President Trump ordered flags at half-mast!

Candace Owens correctly says that white nationalism is a hoax

"Candace Owens: Democrats Want Black People To Fail"

Candace Owens: Democrats Want Black People To Fail

Candace Owens talks about taking on House Judiciary Democrats in an interview with FOX News host Laura Ingraham. The Turning Point U.S.A. communications director also debated civil rights attorney Leo Terrell on the Wednesday edition of Ingraham's program.

Owens called white nationalism a "hoax" compared to the threats the black community faces every day. Owens said the 'Blexit movement' is growing because of "ad hominem attacks" on conservative blacks by liberals

I'm NOT a Commie, and you've proved to be an asshole. A stupid one at that.

And yet you're still not getting your gun ban. Ever. Period. End of game. Now run back under the bed and hide. A scary looking gun may walk by your hovel.

STUPID ^^^, too stupid to even be considered an idiot-gram.

Looking in the mirror again? Enjoy another Trump victory in 2020. Damn your crying gets old quick.

STUPID on steroids, this dude has been touched by Trumpism.

Who's the one claiming a ban on guns is coming? Oh yeah,that would be YOU! :21::21::21::290968001256257790-final:
The ONLY people claiming a ban on guns is coming are Trump supporters. They've been doing it for years.

Right now the only push is for universal background checks.
Oh, you commies will try. I am confident on that.

What's the bet? That they are going to come get my guns?


I'm NOT a Commie, and you've proved to be an asshole. A stupid one at that.

And yet you're still not getting your gun ban. Ever. Period. End of game. Now run back under the bed and hide. A scary looking gun may walk by your hovel.

STUPID ^^^, too stupid to even be considered an idiot-gram.

Looking in the mirror again? Enjoy another Trump victory in 2020. Damn your crying gets old quick.
Who's voting for him ?? You think Mich Penn Wiscon are voting for him again after their economies are in the crapper?? Who else ? Brown, black people? Women ? the young ? Just some miserable old white guys

Uh oh, eddie's frothing at the mouth again after getting called out for calling shootings funny. By the way, the Republican won the last big election statewide for the Supreme Court of Wisconsin. Kiss that state goodbye. He'll get more votes than the radical you idiots put up. Keep up that same BS you spouted in 2016. Trump rolls and you cry. Bank on it.
And yet you're still not getting your gun ban. Ever. Period. End of game. Now run back under the bed and hide. A scary looking gun may walk by your hovel.

STUPID ^^^, too stupid to even be considered an idiot-gram.

Looking in the mirror again? Enjoy another Trump victory in 2020. Damn your crying gets old quick.

STUPID on steroids, this dude has been touched by Trumpism.

Who's the one claiming a ban on guns is coming? Oh yeah,that would be YOU! :21::21::21::290968001256257790-final:
The ONLY people claiming a ban on guns is coming are Trump supporters. They've been doing it for years.

Right now the only push is for universal background checks.

Really? Seems most of Obama and the Dems proposals over the years have been shown to not work without confiscation. There are already background checks. And not ONE thing the Dema are pushing would have stopped even ONE incident. More laws are not the answer.
I'm NOT a Commie, and you've proved to be an asshole. A stupid one at that.

And yet you're still not getting your gun ban. Ever. Period. End of game. Now run back under the bed and hide. A scary looking gun may walk by your hovel.

STUPID ^^^, too stupid to even be considered an idiot-gram.

Looking in the mirror again? Enjoy another Trump victory in 2020. Damn your crying gets old quick.
Who's voting for him ?? You think Mich Penn Wiscon are voting for him again after their economies are in the crapper?? Who else ? Brown, black people? Women ? the young ? Just some miserable old white guys

Uh oh, eddie's frying at the mouth again after getting called out for calling shootings funny. By the way, the Republican won the last big election statewide for the Supreme Court of Wisconsin. Kiss that state goodbye. He'll get more votes than the radical you idiots put up. Keep up that same BS you spouted in 2016. Trump rolls and you cry. Bank on it.
Trump won the states of Mich Wisc and Penn by a total of 70+ K Think he's picking up votes with his fanning the flames of racism and most of the job gains going to DEM states?
I'm NOT a Commie, and you've proved to be an asshole. A stupid one at that.

And yet you're still not getting your gun ban. Ever. Period. End of game. Now run back under the bed and hide. A scary looking gun may walk by your hovel.

STUPID ^^^, too stupid to even be considered an idiot-gram.

Looking in the mirror again? Enjoy another Trump victory in 2020. Damn your crying gets old quick.
Who's voting for him ?? You think Mich Penn Wiscon are voting for him again after their economies are in the crapper?? Who else ? Brown, black people? Women ? the young ? Just some miserable old white guys

Uh oh, eddie's frothing at the mouth again after getting called out for calling shootings funny. By the way, the Republican won the last big election statewide for the Supreme Court of Wisconsin. Kiss that state goodbye. He'll get more votes than the radical you idiots put up. Keep up that same BS you spouted in 2016. Trump rolls and you cry. Bank on it.

When you post these comments, are you pretending to be Nostradamus, or one of trump's press secretaries? Both are comical.
Wow, another weekday, another opportunity for a lib to piss and moan about something.
Maybe if Trump shut his mouth none of this would happen?
He has described groups of immigrants as “infestations,” declared in his campaign kickoff that many of those coming from Mexico were “rapists,“deemed a caravan of Hispanic migrants as invaders and wondered why the United States accepted so many immigrants from “s---hole countries” like Haiti, El Salvador and African nations.
Trump calls migrant caravans "invasion" at campaign rally
BTW, did you catch at the end when he asked, "how do you stop these people from crossing the border?" and one in the audience shouts "shoot 'em" and he stops and laughs as he points to the guy for recognition and says "only in the panhandle can you get away with saying that" and the hate filled crowd cheers. That was the Tramp hate rally shortly before the El Paso shooting.

Maybe you crybaby DEMS should stop shooting people. Ever think of that? Maybe you ought to grow a spine. Ever think of that? Maybe you should go to Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit and tell those loyal Dems to stop shooting thousands of people a year. Ever think of that?

So now Eddie thinks it's FUNNY that all these people get killed in Dem run cities on a daily basis. And then wonder why we see you people as mentally deranged.....
Funny ??? BS I weep for those killed because of the trump moron spreading hate and fear

Yep, I'm sure you weep every time you dish out one of those "funny" icons...dumbass.
I'm sure he also called for prayers for the dead, wounded and their loved ones in Ohio, Texas, Florida, Connecticut, et all other states and communities devastated by gun violence.

If he had anything in mind but his own political situation, he would have ordered our flag at half-mast upside down, until the Congress passed laws which require more effective nation wide background checks.

Flying our flag in such away would put the issue of gun control on the Front Page for more than a day, and every government building would remind the public of how guns destroy lives, of victims and their loved ones.

But of course he won't, nor will the members of Congress who accept "donations" from the NRA and the Gun Lobby.

Tell us, how would you stop this?

Stop the NRA and the gun lobby?

Easy, pass legislation to require every member of Congress who accepts a campaign donation, a job for his wife or husband or child, a ticket to the world series, a prostitute for a week end, or any quit quo pro to recuse themselves from any bill which they have accepted more than a cup of water from.

Do you deflection and changing the subject to be a winning strategy? by the way t's "quid pro quo".

Gee thanks, pointing out typo in this manner is proof you have nothing to offer.

You didn't answer the question, do you deflections and obfuscation to be a "winning" strategy?
HOW are you going to stop the shootings?
You did? Do you know what flying our flag up side down means? If you do, and don't believe mass murders of innocent people at a food fair, shopping at Wal-Mart and dancing on a Saturday night is not a serious problem, there is something very wrong with you.

Nothing wrong with me, bud.

Might ask yourself why you have such a major problem with .001 of the population.

Big scary guns...


Millions of those scary military style weapons in the hands of civilians.

Less than 50 involved in mass shootings.

Do I LIKE the shootings?


is there a sane way to stop them, without putting unreasonable limitations on the rest of gun owners?

not that I can see.

None are so blind as those who will not see.

None are so blind as those who will not see.

self examination?

He/she seems to have a serious projection issue.

Wow, proof you are a hypocrite and arrogant, I at least have a graduate degree in Human Relations, a degree in Education which included course work in Ab Psyc,, Social Psyc, Anthropology, Sociology and Testing for Counselors; and, in my career in LE I used a structured interview of many dozens of Felons recently released from prison.

I think you're a liar but we'll keep that for another day. YOU are the arrogant one here, I'll help you.
You're clearly self obsessed feel the need to tell EVERYONE how smart you think you are.Your ego won't allow you to see any "truth" but your own.
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I'm sure he also called for prayers for the dead, wounded and their loved ones in Ohio, Texas, Florida, Connecticut, et all other states and communities devastated by gun violence.

If he had anything in mind but his own political situation, he would have ordered our flag at half-mast upside down, until the Congress passed laws which require more effective nation wide background checks.

Flying our flag in such away would put the issue of gun control on the Front Page for more than a day, and every government building would remind the public of how guns destroy lives, of victims and their loved ones.

But of course he won't, nor will the members of Congress who accept "donations" from the NRA and the Gun Lobby.

How would improved background checks have stopped either shooting unless the persons who did them were adjudicated as mentally unfit?

Using a similar, but not one as in depth as used by police agencies background checks, which sometimes are amiss. Which would require every public agency to report to a single source data base, and possibly a local LE agency to interview the prospective buyer.

Even that would not be a panacea, as Camus once wrote about suicides - which is not uncommon in mass shooters - the person who takes his or her own life may do so for reasons so innocuous as a rebuke from another.

Yes, because allowing some bureaucratic asshole to decide if a person can exercise their right or not is going to work perfectly....

How about we force people to be interviewed by the government before they can vote?

You are the worst form of gun grabber, because as a former desk jockey LEO, you know YOU will be able to keep your guns, while the rest of us are forced to give them up.

Your emotions are missed placed. Your comments are not true, and your remarks on soft science were just this morning used by trump to incarcerated the mentally ill when a soft scientist diagnosis a person is potentially violent.

"Misplaced". Tell us again about all of those degrees again?
Yes, because allowing some bureaucratic asshole to decide if a person can exercise their right or not is going to work perfectly....

How about we force people to be interviewed by the government before they can vote?

You are the worst form of gun grabber, because as a former desk jockey LEO, you know YOU will be able to keep your guns, while the rest of us are forced to give them up.

Your emotions are missed placed. Your comments are not true, and your remarks on soft science were just this morning used by trump to incarcerated the mentally ill when a soft scientist diagnosis a person is potentially violent.

You didn't actually respond to anything I said.

And you talk about intellect?

I did respond to you, though I'm not inclined to defend myself when I'm attacked by someone I do not respect, who has no clues as to what I did when employed or what my intention on gun controls are.

We know your intentions. "guns for me, and not for thee"

You didn't respond to any of the actual points, just your standard "I'm a government stooge and better than you, you fucking prole" bullshit.

And you may wonder why I don't have any respect for you. I've decide to put you on ignore, not because I'm being willfully ignorant of your comments, but because your comments lack substance, are neither thoughtful or thought provoking; they are nothing more than ad hominems and sniveling.

I don't know that I've ever seen someone o obsessed with itself. NOBODY cares whether you "respect" them or not, you realize that right? Oh yes, more projection.
The president blamed white supremacy, the internet, video games and mental illness for the massacres. He did not blame guns or himself.
And he was right.

No, he is to blame. He has stoked the flames of hatred. And the weapons these guys used should not be legal.

And a person who takes a hit list of men he wants to kill in highschool and girls he wants to rape needs to be turned into authorities and never be allowed to ever own a gun. We need to start reporting wackos and NEVER let them get guns. That means domestic violence guys don't get guns. People with assault and batteries on their record, no guns.

Or, you can buy a shotgun for hunting but that's it.

Nothing is a silver bullet but the first step is to get the fucking leader of the free world to stop telling his followers that mexicans are rapists and murderers coming here to destroy the country. It's not that bad Hitler.

And the weapons these guys used should not be legal.


And a person who takes a hit list of men he wants to kill in highschool and girls he wants to rape needs to be turned into authorities and never be allowed to ever own a gun.

I agree

The New York Post, a major U.S. tabloid owned by conservative-leaning media mogul Rupert Murdoch, implored President Donald Trump on its cover Monday to ban assault weapons following several mass shootings in recent days.

It’s time to... BAN WEAPONS OF WAR,” the cover reads next to a picture of an assault-style rifle, a weapon that mass shooters frequently use to kill as many people as possible.

You are worrying about an oppressive government coming to attack you and so you want your weapons. I get it. But guess what? The government isn't going to come get you. And if they do, then you are under arrest and we don't want you shooting the police when they do come to get you.

So I don't want you to be able to hold off the government/law when they come to get you. Just like the rest of us, we want you to come out quietly with your hands up when the law says to. Do you disagree? But wait, don't you guys tell black people to stop fighting back with the cops when they tell them to get on the ground? You tell them to comply but you don't want to have to comply? Interesting.

“President Trump, you are positioned to assuage that fear. On gun control, you are a pragmatic centrist, someone who knows there is a vast majority of Americans who are not to the extreme left or right on this issue. They just want the killings to stop. ... Come up with answers. Now. Beginning with the return of an assault-weapons ban.”

″‘Guns don’t kill people, people do,’ says the cliché. But the twisted and the evil can kill a lot more people when handed a murder machine,” the Post’s editorial board wrote. “Mr. President, do something — help America live without fear.”
again, I ask 'why'?

I own 'military style' rifles, my brother owns 'military style' rifles, 2 son in laws own 'military style' rifles, my grandsons other grandfathers own 'military style' rifles.

millions of firearm enthusiasts own 'military style' rifles.

and they don't go on rampages trying to break the record.

getting rid of the 'military style' rifle isn't gong to change anything.

12 years ago, Seung-hui Cho killed 32 people using handguns.

It's the finger on the trigger that kills people, not the trigger.

Because it will make him feel better.
It’s time to... BAN WEAPONS OF WAR,” the cover reads next to a picture of an assault-style rifle, a weapon that mass shooters frequently use to kill as many people as possible.
Yes, weapons of war.

So, please list every firearm that was not designed for use in war, or a derivative of a firearm designed for use in war.

I will wait.

(HINT: Do you now see why we think your side wants a complete and total ban and confiscation. It is the ultimate, logical result.)


(HINT: Do you now see why we think your side wants a complete and total ban and confiscation. It is the ultimate, logical result.)

No, the ultimate goal is to reduce gun violence in America. Your claim is not logical, it is a slippery slope fallacy.
Fallacy only exposes a potential weakness to an argument. We all know that your little gun ban is not going to work. It's obvious. So, you have not expose any weakness in my argument.

You bastards want a total ban, and you're not getting it.

No one inch.


Wanna bet?

I'm sure he also called for prayers for the dead, wounded and their loved ones in Ohio, Texas, Florida, Connecticut, et all other states and communities devastated by gun violence.

If he had anything in mind but his own political situation, he would have ordered our flag at half-mast upside down, until the Congress passed laws which require more effective nation wide background checks.

Flying our flag in such away would put the issue of gun control on the Front Page for more than a day, and every government building would remind the public of how guns destroy lives, of victims and their loved ones.

But of course he won't, nor will the members of Congress who accept "donations" from the NRA and the Gun Lobby.
I watched a media brief by the Dayton chief of police a little while ago. He said there was noting in the shooter's record that would preclude him from legally purchasing a gun.

Try again.

Try again? There are no laws which will prevent mass murder, murder for greed or suicide and accidents. I've written that a dozen times and still stupid people post the same stupid question.

For the Record:

Gun control laws are not a panacea
So why are you advocating them?
Wow, another weekday, another opportunity for a lib to piss and moan about something.
And another stack of warm bloody bodies for them to preach from.

Hey, Fly Catcher, did you at least put on plastic booties so you wouldn't get blood on your shoes?

No, I'm not culpable for the "warm bloody bodies" In no specific order, the shooter, the NRA, NRA supporters, Trump and you are the immoral ones.
I didn't say you were culpable, you fucking moron. I said you were happy to have a stack of warm bloody bodies from which to preach.

Good Gaea, but you're an idiot.
I'm sure he also called for prayers for the dead, wounded and their loved ones in Ohio, Texas, Florida, Connecticut, et all other states and communities devastated by gun violence.

If he had anything in mind but his own political situation, he would have ordered our flag at half-mast upside down, until the Congress passed laws which require more effective nation wide background checks.

Flying our flag in such away would put the issue of gun control on the Front Page for more than a day, and every government building would remind the public of how guns destroy lives, of victims and their loved ones.

But of course he won't, nor will the members of Congress who accept "donations" from the NRA and the Gun Lobby.

People kill people not firearms, You fucking retard
View attachment 272772
I'm sure he also called for prayers for the dead, wounded and their loved ones in Ohio, Texas, Florida, Connecticut, et all other states and communities devastated by gun violence.

If he had anything in mind but his own political situation, he would have ordered our flag at half-mast upside down, until the Congress passed laws which require more effective nation wide background checks.

Flying our flag in such away would put the issue of gun control on the Front Page for more than a day, and every government building would remind the public of how guns destroy lives, of victims and their loved ones.

But of course he won't, nor will the members of Congress who accept "donations" from the NRA and the Gun Lobby.
People kill people not firearms, You fucking retard
View attachment 272772

View attachment 272813
So, you're saying firearms DO kill people.

How is it you believe you're not a moron?
I'm sure he also called for prayers for the dead, wounded and their loved ones in Ohio, Texas, Florida, Connecticut, et all other states and communities devastated by gun violence.

If he had anything in mind but his own political situation, he would have ordered our flag at half-mast upside down, until the Congress passed laws which require more effective nation wide background checks.

Flying our flag in such away would put the issue of gun control on the Front Page for more than a day, and every government building would remind the public of how guns destroy lives, of victims and their loved ones.

But of course he won't, nor will the members of Congress who accept "donations" from the NRA and the Gun Lobby.

People kill people not firearms, You fucking retard
View attachment 272772
I'm sure he also called for prayers for the dead, wounded and their loved ones in Ohio, Texas, Florida, Connecticut, et all other states and communities devastated by gun violence.

If he had anything in mind but his own political situation, he would have ordered our flag at half-mast upside down, until the Congress passed laws which require more effective nation wide background checks.

Flying our flag in such away would put the issue of gun control on the Front Page for more than a day, and every government building would remind the public of how guns destroy lives, of victims and their loved ones.

But of course he won't, nor will the members of Congress who accept "donations" from the NRA and the Gun Lobby.
People kill people not firearms, You fucking retard
View attachment 272772

View attachment 272813
So, you're saying firearms DO kill people.

How is it you believe you're not a moron?
You didn't know that?

I caught two of mine trying to sneak out and hold up a bank.

I'm sure he also called for prayers for the dead, wounded and their loved ones in Ohio, Texas, Florida, Connecticut, et all other states and communities devastated by gun violence.

If he had anything in mind but his own political situation, he would have ordered our flag at half-mast upside down, until the Congress passed laws which require more effective nation wide background checks.

Flying our flag in such away would put the issue of gun control on the Front Page for more than a day, and every government building would remind the public of how guns destroy lives, of victims and their loved ones.

But of course he won't, nor will the members of Congress who accept "donations" from the NRA and the Gun Lobby.
I watched a media brief by the Dayton chief of police a little while ago. He said there was noting in the shooter's record that would preclude him from legally purchasing a gun.

Try again.

Try again? There are no laws which will prevent mass murder, murder for greed or suicide and accidents. I've written that a dozen times and still stupid people post the same stupid question.

For the Record:

Gun control laws are not a panacea
So why do you and your ilk continually cry for more gun control?

"Common sense gun regulations may not prevent a monster from getting a gun, but no regulations assure a monster will get a gun and kill innocent people."

Two monsters have already taken the lives of innocent people since I posted this comment.
There already are regulations. JUST ONE MORE NO REALLY will not prevent criminals from getting guns.

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