President Pokes Fun During Fund Raiser

wtf would that little man (Obambam) know about being "grilled" by this media? they've been on their knees the whole time he's disgraced the office of President and has worn out so many pairs of kneepads they made the person rich who was selling them.

LOL....didn't you hear? The Republican party set an agenda which lasted eight solid years and cost American taxpayers nearly $100 million trying to removed Bill Clinton from office. Guess What?? He served two full terms and left office with a 65% approval rating. He left a balanced budget with surpluses projected to the outyears and the first thing George W. Bush did was to cut tax rates for the rich twice...2001 and 2003. Then he borrowed from foreign banks to cover the shortfall and doubled the national debt from $5.7 trillion to nearly $12 trillion. One thing about Republicans.....they've never seen a tax cut they didn't like and they've never cut spending a goddam dime.

the moronic Left seems to not know what year it is; heck what CENTURY it is.
who is president, and for how long
I'd say the candidates handled the moderators quite well, the tone of the questions changed dramatically after they voiced their displeasure. Of course the hypocritical mulatto messiah, who is consistently crying and complaining about Fox and online news outlets, really has no room to talk. Won't even to bother to address his other lies.
He even refused to do FOX debates along with Hillary. So... Yeah...He is a hypocrite and a total liar. Like most libs.
wtf would that little man (Obambam) know about being "grilled" by this media? they've been on their knees the whole time he's disgraced the office of President and has worn out so many pairs of kneepads they made the person rich who was selling them.

LOL....didn't you hear? The Republican party set an agenda which lasted eight solid years and cost American taxpayers nearly $100 million trying to remove Bill Clinton from office. Guess What?? He served two full terms and left office with a 65% approval rating. He left a balanced budget with surpluses projected to the outyears and the first thing George W. Bush did was to cut tax rates for the rich twice...2001 and 2003. Then he borrowed from foreign banks to cover the shortfall and doubled the national debt from $5.7 trillion to nearly $12 trillion. One thing about Republicans.....they've never seen a tax cut they didn't like and they've never cut spending a goddam dime.

1. spending rose in the clinton years you idiot; you apparently are yet another moron that doesnt know the difference between the National Debt and deficits

2. Republicans balanced Clinton's budgets you moron



5. we're still borrowing from china, WORSE we're JUST PRINTING MONEY (QUANTITATIVE EASING) you mindless moron

keep making a fool of yourself!
I'd say the candidates handled the moderators quite well, the tone of the questions changed dramatically after they voiced their displeasure. Of course the hypocritical mulatto messiah, who is consistently crying and complaining about Fox and online news outlets, really has no room to talk. Won't even to bother to address his other lies.
He even refused to do FOX debates along with Hillary. So... Yeah...He is a hypocrite and a total liar. Like most libs.
Democrats Dismiss Fox News Debate
your rebuttal to obama's ineptitude is to bring up Bush
you cant defend obama on his own record

but you got some posters

what an idiot; thanks for proving my point moron!!

It's killing you right wing assholes that the president has straightened out the absolute catastrophe George W. Bush left. We had an unemployment rate of more than 7%, jobs were bleeding off at more than 700,000 a month, the banks had to be bailed out with more than $800 million of taxpayers dollars, two hot wars a steaming, the stock market at about 8800 on the Dow etc.

Now....we've experienced 67 months of continuous job growth, the unemployment rate is 5.1%, the stock market has doubled in value and both the hot wars have been cooled or eliminated. I can understand why you're so pissed off.


then why are there 13 milion MORE ON FOOD STAMPS heading into obama's EIGHTH AND FINAL year if things are so "straightened out" you mindless obama-bot loser???
Not to mention I read on here 51% of Americans make about $30.000 a year. Great job Obama!
I'd say the candidates handled the moderators quite well, the tone of the questions changed dramatically after they voiced their displeasure. Of course the hypocritical mulatto messiah, who is consistently crying and complaining about Fox and online news outlets, really has no room to talk. Won't even to bother to address his other lies.
He even refused to do FOX debates along with Hillary. So... Yeah...He is a hypocrite and a total liar. Like most libs.

^^^^MISSING LINK!!!!!!^^^^
The point is a good one, if they can't handle a frigin tv channel moderator asking unrehearsed questions and answer them with something pertinent, they are not ready for the world stage.

Conservatives are notoriously childish and terrible at foreign policy, this bunch are the keystone cops. Kasich and Christie might fair well, the rest are whiners with a capital WAHHHHH.
Here's Ted Cruz, looking like he's handling the media pretty handily.
The point is a good one, if they can't handle a frigin tv channel moderator asking unrehearsed questions and answer them with something pertinent, they are not ready for the world stage.

Conservatives are notoriously childish and terrible at foreign policy, this bunch are the keystone cops. Kasich and Christie might fair well, the rest are whiners with a capital WAHHHHH.
Here's Ted Cruz, looking like he's handling the media pretty handily.

only in rightwingnuthackworld. in the real world, he makes everyone else nauseous.... even his fellow senators.
The point is a good one, if they can't handle a frigin tv channel moderator asking unrehearsed questions and answer them with something pertinent, they are not ready for the world stage.

Conservatives are notoriously childish and terrible at foreign policy, this bunch are the keystone cops. Kasich and Christie might fair well, the rest are whiners with a capital WAHHHHH.
Here's Ted Cruz, looking like he's handling the media pretty handily.

only in rightwingnuthackworld. in the real world, he makes everyone else nauseous.... even his fellow senators.

Most of his fellow Senators makes MILLIONS of us nauseous....
The point is a good one, if they can't handle a frigin tv channel moderator asking unrehearsed questions and answer them with something pertinent, they are not ready for the world stage.

Conservatives are notoriously childish and terrible at foreign policy, this bunch are the keystone cops. Kasich and Christie might fair well, the rest are whiners with a capital WAHHHHH.
Here's Ted Cruz, looking like he's handling the media pretty handily.

only in rightwingnuthackworld. in the real world, he makes everyone else nauseous.... even his fellow senators.

Poor thing. You're so twisted you think ANthony Wiener would make a great mayor and Ted Cruz a lousy president.
The point is a good one, if they can't handle a frigin tv channel moderator asking unrehearsed questions and answer them with something pertinent, they are not ready for the world stage.

Conservatives are notoriously childish and terrible at foreign policy, this bunch are the keystone cops. Kasich and Christie might fair well, the rest are whiners with a capital WAHHHHH.
Here's Ted Cruz, looking like he's handling the media pretty handily.

that's a Leader

not like some skinny little man (Obambam) who goes around kicking at the folks he sees as his enemy, THE AMERCIAN citizen.
nobody is whimpering but the usual loser left-wing nutjobs

it's hilarious watching the usual left-wing losers here every day trying to spin the devastating defeat of the liberal media on account of their handling of the Republican debates!1
even former head of THE DEMOCRAT NATIONAL COMMITTEE Terry McCauliffe has said the debate hosted by CNBC was a "BIASED JOKE"
It's funny when libs portray themselves as anything but weak spineless whiney fools.

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