people in Catholicism who cannot see the truth because they were raised in Catholicism and the tradition has been handed down from generation to generation. We need to be praying for Catholic people that the LORD would give them the desire and the strength to search out the truth for themselves in the Holy Bible and to follow Jesus and come to Him for forgiveness. I was raised in Catholicism before I was saved but I don't believe it had the hold on me that I have seen it have on others including members of my own family / extended family.

So while we despise the false doctrine of Catholicism we love the people trapped in it and pray for their deliverance. With God all things are possible.

So very true. It's easy to see how people can be so mislead and deceived by the false doctrine of cults. As you say, particularly when that's all an individual knows due to the culture within a family. While we diligently pray for loved ones to be delivered and gain enlightenment, often times it takes someone unknown to bring the necessary information. Family is interestingly too close to the subject and not received as intended.
you don't need a priest to forgive you your sins because Jesus already did it and besides he is our only mediator between us and the father period.
you don't need a priest to forgive you your sins because Jesus already did it and besides he is our only mediator between us and the father period.
Liar. There's lot's of people between you and Jesus, or you just don't go to church of any kind.
you don't need a priest to forgive you your sins because Jesus already did it and besides he is our only mediator between us and the father period.
Liar. There's lot's of people between you and Jesus, or you just don't go to church of any kind.

It is written:

Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.
Romans 8:24

and it is written:

For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
1 Timothy 2:5

and it is written:

My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:
1 John 2:1
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you don't need a priest to forgive you your sins because Jesus already did it and besides he is our only mediator between us and the father period.
Liar. There's lot's of people between you and Jesus, or you just don't go to church of any kind.

It is written:

Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.
Romans 8:24

and it is written:

For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
1 Timothy 2:5

and it is written:

My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:
1 John 2:1

And how did your fundamentalist preacher interpret the meaning for you?
It's not the priest they need to worry about. They need to ask God to forgive them.

Exactly and here is another thought to consider. There but for the grace of God go I - go any of us. There are many people in Catholicism who cannot see the truth because they were raised in Catholicism and the tradition has been handed down from generation to generation. We need to be praying for Catholic people that the LORD would give them the desire and the strength to search out the truth for themselves in the Holy Bible and to follow Jesus and come to Him for forgiveness. I was raised in Catholicism before I was saved but I don't believe it had the hold on me that I have seen it have on others including members of my own family / extended family.

So while we despise the false doctrine of Catholicism we love the people trapped in it and pray for their deliverance. With God all things are possible.

So very true. It's easy to see how people can be so mislead and deceived by the false doctrine of cults. As you say, particularly when that's all an individual knows due to the culture within a family. While we diligently pray for loved ones to be delivered and gain enlightenment, often times it takes someone unknown to bring the necessary information. Family is interestingly too close to the subject and not received as intended.
People like you aren't righteous with God, you're only self righteous. I don't even consider you to be a Christian.....at best a very poor one.
It's not the priest they need to worry about. They need to ask God to forgive them.

Exactly and here is another thought to consider. There but for the grace of God go I - go any of us. There are many people in Catholicism who cannot see the truth because they were raised in Catholicism and the tradition has been handed down from generation to generation. We need to be praying for Catholic people that the LORD would give them the desire and the strength to search out the truth for themselves in the Holy Bible and to follow Jesus and come to Him for forgiveness. I was raised in Catholicism before I was saved but I don't believe it had the hold on me that I have seen it have on others including members of my own family / extended family.

So while we despise the false doctrine of Catholicism we love the people trapped in it and pray for their deliverance. With God all things are possible.

So very true. It's easy to see how people can be so mislead and deceived by the false doctrine of cults. As you say, particularly when that's all an individual knows due to the culture within a family. While we diligently pray for loved ones to be delivered and gain enlightenment, often times it takes someone unknown to bring the necessary information. Family is interestingly too close to the subject and not received as intended.
People like you aren't righteous with God, you're only self righteous. I don't even consider you to be a Christian.....at best a very poor one.
Think what you want.
It's not the priest they need to worry about. They need to ask God to forgive them.

Exactly and here is another thought to consider. There but for the grace of God go I - go any of us. There are many people in Catholicism who cannot see the truth because they were raised in Catholicism and the tradition has been handed down from generation to generation. We need to be praying for Catholic people that the LORD would give them the desire and the strength to search out the truth for themselves in the Holy Bible and to follow Jesus and come to Him for forgiveness. I was raised in Catholicism before I was saved but I don't believe it had the hold on me that I have seen it have on others including members of my own family / extended family.

So while we despise the false doctrine of Catholicism we love the people trapped in it and pray for their deliverance. With God all things are possible.

So very true. It's easy to see how people can be so mislead and deceived by the false doctrine of cults. As you say, particularly when that's all an individual knows due to the culture within a family. While we diligently pray for loved ones to be delivered and gain enlightenment, often times it takes someone unknown to bring the necessary information. Family is interestingly too close to the subject and not received as intended.
People like you aren't righteous with God, you're only self righteous. I don't even consider you to be a Christian.....at best a very poor one.
Think what you want.
Oh really, can I? Golly gosh gee whiz, thanks! I don't know what I'd do without your gracious permission.

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