Pope Francis says all priests can forgive women who've had abortions

You abortion lovers can't ever be honest. Republicans don't give a shit if you abort all you freaking offspring/children. We just object to have to PAY for you to kill your own children through the baby killing industry like Planned Parenthood. I hope the pope said also that you will go to hell for Lying

There was a recent news report that the Pope has now announced that hell isn't a literal place.

Of course we know that hell is a literal place but this is yet another example of his false teachings which are not found in the Holy Bible, Stephanie. He is not the first Pope reported to deny a literal hell. See this report -

Pope John Paul II Rejects Reality of a Literal Hell
Based on your statement I can only conclude that it is you who is the real servant of Satan here.

I'm telling you the truth. I know it is offensive to hear this but if I didn't care for your soul I'd leave you to believe these lies that your Pope has told you. Listen to me, Liminal. Even atheists know that what he is telling you and your fellow Catholics is a lie! Even atheists know it is a lie. Think about that! How much more so should you? Yet you do not because you have been deceived! You are going to have to think for yourself and be willing to let God reveal the truth to you in His Word. You have to have a willing heart, Liminal. God loves you! He loves you very much! You're not here by accident. The Lord wants you to know the truth. He wants you to walk in His truth! The Word of God - the King James Bible is the truth! You can believe the Word of God!
I don't need a mindless automaton to care for my soul, I have God to do that for me.
Then start reading the King James Bible and find out the truth. How can God care for your soul when you refuse to listen to Him and find out what He said in His Word? You need to read the King James Bible and learn the truth!
I am far more familiar with the New Testament than you could ever hope to be.

Then you clearly see that the New Testament does not agree with what your Pope claims is the way to heaven. Because the New Testament does not teach that atheists will go to heaven for their good works!

Do have any idea how many souls will end up in hell because of this garbage he is teaching the people? OPEN YOUR EYES.
Your half ass literal interpretations are a product of the last 140 years of counter reaction to science, reason, a changing world, and some good old American anti Catholic prejudice. You may have some questions to answer when you meet Saint Peter.
You abortion lovers can't ever be honest. Republicans don't give a shit if you abort all you freaking offspring/children. We just object to have to PAY for you to kill your own children through the baby killing industry like Planned Parenthood. I hope the pope said also that you will go to hell for Lying

There was a recent news report that the Pope has now announced that hell isn't a literal place.

Of course we know that hell is a literal place but this is yet another example of his false teachings which are not found in the Holy Bible, Stephanie.
The Pope was right again.
Tell us where Hell is located.
"But I say to you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for he makes the sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust."
Jesus Christ

I do pray for my enemies and for those who persecute me. Including you. I am praying for you today because I want you to be saved. I do not want to see you perish in hell! If you would start reading the New Testament and asking the LORD to reveal the truth to you - he would do it. Start in the Book of John.
You abortion lovers can't ever be honest. Republicans don't give a shit if you abort all you freaking offspring/children. We just object to have to PAY for you to kill your own children through the baby killing industry like Planned Parenthood. I hope the pope said also that you will go to hell for Lying

The Hyde amendment has always said public funds couldn't be used for an abortion, you ding a ling dingbat
You abortion lovers can't ever be honest. Republicans don't give a shit if you abort all you freaking offspring/children. We just object to have to PAY for you to kill your own children through the baby killing industry like Planned Parenthood. I hope the pope said also that you will go to hell for Lying

There was a recent news report that the Pope has now announced that hell isn't a literal place.

Of course we know that hell is a literal place but this is yet another example of his false teachings which are not found in the Holy Bible, Stephanie.
The Pope was right again.
Tell us where Hell is located.

Under your feet. It's below us deep within the earth. There are many Scriptures on hell - hundreds. Read the King James Bible and study it.
"But I say to you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for he makes the sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust."
Jesus Christ

I do pray for my enemies and for those who persecute me. Including you. I am praying for you today because I want you to be saved. I do not want to see you perish in hell! If you would start reading the New Testament and asking the LORD to reveal the truth to you - he would do it. Start in the Book of John.
No you're wrong again; you are the persecutor, it is you who judges here, not God.
Not so much that people are leaving the church as that the church is leaving the people. "Vocations" are way down but that's OK as congregations are being "consolidated" (read "shut down") due to falling attendance but, more importantly, falling contributions.
You abortion lovers can't ever be honest. Republicans don't give a shit if you abort all you freaking offspring/children. We just object to have to PAY for you to kill your own children through the baby killing industry like Planned Parenthood. I hope the pope said also that you will go to hell for Lying

There was a recent news report that the Pope has now announced that hell isn't a literal place.

Of course we know that hell is a literal place but this is yet another example of his false teachings which are not found in the Holy Bible, Stephanie.
The Pope was right again.
Tell us where Hell is located.

Under your feet. It's below us deep within the earth. There are many Scriptures on hell - hundreds. Read the King James Bible and study it.
Earth isn't big enough to hold all those who've supposedly gone to Hell.
I'm telling you the truth. I know it is offensive to hear this but if I didn't care for your soul I'd leave you to believe these lies that your Pope has told you. Listen to me, Liminal. Even atheists know that what he is telling you and your fellow Catholics is a lie! Even atheists know it is a lie. Think about that! How much more so should you? Yet you do not because you have been deceived! You are going to have to think for yourself and be willing to let God reveal the truth to you in His Word. You have to have a willing heart, Liminal. God loves you! He loves you very much! You're not here by accident. The Lord wants you to know the truth. He wants you to walk in His truth! The Word of God - the King James Bible is the truth! You can believe the Word of God!
I don't need a mindless automaton to care for my soul, I have God to do that for me.
Then start reading the King James Bible and find out the truth. How can God care for your soul when you refuse to listen to Him and find out what He said in His Word? You need to read the King James Bible and learn the truth!
I am far more familiar with the New Testament than you could ever hope to be.

Then you clearly see that the New Testament does not agree with what your Pope claims is the way to heaven. Because the New Testament does not teach that atheists will go to heaven for their good works!

Do have any idea how many souls will end up in hell because of this garbage he is teaching the people? OPEN YOUR EYES.
Your half ass literal interpretations are a product of the last 140 years of counter reaction to science, reason, a changing world, and some good old American anti Catholic prejudice. You may have some questions to answer when you meet Saint Peter.

More information for you. Peter is not the one we shall answer to in heaven. It is Jesus Christ we shall answer to. Jesus Christ is God. Not Peter.

On earth? The Roman Pope is not the one you answer to. The Roman Catholic Church is not the one you answer to. It is Jesus Christ you answer to.
You abortion lovers can't ever be honest. Republicans don't give a shit if you abort all you freaking offspring/children. We just object to have to PAY for you to kill your own children through the baby killing industry like Planned Parenthood. I hope the pope said also that you will go to hell for Lying

There was a recent news report that the Pope has now announced that hell isn't a literal place.

Of course we know that hell is a literal place but this is yet another example of his false teachings which are not found in the Holy Bible, Stephanie.
The Pope was right again.
Tell us where Hell is located.

Under your feet. It's below us deep within the earth. There are many Scriptures on hell - hundreds. Read the King James Bible and study it.
Earth isn't big enough to hold all those who've supposedly gone to Hell.

Yes it is.
Look up Isaiah 5:14
You abortion lovers can't ever be honest. Republicans don't give a shit if you abort all you freaking offspring/children. We just object to have to PAY for you to kill your own children through the baby killing industry like Planned Parenthood. I hope the pope said also that you will go to hell for Lying

There was a recent news report that the Pope has now announced that hell isn't a literal place.

Of course we know that hell is a literal place but this is yet another example of his false teachings which are not found in the Holy Bible, Stephanie.
The Pope was right again.
Tell us where Hell is located.

Under your feet. It's below us deep within the earth. There are many Scriptures on hell - hundreds. Read the King James Bible and study it.
Under your feet. It's below us deep within the earth.

Liar! the mole people live down their making cheese!
You abortion lovers can't ever be honest. Republicans don't give a shit if you abort all you freaking offspring/children. We just object to have to PAY for you to kill your own children through the baby killing industry like Planned Parenthood. I hope the pope said also that you will go to hell for Lying

There was a recent news report that the Pope has now announced that hell isn't a literal place.

Of course we know that hell is a literal place but this is yet another example of his false teachings which are not found in the Holy Bible, Stephanie.
The Pope was right again.
Tell us where Hell is located.

Under your feet. It's below us deep within the earth. There are many Scriptures on hell - hundreds. Read the King James Bible and study it.
Earth isn't big enough to hold all those who've supposedly gone to Hell.

Yes it is.
I don't need a mindless automaton to care for my soul, I have God to do that for me.
Then start reading the King James Bible and find out the truth. How can God care for your soul when you refuse to listen to Him and find out what He said in His Word? You need to read the King James Bible and learn the truth!
I am far more familiar with the New Testament than you could ever hope to be.

Then you clearly see that the New Testament does not agree with what your Pope claims is the way to heaven. Because the New Testament does not teach that atheists will go to heaven for their good works!

Do have any idea how many souls will end up in hell because of this garbage he is teaching the people? OPEN YOUR EYES.
Your half ass literal interpretations are a product of the last 140 years of counter reaction to science, reason, a changing world, and some good old American anti Catholic prejudice. You may have some questions to answer when you meet Saint Peter.

More information for you. Peter is not the one we shall answer to in heaven. It is Jesus Christ we shall answer to. Jesus Christ is God. Not Peter.

On earth? The Roman Pope is not the one you answer to. The Roman Catholic Church is not the one you answer to. It is Jesus Christ you answer to.
I don't think God or Saint Peter are going to like your attitude one bit buddy. You better pray extra hard, it's looks to me like your immortal soul is in serious peril.
He did say it. I have been telling you all on this board for some time now - Pope Francis is a servant of Satan. He is a false teacher and a dangerous person. All Christians everywhere need to be praying for the Roman Catholic people that God will open their eyes. It is a very serious situation. Liminal is a Catholic. You don't think he knows what his own Pope is telling him? Of course he does.
Based on your statement I can only conclude that it is you who is the real servant of Satan here.

I'm telling you the truth. I know it is offensive to hear this but if I didn't care for your soul I'd leave you to believe these lies that your Pope has told you. Listen to me, Liminal. Even atheists know that what he is telling you and your fellow Catholics is a lie! Even atheists know it is a lie. Think about that! How much more so should you? Yet you do not because you have been deceived! You are going to have to think for yourself and be willing to let God reveal the truth to you in His Word. You have to have a willing heart, Liminal. God loves you! He loves you very much! You're not here by accident. The Lord wants you to know the truth. He wants you to walk in His truth! The Word of God - the King James Bible is the truth! You can believe the Word of God!
I don't need a mindless automaton to care for my soul, I have God to do that for me.

So you don't need a pope, either
It's not a matter of need. Who are you to say how people should express their faith?
You sure read a lot into seven words.
And you ask others how they interpret things?

My point is that we already have an intercessor and His name is Jesus.
We don't need anyone else
Based on your statement I can only conclude that it is you who is the real servant of Satan here.

I'm telling you the truth. I know it is offensive to hear this but if I didn't care for your soul I'd leave you to believe these lies that your Pope has told you. Listen to me, Liminal. Even atheists know that what he is telling you and your fellow Catholics is a lie! Even atheists know it is a lie. Think about that! How much more so should you? Yet you do not because you have been deceived! You are going to have to think for yourself and be willing to let God reveal the truth to you in His Word. You have to have a willing heart, Liminal. God loves you! He loves you very much! You're not here by accident. The Lord wants you to know the truth. He wants you to walk in His truth! The Word of God - the King James Bible is the truth! You can believe the Word of God!
I don't need a mindless automaton to care for my soul, I have God to do that for me.

So you don't need a pope, either
It's not a matter of need. Who are you to say how people should express their faith?
You sure read a lot into seven words.
And you ask others how they interpret things?

My point is that we already have an intercessor and His name is Jesus.
We don't need anyone else

Amen! Jesus Christ is our intercessor! To God be the Glory!
Based on your statement I can only conclude that it is you who is the real servant of Satan here.

I'm telling you the truth. I know it is offensive to hear this but if I didn't care for your soul I'd leave you to believe these lies that your Pope has told you. Listen to me, Liminal. Even atheists know that what he is telling you and your fellow Catholics is a lie! Even atheists know it is a lie. Think about that! How much more so should you? Yet you do not because you have been deceived! You are going to have to think for yourself and be willing to let God reveal the truth to you in His Word. You have to have a willing heart, Liminal. God loves you! He loves you very much! You're not here by accident. The Lord wants you to know the truth. He wants you to walk in His truth! The Word of God - the King James Bible is the truth! You can believe the Word of God!
I don't need a mindless automaton to care for my soul, I have God to do that for me.

So you don't need a pope, either
It's not a matter of need. Who are you to say how people should express their faith?
You sure read a lot into seven words.
And you ask others how they interpret things?

My point is that we already have an intercessor and His name is Jesus.
We don't need anyone else
People who claim to know what God wants are invariably wrong, and that's the kind of people you rely on. You didn't interpret the Bible for yourself, someone else did that for you.
I'm telling you the truth. I know it is offensive to hear this but if I didn't care for your soul I'd leave you to believe these lies that your Pope has told you. Listen to me, Liminal. Even atheists know that what he is telling you and your fellow Catholics is a lie! Even atheists know it is a lie. Think about that! How much more so should you? Yet you do not because you have been deceived! You are going to have to think for yourself and be willing to let God reveal the truth to you in His Word. You have to have a willing heart, Liminal. God loves you! He loves you very much! You're not here by accident. The Lord wants you to know the truth. He wants you to walk in His truth! The Word of God - the King James Bible is the truth! You can believe the Word of God!
I don't need a mindless automaton to care for my soul, I have God to do that for me.

So you don't need a pope, either
It's not a matter of need. Who are you to say how people should express their faith?
You sure read a lot into seven words.
And you ask others how they interpret things?

My point is that we already have an intercessor and His name is Jesus.
We don't need anyone else

Amen! Jesus Christ is our intercessor! To God be the Glory!
Intercessor? Sounds like the Son of God was just downgraded.

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