President Trump BOLDLY walked up St. John's Church with a Bible in his hand.

I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


I get that people voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

What I don't get is people thinking that means they have to defend him no matter what.

Things tend to repeat themselves. People refusing to condemn Obama for his lies helped bring about Trump.

The same thing is happening now with Trump.

It wasn't long ago that I posted I didn't think Biden stood a chance (I'm still not voting for him) but now I think he has a real good chance of winning because no one will tell Trump that when you've dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.

I'm sure you believe yourself to be some magnanimous genius -

How did Candidate Trump defeat 16 other Republican candidates, most actual experienced politicians if his only quality is that he wasn't Hillary.

Hint - it was his policies - it still is.

Did you read what I replied to? I replied to someone noting they voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

He had no policies then and he has none now.

He had plenty of policies. HIs policies distinguished him from the other candidates and HIllary.

And, almost any of those other candidates could have adopted Candidates Trump's policies and beat him.
They did not believe as he does.
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


I get that people voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

What I don't get is people thinking that means they have to defend him no matter what.

Things tend to repeat themselves. People refusing to condemn Obama for his lies helped bring about Trump.

The same thing is happening now with Trump.

It wasn't long ago that I posted I didn't think Biden stood a chance (I'm still not voting for him) but now I think he has a real good chance of winning because no one will tell Trump that when you've dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.

I'm sure you believe yourself to be some magnanimous genius -

How did Candidate Trump defeat 16 other Republican candidates, most actual experienced politicians if his only quality is that he wasn't Hillary.

Hint - it was his policies - it still is.

Did you read what I replied to? I replied to someone noting they voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

He had no policies then and he has none now.

That is simple delusion.
Ask any Leftist - they can give you a long list of policies that they hate.

He has headline grabbing statements that come and go. No real policies. He follows up nothing.
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


I get that people voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

What I don't get is people thinking that means they have to defend him no matter what.

Things tend to repeat themselves. People refusing to condemn Obama for his lies helped bring about Trump.

The same thing is happening now with Trump.

It wasn't long ago that I posted I didn't think Biden stood a chance (I'm still not voting for him) but now I think he has a real good chance of winning because no one will tell Trump that when you've dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.

I'm sure you believe yourself to be some magnanimous genius -

How did Candidate Trump defeat 16 other Republican candidates, most actual experienced politicians if his only quality is that he wasn't Hillary.

Hint - it was his policies - it still is.

There were 16 other candidates, and no front runner. Republican primaries are first past the post, and there is no proportional distribution of delegates. Winner takes all. Donald Trump got the votes of the white working voters who have been left behind by globalization, as a protest vote against the Republican establishment, about 15% of the votes. Because of the split nature of the field, and 15 other candidates, 15% of the votes was more than any other candidate, so Trump got all of the delegates in that primary even though 85% of the voters, voted for someone else.

I think that overall, Trump got less than 30% of the vote in Republican primaries, and then as the establishment favourites dropped out, Trump's "Drain the Swamp" and anti-establishment rhetoric got a movement going.

The mainstream media was so "entertained" by the idiocy of the Trump candidacy, that they gave him $3 billion in free air time to mock him. Then when they realized what they'd done, and tried to warn the American public of the dangers of a Trump Presidency, they were accused of being in the tank for Hillary, and all sorts of other bullshit, but the effect was that the MSM handled Trump with kid gloves thereafter, and was really derelict in properly vetting him to the public.

You are really stupid.
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


I get that people voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

What I don't get is people thinking that means they have to defend him no matter what.

Things tend to repeat themselves. People refusing to condemn Obama for his lies helped bring about Trump.

The same thing is happening now with Trump.

It wasn't long ago that I posted I didn't think Biden stood a chance (I'm still not voting for him) but now I think he has a real good chance of winning because no one will tell Trump that when you've dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.

I'm sure you believe yourself to be some magnanimous genius -

How did Candidate Trump defeat 16 other Republican candidates, most actual experienced politicians if his only quality is that he wasn't Hillary.

Hint - it was his policies - it still is.

Did you read what I replied to? I replied to someone noting they voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

He had no policies then and he has none now.

That is simple delusion.
Ask any Leftist - they can give you a long list of policies that they hate.

He has headline grabbing statements that come and go. No real policies. He follows up nothing.

I dismiss you.
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


I get that people voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

What I don't get is people thinking that means they have to defend him no matter what.

Things tend to repeat themselves. People refusing to condemn Obama for his lies helped bring about Trump.

The same thing is happening now with Trump.

It wasn't long ago that I posted I didn't think Biden stood a chance (I'm still not voting for him) but now I think he has a real good chance of winning because no one will tell Trump that when you've dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.

I'm sure you believe yourself to be some magnanimous genius -

How did Candidate Trump defeat 16 other Republican candidates, most actual experienced politicians if his only quality is that he wasn't Hillary.

Hint - it was his policies - it still is.

Did you read what I replied to? I replied to someone noting they voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

He had no policies then and he has none now.

He had plenty of policies. HIs policies distinguished him from the other candidates and HIllary.

He's done none of what he said.

Still waiting on that great health care plan he had all ready to go that everyone was going to love.

1. The lack of a real wall is disappointing but he seems to have a made a real good faith effort at border security.

2. Trade policy has been slow and against strong opposition but early results are encouraging.

3. He has not reduced interventions and entanglements as much as promised, but it is worth noting he has not started any new wars.

Almost 4 years and you came up with "disappointing, slow and at least its not worse".
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

Don't be jelli

I see Trump is taking a page from the Obama playbook......

Who can forget when Obama cleared out all of those Tea Party folks from the public square -- just so he can have his photo op with Al Queda….

do you know what al qaeda means in english?

' the base '

how 'bout that 'eh?

& what are donny's deplorables called?

yep. ' the base '.

just a little interesting factoid i tossed out there.
I don't feel their is a need to compare Al Queda to Republican base voters......

just making an observation...:spinner:
I see Trump is taking a page from the Obama playbook......

Who can forget when Obama cleared out all of those Tea Party folks from the public square -- just so he can have his photo op with Al Queda….

do you know what al qaeda means in english?

' the base '

how 'bout that 'eh?

& what are donny's deplorables called?

yep. ' the base '.

just a little interesting factoid i tossed out there.

You seem like you probably have an IQ of about 3 -
Every politicians supporters are called the base.

lol... you have no room to say anything about being 3 yrs old when donny acts like a 3 yr old.
I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

Anti-fa has not appeared at any protests where neo-nazis and facists weren't openly marching, nor have they "rioted" for years. The "riots" all involved Nazi and White Supremacists. Anti-fa has not been involved in left wing marches or protests, on those involving the right.

Since your first assumption was based on the false premise that anti-fa encourages violence, your second assumption is also incorrect.

The goal of anti-fa is to see facism end so they can go out of business. They're not recruiting membership.

That YOU believe the FBI are partisan hacks shows evidence of why we don't take you seriously at all.

1. Antifa has certainly appeared at many protests without neo-nazis or facists. Your claim otherwise, is just you gaslighting for your marxist thugs.

2. Your trust in Antifa to be honest about their goals, as they commit violence, is you being a stupid.

3. THe FBI has demonstrated that is has dem partisan operatives at high levels, and lets them get away with all kinds of shit. Your denial is you being in favor of their corruption.

& now for truthful facts:

Intelligence bulletin warning of protest-related violence makes little mention of 'antifa'
Document: Threat of "lethal violence" from "lone offenders" motivated by race.
By Josh Margolin 9 June 2020, 21:30
7 min read

Despite repeated Trump administration assertions that the antifa movement has hijacked the ongoing protests around the country sparked by the police killing of George Floyd, a new federal intelligence bulletin points to white supremacists and other would-be domestic terrorists as the main problem lurking behind potentially lethal violence.

Though the document issued by the FBI, Department of Homeland Security and National Counterterrorism Center also includes a warning to law enforcement about anarchist extremists, it makes only a limited mention of the left-leaning, loosely affiliated antifa movement, and appears to undercut recent criticisms of the movement by President Trump and top administration officials.

“Based upon current information, we assess the greatest threat of lethal violence continues to emanate from lone offenders with racially or ethnically motivated violent extremist ideologies and [domestic violent extremists] with personalized ideologies,” according to the bulletin, which was obtained by ABC News.

“Additionally,” the document notes, “anarchist extremists continue to pose the most significant threat of targeted assaults against police, as well as targeting government buildings and police vehicles for damage, sometimes with improvised incendiary devices.”

While experts previously told ABC News that the ideology of some antifa adherents includes anarchism -- along with socialism and communism -- mention of the movement itself in the bulletin is relegated to a footnote.
It says, "Some anarchist extremists self-identify as ‘Antifa,’ a moniker for anti-fascist that is also used by non-violent adherents. Identifying with ‘Antifa’ or using the term without engaging in violent extremism may also be constitutionally protected.”

The intelligence bulletin was distributed to law enforcement agencies around the country and titled “Domestic Violent Extremists Could Exploit Current Events to Incite or Justify Attacks on Law Enforcement or Civilians Engaged in First Amendment-Protected Activities.”
Intelligence bulletin warning of protest-related violence makes little mention of 'antifa'
Last edited:
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


A poster with an IQ of 3 getting hung up on the use of the word "persona"
when they write the dumbest shit that I've ever read.

lol... 'hung up'?

you used the word as if it were a good thing. i showed you the true definition & you still cling to it. that's why donny loves the poorly educated long time. he wants to keep his base as stupid & lazy as can be.

<pssst> education is yer friend. embrace it.
I see Trump is taking a page from the Obama playbook......

Who can forget when Obama cleared out all of those Tea Party folks from the public square -- just so he can have his photo op with Al Queda….

do you know what al qaeda means in english?

' the base '

how 'bout that 'eh?

& what are donny's deplorables called?

yep. ' the base '.

just a little interesting factoid i tossed out there.
Good grief, you somehow figured that you could tie the two together with your crazy bullcrap ?? Rotflmbo.

nooooooooooooo........... i was simply pointing out something. a little factoid. don't read too much into it, lest you look more foolish than usual.
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

To believe anything you just posted, you have to ignore the facts and suspend disbelief. You have to believe Donald Trump over every police force in the USA, as well as the FBI, and all other American law enforcement, all of whom are saying that the violence is coming from right wing anarcists and organzied gangs of looters.

But facts have never matter to the Trump cult. Just because YOU think that antifa is doing the violence, doesn't make it so. Just because YOU believe the FBI is corrupt, doesn't make it so. Just because YOU parrot Trump's lies without evidence or proof, doesn't require us to think that you're anything other than another lying conservative, or to take you seriously.

American is turning on Trump and Trumpism as the death count rises. Every family that has to bury a loved one is raising the anger level of the American people towards the incompetent fool in the Oval Office and his defenders.

Donald Trump will be driven from office and spend the rest of his days dealing with investigations and lawsuits which will follow this criminal and corrupt administration.

Once Trump is out of the White House, the Billionaire Media will have no self-interest in protecting him, and they'll gleefully expose his criminality and corruption just for ratings. He won't be getting them any more tax breaks, so they won't be kissing his ass any longer.
Trying to stick the leftist bullcrap on Trump is a testament to your complete brainwashing over time or maybe you are the one doing the brainwashing, and if so you are one evil human being in life. Anyone who falls for your bullcrap is either mentally challenged or just a devils deciple themselves.

Or maybe you're posting bullshit and blather.

General Mark Milley apologized to the American people for participating in Dumb Donald's photo op. The Military is now in open mutiny against the President of the United States, for the first time in its history.

Try sticking to the facts, and quit listening to the Bunker Boy.
Yeah when the going gets tough, the strong remain, while the weak fall by the way side. It's no different in fox hole warfare or trench warfare, you got your strong and then you got your weak who have to be carried out on a stretcher first or maybe last if they get their brother killed due to their weakness first.

The left is good at making those whom thought they were strong, to suddenly find themselves apologizing to the leftist. The thing is that the leftist will be still wrong, but somehow they shockingly convince the people around them that they (leftists), are right, even though they are wrong.

It's brilliant really, but it doesn't make them right regardless of how much apologizing goes on towards them. Political pressure is a terrible things these days, and it seems the left has been building a deep state for years, and with such they feel that they control the high ground, but not so fast said the American voters found within all states, and so Hillary fell from grace on that next day in what many leftist saw as a shocking thing.

lol ... donny the bunker bitch didn't remain in the upper levels of the WH. guess that means he's an A-1 weak little orange cheeto.
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


A poster with an IQ of 3 getting hung up on the use of the word "persona"
when they write the dumbest shit that I've ever read.

She is so stupid, that you have to help her make your "point" so that you can then crush it, like that bug it is.

i don't see any of you giving me credible links to any of yer pablum. why not?

the only one linking proof is ummmmmmmmm.......


see, donny doesn't love me long time 'cause i research & i learn & i don't take his word for anything. i refuse to be comfy & cozy in ignorance where the basket dwellers like y'all thrive.
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

sorry - but i don't buy that line of bullshit. you believe antifa was involved this time around despite all indications they weren't. just like donny. & you agreed with another poster re: the notion that old man is an 'antifa provocateur' just like donny. he doubled down & apparently you are following suit. will it be a triple play on yer chosen ones' part as well? how about you; will you still CONtinue to be the poorly educated deplorable trump loves long time & totally dismiss the facts & start yer own pablum spew about the deep state coup against president dotard?

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
Ryan Lucas

U.S. Attorney General William Barr has repeatedly blamed anti-fascist activists for the violence that has erupted during demonstrations over George Floyd's death, but federal court records show no sign of so-called antifa links so far in cases brought by the Justice Department.

NPR has reviewed court documents of 51 individuals facing federal charges in connection with the unrest. As of Tuesday morning, none is alleged to have links to the antifa movement.
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

June 10, 2020 / 1:46 AM / in a day
Little evidence of antifa links in U.S. prosecutions of those charged in protest violence

Sarah N. Lynch, Mark Hosenball, Mica Rosenberg, Brad Heath
8 Min Read

WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department moved swiftly to bring federal charges against 53 individuals accused of violence during nationwide protests that swept across the United States calling for an end to police brutality.
Attorney General William Barr promised a crackdown on members of the anti-fascist movement known as antifa and other “extremists” he blamed for helping to drive the violence.
But a Reuters examination of federal court records related to the charges, social media posts by some of the suspects and interviews with defense lawyers and prosecutors found mostly disorganized acts of violence by people who have few obvious connections to antifa or other left-wing groups.
Little evidence of antifa links in U.S. prosecutions of those charged in protest violence

Federal Arrests Show No Sign that Antifa Plotted Protests
Despite claims by President Trump and Attorney General William P. Barr, there is scant evidence that loosely organized anti-fascists are a significant player in protests.
June 11, 2020Updated 11:53 a.m. ET

But despite cries from President Trump and others in his administration, none of those charged with serious federal crimes amid the unrest have been linked so far to the loose collective of anti-fascist activists known as antifa.
A review of the arrests of dozens of people on federal charges reveals no known effort by antifa to perpetrate a coordinated campaign of violence. Some criminal complaints described vague, anti-government political leanings among suspects, but the majority of the violent acts that have taken place at protests have been attributed by federal prosecutors to individuals with no affiliation to any particular group.
Federal Arrests Show No Sign that Antifa Plotted Protests

A lack of evidence is not evidence of a lack. You need to calm down and try to make your points, more clearly, with less raving.

According to the Justice Department they are tracking the money used to support Antifa to go after those arrests.
Basic Logic would let people like playtime know there must be a trail that leads to and away from Antifa.

Details to be released just after Trump releases his copy of Obama's birth certificate.

Was that supposed to be completely nonsensical and clever, or just completely nonsensical?

you could use a ' recognise sarcasm ' app.
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


I get that people voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

What I don't get is people thinking that means they have to defend him no matter what.

Things tend to repeat themselves. People refusing to condemn Obama for his lies helped bring about Trump.

The same thing is happening now with Trump.

It wasn't long ago that I posted I didn't think Biden stood a chance (I'm still not voting for him) but now I think he has a real good chance of winning because no one will tell Trump that when you've dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.

The people that are relentless in attacking Trump? Are just as relentless in their hate and bigotry towards working class or middle class whites.

If Trump is destroyed by the lib mob, we know that no one will ever step forward to speak out for us again.

It is not about Trump, so much as we realize that the people that hate Trump, HATE us, even more and forever.

View attachment 348904

i come from a lower middle class family. my father worked in a factory, manufacturing silverware & had the burns on his arms from the smelting. i barely got my GED & worked as a waitress & as a nurses aid, wiping asses & bathing seniors.

save yer ' oh poor us, nobody understands us ' attitude. trump never cared about you b4. not when he was a (D) & certainly not as an ' (R) '
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


I get that people voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

What I don't get is people thinking that means they have to defend him no matter what.

Things tend to repeat themselves. People refusing to condemn Obama for his lies helped bring about Trump.

The same thing is happening now with Trump.

It wasn't long ago that I posted I didn't think Biden stood a chance (I'm still not voting for him) but now I think he has a real good chance of winning because no one will tell Trump that when you've dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.

I'm sure you believe yourself to be some magnanimous genius -

How did Candidate Trump defeat 16 other Republican candidates, most actual experienced politicians if his only quality is that he wasn't Hillary.

Hint - it was his policies - it still is.

Did you read what I replied to? I replied to someone noting they voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

He had no policies then and he has none now.

He had plenty of policies. HIs policies distinguished him from the other candidates and HIllary.

He's done none of what he said.

Still waiting on that great health care plan he had all ready to go that everyone was going to love.

he said that was gonna happen on day 1. DAY 1.

tic tok time's a wasting. meanwhile the ACA is in the courts right now - where the whole thing can be struck down in its entirety... them thar rust belt medicaids & medicares are gonna be in for a real wake up call.

protect pre existing conditions? say ba bye to that too.
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


I get that people voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

What I don't get is people thinking that means they have to defend him no matter what.

Things tend to repeat themselves. People refusing to condemn Obama for his lies helped bring about Trump.

The same thing is happening now with Trump.

It wasn't long ago that I posted I didn't think Biden stood a chance (I'm still not voting for him) but now I think he has a real good chance of winning because no one will tell Trump that when you've dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.

The people that are relentless in attacking Trump? Are just as relentless in their hate and bigotry towards working class or middle class whites.

If Trump is destroyed by the lib mob, we know that no one will ever step forward to speak out for us again.

It is not about Trump, so much as we realize that the people that hate Trump, HATE us, even more and forever.

View attachment 348904

I hate no one. It's Trump that spews the hate filled diatribe .

News Punch

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why was i not surprised at yer source CB?
I hold trump to a higher standard than I do the media. The media has always been hyperbolic garbage, that’s baked in. Our elected officials and especially our president don’t get free passes because the media spins. But as I said, once that narrative came out Trump could have easily clarified, or better yet shouldn’t have been trying to detract focus from the horrific killing of a young lady by White suprematists scum. The more I watch how he responded to that situation the more I saw him escalating instead of deescalating. It’s his ego. That’s how he is.

THe media is not spin. THey flat out lied, and it was a horrifically divisive lie.

Trump's behavior in that issue, was nearly perfect. Saying that Trump should have "clarified" to fix the media's lie, is not holding Trump to a higher standard, it is just choosing to side with your side, even when it is clearly in the wrong.

The division in our society, that you are supporting by being a part of, is tearing this country apart.

And is part of the same process that is killing people in the streets right now.

I've seen this coming for quite some time. When you call people "nazis" you are not trying to find a way to work together, but laying the moral justification for the use of violence.

Consider this. It will get worse. Much worse. How many people are you willing to see die, to advance your partisan agenda?
Trumps actions were far from perfect. A woman was killed by a white suprematists after a band of Nazis walked with torches down the streets chanting blood and soil. So when the president speaks speaks about that event he should stay on message and not conflate it with a statue protest to pick a fight with ANTIFA. Some people truly do see the fact that he deflected blame at that moment from the Nazis to change the subject and praise the statue protestors and blame ANTIFA as a racist act. they see it as a cover for the Nazis by minimizing their message. I don’t go that far but I understand the sentiment and Trump doubled down on it by how he then responded.

And I did then and do now correct people who say that he was calling the Nazis very fine people. That has become a dishonest propaganda slogan from the Left and there is no excuse for it

Why is it important to ignore the fact that Antifa was also violent or that some people who were there were there because of a less radical reason?

^^^ fake news ^^^

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

1. We are talking about the riot in Charlottsville, you fucking race baiting moron.

2. I've never heard that the FBI has targeted Antifa for infiltration. So, is their lack of information an indicator that Antifa is not operating, or an indication that Democratic partisan operators have sabotaged the FBI from doing it's job in watching Antifa?

it was this thread that i gave you the links. yer chosen one is insisting antifa is part of these protests turned violent. you mean you don't believe him?

I mean that I was talking to someone else about something else, you crazy bitch.

What part of that, is too complex for you to understand?

it doesn't matter since you claimed i was part of antifa & let's just say i like proving you wrong whenever it seems a good time to do so.

point blank question:

do you think antifa was part of these protests?

1. It does matter. The topics being discussed, matter to the conversation you jumped into. D'uh,

2. YOu are not proving me wrong, when you are so confused that you are not even talking about the same thing other people are talking about, you crazy bitch.

3. Yes, I do. (think that antifa is part of thes protests)

but of course you do. you automatically ASSume antifa was part of it 'cause yer chosen one said so, despite the evidence showing otherwise.

donny is pushing sick CONspiratorial pablum vomited up by a sputnik owned rooooskie reporter on a extremist rw propaganda network & you swallowed that too.

here's yer antifa poster boy.

View attachment 348714

Trump's words on this issue, have had no impact on my assumptions on Antifa. Indeed, I have not been listening to him on the issue.

You assumption that I am basing me opinions on what he is saying is you projecting.

I assume that Anfia is involved, because they have been violent rioters for YEARS, and pushing for more and more political violence.

This is a perfect chance for them to encourage more violence and to outreach into minority communities for either new recruits or new allies.

From their perspective, it would incredible incompetence on their part to NOT jump at the opportunities presented to them.

That the FBI has found no "evidence" of this, imo, is likely because the partisan hacks in the FBI, have been careful to NOT infiltrate the Antifa, because as Dem political operatives, they are on the same side.

pure bullshit on yer part.

I've been against Antifa since they've been shutting down conservative speakers on college campuses, years before Trump announced.

Your need to assume that my position on Antifa has anything to do with Trump is... very strange.

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.

When you talk to TRUMP, you can accuse him of following ME, if you want. That would have more basis in reality.

Until then, either address what I actually say. Or don't. Go play in traffic for all I care.

But, your claims that I am a blind follower, is just you libs projecting.

This !

Trump crafted his political persona to FOLLOW people like me. I (we) were here first.




the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character: ~ cambridge english dictionary

The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.” ~ donald trump

in other words - he is a snake oil salesman & y'all are his dupes.

Incorrect. ON so many levels.

100% factual.

from the definition of persona to donny's exact quote from his ghost written book to the fact that he has been shown to defraud people with his fake university & foundation - to his tv PERSONA.

The fact that he crafted a political persona, is not evidence of anything, you raving lunatic.

FOr starters.

You raving lunatic.

it's evidence that he is duping you.

no, it is not.

YOu are so blinded by your hate, you can't even see that the words you are saying, don't say the shit you claim that are saying.

Stating "craft a persona" does not equal "duping". YOu are literally insane.

Can you even make a sentence explaining why you thin what you seem to think? Or are you just going to rave some more?

crafting a persona is acting in a way that is not true to one's actual character.

therefore it is a lie. what you see & hear from is a lie. he doesn't feel that way about you, he is only self serving himself & his swamp critters. look at the people he has put in charge. they are all the antithesis of the depts they serve.

OR, he was a political unformed person, without a deep political or ideological set of principles, and when he decided to get into politics he had to create a whole new sub identity.

The feedback between truth belief and self serving side taking, might have been complex and interesting,

but there is no reason to believe that he is not mostly sincere in the political platform and belief system he put together and there is especially no reason to believe that he might not be sincere in his offer of representing the interest so us, the American working man (class).

Also, your claim that he "fooled us" or that we "swallowed his load" is based on your self serving and asshole assumption that we could not see his actions nor understood them.

If I had a choice between a man with a life long commitment to my political ideology and interests, and someone who came to it recently as part of a self serving desire to be President, I would of course, go with life long believer.

BUT, the choice was between Trump and Hillary.

And in that, it was clear that we would do better to vote for Trump.

Your assumption that we did so, because we were "Fooled" or "Swallowing Trump's load",

is just you being a fucking asshole.


I get that people voted for Trump because the alternative was Hillary.

What I don't get is people thinking that means they have to defend him no matter what.

Things tend to repeat themselves. People refusing to condemn Obama for his lies helped bring about Trump.

The same thing is happening now with Trump.

It wasn't long ago that I posted I didn't think Biden stood a chance (I'm still not voting for him) but now I think he has a real good chance of winning because no one will tell Trump that when you've dug yourself into a hole, stop digging.

The people that are relentless in attacking Trump? Are just as relentless in their hate and bigotry towards working class or middle class whites.

If Trump is destroyed by the lib mob, we know that no one will ever step forward to speak out for us again.

It is not about Trump, so much as we realize that the people that hate Trump, HATE us, even more and forever.

View attachment 348904

I hate no one. It's Trump that spews the hate filled diatribe .

If right wingers didn't have QUESTIONABLE SOURCES they wouldn't have any sources at all:

My favourite part is their statement that this website has ZERO CREDIBILITY:

  • Overall, we rate News Punch a Questionable source based on extreme right wing bias and promotion of tin foil hat conspiracies. This website has zero credibility due to routine publishing of fake news

The mass dems laughed at the idea of white suicides rising. This demonstrates the level of hate you people are filled with.

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