Prediction Thread: The Upcoming DACA/Immigration Deal

I don't and did not ever expect a wall to built along the entire border with Mexico or that Mexico would pay for it unlike the hyper partisans on both sides I understand that politicans raely if ever follow through on what they promise in a campigan. What I would like to see is an end to chain migration and the lottery migration a wall along the border where it is pratical to build it and increased border security be it more border patrol agents some type of electronic monitoring system or a combination of both. For the dreamers as they are called there should be a system set up to give a pathway to citizenship to those who have clean criminal records or only minor non violent offenses for those who have a long criminal history especially of committing violent crimes they should be deported.How much if any of this could be agreed upon who knows if there is a deal to made you can never underestimate the abality of the hard core partisan assholes on both sides to mess it up.
As long as it isn't a straight amnesty I am ok.

What would be a disaster is giving everyone citizenship, an EBT card, and a voter registration.

If there is a path to citizenship for some (like skilled labor) with some sort of punishment (fine or a ban on voting for 10 years) I am ok.
Also, seems like you're at odds w/arch conservative Ann Coulter.

Ann Coulter torches Trump for immigration meeting

I don't know what Ann Coulter has to do with anything.

We have a problem: we have none citizens running around freely and we don't know who they are. Also there are too many "to round up" and deport.

The solution I put forward isn't a "cure all", but is the best we can do. If we give those worthy (know the language and gainful employment) a path to citizenship with some sort of punishment and deport those who are when we catch them that is the best we can hope for.
For all USMB Trumpettes, just beat the rest, and sign up now and post how great you think the final legislation is.

Doesn't matter if there's no wall, a little wall, a fix, or a wall that's built in 3 years, or even 6 years from now. Doesn't even matter if Amnesty Don gives all the illegals amnesty or not, you're going to love it and justify it.

I predict some promises are about to be broken, and you folks won't give a damn.

So just early vote now and get it over with.

Note: I'll be bumping this thread when the time comes.
we'll get the wall
end to chain migration
end lottery visa
those 3 or no deal.......not hard
Who knows?

The Spineless Jellyfish Imperial Cheeto does more flip-flops than your average Olympic Gymnastics Team.
Let's see how many Republicans and/or Trumpettes are actually honest.

Post the promises 45 has made concerning immigration and/or what you expect from him concerning this matter.

I'm fairly sure that the Trump Cult Membership Rule Book does NOT allow for any dissent (unless there is a mental health intervention, that is.),


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