President-elect Joe Biden is planning executive orders that would sweepingly reverse Trump's biggest policies

What I find very strange is that the lefties think that there is enough money from the rich to support their
new agenda without being taxed themselves.
Here’s your official guide, Meister.

Just wait, Sindi, just wait.
Those taxes will be coming for you too, it's inevitable

We were having a nice back and forth, and then you come back with this ’Syndi’ crap. Noted. Thanks for being the example that you lecture me not to be.

You said it's not being a man to not concede the election five days after the election. You haven't conceded the election four years after the election. Still you're stuck on Hillary won the PV, which isn't a thing and every other excuse. And you spend four years supporting nullifying Trump's presidency because you lost.

So you're Syndi by your own standard

False. There were no lawsuits challenging a 20000 vote win in Wisconsin or a 10,000 vote win in Michigan. Why not? Because Hillary accepted the results, so we accepted the results. That doesn’t mean we had to sit quiet for 4 years while Trump sucks Russian dick.

You suck Hillary's every time you regurgitate the Russian collusion lie.
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What I find very strange is that the lefties think that there is enough money from the rich to support their
new agenda without being taxed themselves.
Here’s your official guide, Meister.

Just wait, Sindi, just wait.
Those taxes will be coming for you too, it's inevitable

We were having a nice back and forth, and then you come back with this ’Syndi’ crap. Noted. Thanks for being the example that you lecture me not to be.

Yet, I have kept my posts on topic. Deal with it.

Those taxes are going to catch up to you, even with your wage.
As soon as the tax cuts are rescinded, BAM! Your taxes goes up, and that's just the start.

I think we all see your double standards.

No, no I don't think you can see the difference, Sindi.

With the agenda set by Biden, the democrats are going to pick the winners and losers
regarding businesses. Silicon Valley are the big winners, might want to throw some money towards
that sector. They threw a lot of money out there for Biden, and now he's beholding to them.

KKKorporations are bad...unless they support Democrats.

Right, USMB leftists?
Remember, kids, executive orders means the executive wants to be a dictator -- unless he's a Democrat.
Says the wingnut who nodded along with Trumps presidency-by-executive order.
It's a LANDSLIDE and Trump is a LOOOOOOSER
It's funny the way leftists completely ignore the meanings of words.
You mean we don't know what losers and suckers mean, spouting out of the lunatics mouth?

We don't even have an official vote count yet, dumbass.
Looks like President-Elect Biden will end up with the same EC total - 306 - that Trump had.

Trump had 3 million less votes than Hillary.
Biden will end up with 5 million more votes than Trump.

Trump claimed LANDSLIDE. You nodded and drooled with zero pushback.

This is going to be a rough and sad 8 years for you. :auiqs.jpg:
Biden also has 51 percent of the vote
Something Trump could never dream of
I keep seeing numbers out there. But it's just the media. It's not official.

Wrong again
The numbers are officially released results. The media just reports them.

It’s like a Football team that is ahead 46-3 with 38 seconds left In the game. The game is not officially over but there is no path to victory for the team with 3.
Can you give me a link to a relevant government agency declaring Biden the winner?

Because so far, I've only seen AP and other media just saying it.
States will not certify the election until all votes are counted.
But they have officially released the results and how many ballots are not counted.

Now, you have to grow up and admit you can’t get there from here.
So we should just shut up and let Democrats steal the election!
Remember, kids, executive orders means the executive wants to be a dictator -- unless he's a Democrat.
Says the wingnut who nodded along with Trumps presidency-by-executive order.
It's a LANDSLIDE and Trump is a LOOOOOOSER
It's funny the way leftists completely ignore the meanings of words.
You mean we don't know what losers and suckers mean, spouting out of the lunatics mouth?

We don't even have an official vote count yet, dumbass.
Looks like President-Elect Biden will end up with the same EC total - 306 - that Trump had.

Trump had 3 million less votes than Hillary.
Biden will end up with 5 million more votes than Trump.

Trump claimed LANDSLIDE. You nodded and drooled with zero pushback.

This is going to be a rough and sad 8 years for you. :auiqs.jpg:
Not really. I don't operate on emotion like you leftists. I got along well under the Obama clusterfuck, I'll do okay under Harris/Biden.

And you? You'll blame every Harris/Biden fuckup on Trump, just like you'll be told to do.
You're wrong They have quite a job on their hands now undoing all the crap Trump is responsible for, BUT I know like in all presidencies there will be missteps
Yeah! Like Trump's great economy! That was such a YUGE mistake! Biden will take care of that, boy!
Again, for the short bus.

View attachment 413217
Not sure why you think a Twitter yapper is a compelling argument.
What I find very strange is that the lefties think that there is enough money from the rich to support their
new agenda without being taxed themselves.
Here’s your official guide, Meister.

Just wait, Sindi, just wait.
Those taxes will be coming for you too, it's inevitable

We were having a nice back and forth, and then you come back with this ’Syndi’ crap. Noted. Thanks for being the example that you lecture me not to be.

Yet, I have kept my posts on topic. Deal with it.

Those taxes are going to catch up to you, even with your wage.
As soon as the tax cuts are rescinded, BAM! Your taxes goes up, and that's just the start.

I think we all see your double standards.

No, no I don't think you can see the difference, Sindi.

With the agenda set by Biden, the democrats are going to pick the winners and losers
regarding businesses. Silicon Valley are the big winners, might want to throw some money towards
that sector. They threw a lot of money out there for Biden, and now he's beholding to them.

You think Trump didn’t pick the winners and losers?

Small businesses did quite well, his EO's lessened up the EO's that stifled their growth from Obama. just sayin'

So did the American taxpayers.

That's why the left hates Trump. People are better off.
Remember, kids, executive orders means the executive wants to be a dictator -- unless he's a Democrat.
Says the wingnut who nodded along with Trumps presidency-by-executive order.
It's a LANDSLIDE and Trump is a LOOOOOOSER
It's funny the way leftists completely ignore the meanings of words.
You mean we don't know what losers and suckers mean, spouting out of the lunatics mouth?

We don't even have an official vote count yet, dumbass.
Looks like President-Elect Biden will end up with the same EC total - 306 - that Trump had.

Trump had 3 million less votes than Hillary.
Biden will end up with 5 million more votes than Trump.

Trump claimed LANDSLIDE. You nodded and drooled with zero pushback.

This is going to be a rough and sad 8 years for you. :auiqs.jpg:
Biden also has 51 percent of the vote
Something Trump could never dream of
I keep seeing numbers out there. But it's just the media. It's not official.

Wrong again
The numbers are officially released results. The media just reports them.

It’s like a Football team that is ahead 46-3 with 38 seconds left In the game. The game is not officially over but there is no path to victory for the team with 3.
Can you give me a link to a relevant government agency declaring Biden the winner?

Because so far, I've only seen AP and other media just saying it.
States will not certify the election until all votes are counted.
But they have officially released the results and how many ballots are not counted.

Now, you have to grow up and admit you can’t get there from here.
So we should just shut up and let Democrats steal the election!
The voters have decided
Biden will never be president with the amount of fraud being uncovered out there.

Besides that, The House and The Senate are not in DemNazi control any more.
I do see the right and far right trying to change voter laws to further disenfranchise voters, especially the black vote, in places like Georgia for example. Biden has to act to prevent that, because no one is trying to stop the white Republican vote.
Democrats are.

With Republicans controlling a majority of the state legislatures in most of the states thats a blatantly dishonest statement on your part and you know it so stop trolling.
When daveman trolls on US Messageboard it’s different. Somehow.
I back up the things I say. That's not trolling.

Good Gaea, don't any of you own a dictionary?
We’re still waiting for you to back up . . . anything you say.
Well, let me find a Twitter blue-check. Then I can pretend I scored a devastating point.

Oh, wait! No, that's what you do.
What I find very strange is that the lefties think that there is enough money from the rich to support their
new agenda without being taxed themselves.
Here’s your official guide, Meister.

Just wait, Sindi, just wait.
Those taxes will be coming for you too, it's inevitable

We were having a nice back and forth, and then you come back with this ’Syndi’ crap. Noted. Thanks for being the example that you lecture me not to be.

You said it's not being a man to not concede the election five days after the election. You haven't conceded the election four years after the election. Still you're stuck on Hillary won the PV, which isn't a thing and every other excuse. And you spend four years supporting nullifying Trump's presidency because you lost.

So you're Syndi by your own standard

False. There were no lawsuits challenging a 20000 vote win in Wisconsin or a 10,000 vote win in Michigan. Why not? Because Hillary accepted the results, so we accepted the results. That doesn’t mean we had to sit quiet for 4 years while Trump sucks Russian dick.

You're a liar. Hillary's been saying she won for four years

Link? (Like you’re gonna provide proof for anything you say)

Yes, I see your point, you've let loose with an onslaught of links to support your stupid crap. I mean the next link you provide will make one.

And we've already established you're dickless. Sorry. I've provided you links before and you wouldn't man up to acknowledging them. You're on my no nuts list of leftists who I won't provide links for unless I feel like it.

You're just lying anyway. You know Hillary repeatedly said she won

And the whole Democrat party just spent four years trying to undo an election because of butt hurt.

You have no basis to ask for recognition you don't give when you lose

This is to be expected and should happen. Let the cleaning up begin...
Your as stupid as Biden:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
So the question is........what did the Trump supporters get after 4 years of Trump.

No Hillary. I will most certainly give them that one.

A few new miles of new wall.

That's about it.

Trump like Obama before him could have made some real differences but both blew it.
You forgot 3 conservative justices, That was the sole reason I voted for him first time.

People have pinned their hopes on this for decades with little actual change.

50 years later abortion is still legal and will remain legal and despite having what was supposed to be a liberal court the Democrats were able to do nothing about guns.

We have endless ridiculous gun regulations. Having a gun home in a safe does nothing to protect your family on the street which all you have in blue cities

You don't have to keep your gun in a safe.

So you can carry your gun in blue cities to protect yourself and your families?

What color is the sky in your world?

You go from having to lock your gun in a safe to carrying them on the street.

So you actually believe it's legal to carry guns in blue cities?

I never commented on that. You actually believe you have to keep your gun locked in a safe like you claimed?

Laws vary by State. But you have to read the conversation. Obviously you didn't
So the question is........what did the Trump supporters get after 4 years of Trump.

No Hillary. I will most certainly give them that one.

A few new miles of new wall.

That's about it.

Trump like Obama before him could have made some real differences but both blew it.
You forgot 3 conservative justices, That was the sole reason I voted for him first time.

People have pinned their hopes on this for decades with little actual change.

50 years later abortion is still legal and will remain legal and despite having what was supposed to be a liberal court the Democrats were able to do nothing about guns.

We have endless ridiculous gun regulations. Having a gun home in a safe does nothing to protect your family on the street which all you have in blue cities

You don't have to keep your gun in a safe.
What gun? Obama took their guns in 2008. And then again in 2012!
Democrats took away our hand guns illegally in Chicago for over 10 years..
Yes, ”conservatives” have been clamoring for more guns in Chicago for years. :rolleyes:

You've been demanding only the cops you say are murdering blacks be allowed to have guns
Yes, and demanding that cops stop being pussies who resort to deadly force because someone takes a swing at them.

And you want only those pussy cops who murder blacks to have guns. The stupid isn't dawning on you yet, is it?
Remember, kids, executive orders means the executive wants to be a dictator -- unless he's a Democrat.
Says the wingnut who nodded along with Trumps presidency-by-executive order.
It's a LANDSLIDE and Trump is a LOOOOOOSER
It's funny the way leftists completely ignore the meanings of words.
You mean we don't know what losers and suckers mean, spouting out of the lunatics mouth?

We don't even have an official vote count yet, dumbass.
Looks like President-Elect Biden will end up with the same EC total - 306 - that Trump had.

Trump had 3 million less votes than Hillary.
Biden will end up with 5 million more votes than Trump.

Trump claimed LANDSLIDE. You nodded and drooled with zero pushback.

This is going to be a rough and sad 8 years for you. :auiqs.jpg:

306? Does this mean we get to call it a Landslide? :)
And just like that liberals love the EC...View attachment 413212
Nope. Going to work to neutralize it, since a constitutional amendment getting rid of it won’t fly in states with more cows than people.
Los Angeles County has more people than my entire state. They don't know shit about what it's like living here. But you want them to tell me how to live my life.

Fuck that stupid shit.
The odds that very battleground ends in a narrow Democrat victory are astronomical. Tossing heads once is 50/50. Tossing heads 10 times in a row is one in a thousand. Yet Democrats toss heads, heads, heads, heads ...
It’s not that anymore narrow (and almost certainly substantially less narrow) than Trump’s victory in 2016. Not sure what you mean about this coin flip thing. Voting behavior is not random.
The biggest problem it's roughly 50/50 President Biden has a huge challenge on his hands, Trump made his point so does President Biden go to the middle?

Biden has always been middle/right. There is no reason to believe he would change. That's why I didn't vote for him.

Yeah, picking a Senator to the left of Pocahontas certainly proves how "middle/right" he is. Just more of your stupid lies
Republicans are like wolves ,,,You can't treat them nicely
So much for unity.
You mean Biden won't deliver billions to Israel??
That’s not how it works, traitor. They buy weapons from us. You may be the stupidest person of all time.
LIAR LIAR pants on fire
Memorandum on the New 10-Year $38 billion U.S. Aid ... › stat

Starting in 2019, the U.S. will give Israel $38 billion over the next 10 years – $3.8 ... two-thirds of American voters feel that the U.S. gives Israel too much moneys.
No. Educate yourself. Idiot leftist traitor. Hopefully you’re not on this Earth too much longer.
Put shit in one hand and that hope in the other and see which comes true first Little Israeli spy

So the question is........what did the Trump supporters get after 4 years of Trump.

No Hillary. I will most certainly give them that one.

A few new miles of new wall.

That's about it.

Trump like Obama before him could have made some real differences but both blew it.
You forgot 3 conservative justices, That was the sole reason I voted for him first time.

People have pinned their hopes on this for decades with little actual change.

50 years later abortion is still legal and will remain legal and despite having what was supposed to be a liberal court the Democrats were able to do nothing about guns.

We have endless ridiculous gun regulations. Having a gun home in a safe does nothing to protect your family on the street which all you have in blue cities

You don't have to keep your gun in a safe.
What gun? Obama took their guns in 2008. And then again in 2012!
Democrats took away our hand guns illegally in Chicago for over 10 years..
Yes, ”conservatives” have been clamoring for more guns in Chicago for years. :rolleyes:

You've been demanding only the cops you say are murdering blacks be allowed to have guns
Yes, and demanding that cops stop being pussies who resort to deadly force because someone takes a swing at them.
How many times have you been in jail?

The more you post the more I have no respect for you..

You are hysterical
They pulled up to an 11 year old boy and shot him dead before the car had come to a stop.

And your answer is to be sure no one but those cops have guns

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