President Trump blasts Mr Biden's handling of border crisis in quick statement: 'Our country is being destroyed'

CNN poll: On Biden and the issues (Approve/Disapprove)

Overall: 51/41
COVID: 60/34
Helping the middle class: 50/43
Environmental policy: 50/41
The economy: 49/44
Racial Injustice: 47/43
Foreign Affairs: 44/46
Immigration: 43/49
How come President Trump didn’t “fix“ the border problems within the first two years of his administration?

Rhetorical question...
Biden is destroying our country.

Walls work.

I don't give a shit who pays for it. Build the fucking thing, and be sure to put in the occasional gun turret...

Just look at it...

Lots of these crossings are arranged by cartels who make a tidy profit doing so. Biden Admin's policies are enriching the Mexican drug cartels.

Biden Admin is still saying it's not a crisis....

ICE asks for volunteers to send to the border as soon as this weekend and south Texas migrant complex is SEVEN times over capacity: Biden downplays influx and claims it's not a crisis
  • More than 3,500 unaccompanied teens and children have been held in Customs Border Patrol (CBP) detention centers designed for adults in recent days
  • Most children are spending on average 108 hours in the cramped CBP facilities, DHS data shows, dwarfing the 72-hour limit
  • The official line from the Biden administration continues to be there is no crisis
  • Yet anonymous Biden officials warned Friday they do not have the capacity to increase beds to meet demand from the record number of migrants
  • The CBP detained or processed a staggering 100,441 migrants in February including nearly 10,000 unaccompanied children - levels not seen since 2019
  • ICE's Michael Meade called for 'immediate' deployment of available personnel to the border this week as he warned the influx will 'grow over the coming months'
  • Children at one facility in south Texas are going hungry and are only able to shower once every seven days as the center is at 729% of its legal capacity
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Trump will crush Biden in the rematch

P.S. Mexico called. They still won't pay for the wall.
Texas is going to build the wall in Texas. Arizona will follow.

It would be cheaper to just open the border to hunters.
Biden is willing to destroy his presidency (and the country) over immigration just to prove that he is not Donald Trump

"Lunch bucket Joe" is frantically working to immiserate the working class and middle class...all because Trump said some mean things about immigrants.

On his first day in office, Biden suspended essentially all deportations, even at the border. Illegal aliens who show up at our border today are being greeted with everything except a glass of champagne and a red carpet. They get free health care, free housing and an effectively free path to any friends or relatives they may have in the U.S. interior.

In response to the COVID-19 crisis, the Biden administration has banned air travelers from about three dozen countries. Even those coming from non-banned countries must produce negative COVID tests before boarding the plane and are asked to quarantine for a minimum of seven days after arriving.

But if you sneak across the border illegally, all those requirements are waived! At least our country isn't suffering through a viral pandemic so dangerous that children can't go to school. Otherwise, incentivizing Latin America's downtrodden to flood our hospitals might not be a smart move.

The average denizen of Tegucigalpa is more familiar with changes to our immigration policies than most Americans are...and certainly more than American journalists are

Why not just leave Americans alone?
"The Biden administration continues to treat the crisis as a capacity shortage that can be managed by opening additional shelters..."

The Biden policy: 'With enough tents and hearing officers, we could move half of Central America up here!'
Biden is not even tough enough to stand up to AOC & Crazy Bernie, how will he stand up to the illegal immigrants?

"they're coming from Yemen, they're coming from the Middle East"

does Trump not know Yemen is in the Middle East?

That is your take-away from this disturbing and informative interview? Disappointing.

oh i have a take-away alright...but because i agree with Trump in the headline of this thread, i will refrain from attacking him...because folks 'round here keep accusing me of flip-floppin'
we can't let these Mexicans come into our country, when there is a possibility they're gonna kill us, just because someone claimed to be their aunt!
Biden’s immigration bill will put virtually all illegals on a bullet train to citizenship, provided that they meet the onerous requirement of claiming to have entered the country before Jan. 1, 2021.

Only terrorists and convicted felons are least in theory, but past experience suggests they’ll get amnesty, too. Even illegals who’ve already been deported will be invited back and given amnesty.

So far, the Republican response has been to propose their own amnesty, while throwing in some boob-bait for the rubes about border security.

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