President Trump ordered flags at half-mast!

We get it, Wry. You don't like President Trump. Do you really feel the need to prove yet again that you are a leftist tool by criticizing him for honoring dead Americans?

I'll keep on proving that trump is what he is, until more people see the light.

Trump did not honor dead Americans, he is attempting and failing to cover his ass. He is a hate monger, and he alone has the bully pulpit necessary to end the madness, and didn't and won't do so.

Call me all the names you want, it's water off my back. You can hide your head in the sand all day long, and that won't change trump into anything more than what he is: A callous, selfish, man-child wearing an empty suit.

Except all your examples of his "hatemongering" are either out right lies, or bullshit spin of the worst sort.

YOu make hate filled lies, then use those lies to justify assumptions that you present as facts and then build spin on top of that,

which is why you get so brittle and bat shit crazy when you get called on this shit.

On some level, you know that your entire world view, is one little girl crying out, "the emperor has no clothes" and you'll be fetal for the rest of your life.


What ever you say, whatever you want to believe. However, you follow my posts, and criticize them with ad hominems. Prove in my world you are not well educated and a biddable trump supporter. Hence,

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You are attacking him for ordering flags at half mast, because you just "KNOW" that he doesn't mean it.

Dude. YOU are the partisan hack here, not me.

You're beginning to post like the easyt65, the resident fool. Calling me names is childish, and I have no recourse but to respond in kind. I write opinions, based on what I've seen and heard from Trump. Either you don't listen to him, or you are stuck in denial.

You pompous, self-important windbag.
He can put an immediate stop to this by locking up Soros



I felt the same about the OP

You did? Do you know what flying our flag up side down means? If you do, and don't believe mass murders of innocent people at a food fair, shopping at Wal-Mart and dancing on a Saturday night is not a serious problem, there is something very wrong with you.

Nothing wrong with me, bud.

Might ask yourself why you have such a major problem with .001 of the population.

Big scary guns...


Millions of those scary military style weapons in the hands of civilians.

Less than 50 involved in mass shootings.

Do I LIKE the shootings?


is there a sane way to stop them, without putting unreasonable limitations on the rest of gun owners?

not that I can see.

None are so blind as those who will not see.
Your problem is we see your purpose all too clearly.

You ain't that deep, Slappy.

I felt the same about the OP

You did? Do you know what flying our flag up side down means? If you do, and don't believe mass murders of innocent people at a food fair, shopping at Wal-Mart and dancing on a Saturday night is not a serious problem, there is something very wrong with you.

Nothing wrong with me, bud.

Might ask yourself why you have such a major problem with .001 of the population.

Big scary guns...


Millions of those scary military style weapons in the hands of civilians.

Less than 50 involved in mass shootings.

Do I LIKE the shootings?


is there a sane way to stop them, without putting unreasonable limitations on the rest of gun owners?

not that I can see.

None are so blind as those who will not see.

None are so blind as those who will not see.

self examination?

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Seems your biases are not based on reality, along with other Trump supporters. It's time and has been since the election of 2016 for the Republican Party to drop the Elephant, and replace it with the Ostrich.
There you go again, all angry because people aren't kissing your ass.

You'd think you'd be used to it by now.
We get it, Wry. You don't like President Trump. Do you really feel the need to prove yet again that you are a leftist tool by criticizing him for honoring dead Americans?

I'll keep on proving that trump is what he is, until more people see the light.

Trump did not honor dead Americans, he is attempting and failing to cover his ass. He is a hate monger, and he alone has the bully pulpit necessary to end the madness, and didn't and won't do so.

Call me all the names you want, it's water off my back. You can hide your head in the sand all day long, and that won't change trump into anything more than what he is: A callous, selfish, man-child wearing an empty suit.
You aren't proving your claims. Repeating the mantra that he is a hate monger does not make it so.

President Trump acknowledged the long standing problem of mentally ill people harming others. He is expected to say more on this issue today. You might say he is using his "bully pulpit". Will you give him a listen?

Trump scapegoated the mentally ill, most of whom are not violent, and few if any mass murderers have been diagnosed as dangerously mentally ill before they commit such atrocities.

Many times the follow up with people who knew the killers are surprised, and couldn't believe the perp. did such a thing.

Those are facts, open your eyes and put your biases aside, and think for yourself - Trump is a damn liar and has no background in judging people, as proved by those he has appointed and then tossed under the bus.
...says the guy with no experience in psychology who feels competent to diagnose Trump's mental state.

You're fulla shit, dood.
I'm sure he also called for prayers for the dead, wounded and their loved ones in Ohio, Texas, Florida, Connecticut, et all other states and communities devastated by gun violence.

If he had anything in mind but his own political situation, he would have ordered our flag at half-mast upside down, until the Congress passed laws which require more effective nation wide background checks.

Flying our flag in such away would put the issue of gun control on the Front Page for more than a day, and every government building would remind the public of how guns destroy lives, of victims and their loved ones.

But of course he won't, nor will the members of Congress who accept "donations" from the NRA and the Gun Lobby.

Tell us, how would you stop this?

Stop the NRA and the gun lobby?

Easy, pass legislation to require every member of Congress who accepts a campaign donation, a job for his wife or husband or child, a ticket to the world series, a prostitute for a week end, or any quit quo pro to recuse themselves from any bill which they have accepted more than a cup of water from.

Can we really have this? Really?


Stupid Question ^^^ Seems we have a supporter of Moscow Mitch and Putin's good buddy, Trump.
But remember, kids, Fly Catcher has no bias.
I'm sure he also called for prayers for the dead, wounded and their loved ones in Ohio, Texas, Florida, Connecticut, et all other states and communities devastated by gun violence.

If he had anything in mind but his own political situation, he would have ordered our flag at half-mast upside down, until the Congress passed laws which require more effective nation wide background checks.

Flying our flag in such away would put the issue of gun control on the Front Page for more than a day, and every government building would remind the public of how guns destroy lives, of victims and their loved ones.

But of course he won't, nor will the members of Congress who accept "donations" from the NRA and the Gun Lobby.
I watched a media brief by the Dayton chief of police a little while ago. He said there was noting in the shooter's record that would preclude him from legally purchasing a gun.

Try again.

Try again? There are no laws which will prevent mass murder, murder for greed or suicide and accidents. I've written that a dozen times and still stupid people post the same stupid question.

For the Record:

Gun control laws are not a panacea
So why do you and your ilk continually cry for more gun control?

"Common sense gun regulations may not prevent a monster from getting a gun, but no regulations assure a monster will get a gun and kill innocent people."

Two monsters have already taken the lives of innocent people since I posted this comment.
There already are regulations. JUST ONE MORE NO REALLY will not prevent criminals from getting guns.

Common sense gun regulations may not prevent a monster from getting a gun, but no regulations assure a monster will get a gun and kill innocent people.
I'm sure he also called for prayers for the dead, wounded and their loved ones in Ohio, Texas, Florida, Connecticut, et all other states and communities devastated by gun violence.

If he had anything in mind but his own political situation, he would have ordered our flag at half-mast upside down, until the Congress passed laws which require more effective nation wide background checks.

Flying our flag in such away would put the issue of gun control on the Front Page for more than a day, and every government building would remind the public of how guns destroy lives, of victims and their loved ones.

But of course he won't, nor will the members of Congress who accept "donations" from the NRA and the Gun Lobby.

Dear Wry Catcher aside from all the gun politics being brought up again and again,
I'd like to call for national support to implement SERIOUS medical research on advance screening and mental health diagnosis and treatment that can catch these cases where medicine alone has failed. Our whole mental health and criminal justice system is a mess from ignoring and excluding solutions that come from spiritual approaches that work.

Since spiritual diagnosis of healing of sickness BEFORE crimes are committed is OUTSIDE govt jurisdiction, that's why debating over gun policies isn't going to help this area of problems and solutions.

One way we CAN reach out and promote solutions to mental health and prevention of crime and violence is by implementing health care cooperatives in every district that would include advance screening, similar to how police and veterans have to go through psychological evaluations. Our current system of required military draft only applies to 18 year old males to sign up for service. But what if all districts offered an alternative for ALL citizens 18 or older to sign up either for military or MEDICAL service, so everyone got their benefits through either program. Then through these programs, there could be district wide screening as a requirement to get the health care benefits.
The military service option would still be through govt. For the health care and medical service option, this can be done through cooperative systems that preserve equal choice and access to either public/govt or private, business or nonprofit, church or other institution, depending on what people elect or qualify for.

We can expand on required signups for military to apply to citizenship in general for all people of age 18 and up. Everyone would go through a similar process as immigrants who receive citizenship training and/or military who receive mental health screening to make sure everyone (a) knows and agrees to follow laws and comply with police and govt procedures and authority AS A REQUIREMENT OF CITIZENSHIP in order to qualify for benefits; (b) is capable and knowledgeable of covering the costs of infractions, prosecution and incarceration and signs agreements to pay these costs if they commit premediated crimes so ignorance of the law is no excuse -- ALL CITIZENS must sign agreements to follow and uphold laws, cooperative with authorities in case of infractiuon, and pay any costs of premediated crimes or violations; (c) or if they have a disorder or disability preventing them from complying, they can get help to address issues of mental or legal incompetence, addiction or abuse that otherwise pose a threat to health or safety.

I would propose that all districts start looking at setting up their own policies to ensure all citizens agree to uniform policies and programs that include screening for criminal disorders, abuses and addictions in advance, in order to get help before crime or violence occurs. This can't be legislated through Federal Govt but can be decided locally by each district or community that wants to end crime, abuse and violence.

My initial response is to ask you if you ever saw the movie, Minority Report? That's fiction, but too close to what Trump suggested in his comments this morning.
Actually, it's exactly in line with what you're demanding. You want to know who's going to commit acts of violence -- and take away their civil rights before they do anything.
Yes, because allowing some bureaucratic asshole to decide if a person can exercise their right or not is going to work perfectly....

How about we force people to be interviewed by the government before they can vote?

You are the worst form of gun grabber, because as a former desk jockey LEO, you know YOU will be able to keep your guns, while the rest of us are forced to give them up.

Your emotions are missed placed. Your comments are not true, and your remarks on soft science were just this morning used by trump to incarcerated the mentally ill when a soft scientist diagnosis a person is potentially violent.

You didn't actually respond to anything I said.

And you talk about intellect?

I did respond to you, though I'm not inclined to defend myself when I'm attacked by someone I do not respect, who has no clues as to what I did when employed or what my intention on gun controls are.

We know your intentions. "guns for me, and not for thee"

You didn't respond to any of the actual points, just your standard "I'm a government stooge and better than you, you fucking prole" bullshit.

And you may wonder why I don't have any respect for you. I've decide to put you on ignore, not because I'm being willfully ignorant of your comments, but because your comments lack substance, are neither thoughtful or thought provoking; they are nothing more than ad hominems and sniveling.
You're not kissing his ass like you're supposed to, Marty. You done went and hurt his feelings.
I'm sure he also called for prayers for the dead, wounded and their loved ones in Ohio, Texas, Florida, Connecticut, et all other states and communities devastated by gun violence.

If he had anything in mind but his own political situation, he would have ordered our flag at half-mast upside down, until the Congress passed laws which require more effective nation wide background checks.

Flying our flag in such away would put the issue of gun control on the Front Page for more than a day, and every government building would remind the public of how guns destroy lives, of victims and their loved ones.

But of course he won't, nor will the members of Congress who accept "donations" from the NRA and the Gun Lobby.

Tell us, how would you stop this?

Stop the NRA and the gun lobby?

Easy, pass legislation to require every member of Congress who accepts a campaign donation, a job for his wife or husband or child, a ticket to the world series, a prostitute for a week end, or any quit quo pro to recuse themselves from any bill which they have accepted more than a cup of water from.

Can we really have this? Really?


Stupid Question ^^^ Seems we have a supporter of Moscow Mitch and Putin's good buddy, Trump.
But remember, kids, Fly Catcher has no bias.

That's another lie, of course I have biases. I find you and trump to be deplorable. I barely stomach you, him and the sociopaths who are on your side of the aisle.
The president blamed white supremacy, the internet, video games and mental illness for the massacres. He did not blame guns or himself.
And he was right.

No, he is to blame. He has stoked the flames of hatred. And the weapons these guys used should not be legal.

And a person who takes a hit list of men he wants to kill in highschool and girls he wants to rape needs to be turned into authorities and never be allowed to ever own a gun. We need to start reporting wackos and NEVER let them get guns. That means domestic violence guys don't get guns. People with assault and batteries on their record, no guns.

Or, you can buy a shotgun for hunting but that's it.

Nothing is a silver bullet but the first step is to get the fucking leader of the free world to stop telling his followers that mexicans are rapists and murderers coming here to destroy the country. It's not that bad Hitler.

And the weapons these guys used should not be legal.


And a person who takes a hit list of men he wants to kill in highschool and girls he wants to rape needs to be turned into authorities and never be allowed to ever own a gun.

I agree

The New York Post, a major U.S. tabloid owned by conservative-leaning media mogul Rupert Murdoch, implored President Donald Trump on its cover Monday to ban assault weapons following several mass shootings in recent days.

It’s time to... BAN WEAPONS OF WAR,” the cover reads next to a picture of an assault-style rifle, a weapon that mass shooters frequently use to kill as many people as possible.

You are worrying about an oppressive government coming to attack you and so you want your weapons. I get it. But guess what? The government isn't going to come get you. And if they do, then you are under arrest and we don't want you shooting the police when they do come to get you.

So I don't want you to be able to hold off the government/law when they come to get you. Just like the rest of us, we want you to come out quietly with your hands up when the law says to. Do you disagree? But wait, don't you guys tell black people to stop fighting back with the cops when they tell them to get on the ground? You tell them to comply but you don't want to have to comply? Interesting.

“President Trump, you are positioned to assuage that fear. On gun control, you are a pragmatic centrist, someone who knows there is a vast majority of Americans who are not to the extreme left or right on this issue. They just want the killings to stop. ... Come up with answers. Now. Beginning with the return of an assault-weapons ban.”

″‘Guns don’t kill people, people do,’ says the cliché. But the twisted and the evil can kill a lot more people when handed a murder machine,” the Post’s editorial board wrote. “Mr. President, do something — help America live without fear.”
Wow. You're not even trying to hide your fascism any more.
Tell us, how would you stop this?

Stop the NRA and the gun lobby?

Easy, pass legislation to require every member of Congress who accepts a campaign donation, a job for his wife or husband or child, a ticket to the world series, a prostitute for a week end, or any quit quo pro to recuse themselves from any bill which they have accepted more than a cup of water from.

Can we really have this? Really?


Stupid Question ^^^ Seems we have a supporter of Moscow Mitch and Putin's good buddy, Trump.
But remember, kids, Fly Catcher has no bias.

That's another lie, of course I have biases. I find you and trump to be deplorable. I barely stomach you, him and the sociopaths who are on your side of the aisle.

We get it, Wry. You don't like President Trump. Do you really feel the need to prove yet again that you are a leftist tool by criticizing him for honoring dead Americans?

I'll keep on proving that trump is what he is, until more people see the light.

Trump did not honor dead Americans, he is attempting and failing to cover his ass. He is a hate monger, and he alone has the bully pulpit necessary to end the madness, and didn't and won't do so.

Call me all the names you want, it's water off my back. You can hide your head in the sand all day long, and that won't change trump into anything more than what he is: A callous, selfish, man-child wearing an empty suit.
You aren't proving your claims. Repeating the mantra that he is a hate monger does not make it so.

President Trump acknowledged the long standing problem of mentally ill people harming others. He is expected to say more on this issue today. You might say he is using his "bully pulpit". Will you give him a listen?

Trump scapegoated the mentally ill, most of whom are not violent, and few if any mass murderers have been diagnosed as dangerously mentally ill before they commit such atrocities.

Many times the follow up with people who knew the killers are surprised, and couldn't believe the perp. did such a thing.

Those are facts, open your eyes and put your biases aside, and think for yourself - Trump is a damn liar and has no background in judging people, as proved by those he has appointed and then tossed under the bus.

...says the guy with no experience in psychology who feels competent to diagnose Trump's mental state.

You're fulla shit, dood.

How do you know what I know? are you a psycho ...psychic?
The president blamed white supremacy, the internet, video games and mental illness for the massacres. He did not blame guns or himself.
And he was right.

No, he is to blame. He has stoked the flames of hatred. And the weapons these guys used should not be legal.

And a person who takes a hit list of men he wants to kill in highschool and girls he wants to rape needs to be turned into authorities and never be allowed to ever own a gun. We need to start reporting wackos and NEVER let them get guns. That means domestic violence guys don't get guns. People with assault and batteries on their record, no guns.

Or, you can buy a shotgun for hunting but that's it.

Nothing is a silver bullet but the first step is to get the fucking leader of the free world to stop telling his followers that mexicans are rapists and murderers coming here to destroy the country. It's not that bad Hitler.

And the weapons these guys used should not be legal.


And a person who takes a hit list of men he wants to kill in highschool and girls he wants to rape needs to be turned into authorities and never be allowed to ever own a gun.

I agree

The New York Post, a major U.S. tabloid owned by conservative-leaning media mogul Rupert Murdoch, implored President Donald Trump on its cover Monday to ban assault weapons following several mass shootings in recent days.

It’s time to... BAN WEAPONS OF WAR,” the cover reads next to a picture of an assault-style rifle, a weapon that mass shooters frequently use to kill as many people as possible.

You are worrying about an oppressive government coming to attack you and so you want your weapons. I get it. But guess what? The government isn't going to come get you. And if they do, then you are under arrest and we don't want you shooting the police when they do come to get you.

So I don't want you to be able to hold off the government/law when they come to get you. Just like the rest of us, we want you to come out quietly with your hands up when the law says to. Do you disagree? But wait, don't you guys tell black people to stop fighting back with the cops when they tell them to get on the ground? You tell them to comply but you don't want to have to comply? Interesting.

“President Trump, you are positioned to assuage that fear. On gun control, you are a pragmatic centrist, someone who knows there is a vast majority of Americans who are not to the extreme left or right on this issue. They just want the killings to stop. ... Come up with answers. Now. Beginning with the return of an assault-weapons ban.”

″‘Guns don’t kill people, people do,’ says the cliché. But the twisted and the evil can kill a lot more people when handed a murder machine,” the Post’s editorial board wrote. “Mr. President, do something — help America live without fear.”

Wow. You're not even trying to hide your fascism any more.

LOL ^^^ Ignorance on drugs.
It’s time to... BAN WEAPONS OF WAR,” the cover reads next to a picture of an assault-style rifle, a weapon that mass shooters frequently use to kill as many people as possible.
Yes, weapons of war.

So, please list every firearm that was not designed for use in war, or a derivative of a firearm designed for use in war.

I will wait.

(HINT: Do you now see why we think your side wants a complete and total ban and confiscation. It is the ultimate, logical result.)


(HINT: Do you now see why we think your side wants a complete and total ban and confiscation. It is the ultimate, logical result.)

No, the ultimate goal is to reduce gun violence in America. Your claim is not logical, it is a slippery slope fallacy.
Fallacy only exposes a potential weakness to an argument. We all know that your little gun ban is not going to work. It's obvious. So, you have not expose any weakness in my argument.

You bastards want a total ban, and you're not getting it.

No one inch.


Wanna bet?
Yet another fascist reveals himself.
It’s time to... BAN WEAPONS OF WAR,” the cover reads next to a picture of an assault-style rifle, a weapon that mass shooters frequently use to kill as many people as possible.
Yes, weapons of war.

So, please list every firearm that was not designed for use in war, or a derivative of a firearm designed for use in war.

I will wait.

(HINT: Do you now see why we think your side wants a complete and total ban and confiscation. It is the ultimate, logical result.)


(HINT: Do you now see why we think your side wants a complete and total ban and confiscation. It is the ultimate, logical result.)

No, the ultimate goal is to reduce gun violence in America. Your claim is not logical, it is a slippery slope fallacy.
Fallacy only exposes a potential weakness to an argument. We all know that your little gun ban is not going to work. It's obvious. So, you have not expose any weakness in my argument.

You bastards want a total ban, and you're not getting it.

No one inch.


Wanna bet?

Yet another fascist reveals himself.

Keep going, and keep embarrassing yourself.
I'm sure he also called for prayers for the dead, wounded and their loved ones in Ohio, Texas, Florida, Connecticut, et all other states and communities devastated by gun violence.

My, my. I'm sure you were right there calling for the flag down as well for all the shootings that occurred during OBAMA'S eight years as well! That and all that OBAMA did to curb gun violence! Especially in his home town of Chicago! Comes from all those campaign donations he took from the dreaded NRA.

Meantime, fewer people died in these "devastating" gun shootings than one crashed bus on the highway! Gun deaths, like 1/100th of 1/100th of 1% of all the deaths that go on in this country! But, OH THE FUCKING HORROR!
Last edited:
Yes, weapons of war.

So, please list every firearm that was not designed for use in war, or a derivative of a firearm designed for use in war.

I will wait.

(HINT: Do you now see why we think your side wants a complete and total ban and confiscation. It is the ultimate, logical result.)


(HINT: Do you now see why we think your side wants a complete and total ban and confiscation. It is the ultimate, logical result.)

No, the ultimate goal is to reduce gun violence in America. Your claim is not logical, it is a slippery slope fallacy.
Fallacy only exposes a potential weakness to an argument. We all know that your little gun ban is not going to work. It's obvious. So, you have not expose any weakness in my argument.

You bastards want a total ban, and you're not getting it.

No one inch.


Wanna bet?

Yet another fascist reveals himself.

Keep going, and keep embarrassing yourself.

Funny how it is always the biggest ignorant assholes who talk about how stupid and uneducated others are, and the biggest jackasses who make a complete idiot of themselves always telling others they are embarrassing THEMSELVES. It is as if the farther Leftwing you are, they less capacity for self-awareness or self-judgement they have!
I'm sure he also called for prayers for the dead, wounded and their loved ones in Ohio, Texas, Florida, Connecticut, et all other states and communities devastated by gun violence.

If he had anything in mind but his own political situation, he would have ordered our flag at half-mast upside down, until the Congress passed laws which require more effective nation wide background checks.

Flying our flag in such away would put the issue of gun control on the Front Page for more than a day, and every government building would remind the public of how guns destroy lives, of victims and their loved ones.

But of course he won't, nor will the members of Congress who accept "donations" from the NRA and the Gun Lobby.
Did you hear about one of last week's shooters being in a mental hospital and the background check missed it?
Wouldn't surprise me a bit.

They don't need Universal background checks, they need background checks that are enforced, and that work.

And while we are at it, we need our illegal employers in this country doing a much better job verifying someone they hire is an American worker.

Some use Everify, some don't. Even the ones who do say they were given fake ID. It's bullshit. We all know it.

But yes, the gun industry needs to be much better regulated. Guns are too dangerous/powerful. I as a citizen should feel safe in public. I know that's a false sense of security but I feel much better knowing the most lethal gun in mall is a 6 shot revolver not a AK 47.
Yes, weapons of war.

So, please list every firearm that was not designed for use in war, or a derivative of a firearm designed for use in war.

I will wait.

(HINT: Do you now see why we think your side wants a complete and total ban and confiscation. It is the ultimate, logical result.)


(HINT: Do you now see why we think your side wants a complete and total ban and confiscation. It is the ultimate, logical result.)

No, the ultimate goal is to reduce gun violence in America. Your claim is not logical, it is a slippery slope fallacy.
Fallacy only exposes a potential weakness to an argument. We all know that your little gun ban is not going to work. It's obvious. So, you have not expose any weakness in my argument.

You bastards want a total ban, and you're not getting it.

No one inch.


Wanna bet?
Oh, you commies will try. I am confident on that.

What's the bet? That they are going to come get my guns?


I'm NOT a Commie, and you've proved to be an asshole. A stupid one at that.
You may not be a Commie, but you're damn sure a totalitarian piece of shit.

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