President Trump dares judge in Alvin Bragg case to jail him for violating gag order

Can you lay out your reasoning as to why the laws and rules that apply to all of us should not apply to Trump?
The reason is because we have a constitution, we have rights, we're not a Marxist country and we'll never be one, in spite of the Democrat party's efforts. This renegade judge can't just take Trump's first amendment right away, This isn't Venezuela, no matter how much Democrats try to make it that way. MAGA
You mean the corrupt judge who's daughter is a democrat operative, and has raised money off the fact that her father is presiding over this case, instead of doing the right thing and recusing himself? That judge?

I am down with this judge recusing himself if you will support a SCOTUS Justice doing so in all cases dealing with Jan 6th given his wife's involvement
No he can’t

Bringing the wrath of MAGA against the judges daughter is not permissible

Trump needs to stick to the facts of the case
If any of these judges is worried about violent ramifications, or electoral ramifications, they have to STOP FUCKING THINKING THAT WAY.

This is about the rule of law, he's making a mockery of it, and if we keep bending that rule for him, if we keep going down this road, we're fucked.

Treat him like what he is, a defendant who has to follow rules. That's it. Period.
Because the same laws and rules Trump is living under don't apply to you. You aren't the one being persecuted under bogus, trumped-up charges, and you aren't the one whose First Amendment rights are being threatened.

well said. The NY travesty was a never-used vague subtext statue buried on page 9899 in “the book”. They really had to dig deep to find a charge with no victims, no crime and clean paperwork from both parties on the transaction.
If any of these judges is worried about violent ramifications, or electoral ramifications, they have to STOP FUCKING THINKING THAT WAY.

This is about the rule of law, he's making a mockery of it, and if we keep bending that rule for him, if we keep going down this road, we're fucked.

Treat him like what he is, a defendant who has to follow rules. That's it. Period.
Trump is trying to poison the well

Do things to infuriate the judge and then claim he is biased
Why must it be a hostage situation? Can’t you look at these things on their own merit?

Why cant you be consistent?

Why do you base everything on what party the people involved belong to?

Who has more control over a person, their spouse or an adult child?
If any of these judges is worried about violent ramifications, or electoral ramifications, they have to STOP FUCKING THINKING THAT WAY.

This is about the rule of law, he's making a mockery of it, and if we keep bending that rule for him, if we keep going down this road, we're fucked.

Treat him like what he is, a defendant who has to follow rules. That's it. Period.
So, it’s all one sided for you? In your eyes it seems, Trump should just plead no contest…is that right?
Why cant you be consistent?

Why do you base everything on what party the people involved belong to?

Who has more control over a person, their spouse or an adult child?
Depends on if the parents are allowing the child to have control…besides the analogy is flawed.

The courts are not our parents.
Depends on if the parents are allowing the child to have control…besides the analogy is flawed.

The courts are not our parents.

And the courts are not our children, but you think a judge should recuse themselves over something their adult child is doing but not over something their spouse living the same house is doing.
No he can’t

Bringing the wrath of MAGA against the judges daughter is not permissible

Trump needs to stick to the facts of the case
Pointing out that the judge and his daughter are fervent Democrats with an axe to grind is relevant.
The timing is Trumps doing
It is Trump who refuses to allow the cases to proceed and then complains that they interfere with his election plans

These cases have been going on for years.
It is Trump who drags things out.
But not before 2015 when Trump announced, amirite? :laugh2:
It’s a travesty of Justice, a witch hunt, targeted persecution, selective punishments all setup to drain funds and keep our voice from trying to get some control of this Deep State parasitic creature feeding on the host (America).//
Also, how is it fair to let the people on the witch-hunt to speak freely, and then prevent Trump from defending himself?

The Deep State Dems are fully aware that Americans do not want more of Biden’s destructive policies and prefer Trump, but they have no interest in letting Americans choose their president. What we see here is massive voter suppression.

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