President Trump selects Jeff Sessions for Attorney step: Lock Her Up!

I love the smell of liberal desperation in the morning. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
she's goin to jail, folks, she's goin to jail!
Trump taps Sessions for AG
Wait a minute!

I thought it was trey gowdy, then I thought it was rudy guiliani? Now it's sessions?

A word of advice: Don't start sucking each other's dicks again just yet. It's embarrassing.

Knowing what an impulsive asshole trump is, it will be somebody else this afternoon, that you all will agree on --- AGAIN --- is a great pick. LOL.

More liberal poor loser butt hurt. Great time of the year.
Hope so...

Don't hold your breath....

"The 69-year-old, four-term Alabama Republican is a hard-liner on free trade and immigration, arguing that prospective immigrants don’t have constitutional protections. He has opposed efforts to overhaul prison sentencing, back off the war on drugs and legalize marijuana."
Loretta Lynch is fired. Remember she was being considered as a replacement for Scalia earlier this year as the 9th SC justice. Not gonna happen!
"In 1986, President Ronald Reagan picked Sessions for a judgeship, but his nomination never got out of committee after a firestorm over charges he had made racist statements.

Sessions acknowledged referring to the NAACP and other organizations as “communist inspired” and “un-American organizations with anti-traditional American values,” the New York Times reported in April 1986.

Sessions, though, eventually made it to the Senate and to a senior position on the Judiciary Committee.

Sessions has been hostile to gay rights, voting for a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage in 2006 and against the 2010 repeal of "don’t ask, don’t tell," the policy that banned gays and lesbians from serving openly in the military.

David Stacy, the government affairs director for Human Rights Campaign, told Metro Weekly that the prospect of Sessions as attorney general is "absolutely terrifying."'
"In Trump, Sessions saw someone strong enough to smash the system in Washington that he says caters to big money interests like the Chamber of Commerce and Wall Street, particularly on trade and immigration.

"Trump has a way of driving a message so people hear it. I’ve been talking about it for years and nobody hears it," Sessions said in an interview before the Republican National Convention. "Trump has that gift.""
"I told y'all I didn't vote... if I would've voted, I would've voted for Trump...he's gonna lock her up!" - Kanye West last night
"In 1986, President Ronald Reagan picked Sessions for a judgeship, but his nomination never got out of committee after a firestorm over charges he had made racist statements.

Sessions acknowledged referring to the NAACP and other organizations as “communist inspired” and “un-American organizations with anti-traditional American values,” the New York Times reported in April 1986.

Sessions, though, eventually made it to the Senate and to a senior position on the Judiciary Committee.

Sessions has been hostile to gay rights, voting for a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage in 2006 and against the 2010 repeal of "don’t ask, don’t tell," the policy that banned gays and lesbians from serving openly in the military.

David Stacy, the government affairs director for Human Rights Campaign, told Metro Weekly that the prospect of Sessions as attorney general is "absolutely terrifying."'

"Terrifying", oh my, seems like liberals are fearmongerers.
Another delusional alt-right nutter heard from

Alt Right is alright!!!!

If anyone is delusional it is somebody that thought this despicable dishonest corrupt bitch Crooked Hillary would have made a good President.
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"We must stop Sessions bid to be AG! He has no respect for the Constitution let alone most Americans" - Ben Jealous of the NAACP

they're already panicking! Ben is jealous!
He's qualified, but a REPUBLICAN senate voted him down for the judiciary. Still, if Trump's serious about immigration, Session's the guy for the job.

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