President Trump selects Jeff Sessions for Attorney step: Lock Her Up!

i wanted christie, but sessions was my 2nd choice!

christie has probably been disqualified from a cabinet position due to Bridgegate!
After those two pieces of shit that Obama appointed it will be good to have someone in the position that will actually enforce the law.

Having somebody with an A+ rating from the NRA and who has publicly stated that he thinks Crooked Hillary should be held accountable for her crimes is a good thing.
If Big Ears thinks they will go after Cankles, a pardon is likely. He can't afford her spilling the beans on him.
I am confident now that the DOJ will now work nonstop to ensure Starbucks cups finally say "merry Christmas"!
she's goin to jail, folks, she's goin to jail!
Trump taps Sessions for AG
Wait a minute!

I thought it was trey gowdy, then I thought it was rudy guiliani? Now it's sessions?

A word of advice: Don't start sucking each other's dicks again just yet. It's embarrassing.

Knowing what an impulsive asshole trump is, it will be somebody else this afternoon, that you all will agree on --- AGAIN --- is a great pick. LOL.
trey gowdy is the next speaker of the house, bitch!

and guliani will be SOS. you skank.
I am confident now that the DOJ will now work nonstop to ensure Starbucks cups finally say "merry Christmas"!
Funny you should mention this. Yesterday I went into Starbucks and and ordered several items. The guy at the counter asked my name and I said "Trump"! He called it out by saying "Trump?", and I said yessir. It was great! All the other customers started crying and whimpering, the employees started throwing things around and punching old white men. LOL!
If Big Ears thinks they will go after Cankles, a pardon is likely. He can't afford her spilling the beans on him.
She has to apply for a pardon, and she has not done this since she did not commit any crimes.
Thirty years ago he was denied a federal judge position over allegations that he had called the NAACP and ACLU "un-American" and said he thought the Ku Klux Klan was "OK, until he learned they smoked marijuana." Sessions has vehemently denied the claims.​

A word of advice: Don't start sucking each other's dicks again just yet. It's embarrassing.

if there is any dick sucking going on, it is and has been every demoscum liberpuke on this forum for 8 long miserable Constitution destroying years, and will continue for the rest of your ill fated lives. :up:

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