President Trump selects Jeff Sessions for Attorney step: Lock Her Up!

In an article titled “It’s like Christmas,” Anglin wrote “honestly, I didn’t even expect this to all come together so beautifully. It’s like we’re going to get absolutely everything we wanted…Basically, we are looking at a Daily Stormer Dream Team in the Trump administration.”

It’s Like Christmas: Sessions for AG, Gen Flynn as National Security Advisor

Yep, ole Santa is on the way...



No. What he's saying is that you're a big fat hypocrite. Of course, that goes without saying because you're a leftist.

Sessions isn't a racist. He's part of the change that Trump promised. He's not paying attention to PC bullshit. Sessions will be prosecuting BLM thugs and IRS criminals who abuse their authority.

I am? Who did I support that was a racist? So draining the swamp is replacing a black racist with a white racist?

Part of what "draining the swamp" means is enforcing the law - something Obama's AGs were singularly reluctant to do.

Look! Another Trump supporter answer that I listed in my thread. Did or did not Trump run on the idea of changing Washington and not being the status quo? Is that NOT what "Draining the swamp" means? So why is the excuse of "Hey but Obama did it!" is making any kind of change? Do you understand what the definition of change is?

That would be because the AG proved themselves racist AGs and the potential one in question has not (to most people's thinking at least). You might also note that Mr. Trump is not yet President so it's a little early to make claims about what he has or hasn't done.

To "most people's likings?" You've done a poll? Because everything I'm reading including those from Alt-rights and White Nationalists, he is.

YOu read follow a lot of white nationalists?
The only thing you've proven is that you either cannot understand English or that you're too much of a fucking partisan to even try.
(shrugs) Either way I don't give a shit .

So now you get to decide who is or isn't a racist, instead of me?

I see, I get it. Fucking hypocrite.

Lewdog asked you a legitimate question, but you're too much of an intellectually dishonest Repug pussy to answer it.

(smile) I answered him, you like him just don't like the answer you got.
Racism is NOT a subjective issue pussy boy.

No... you don't like the fact that you think it is ok to tell someone else they can't call some racist but YOU can. It doesn't work that way. Poor fella, just because you try to get in the last word isn't going to change the fact you're wrong.

(smile) Sorry kid, racism is an objective issue,not a subjective one.

If you mean objective means only you can call someone racist, and objective means no one else can... you're still wrong.

HE gave you an example. A very clear one.

That you have not addressed.

Yet you keep the conversation alive, so that you can continue to smear him and republicans.

Just as I predicted.
jeff sessions is secretly racist and publicly not racist, so his policies are not racist.

ok? can we just drop it now?
Join us in 2016 idiot. If people cared about the past the "pussy grabber" wouldn't be president.
You're welcome to join us on the bus but as Obama said, "Elections have consequences so sit down and shut up, I won"


You mean the same 2016 where the new AG just said grabbing a woman by the pussy isn't sexual assault? Go out to your local grocery store and grab a woman by the pussy and see if you go to jail.

Says the moron that does not understand the meaning of the word "let".

Show me where when he was asked about grabbing a woman in the pussy it says "let."

You have been lied to by your media.

And your confirmation bias led you to "miss" to ignore this.

Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005

"Donald Trump bragged in vulgar terms about kissing, groping and trying to have sex with women during a 2005 conversation caught on a hot microphone, saying that “when you’re a star, they let you do it,” according to a video obtained by The Washington Post.

The video captures Trump talking with Billy Bush, then of “Access Hollywood,”on a bus with the show’s name written across the side. They were arriving on the set of “Days of Our Lives” to tape a segment about Trump’s cameo on the soap opera."

This is the part where you can realize that you are in the grip of partisan rage that is messing with your thinking or double down.

And I'm not even talking about THAT comment dippity do. Sessions was asked if it was sexual assault to grab a woman by the pussy. He said he didn't think it was. Then after he realized how bad he screwed up he back peddled the next day.

GOP Senator Says Grabbing A Woman's Genitals Is Not Sexual Assault | The Huffington Post

As far as Trump's comment and the "let"... dumbass he said they "let" him because he is rich and famous. If you can understand why "let" that situation doesn't necessarily mean consent, then all hope is lost.

the definition of let

"to allow or permit:"

And as Sessions was referring to that "pussy grabbing",he was right, it was not sexual assault.

If he backtracked, that is alarming. YOu never show the media weakness. They are like rabid dogs. Only viler.

But then again, Huffington Post? lol!!!
I am? Who did I support that was a racist? So draining the swamp is replacing a black racist with a white racist?

Part of what "draining the swamp" means is enforcing the law - something Obama's AGs were singularly reluctant to do.

Look! Another Trump supporter answer that I listed in my thread. Did or did not Trump run on the idea of changing Washington and not being the status quo? Is that NOT what "Draining the swamp" means? So why is the excuse of "Hey but Obama did it!" is making any kind of change? Do you understand what the definition of change is?

That would be because the AG proved themselves racist AGs and the potential one in question has not (to most people's thinking at least). You might also note that Mr. Trump is not yet President so it's a little early to make claims about what he has or hasn't done.

To "most people's likings?" You've done a poll? Because everything I'm reading including those from Alt-rights and White Nationalists, he is.

YOu read follow a lot of white nationalists?

When it comes up in the media and people start threads with it here... yeah I don't have to. Good try though! :asshole:
Last edited:
In 1986 I was a true menace to society. Today I am trusted with the keys to people's homes when they're gone.

People change & times change. You lefties need to stop crying like little bitches and find something constructive to do.

Sorry, but being racist is about like being a sexual offender. You rarely if ever see one change their ways. EVER.

That is insanely stupid of you. ON so many levels.

Show me I'm wrong... I'm sorry if I don't think your opinion is worth more than mine.


People learn and change all the time.

FIRST OF ALL... have you studied this stuff? Racism is ingrained into people usually from a very young age. Learned and heard everyday. It's like teaching a kid the stove is hot and shouldn't be touched. Hell look at some of the admitted racists on this board. Do you think they are ever going to change? And please don't tell me a sexual offender changes. That is like finding a 9 leaf clover.

Yes, I have studied this stuff.

People learn and change all the time.
So now you get to decide who is or isn't a racist, instead of me?

I see, I get it. Fucking hypocrite.

Lewdog asked you a legitimate question, but you're too much of an intellectually dishonest Repug pussy to answer it.

(smile) I answered him, you like him just don't like the answer you got.
Racism is NOT a subjective issue pussy boy.

No... you don't like the fact that you think it is ok to tell someone else they can't call some racist but YOU can. It doesn't work that way. Poor fella, just because you try to get in the last word isn't going to change the fact you're wrong.

(smile) Sorry kid, racism is an objective issue,not a subjective one.

If you mean objective means only you can call someone racist, and objective means no one else can... you're still wrong.

HE gave you an example. A very clear one.

That you have not addressed.

Yet you keep the conversation alive, so that you can continue to smear him and republicans.

Just as I predicted.

Here we go, no insults. I'm going to ask you three simple questions.

Yes or no, is saying that is a white lawyer defends a Black man, the lawyer is a race traitor racist?

Yes or no, in the South, if you are a white man and you call Black men "boy" is that racist?

What is YOUR definition of racism and who gets to decide when someone is racist?
President-elect Donald Trump has made the offer to Deep South Republican Senator Jeff Sessions to be attorney general.

Sen. Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump at Trump Tower

The Alabama senator is known to be a racist who opposes any path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants in the U.S. In 1986, Sessions became only the second nominee in 50 years to be denied confirmation as a federal judge after allegations that he had made racist remarks. Like most racists, Sessions claimed he was not one but said at his hearing that groups such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the American Civil Liberties Union could be considered "un-American." One African-American lawyer testified that Sessions had joked that he thought the Ku Klux Klan was "OK until I found out they smoked pot".
I reckon this extremist will be fired before Christmas.

They are not "undocumented immigrants".

They are, at best "illegal immigrants".

And truthfully, "invaders" would be more accurate.

NOt wanting criminals to become citizens is not evidence of racism.

THat you present it as though it is, just decreases your credibility.
The United States is founded by immigrants, many of whom were undocumented. Some came recently, got married, paid taxes, had families, and stayed on the right side of the law. There can be a way of allowing these immigrants to become citizens of the country they love.

THe fact this nation was founded by people who came here from a distance, does not mean that we do not have the full and complete Rights of Sovereignty, including the right to decide who we wish to invite to joint us.

Indeed, it is utterly absurd to imply that it does mean that.

Sure, there are a hundred ways to over rule the democratically expressed Will of the People and give these people citizenship.

They are also hundreds of ways of NOT doing that.
Congress which claims to do the will of the people could make a law that allows amnesty for undocumented otherwise law-abiding people a path to citizenship. It must be wondered how representative of the people Congress actually is, rather than theoretically should be.

Well Congress is the will of the United States citizen more than it is the will of the people.

It is telling that you make a distinction between the two.

Those who are NOT citizens do not and should not have a voice in US domestic policy.
You mean the same 2016 where the new AG just said grabbing a woman by the pussy isn't sexual assault? Go out to your local grocery store and grab a woman by the pussy and see if you go to jail.

Says the moron that does not understand the meaning of the word "let".

Show me where when he was asked about grabbing a woman in the pussy it says "let."

You have been lied to by your media.

And your confirmation bias led you to "miss" to ignore this.

Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005

"Donald Trump bragged in vulgar terms about kissing, groping and trying to have sex with women during a 2005 conversation caught on a hot microphone, saying that “when you’re a star, they let you do it,” according to a video obtained by The Washington Post.

The video captures Trump talking with Billy Bush, then of “Access Hollywood,”on a bus with the show’s name written across the side. They were arriving on the set of “Days of Our Lives” to tape a segment about Trump’s cameo on the soap opera."

This is the part where you can realize that you are in the grip of partisan rage that is messing with your thinking or double down.

And I'm not even talking about THAT comment dippity do. Sessions was asked if it was sexual assault to grab a woman by the pussy. He said he didn't think it was. Then after he realized how bad he screwed up he back peddled the next day.

GOP Senator Says Grabbing A Woman's Genitals Is Not Sexual Assault | The Huffington Post

As far as Trump's comment and the "let"... dumbass he said they "let" him because he is rich and famous. If you can understand why "let" that situation doesn't necessarily mean consent, then all hope is lost.

the definition of let

"to allow or permit:"

And as Sessions was referring to that "pussy grabbing",he was right, it was not sexual assault.

If he backtracked, that is alarming. YOu never show the media weakness. They are like rabid dogs. Only viler.

But then again, Huffington Post? lol!!!

When a rich and powerful person like Trump makes a sexual advance with a young and impressionable woman... they may "let" him do it, but is is NOT consensual. Spin it however you want.
Part of what "draining the swamp" means is enforcing the law - something Obama's AGs were singularly reluctant to do.

Look! Another Trump supporter answer that I listed in my thread. Did or did not Trump run on the idea of changing Washington and not being the status quo? Is that NOT what "Draining the swamp" means? So why is the excuse of "Hey but Obama did it!" is making any kind of change? Do you understand what the definition of change is?

That would be because the AG proved themselves racist AGs and the potential one in question has not (to most people's thinking at least). You might also note that Mr. Trump is not yet President so it's a little early to make claims about what he has or hasn't done.

To "most people's likings?" You've done a poll? Because everything I'm reading including those from Alt-rights and White Nationalists, he is.

YOu read follow a lot of white nationalists?

When it comes up in the media and people start threads with it here... yeah I don't have to. God try though! :asshole:

THe only people I have heard mention or starting such threads have been obvious lefties like yourself.

And you always seem to take them at their words.
(smile) I answered him, you like him just don't like the answer you got.
Racism is NOT a subjective issue pussy boy.

No... you don't like the fact that you think it is ok to tell someone else they can't call some racist but YOU can. It doesn't work that way. Poor fella, just because you try to get in the last word isn't going to change the fact you're wrong.

(smile) Sorry kid, racism is an objective issue,not a subjective one.

If you mean objective means only you can call someone racist, and objective means no one else can... you're still wrong.

HE gave you an example. A very clear one.

That you have not addressed.

Yet you keep the conversation alive, so that you can continue to smear him and republicans.

Just as I predicted.

Here we go, no insults. I'm going to ask you three simple questions.

Yes or no, is saying that is a white lawyer defends a Black man, the lawyer is a race traitor racist?

Yes or no, in the South, if you are a white man and you call Black men "boy" is that racist?

What is YOUR definition of racism and who gets to decide when someone is racist?

1. Depends on the context. Sounds like a joke.

2. Depends on the context. I was in the south and personally witnessed an example of that that was NOT racist.

3. There is no "my" definition of racism. The definition has been posted. Deal with that.

4. If two people can't discuss a topic because one of them is refusing to abide by the common usage of a common word, that person who is doing that, is the problem. Because that person is playing a dishonest game. No offense meant.
Says the moron that does not understand the meaning of the word "let".

Show me where when he was asked about grabbing a woman in the pussy it says "let."

You have been lied to by your media.

And your confirmation bias led you to "miss" to ignore this.

Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005

"Donald Trump bragged in vulgar terms about kissing, groping and trying to have sex with women during a 2005 conversation caught on a hot microphone, saying that “when you’re a star, they let you do it,” according to a video obtained by The Washington Post.

The video captures Trump talking with Billy Bush, then of “Access Hollywood,”on a bus with the show’s name written across the side. They were arriving on the set of “Days of Our Lives” to tape a segment about Trump’s cameo on the soap opera."

This is the part where you can realize that you are in the grip of partisan rage that is messing with your thinking or double down.

And I'm not even talking about THAT comment dippity do. Sessions was asked if it was sexual assault to grab a woman by the pussy. He said he didn't think it was. Then after he realized how bad he screwed up he back peddled the next day.

GOP Senator Says Grabbing A Woman's Genitals Is Not Sexual Assault | The Huffington Post

As far as Trump's comment and the "let"... dumbass he said they "let" him because he is rich and famous. If you can understand why "let" that situation doesn't necessarily mean consent, then all hope is lost.

the definition of let

"to allow or permit:"

And as Sessions was referring to that "pussy grabbing",he was right, it was not sexual assault.

If he backtracked, that is alarming. YOu never show the media weakness. They are like rabid dogs. Only viler.

But then again, Huffington Post? lol!!!

When a rich and powerful person like Trump makes a sexual advance with a young and impressionable woman... they may "let" him do it, but is is NOT consensual. Spin it however you want.

"Young and impressionable"? Those are additives you just made up.

If you think that "rich, tall, famous and billionaire" is something that only effects "Young and impressionable" women, I have some bad news for you.
Look! Another Trump supporter answer that I listed in my thread. Did or did not Trump run on the idea of changing Washington and not being the status quo? Is that NOT what "Draining the swamp" means? So why is the excuse of "Hey but Obama did it!" is making any kind of change? Do you understand what the definition of change is?

That would be because the AG proved themselves racist AGs and the potential one in question has not (to most people's thinking at least). You might also note that Mr. Trump is not yet President so it's a little early to make claims about what he has or hasn't done.

To "most people's likings?" You've done a poll? Because everything I'm reading including those from Alt-rights and White Nationalists, he is.

YOu read follow a lot of white nationalists?

When it comes up in the media and people start threads with it here... yeah I don't have to. God try though! :asshole:

THe only people I have heard mention or starting such threads have been obvious lefties like yourself.

And you always seem to take them at their words.

Takes two seconds to find:

Andrew Anglin, editor of the neo-Nazi site The Daily Stormer, wrote that Sessions’ nomination, along with the appointment of retired Gen. Mike Flynnas national security adviser and Steve Bannon as Trump’s chief strategist, is “like Christmas.”

“Of course, I was thinking of Sessions for either Secretary of State or Defense, but I think Trump is making a point by putting an aggressive anti-Black racist in as AG,” Anglin wrote. “It’s a corrective measure, after Obama turned the Justice Department into the Black Panthers.”

White Nationalists Are Ecstatic About Jeff Sessions' Nomination

Duke wrote on Twitter, “Bannon, Flynn, Sessions -- Great! Senate must demand that Sessions as AG stop the massive institutional race discrimination against whites!”

Former Klan Leader David Duke Hails Trump’s “Great” Selection Of Jeff Sessions For Attorney General
In an article titled “It’s like Christmas,” Anglin wrote “honestly, I didn’t even expect this to all come together so beautifully. It’s like we’re going to get absolutely everything we wanted…Basically, we are looking at a Daily Stormer Dream Team in the Trump administration.”

It’s Like Christmas: Sessions for AG, Gen Flynn as National Security Advisor
If white supremacy is so bad, why do all the non-whites want to move to the places whites created and whites dominate? Why do they choose to live under white supremacy?

lol, we've seen what "white supremacy" leads to. Perhaps you should crack open a book sometime.

The only one talking about while supremecy is you and a couple nutjobs. Trump isn't. Pence isn't. Sessions isn't.

And all the white Supremacy groups running around throwing parties and dancing in the streets about Trump and Pence getting elected and now Sessions being announced as AG.

No... you don't like the fact that you think it is ok to tell someone else they can't call some racist but YOU can. It doesn't work that way. Poor fella, just because you try to get in the last word isn't going to change the fact you're wrong.

(smile) Sorry kid, racism is an objective issue,not a subjective one.

If you mean objective means only you can call someone racist, and objective means no one else can... you're still wrong.

HE gave you an example. A very clear one.

That you have not addressed.

Yet you keep the conversation alive, so that you can continue to smear him and republicans.

Just as I predicted.

Here we go, no insults. I'm going to ask you three simple questions.

Yes or no, is saying that is a white lawyer defends a Black man, the lawyer is a race traitor racist?

Yes or no, in the South, if you are a white man and you call Black men "boy" is that racist?

What is YOUR definition of racism and who gets to decide when someone is racist?

1. Depends on the context. Sounds like a joke.

2. Depends on the context. I was in the south and personally witnessed an example of that that was NOT racist.

3. There is no "my" definition of racism. The definition has been posted. Deal with that.

4. If two people can't discuss a topic because one of them is refusing to abide by the common usage of a common word, that person who is doing that, is the problem. Because that person is playing a dishonest game. No offense meant.

They were simple yes or no answers. Not "it depends."

Not only did the Senate confirmation committee find him not trustworthy to make an unbiased opinion because of his racist views, it actually went to an entire Senate vote, in a Republican controlled Senate, that he lost. He was only the second person to be put up for confirmation in front of the Senate for a Federal judge position to be turned down in 48 years.
Says the moron that does not understand the meaning of the word "let".

Show me where when he was asked about grabbing a woman in the pussy it says "let."

You have been lied to by your media.

And your confirmation bias led you to "miss" to ignore this.

Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005

"Donald Trump bragged in vulgar terms about kissing, groping and trying to have sex with women during a 2005 conversation caught on a hot microphone, saying that “when you’re a star, they let you do it,” according to a video obtained by The Washington Post.

The video captures Trump talking with Billy Bush, then of “Access Hollywood,”on a bus with the show’s name written across the side. They were arriving on the set of “Days of Our Lives” to tape a segment about Trump’s cameo on the soap opera."

This is the part where you can realize that you are in the grip of partisan rage that is messing with your thinking or double down.

And I'm not even talking about THAT comment dippity do. Sessions was asked if it was sexual assault to grab a woman by the pussy. He said he didn't think it was. Then after he realized how bad he screwed up he back peddled the next day.

GOP Senator Says Grabbing A Woman's Genitals Is Not Sexual Assault | The Huffington Post

As far as Trump's comment and the "let"... dumbass he said they "let" him because he is rich and famous. If you can understand why "let" that situation doesn't necessarily mean consent, then all hope is lost.

the definition of let

"to allow or permit:"

And as Sessions was referring to that "pussy grabbing",he was right, it was not sexual assault.

If he backtracked, that is alarming. YOu never show the media weakness. They are like rabid dogs. Only viler.

But then again, Huffington Post? lol!!!

When a rich and powerful person like Trump makes a sexual advance with a young and impressionable woman... they may "let" him do it, but is is NOT consensual. Spin it however you want.

So women who are in their twenties are not competent to give their consent? Does that include Monica Lewinski?
Show me where when he was asked about grabbing a woman in the pussy it says "let."

You have been lied to by your media.

And your confirmation bias led you to "miss" to ignore this.

Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005

"Donald Trump bragged in vulgar terms about kissing, groping and trying to have sex with women during a 2005 conversation caught on a hot microphone, saying that “when you’re a star, they let you do it,” according to a video obtained by The Washington Post.

The video captures Trump talking with Billy Bush, then of “Access Hollywood,”on a bus with the show’s name written across the side. They were arriving on the set of “Days of Our Lives” to tape a segment about Trump’s cameo on the soap opera."

This is the part where you can realize that you are in the grip of partisan rage that is messing with your thinking or double down.

And I'm not even talking about THAT comment dippity do. Sessions was asked if it was sexual assault to grab a woman by the pussy. He said he didn't think it was. Then after he realized how bad he screwed up he back peddled the next day.

GOP Senator Says Grabbing A Woman's Genitals Is Not Sexual Assault | The Huffington Post

As far as Trump's comment and the "let"... dumbass he said they "let" him because he is rich and famous. If you can understand why "let" that situation doesn't necessarily mean consent, then all hope is lost.

the definition of let

"to allow or permit:"

And as Sessions was referring to that "pussy grabbing",he was right, it was not sexual assault.

If he backtracked, that is alarming. YOu never show the media weakness. They are like rabid dogs. Only viler.

But then again, Huffington Post? lol!!!

When a rich and powerful person like Trump makes a sexual advance with a young and impressionable woman... they may "let" him do it, but is is NOT consensual. Spin it however you want.

So women who are in their twenties are not competent to give their consent? Does that include Monica Lewinski?

From now on, anytime someone makes a Bill or Hillary Clinton comment I'm just going to give you the link to my introduction thread.

Will the Real Lewdog Please Stand Up?

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