President Trump selects Jeff Sessions for Attorney step: Lock Her Up!

"Obama wanted his cabinet to be a team of rivals. Trump wants his cabinet to be a team of racists." - liberal nutjob Doris Kearns Goodwin
You're saying that someone isn't a racist because someone says so. So I asked you what YOUR definition of a racist is... and all you did was cut and paste off of some website. Then I asked you who decides who is a racist based on "your" definition... it's a simple question.

When someone starts asking for individual definitions of words, to the point of complaining that some sites a dictionary,

that is some who knows that they are lying.

I asked how THEY define racist. Not what the definition is from some site. Then I asked if that was indeed their definition, who gets to apply that definition. Simple bit of reasoning. Sorry you don't understand it.

I understand perfectly.

You want to start a sophist game about what is or isn't racism.

As long as that discussion goes on, you get to constantly smear your enemies with vile slurs, ie racist.

And all you have to do to keep it going is to dismiss anything that settles the issue, like a dictionary definition.

You lefties do this because you know that you cannot make the case for your policies or positions based on their merits.

So, instead, you use various logical fallacies and propaganda techniques.

In other words, you are a troll.

And a fairly vile one, as you are purposefully and actively tearing this nation apart.

I'm sorry I'm not a blind political part follower that let's my mind get warped by a loud mouthed, lying, fraud. That scares you, I get it. Suck it up buttercup.

Your denial, in the context of your blind partisanship in the rest of this thread has zero credibility.

My point about your pretense of confusion over the meaning of the word "racism" stands.

You are engaged in race bating propaganda, because you know that you cannot defend your lefty policies and positions based on their merits.

You are substituting insults and smears For serious or honest debate.

That makes you the lying troll, asshole.

Your tears taste so salty! I don't even need to label Sessions a racist. The Senate confirmation committee already did that for me. Makes you made doesn't it?
You are the troll. Dumb ass.

Don't taz me bro made a valid point, and your response was to repeat your accusation.

That is the behavior of a troll, troll.

Hence, my point stands.


When all you have to say, is to insult people, which is all you are doing, you are the troll.

This is for you.


You are the one who has one answer to everything, ie to insult people.

THat makes you the troll, asshole.

To bring it back on topic... Sessions will make the AG position even more of a laughing stock than it has been under Holder and Lynch. And that says a lot.

You have grasped the portion of a debate where you state your position.

So far, in order to support it, you have don't nothing but insulting people and cited Authority figures.

That makes you the troll, asshole.
Tomorrow's headline: "Trump takes a huge shit on the Constitution!"

Trump supporters: "Who cares about the Constitution! Look at how huge that shit was! He's bringing back large manufacturing to America!"

Bitch, you been put in your place on this already. And besides that, I'm the one who asked the question first. So, answer my question, "COWARD".

I don't take orders from white supremacist apologists -- coward. Answer the question, and then I'll show you how you're a white supremacist apologist -- coward.

You're a hack. Nobody's awaiting your sh** anyways.

Just as I thought. Coward. You fucking useless degenerate. Too much of a fucking pussy to admit that you voted Trump.

Awwww. Is your racism card not paying out like it was? Poor baby bitch.

Not a racism "card," you white supremacist apologist -- you've already outed yourself for everyone to see. Coward.

The race card has been played's old and tired. The democrats want to rule over groups of people. Trump wants to govern the nation all of the nation. Dems need to stop segmenting the population and give up the race card or they will continue to lose.

It's been played out? So let's appoint a racist cocksucker and then ignore that because well... he's a Republican! Uhmmeeericah! Yeehaw!

He raised a fair point. The use of false accusations of racism has been "played out", as demonstrated by how little power it had to derail Trump's election.

Your response was nothing but ridicule and partisan filler.

You are the troll.

When all you have to say, is to insult people, which is all you are doing, you are the troll.

This is for you.


You are the one who has one answer to everything, ie to insult people.

THat makes you the troll, asshole.

To bring it back on topic... Sessions will make the AG position even more of a laughing stock than it has been under Holder and Lynch. And that says a lot.

You have grasped the portion of a debate where you state your position.

So far, in order to support it, you have don't nothing but insulting people and cited Authority figures.

That makes you the troll, asshole.

Simple concept. The Senate confirmation committee called him racist. I listed his remarks and said he was racist. Others did so as well. Then a poster said posters here don't have the right to call him racist. So I asked a couple simple questions. What was THEIR definition of racist, and who gets to apply that definition to someone. They copy and pasted the definition from some source, and then went forth with making a statement where they called someone racist. So... I asked why they had the right to say someone else couldn't label someone racist, but THEY could. That's when they deflected to some other argument.

Not sure what you don't get. Other than your cool fetish of wanting to ride my ass, that is blinding your ability to understand and reason. It doesn't surprise me however, as you have attacked me from post #1.

But it's cool. I just won't send you a Christmas card this year.
I haven't said anything yet. I'm asking you a question. Even if we go by the copy and pasted definition you posted, who decides if someone is a racist?

(sigh) It is the definition of the word, I'm sorry tat that fact escapes you.
Tell me son, is the term Racist subjective or objective?

That "is" the definition... ok. So once again, when using that definition, who decides who is racist? Simple question. Why do you keep evading it? Simple question.

I'm evading anything, is someone being a Racist subjective or objective. It's a VERY simple question.

Answer my question first... then I'll answer yours. You're deflecting. Simple question... when using "your' definition of racist, who decides when it is the proper time to label someone racist?

Maybe this will help.
If I say "Look you dumb ******", I'm racist.
If I say "You Hispanics need to come here legally" I'm not.
That help?

It won't help. Because it doesn't serve the lefty agenda to have a fixed meaning. They need to pretend there is confusion on that issue, so they can use it as much as possible.
The race card has been played's old and tired. The democrats want to rule over groups of people. Trump wants to govern the nation all of the nation. Dems need to stop segmenting the population and give up the race card or they will continue to lose.

It's been played out? So let's appoint a racist cocksucker and then ignore that because well... he's a Republican! Uhmmeeericah! Yeehaw!

He raised a fair point. The use of false accusations of racism has been "played out", as demonstrated by how little power it had to derail Trump's election.

Your response was nothing but ridicule and partisan filler.

You are the troll.
(sigh) It is the definition of the word, I'm sorry tat that fact escapes you.
Tell me son, is the term Racist subjective or objective?

That "is" the definition... ok. So once again, when using that definition, who decides who is racist? Simple question. Why do you keep evading it? Simple question.

I'm evading anything, is someone being a Racist subjective or objective. It's a VERY simple question.

Answer my question first... then I'll answer yours. You're deflecting. Simple question... when using "your' definition of racist, who decides when it is the proper time to label someone racist?

Maybe this will help.
If I say "Look you dumb ******", I'm racist.
If I say "You Hispanics need to come here legally" I'm not.
That help?

So you are saying YOU get to decide who is racist using your definition. Thanks. So... it's ok for YOU to label someone a racist, but it isn't ok for someone else? Gotcha.

NOt what he said at all. As you well know.
When all you have to say, is to insult people, which is all you are doing, you are the troll.

This is for you.


You are the one who has one answer to everything, ie to insult people.

THat makes you the troll, asshole.

To bring it back on topic... Sessions will make the AG position even more of a laughing stock than it has been under Holder and Lynch. And that says a lot.

You have grasped the portion of a debate where you state your position.

So far, in order to support it, you have don't nothing but insulting people and cited Authority figures.

That makes you the troll, asshole.

Simple concept. The Senate confirmation committee called him racist. I listed his remarks and said he was racist. Others did so as well. Then a poster said posters here don't have the right to call him racist. So I asked a couple simple questions. What was THEIR definition of racist, and who gets to apply that definition to someone. They copy and pasted the definition from some source, and then went forth with making a statement where they called someone racist. So... I asked why they had the right to say someone else couldn't label someone racist, but THEY could. That's when they deflected to some other argument.

Not sure what you don't get. Other than your cool fetish of wanting to ride my ass, that is blinding your ability to understand and reason. It doesn't surprise me however, as you have attacked me from post #1.

But it's cool. I just won't send you a Christmas card this year.

1. Citing the confirmation committee is the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Authority. Invalid.

2. OUt of context comments, some denied from 30 years ago? That is your proof? LOL!!!

3. Your pretense of not knowing common english is noted and dismissed.

4. YOur pretense of not understanding that words have meaning that can be used by two different people, is noted and dismissed.

5. You attacked ME. I responded in "as kind" as I could.
some folks can't take a joke!

i don't know how you look, Crooked Lewdog, and i don't care!
The race card has been played's old and tired. The democrats want to rule over groups of people. Trump wants to govern the nation all of the nation. Dems need to stop segmenting the population and give up the race card or they will continue to lose.

It's been played out? So let's appoint a racist cocksucker and then ignore that because well... he's a Republican! Uhmmeeericah! Yeehaw!

He raised a fair point. The use of false accusations of racism has been "played out", as demonstrated by how little power it had to derail Trump's election.

Your response was nothing but ridicule and partisan filler.

You are the troll.

He raised a fair point. The use of false accusations of racism has been "played out", as demonstrated by how little power it had to derail Trump's election.

Your response was nothing but ridicule and partisan filler.

You are the troll.
Hopefully Sessions won't be approved for Attorney General of the US by the Senate....they turned him down when he was appointed for a judgeship, attorney general is even MORE would be an injustice to Justice in America.

Boy oh boy, Trump is really pushing the extremes in his picks so far.....

we've got a MINISTRY OF PROPAGANDA Head with Steve Bannon...

Flynn is off his rocker bat shit crazy, Russian loving pawn, propagandist promoter, and liar.

And now he wants to ILLEGALLY hire his son in law....
Trump doesn't need 60 votes to get his nominees approved.

He needs 51... and that isn't guaranteed. Almost every single Republican would have to vote to confirm him.

You stop this one, and Trump will just select another good choice.

You can't stop them all.
if you don't like Sessions and think he's racist, why don't you leave the United States? LEAVE!
You stop this one, and Trump will just select another good choice.

You can't stop them all."

as good as Sessions is, Christie would be even better!

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