President Trump: "Are Statues of Jefferson Next?"

Are these people being arrested for destroying property?

That’s vandalism equal to the cost of the statue.

Can I tear down a statue of a Native American because they conquered, murdered, raped and enslaved other tribes on this land before there were settlers from Europe?
Jefferson never took up arms against the United States


But he was a slave owner.

as was Washington, and other Founding Fathers.
As were a lot of free black Americans. Let's be real, this is about erasing history and painting the foundation of America in a bad light.

"30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man." "

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Jefferson never took up arms against the United States
You mean like the Confederate general Christopher Columbus?
like I said, this is Frankfurt School 101:

Bring about communism by tearing down the fabric of America's founding and shutting down discussion by Critical Theory.


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