Pres Carter Says, Yes, Racism is Alive and Well

You just. don't. get it.

I NEVER argued that ANY disagreement with Obama is racist, I am arguing that a lot and, dare I say the MAJORITY of the most vocal arguments have roots in racism.

I'd like you people to present the massive rudeness and disrespect to President Bush. The boos and hisses have been going on for decades before Bush was in office...bawling out and iinterrupting the President mid-speech with "YOU LIE!" is an entirely different ball game.

We're in a media-era. The YouTube era some say...present something even REMOTELY similar to that atrocious and disgusting display of disrespect to the highest authority in this country as the one Mr. Joe Wilson displayed.

I dare you.
Liberals are the real racists, they are the only ones EVER bringing it up on discussion.
Conservatives are the real fascists, they are the only ones EVER bringing it up on discussion.

Are you sure?

[ame=""]white males with short haircuts [/ame]

MSNBC has got it figured out now who the bad guys are. White males with short hair cuts.
I know the right hates Jimmy Peanut, but he's right on this issue. Some Americans don't like the fact a Black man is president.

A lot of the shit being slung at Obama is racist hate and the inability to accept him as the lawful president of the US of A. Why else would they call it the White House?:eusa_whistle:

This country is afraid to honestly discuss race. We have no problem, nothing to see here, keep moving folks.:eusa_liar:

You know one thing that I was very happy about when Obama was elected is that I thought this would end all this talk of racism, it has not, it has only fueled the fire. You as a citizen of the U.S are not allowed to put this president and his agenda under the same scrutiny or criticism that you would a white President.

You know the message that you are sending out to this country when you accuse them of being racists because they don't like his agenda?. Never again vote for a person of color because YOU think they are too stupid to stand on their own merit. When you scream racism for valid criticism of policy it's YOU that are the racists, and think that black people are somehow not up to being President of the U.S. The office of President of the United States is not and AFFIRMATIVE ACTION POSITION.

You and Jimmy Carter are both racists.
This needs to go in totally uncurrent events. Jimmy Carter has been neither current not relevant since 1976. He destroyed the Democratic Party just as Obama is doing, The both are idiots and pussies and both would destroy this nation being the total spineless pussies they are.

Go down to cash Sales and purchase a brain, 1 ea, huh?

Did you happen to see that Osama Bin Laden is promoting Jimmy Carter's book, I forget the name of it, what a great marketing idea.:lol::lol: During the Carter years we had 22% unemployment, 13% inflation and if you had anything left and wanted to buy a home you paid 21% interest rates. Then the Iran debaucle.

He was a complete and total failure as President, there are people who are still having a party because he is gone. Now he is out there accusing people of being racists because they dissagree with the policies and the agenda of this President. Why am I not surprised, what a freggin moron.

He lost in a major landslide election to Ronald Reagan and I will never forget Carter's wife getting up there in Reagan's second term and calling him evil, when the great majority of this country loved him for bringing this country off of their butts in unemployment lines, and getting America back to work. Carter ws beaten so badly that they announced Reagan's victory before the polls had closed in California.
Bush did many of the same things
So, where's the change we were promised? See what an idiot you are?

And idiots like you and Carter and the far left should look up Godwin's Law, because you are doing the same thing with race relations. They would have us all believe that those who oppose Obama's policies do so because of his skin color. NOT because he might be wrong. And that's simply counterproductive and it's designed to deflect away from those issues. Just like Godwin's Law about Hitler references, all it does is MINIMIZE and TRIVIALIZE any racism that DOES exist. Just like the Boy Who Cried Wolf, these baseless racism allegations poison the well and actually DECREASE sensitivity to the issue. It does far more harm than good. Trouble is, they actually KNOW that.

But always remember: blame-shifting, dissembling, lying, criminal activity, all knows NO race. The human condition knows NO race. ONLY the racist knows race.
I know the right hates Jimmy Peanut, but he's right on this issue. Some Americans don't like the fact a Black man is president.

A lot of the shit being slung at Obama is racist hate and the inability to accept him as the lawful president of the US of A. Why else would they call it the White House?:eusa_whistle:

This country is afraid to honestly discuss race. We have no problem, nothing to see here, keep moving folks.:eusa_liar:

Obama had a chance to, of not close the gap on racial issues, but at least to make it smaller. He wouldn't win if whites didn't voted for him. I think he widen that gap, thank to his own behavior and policies.

Sitting in a pew for 20 years and listening to a racist like Wright, or working with and promoting ACORN racists tactics that they are continually exposed, or appointing a racist, communist extremist like Jones to be a heart beat away from the White House, or siding with a racist like Gates over an incident that should have never made the news, pretty much sums up the Obama governs from the neutral side of race. Louis Farrakhan is very happy with the Obama agenda, and we all know what a racist he is.

Now is libs turn... spin this racist behavior with your uber liberal slant, and deny that this has never been the Obama Americans see.
Liberals are the real racists, they are the only ones EVER bringing it up on discussion.

You have that dead on right and believe me if I were black I would see right through that smoke screen.
I'd like you people to present the massive rudeness and disrespect to President Bush. The boos and hisses have been going on for decades before Bush was in office...bawling out and iinterrupting the President mid-speech with "YOU LIE!" is an entirely different ball game.

We're in a media-era. The YouTube era some say...present something even REMOTELY similar to that atrocious and disgusting display of disrespect to the highest authority in this country as the one Mr. Joe Wilson displayed.

I dare you.

I'll take that dare.

[ame=]YouTube - House Democrats Calling President Bush A Liar[/ame]

Marc, you've got a short memory.
Liberals are the real racists, they are the only ones EVER bringing it up on discussion.
Conservatives are the real fascists, they are the only ones EVER bringing it up on discussion.

Are you kiddin me, conservatives bring up racism? you need to go way back and start with your own posts.

What do you think this is? The office of President of the United States is an affirmative action position? Are you telling the world that you don't think that President Obama can stand on his own merit, because he is black and therefore inferior to YOU?
So you and others charge racism anytime someone puts his character, his policies and his agenda under scrutiny, just like we would do with any white President.

The subliminal message that you are sending out into the world when you scream racist any time he is criticized, put under scrutiny is YOU who voted for him, DOES NOT THINK HE IS UP TO THE TASK, and it's YOU that is the racist.

Now you chew on that for a while, because the racism is there and it's in you and others who are always puking it up.:evil::evil:
That's not the same Eagle.

That's not INTERRUPTING the President during and official address.

That is orderly pointing out BLATANT falsehoods by the POTUS.

Big difference.

That you cannot determine said difference speaks VOLUMES.
Yeah right Jimmy you haven't been right about much of anything since you left the navy. About 10% of the people in this country give a tinker's damn what the hell color Obama is and 90% of them sit on your side of the political divide Jimmy.
Carter is right to call out the racists.

The vitriol against Obama is somewhat racially motivatied. Old white Southerners mostly.

It's pretty obvious.
Lets not forget the gun-toters.

As if the Birthers. Tea-Baggers and even Deathers weren't enough.

I just don't see it happening if it were a white liberal in office.



you really ARE a fucking IDIOT
Carter is right to call out the racists.

The vitriol against Obama is somewhat racially motivatied. Old white Southerners mostly.

It's pretty obvious.
and another moron speaks up and proves me right
This country is afraid to honestly discuss race. We have no problem, nothing to see here, keep moving folks.

Let's make some clarifications here.

First of all, whites are rightly afraid to discuss race BECAUSE ANYTHING THEY SAY WILL GET THEM SLAPPED DOWN AS A RACIST.

Blacks aren't afraid to discuss a fucking THING because ANYTHING THEY SAY WILL BE LAUDED AS RIGHTEOUS TRUTH.

Second of all, the "problem" of which you complain is that white people dare to exist without constantly apologizing to everyone else. The "solution" you seek is get rid of whites.

No can do, hombre.

What YOU are afraid of is a white race ready to stand up for itself. Be afraid!:evil::evil::evil:

You're a racist.
Why else would they call it the White House?

Perhaps, just perhaps, because it is painted white?

Actually it's beige.

Seriously though... this is a tangent, but I'm not getting the accusations of racism against Joe Wilson... I hear Jimmy Carter making that accusation but I just don't see it.

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