President Pokes Fun During Fund Raiser

Poor thing. You're so twisted you think ANthony Wiener would make a great mayor and Ted Cruz a lousy president.

And you're so twisted, you think that Ted Cruz would make a good President, and Anthony Wiener jokes are still funny.
Republican tough guys...they can't even handle a third rate cable news network

I'm sure China and Russia are shitting their pants
nobody is whimpering but the usual loser left-wing nutjobs

it's hilarious watching the usual left-wing losers here every day trying to spin the devastating defeat of the liberal media on account of their handling of the Republican debates!1
even former head of THE DEMOCRAT NATIONAL COMMITTEE Terry McCauliffe has said the debate hosted by CNBC was a "BIASED JOKE"
It's funny when libs portray themselves as anything but weak spineless whiney fools.

no kidding, if they only saw what we do about them. Someone criticizes Obambam and they charge in here spewing: You rightwingers just hate Obama blaaa blaa bla he SAVED us from the Worst recession since the GREAT Depression blaaa blaa blaa, how dare you say bad things about our Messiah.

if that isn't WHINY I don't what is. they have it baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad for the Obambam.

See the five minute mark in the video in the OP link.
Obama the clown didn't have any class in 2008 and after 7 years as POTUS he still doesn't have any class. Mentally the guy is 14 and runs around cracking your momma jokes, pathetic.
Obama the clown didn't have any class in 2008 and after 7 years as POTUS he still doesn't have any class. Mentally the guy is 14 and runs around cracking your momma jokes, pathetic.

we could laugh at him if he wasn't so dangerous to us and our country. Just ask our Police officers today about that
Obama the clown didn't have any class in 2008 and after 7 years as POTUS he still doesn't have any class. Mentally the guy is 14 and runs around cracking your momma jokes, pathetic.

we could laugh at him if he wasn't so dangerous to us and our country. Just ask our Police officers today about that

Our country has survived far worse than this inept clown, he's at best a bump in the road long term.
Obama the clown didn't have any class in 2008 and after 7 years as POTUS he still doesn't have any class. Mentally the guy is 14 and runs around cracking your momma jokes, pathetic.

Are you trying to claim to be Obama? Because while I might believe you are mentally 14 (I was leaning more towards 10, but I'm feeling generous), I don't believe that Obama is smart enough to effectively pretend to be as stupid as you.
Obama the clown didn't have any class in 2008 and after 7 years as POTUS he still doesn't have any class. Mentally the guy is 14 and runs around cracking your momma jokes, pathetic.

Are you trying to claim to be Obama? Because while I might believe you are mentally 14 (I was leaning more towards 10, but I'm feeling generous), I don't believe that Obama is smart enough to effectively pretend to be as stupid as you.
If you need someone to explain Blues' post to you just ask.
Who cares about the Obomanation.... that muslim is history! BUT THIS, showing EITHER of the "TEA PARTY" FAVORITES, beating her in Florida IS A BIG FUCKING DEAL!!!!!.....Just a reminder, the TEA PARTY is ALIVE, AND WELL, we have THREE candidates we can stand behind, Trump, Carson, and Cruz, and that folks takes up about 60% of the Republican vote!

  • [URL='']Poll: Carson, Trump Beat Hillary in Florida; Jeb, Rubio Lose

  • ^ | John Nolte

  • A Survey USA poll of 2712 registered voters in Florida taken between Wednesday and Sunday (or four post-CNBC debate days) shows that in a head-to-head match-up with Hillary Clinton, outsiders Donald Trump and Dr. Ben Carson would defeat the former-Secretary of State, while establishment favorites (and hometown boys) Jeb Bush and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) would lose to the likely Democrat nominee. Oh, and contrary to the incessant Narratives emanating from our corrupt DC Media, in this must-win swing state of Florida, when up against Clinton, Trump is doing +1 point better with Hispanics than Jeb, and a full +7...
Obama the clown didn't have any class in 2008 and after 7 years as POTUS he still doesn't have any class. Mentally the guy is 14 and runs around cracking your momma jokes, pathetic.

Are you trying to claim to be Obama? Because while I might believe you are mentally 14 (I was leaning more towards 10, but I'm feeling generous), I don't believe that Obama is smart enough to effectively pretend to be as stupid as you.

He doesn't have to pretend, he's either dumber than a brick, or is more evil, than MAO!....., as you don't pretend with each of your posts!

Obama the clown didn't have any class in 2008 and after 7 years as POTUS he still doesn't have any class. Mentally the guy is 14 and runs around cracking your momma jokes, pathetic.

Are you trying to claim to be Obama? Because while I might believe you are mentally 14 (I was leaning more towards 10, but I'm feeling generous), I don't believe that Obama is smart enough to effectively pretend to be as stupid as you.

Well I'm glad you got that off your chest, do you feel better now? lol You may want to see your therapist this week.

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