President Obama blasted for golfing after tough speech on ISIS


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Do narcissist actually care about other people? This guy is pathetic


Obama’s motorcade zipped quickly Wednesday from a local school to the first hole after his 12:45 p.m. media session on the murder of James Foley, 40.

Obama delivered a short statement and took no questions from the assembled media.

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius also took a swing at Obama.

“I know in Western countries, this is vacation period,” he said, according to The Wall Street Journal. “But when people are dying, you must return from vacation.


Read more: President Obama blasted for golfing after tough speech on ISIS following James Foley killing - NY Daily News
More golf anyone?


American journalist Steven Joel Sotloff is seen in a video posted by ISIS on Tuesday. His appearance comes moments after the apparent beheading of American photojournalist James Wright Foley. He could be next
That was moments after he talked about Foley's beheading! Surely he saw the video...and he's cutting up on the golf course??? I'm sorry. I just can't wrap my head around it.
The President stood next to the parents of Bergdahl as they spoke through the media to their child.....but opted to play golf as the parents of a victim of a horrific terrorist murder spoke about their dead son.
Seems this president checked out a long time ago.
The President stood next to the parents of Bergdahl as they spoke through the media to their child.....but opted to play golf as the parents of a victim of a horrific terrorist murder spoke about their dead son.
Seems this president checked out a long time ago.
it's all about him, It always has been
he can't humiliate us anymore. I don't think

Just an awful person and President

the man has no caring or feelings

throw a written speech up in front of him and he's off mouthing words like a robot
Did anything change after Bush 1? No.
Did anything change after Clinton? No.
Did anything change after Bush 2? No.

It's just been getting worse and worse.

Why would you think anything would change after Obama is gone?
Maybe the US should have elected the guy who writes Obama's speeches. He seems to have more sense then Obama. Why does anyone think Obama should suffer over someone else being killed? Why should Obama give a crap? Was the reporter black? Shame on you people that voted for him the second time. The first time, OK it was a normal political cycle but the second? When you KNEW, WTF were you thinking?
What is most disgusting about this event, is the old media's obvious hypocrisy.

Had an R done what BO did...gone golfing minutes after his speech about the brutal killing of an innocent American and been photographed laughing it up....the old media would have been most critical...and rightly so.

But since a D did it, no problems.
The President stood next to the parents of Bergdahl as they spoke through the media to their child.....but opted to play golf as the parents of a victim of a horrific terrorist murder spoke about their dead son.
Seems this president checked out a long time ago.

That a great point...They felt it would make him look good which was the reason for that presser
Obama does not like to be President, he only like the Presidential Perks.

Oh absolutely. I've said that numerous times ever since he got elected. He does not possess the skill set to lead ... he literally doesn't have the ability to do the job. We need an alpha and we got a self-centered, Spock-like putz. He thought that if he gave good speech, looked nice in a suit, said the right things that he could just breeze through his presidency (I honestly believe that's how he approaches being president). He's never liked being president ... but oh those perks! He just couldn't resist. I have never been more embarrassed of a president and more concerned at the lack of leadership. And ISIS is ALL on him; they grew and came to power under his watch.

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