President Trump and his success as President...he will be judged as one of the best ....

Ha ha. Wishful thinking. He will be a bottom 3 president. Guaranteed. I look forward to pissing on his grave.
Mitlaufer Mac... always wrong and proud of it.

It was a fluke to begin with, essentially two things: The Democrats didn't get out the vote (many thought Hillary would win easily and others simply didn't like enough to bother) and the vagaries of our Electoral College system.

You gloss over this too easily. The problem with the Democrats is that they were so fucking arrogant by nominating Hillary to start with. Heck, if the GOP had nominated ANYONE but Trump in 2016, I'd have probably voted for them. Hillary was corrupt. She is grating as hell, she says things that shows her fucking arrogance. Yes, she was slightly better than Trump, but that's kind of like saying leprosy is slightly better than terminal cancer.

The Trumpsters were animated by their own set of grievances, some that can be attributed to the behaviors of our Left.

Yes, how dare the left point out the problems in this country. Uh, it's not the fault of the Democrats that most white people are stupid and racist. Again- THIS IS NOTHING NEW. Just because Bush or Reagan didn't say the Quiet Part out loud like Trump did, doesn't mean that it's not the same problem.

The GOP Is very good at getting stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests by playing on their religious, racial and sexual fears. This didn't start with Trump, it won't end when he's gone. The Democrats shouldn't want to emulate that behavior, EVER!!!!

We the People have spoken twice now: The first time by three million votes, the second time by seven million.

So what. We aren't going to get rid of the Electoral College, so what the people say doesn't mean shit. This could happen again. If it weren't for some 67,000 votes in WI, AZ, GA and NE-2, Trump would be celebrating a second term.

Not only are we held hostage to a handful of swing states, but Legislatures, Judges, Congress and faithless electors all have the potential to screw this thing up.

So give us some credit: We saw that we had fallen asleep, and at our first opportunity, we woke up and fixed our mistake.

I don't give us any credit at all. The fact is, at least 12 million people who didn't vote for Trump in 2016 DID vote for him in 2020. It seems if anything, we doubled down on the mistake. And if it weren't for the Recession and Covid, who knows how this would have turned out.
I though you were smart. Apparently not. Once the Chinese virus hit our shores nothing was going to stop it. That's a fact you like to ignore.

Carry on imbecile.

It hit Germany's shores... Germany only had 25,000 Covid Deaths... (Germany had about 1/4 of our population but 1/13th our Covid deaths.

It hit Japan's Shores... Japan has only had 3000 Covid Deaths out of a population of some 130,000,000.

Both countries have a lot greater population density than we have...

But they had leaders who treated it like a national emergency, who took it seriously, who didn't hold super-spreader events, who didn't promote quack cures.
Hey dumbass. Once it hit our shores nothing could prevent deaths. If you think Biden, Barry or Bush could have done better then you are as full of shit as everyone thinks you are.

Except we don't have to look at a hypothetical Barry response. We only have to look at the response by Merkel in Germany or Abe in Japan, who took this seriously and took the actions to contain it.

And no. The Chinese didn't lock their country down. If they had no one would have made it to other countries. Stupid.

The Chinese didn't have to lock down their whole country. All they had to do was lock down Wuhan Province, and the fact that their people lack the mobility that ours have did the rest.

The problem was, long before it was identified, it was probably outside the country travelling with businessmen from the US and Europe.
Yes it was the business community that spread the disease just as with AIDS some 30 years before.
My brother's pub quiz team captain, a wealthy businessman who didn't smoke and was only 59 with no health issues decided to take his wife on a luxury Caribean cruise in early March. There was no Corona in the Caribean but he returned with it and died a few weeks later, his wife survived. I remember at the time luxury cruise liners being refused permission to dock in California, Hong Kong, Japan, etc all infested with Corona.
One of the first cases in the UK was a businessman who had been to Wuhan travelled to northern Italy to a skiing resort and then to the UK. He had actually caught Corona in Italy which was the first hotspot outside China.
300 k dead? and growing....i dont think so

Its a pandemic shit for brains. Once it hit our shores nothing was going to stop it. Makes no difference who was in the WH, who said what or who did what. People were going to die.

Why don't you blame the Chinese who didn't lock their country down when it hit. If they had the rest of the world would have been safer??

Nah. You'd rather blame Trump who had nothing to do with the Chinese virus.

Where's your outrage at the Dems who called Trump a racist when he wanted to stop flights into the US??

Where's your outrage at Pelousy who told one and all the virus was nothing and not to worry about it.

You have selective outrage all directed at Trump.

You sure are an idiot.

The virus hit other nations made a difference that their leaders actually did some leading and addressed the issue instead of promising miracles like your blob did, stupid.

Hey dumbass. Once it hit our shores nothing could prevent deaths. If you think Biden, Barry or Bush could have done better then you are as full of shit as everyone thinks you are.

And no. The Chinese didn't lock their country down. If they had no one would have made it to other countries. Stupid.

Well, stupid, it hit other nation's shores and their leaders were able to prevent deaths more effectively than your blob. But it is great to see you're admitting your blob was powerless against the virus.

No dumbass. Once it hit any shore people were going to die. Your another thick headed idiot who doesn't seem to understand this.

Once it hit any shore people were going to die. Stupid.
I though you were smart. Apparently not. Once the Chinese virus hit our shores nothing was going to stop it. That's a fact you like to ignore.

Carry on imbecile.

It hit Germany's shores... Germany only had 25,000 Covid Deaths... (Germany had about 1/4 of our population but 1/13th our Covid deaths.

It hit Japan's Shores... Japan has only had 3000 Covid Deaths out of a population of some 130,000,000.

Both countries have a lot greater population density than we have...

But they had leaders who treated it like a national emergency, who took it seriously, who didn't hold super-spreader events, who didn't promote quack cures.

Did people die?? Yes they did. Once it hit any shore people were going to die.

God you idiots are stupid as shit.
300 k dead? and growing....i dont think so

Its a pandemic shit for brains. Once it hit our shores nothing was going to stop it. Makes no difference who was in the WH, who said what or who did what. People were going to die.

Why don't you blame the Chinese who didn't lock their country down when it hit. If they had the rest of the world would have been safer??

Nah. You'd rather blame Trump who had nothing to do with the Chinese virus.

Where's your outrage at the Dems who called Trump a racist when he wanted to stop flights into the US??

Where's your outrage at Pelousy who told one and all the virus was nothing and not to worry about it.

You have selective outrage all directed at Trump.

You sure are an idiot.
Virus is going to go Away?
Heard immunity?
Can’t see myself wearing a mask?
Party, party, party at the whitehouse?
Trump quit on the virus!
Controlled the cdc’s message!
Controlled the FDA’s message!
It’s really not hard to forecast a one term president success is it?
Go watch some more apprentice re runs!
This is a look at the amazing success of President Trump before the Chinese let the Chinese flu out of their lab....and even in the face of that attack or mistake, he made sure every American who needed a hospital bed or ventilator had one, even as cuomo the killer and the other democrats were killing senior citizens with their policies. He also led the charge to get not one, but two vaccines to the American people in less than a year....

And more....

Best single term POTUS since GH Bush. He saved us from Hillary but corrupt media and election have delivered us to Harris.
I though you were smart. Apparently not. Once the Chinese virus hit our shores nothing was going to stop it. That's a fact you like to ignore.

Carry on imbecile.

It hit Germany's shores... Germany only had 25,000 Covid Deaths... (Germany had about 1/4 of our population but 1/13th our Covid deaths.

It hit Japan's Shores... Japan has only had 3000 Covid Deaths out of a population of some 130,000,000.

Both countries have a lot greater population density than we have...

But they had leaders who treated it like a national emergency, who took it seriously, who didn't hold super-spreader events, who didn't promote quack cures.

Did people die?? Yes they did. Once it hit any shore people were going to die.

God you idiots are stupid as shit.
Exactly! So is Wilson to blame for 1918 pandemic? Leftist are dumb as dog shit.
Mitlaufer Mac... always wrong and proud of it.

It was a fluke to begin with, essentially two things: The Democrats didn't get out the vote (many thought Hillary would win easily and others simply didn't like enough to bother) and the vagaries of our Electoral College system.

You gloss over this too easily. The problem with the Democrats is that they were so fucking arrogant by nominating Hillary to start with. Heck, if the GOP had nominated ANYONE but Trump in 2016, I'd have probably voted for them. Hillary was corrupt. She is grating as hell, she says things that shows her fucking arrogance. Yes, she was slightly better than Trump, but that's kind of like saying leprosy is slightly better than terminal cancer.

The Trumpsters were animated by their own set of grievances, some that can be attributed to the behaviors of our Left.

Yes, how dare the left point out the problems in this country. Uh, it's not the fault of the Democrats that most white people are stupid and racist. Again- THIS IS NOTHING NEW. Just because Bush or Reagan didn't say the Quiet Part out loud like Trump did, doesn't mean that it's not the same problem.

The GOP Is very good at getting stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests by playing on their religious, racial and sexual fears. This didn't start with Trump, it won't end when he's gone. The Democrats shouldn't want to emulate that behavior, EVER!!!!

We the People have spoken twice now: The first time by three million votes, the second time by seven million.

So what. We aren't going to get rid of the Electoral College, so what the people say doesn't mean shit. This could happen again. If it weren't for some 67,000 votes in WI, AZ, GA and NE-2, Trump would be celebrating a second term.

Not only are we held hostage to a handful of swing states, but Legislatures, Judges, Congress and faithless electors all have the potential to screw this thing up.

So give us some credit: We saw that we had fallen asleep, and at our first opportunity, we woke up and fixed our mistake.

I don't give us any credit at all. The fact is, at least 12 million people who didn't vote for Trump in 2016 DID vote for him in 2020. It seems if anything, we doubled down on the mistake. And if it weren't for the Recession and Covid, who knows how this would have turned out.
Just keep repeating what could have been.
Followed by, One Term President. Ha.
Just think how you will enjoy a new president that doesn’t hate the people who didn’t vote for him.
Stop watching the F channel. Before you stroke out.
Ha ha. Wishful thinking. He will be a bottom 3 president. Guaranteed. I look forward to pissing on his grave.
Trump will be rated far worse. He will forever be seen as a stain on the office of the presidency.
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I though you were smart. Apparently not. Once the Chinese virus hit our shores nothing was going to stop it. That's a fact you like to ignore.

Carry on imbecile.

It hit Germany's shores... Germany only had 25,000 Covid Deaths... (Germany had about 1/4 of our population but 1/13th our Covid deaths.

It hit Japan's Shores... Japan has only had 3000 Covid Deaths out of a population of some 130,000,000.

Both countries have a lot greater population density than we have...

But they had leaders who treated it like a national emergency, who took it seriously, who didn't hold super-spreader events, who didn't promote quack cures.

Did people die?? Yes they did. Once it hit any shore people were going to die.

God you idiots are stupid as shit.
Exactly! So is Wilson to blame for 1918 pandemic? Leftist are dumb as dog shit.

I wonder who they would blame the black plague on?

That one almost wiped out humanity.
He'll be remembered as the worst President this country ever elected. Period. Bottom line here is that he never had any interest in actually doing the job of President. He just like the adoration and adulation that came from running for it. Why do you think he held so many pep rallies? More affirmation. People are getting their feathers in a flap because he's been MIA since the election. If you were paying attention, you'd know that he was largely MIA during his entire administration. People forget how often he golfed and hung out at Mar-A-Lago, spent his time watching Fox and playing on Twitter, and holding his pep rallies. Started his day late, ended it early. No one paid attention because things were relatively good both here and abroad. The few times he went overseas, he made sure to make it all about himself.

Then the pandemic hits and he's exposed as incompetent and unfit for the job. Downplays the virus while not taking any collective national action to combat it. The result 300K+ dead (and counting), 6.7% unemployment (down from a high of 20%), millions of jobs lost, thousands of businesses shuttered that may never come back. Yep. Worst President ever elected. Donald John Trump.
This is a look at the amazing success of President Trump before the Chinese let the Chinese flu out of their lab....and even in the face of that attack or mistake, he made sure every American who needed a hospital bed or ventilator had one, even as cuomo the killer and the other democrats were killing senior citizens with their policies. He also led the charge to get not one, but two vaccines to the American people in less than a year....

And more....

for nursing homes, it was Trump who made them more dangerous 2019

Cuomo is only in charge of new york state.


This is a look at the amazing success of President Trump before the Chinese let the Chinese flu out of their lab....and even in the face of that attack or mistake, he made sure every American who needed a hospital bed or ventilator had one, even as cuomo the killer and the other democrats were killing senior citizens with their policies. He also led the charge to get not one, but two vaccines to the American people in less than a year....

And more....

Hats off to you, man. You sure have a knack for coaxing those Trumpophobic CCP cock-gobblers out of their little spider holes.

I couldn't have done that better myself. :laughing0301:
This is a look at the amazing success of President Trump before the Chinese let the Chinese flu out of their lab....and even in the face of that attack or mistake, he made sure every American who needed a hospital bed or ventilator had one, even as cuomo the killer and the other democrats were killing senior citizens with their policies. He also led the charge to get not one, but two vaccines to the American people in less than a year....

And more....

Trump is clearly the worst of American president.

His disgraceful behavior after his election loss alone is proof of that, with the pandemic raging and millions out of work, Trump does nothing, he's abandoned his responsibilities, and the American people.
This is a look at the amazing success of President Trump before the Chinese let the Chinese flu out of their lab....and even in the face of that attack or mistake, he made sure every American who needed a hospital bed or ventilator had one, even as cuomo the killer and the other democrats were killing senior citizens with their policies. He also led the charge to get not one, but two vaccines to the American people in less than a year....

And more....

No one term president will ever go down as one of the best
This is a look at the amazing success of President Trump before the Chinese let the Chinese flu out of their lab....and even in the face of that attack or mistake, he made sure every American who needed a hospital bed or ventilator had one, even as cuomo the killer and the other democrats were killing senior citizens with their policies. He also led the charge to get not one, but two vaccines to the American people in less than a year....

And more....

No one term president will ever go down as one of the best

You mean like Lincoln?

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