President Trump selects Jeff Sessions for Attorney step: Lock Her Up!

The only thing you've proven is that you either cannot understand English or that you're too much of a fucking partisan to even try.
(shrugs) Either way I don't give a shit .

So now you get to decide who is or isn't a racist, instead of me?

I see, I get it. Fucking hypocrite.

Lewdog asked you a legitimate question, but you're too much of an intellectually dishonest Repug pussy to answer it.

(smile) I answered him, you like him just don't like the answer you got.
Racism is NOT a subjective issue pussy boy.

No... you don't like the fact that you think it is ok to tell someone else they can't call some racist but YOU can. It doesn't work that way. Poor fella, just because you try to get in the last word isn't going to change the fact you're wrong.

(smile) Sorry kid, racism is an objective issue,not a subjective one.

It's also an objective, factual view that you are an intellectually dishonest Repug pussy lump of shit.

In your opinion of course.
But then you are nothing but a pussy assed butt hurt bitch.
Pretty tired of cleaning this thread. Just time to close it. There's 2 more on the topic anyways. .
Who did you vote for?

You voted for the woman who told a black man, her husband's offspring that he didn't belong at the plantation house. You voted for the woman who was behind mass black incarceration. You voted for the woman who called blacks "super predators." Don't even try to play that card, bitch. Now I go back to the original question, how many times have I even mentioned whites in the last month?

Answer my question coward -- who the fuck did you vote for?

Bitch, you been put in your place on this already. And besides that, I'm the one who asked the question first. So, answer my question, "COWARD".

I don't take orders from white supremacist apologists -- coward. Answer the question, and then I'll show you how you're a white supremacist apologist -- coward.

Maybe if you rant and rave a little more, one person will take you seriously. Don't hold your breath.

Ever read the Declaration of Independence? US Constitution? Why don't RWNJ traitors like you take that seriously?
You voted for the woman who told a black man, her husband's offspring that he didn't belong at the plantation house. You voted for the woman who was behind mass black incarceration. You voted for the woman who called blacks "super predators." Don't even try to play that card, bitch. Now I go back to the original question, how many times have I even mentioned whites in the last month?

Answer my question coward -- who the fuck did you vote for?

Bitch, you been put in your place on this already. And besides that, I'm the one who asked the question first. So, answer my question, "COWARD".

I don't take orders from white supremacist apologists -- coward. Answer the question, and then I'll show you how you're a white supremacist apologist -- coward.

Maybe if you rant and rave a little more, one person will take you seriously. Don't hold your breath.

Ever read the Declaration of Independence? US Constitution? Why don't RWNJ traitors like you take that seriously?


Grow the fuck up.

Why don't you grow up, bigot. Sessions was denied a position as a federal judge 30 years ago because he is a racist, pure and simple.

I never heard anybody in the Democratic Party criticize Robert Byrd's past all those years he sat in the Senate and he actually WAS a member of the KKK.

Maybe because Byrd showed remorse for his views and for what he did when he was younger, lightweight. Something Sessions has never done and never will. If you show remorse, most Americans will forgive you.

And if you read some of the comments that Sessions made when he was younger, it's quite obvious the man is a racist.

He got a pass because he was a Democrat, and for no other reason. The Republicans douche bags like you attack never held such views. You attack them because they are Republicans.

No, shit-for-brains. Byrd is forgiven because he apologized and he demonstrated over the years that he changed his ways. Surely he even an unsophisticated lump of Repug shit such as yourself can understand that. Who am I kidding? Of course you can't.

No Republican would ever be given the chance to apologize. Right now you douche bags are attacking Sessions even though he's never belonged to any such organizations and even though he's never done or said anything racist.
No. What he's saying is that you're a big fat hypocrite. Of course, that goes without saying because you're a leftist.

Sessions isn't a racist. He's part of the change that Trump promised. He's not paying attention to PC bullshit. Sessions will be prosecuting BLM thugs and IRS criminals who abuse their authority.

I am? Who did I support that was a racist? So draining the swamp is replacing a black racist with a white racist?

Part of what "draining the swamp" means is enforcing the law - something Obama's AGs were singularly reluctant to do.

Look! Another Trump supporter answer that I listed in my thread. Did or did not Trump run on the idea of changing Washington and not being the status quo? Is that NOT what "Draining the swamp" means? So why is the excuse of "Hey but Obama did it!" is making any kind of change? Do you understand what the definition of change is?

There isn't a shred of tangible evidence that Sessions is a racist, so your question is irrelevant. Furthermore, Trump haters don't get to define what he meant by "draining the swamp."

Except for the fact that he was rejected for a federal judge position because of his racist comments.

Fucking dumb ass.

He was rejected by a Dim majority. That proves exactly nothing. Now the Republicans have the majority in the Senate, and none of them are going to vote against him. Is that going to prove he isn't racist? Not to douche bags like you, if I know anything about lefties.
I doubt Sessions will take appointment.............

He is needed in the Senate.........................Plenty of qualified people for the task........
President-elect Donald Trump has made the offer to Deep South Republican Senator Jeff Sessions to be attorney general.

Sen. Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump at Trump Tower

The Alabama senator is known to be a racist who opposes any path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants in the U.S. In 1986, Sessions became only the second nominee in 50 years to be denied confirmation as a federal judge after allegations that he had made racist remarks. Like most racists, Sessions claimed he was not one but said at his hearing that groups such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the American Civil Liberties Union could be considered "un-American." One African-American lawyer testified that Sessions had joked that he thought the Ku Klux Klan was "OK until I found out they smoked pot".
I reckon this extremist will be fired before Christmas.
I fucking called it!

This morning I predicted the dumbasses would call him these kinds of names.

Well of course... a Republican Senate ruled he was too racist to be a federal judge all the way back in 1986 long before the PC era. And now the response by Trump supporters when people call him racist? They mock people with memes, insults, and defend him by saying people call all Conservatives racist. Not a single person has been able to defend his remarks.
Join us in 2016 idiot. If people cared about the past the "pussy grabber" wouldn't be president.
You're welcome to join us on the bus but as Obama said, "Elections have consequences so sit down and shut up, I won"


You mean the same 2016 where the new AG just said grabbing a woman by the pussy isn't sexual assault? Go out to your local grocery store and grab a woman by the pussy and see if you go to jail.

Says the moron that does not understand the meaning of the word "let".
In 1986 I was a true menace to society. Today I am trusted with the keys to people's homes when they're gone.

People change & times change. You lefties need to stop crying like little bitches and find something constructive to do.

Sorry, but being racist is about like being a sexual offender. You rarely if ever see one change their ways. EVER.

That is insanely stupid of you. ON so many levels.


Yeah, that is exactly the quote from the story, "Deemed."

Jeff Sessions Was Deemed Too Racist To Be A Federal Judge. He’ll Now Be Trump’s Attorney General.

Jeff Sessions Was Deemed Too Racist To Be A Federal Judge. He'll Now Be Trump's Attorney General. | The Huffington Post
So fucking what? I deem you too stupid to live.....

Means nothing. Actions matter

Yeah, it would if your opinion mattered. But it doesn't. You can't actually follow the topic and make a compelling counter-argument? Congrats. Your ignorance is showing.

Being a smug jerk isn't much of a counter argument.

I see you didn't learn anything from the election.

A smug jerk? I could turn it up 1,000 notches and still not be to the same level of smug as a Trump supporter.

You only think that because you are

a. completely blind to what an ass you are being.


b thus interpret people responding to you appropriately as unprovoked attacks.

Not to mention that you are incapable or unwilling to seriously consider ANYTHING anyone else says to you.

Remember who surprised you were on election night?

listen very closely.

Hillary being unstoppable was not the only thing you were completely sure of, and completely wrong about.

What does it take to wake you assholes up?
I am? Who did I support that was a racist? So draining the swamp is replacing a black racist with a white racist?

Part of what "draining the swamp" means is enforcing the law - something Obama's AGs were singularly reluctant to do.

Look! Another Trump supporter answer that I listed in my thread. Did or did not Trump run on the idea of changing Washington and not being the status quo? Is that NOT what "Draining the swamp" means? So why is the excuse of "Hey but Obama did it!" is making any kind of change? Do you understand what the definition of change is?

There isn't a shred of tangible evidence that Sessions is a racist, so your question is irrelevant. Furthermore, Trump haters don't get to define what he meant by "draining the swamp."

Except for the fact that he was rejected for a federal judge position because of his racist comments.

Fucking dumb ass.

He was rejected by a Dim majority. That proves exactly nothing. Now the Republicans have the majority in the Senate, and none of them are going to vote against him. Is that going to prove he isn't racist? Not to douche bags like you, if I know anything about lefties.

Yeah and one of the members on that Senate confirmation committee was one of the most racist people to ever serve in the Senate, Strom Thurmond.
President-elect Donald Trump has made the offer to Deep South Republican Senator Jeff Sessions to be attorney general.

Sen. Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump at Trump Tower

The Alabama senator is known to be a racist who opposes any path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants in the U.S. In 1986, Sessions became only the second nominee in 50 years to be denied confirmation as a federal judge after allegations that he had made racist remarks. Like most racists, Sessions claimed he was not one but said at his hearing that groups such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the American Civil Liberties Union could be considered "un-American." One African-American lawyer testified that Sessions had joked that he thought the Ku Klux Klan was "OK until I found out they smoked pot".
I reckon this extremist will be fired before Christmas.
I fucking called it!

This morning I predicted the dumbasses would call him these kinds of names.

Well of course... a Republican Senate ruled he was too racist to be a federal judge all the way back in 1986 long before the PC era. And now the response by Trump supporters when people call him racist? They mock people with memes, insults, and defend him by saying people call all Conservatives racist. Not a single person has been able to defend his remarks.
Join us in 2016 idiot. If people cared about the past the "pussy grabber" wouldn't be president.
You're welcome to join us on the bus but as Obama said, "Elections have consequences so sit down and shut up, I won"


You mean the same 2016 where the new AG just said grabbing a woman by the pussy isn't sexual assault? Go out to your local grocery store and grab a woman by the pussy and see if you go to jail.

Says the moron that does not understand the meaning of the word "let".

Show me where when he was asked about grabbing a woman in the pussy it says "let."
I fucking called it!

This morning I predicted the dumbasses would call him these kinds of names.

Well of course... a Republican Senate ruled he was too racist to be a federal judge all the way back in 1986 long before the PC era. And now the response by Trump supporters when people call him racist? They mock people with memes, insults, and defend him by saying people call all Conservatives racist. Not a single person has been able to defend his remarks.

THe word "racist" is broken. YOu lefties broke it though over use.

It has no meaning anymore, other than a sign of life for the lefty in question.

...and once again you don't actually address the topic. He was deemed too racist to be a judge by a Senate confirmation committee... in 1986. Not lefties of 2016... a Senate confirmation committee in 1986.

Ancient history, what does it matter?

And you guys have made accusations of racism completely meaningless.

So you're saying his comments were racist, and you just don't care? Got it.

Actually, I don't believe you take on it, I don't feel like researching ancient history to find out what exact lie you are telling, and I am ridiculing you a little because you lefties are always dismissing conservatives when we harp on past personal issues with liberals, like Bill.

Also, you lefties have no credibility to all anyone racist anymore.

All the information contained in you doing that, is that it is what in the Medical Field is called a Sign of LIfe.

ie I know that you are a living liberal. Because when liberals die is the only time they stop calling people racist.

Query: Have you ever called an animal racist? Or a plant? What about an inanimate object?
In 1986 I was a true menace to society. Today I am trusted with the keys to people's homes when they're gone.

People change & times change. You lefties need to stop crying like little bitches and find something constructive to do.

Sorry, but being racist is about like being a sexual offender. You rarely if ever see one change their ways. EVER.

That is insanely stupid of you. ON so many levels.

Show me I'm wrong... I'm sorry if I don't think your opinion is worth more than mine.

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