President Trump selects Jeff Sessions for Attorney step: Lock Her Up!

You have been lied to by your media.

And your confirmation bias led you to "miss" to ignore this.

Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005

"Donald Trump bragged in vulgar terms about kissing, groping and trying to have sex with women during a 2005 conversation caught on a hot microphone, saying that “when you’re a star, they let you do it,” according to a video obtained by The Washington Post.

The video captures Trump talking with Billy Bush, then of “Access Hollywood,”on a bus with the show’s name written across the side. They were arriving on the set of “Days of Our Lives” to tape a segment about Trump’s cameo on the soap opera."

This is the part where you can realize that you are in the grip of partisan rage that is messing with your thinking or double down.

And I'm not even talking about THAT comment dippity do. Sessions was asked if it was sexual assault to grab a woman by the pussy. He said he didn't think it was. Then after he realized how bad he screwed up he back peddled the next day.

GOP Senator Says Grabbing A Woman's Genitals Is Not Sexual Assault | The Huffington Post

As far as Trump's comment and the "let"... dumbass he said they "let" him because he is rich and famous. If you can understand why "let" that situation doesn't necessarily mean consent, then all hope is lost.

the definition of let

"to allow or permit:"

And as Sessions was referring to that "pussy grabbing",he was right, it was not sexual assault.

If he backtracked, that is alarming. YOu never show the media weakness. They are like rabid dogs. Only viler.

But then again, Huffington Post? lol!!!

When a rich and powerful person like Trump makes a sexual advance with a young and impressionable woman... they may "let" him do it, but is is NOT consensual. Spin it however you want.

So women who are in their twenties are not competent to give their consent? Does that include Monica Lewinski?

From now on, anytime someone makes a Bill or Hillary Clinton comment I'm just going to give you the link to my introduction thread.

Will the Real Lewdog Please Stand Up?

You didn't answer the question: Was Monica Lewinski competent to give her consent when Slick Willy asked her to give him a hummer?
And I'm not even talking about THAT comment dippity do. Sessions was asked if it was sexual assault to grab a woman by the pussy. He said he didn't think it was. Then after he realized how bad he screwed up he back peddled the next day.

GOP Senator Says Grabbing A Woman's Genitals Is Not Sexual Assault | The Huffington Post

As far as Trump's comment and the "let"... dumbass he said they "let" him because he is rich and famous. If you can understand why "let" that situation doesn't necessarily mean consent, then all hope is lost.

the definition of let

"to allow or permit:"

And as Sessions was referring to that "pussy grabbing",he was right, it was not sexual assault.

If he backtracked, that is alarming. YOu never show the media weakness. They are like rabid dogs. Only viler.

But then again, Huffington Post? lol!!!

When a rich and powerful person like Trump makes a sexual advance with a young and impressionable woman... they may "let" him do it, but is is NOT consensual. Spin it however you want.

So women who are in their twenties are not competent to give their consent? Does that include Monica Lewinski?

From now on, anytime someone makes a Bill or Hillary Clinton comment I'm just going to give you the link to my introduction thread.

Will the Real Lewdog Please Stand Up?

You didn't answer the question: Was Monica Lewinski competent to give her consent when Slick Willy asked her to give him a hummer?

Will the Real Lewdog Please Stand Up?
It's on the recording, dumbass.

Hey derp derp... read the comments again. I wasn't talking about Trump's tape. I was talking about Sessions being asked if it was sexual assault to grab a woman by the pussy.
Here's Sessions' comment

“I don’t characterize that as sexual assault,” Sessions told The Weekly Standard in the spin room after Sunday night’s presidential debate. “I think that’s a stretch. I don’t know what he meant.”

He's obviously talking about Trump's comment, not the act of grabbing a woman's pussy.

How convenient you left out the question,

TWS: So if you grab a woman by the genitals, that’s not sexual assault?

SESSIONS: I don’t know. It’s not clear that he—how that would occur.

Trump Idiots: Really, Is ‘Grabbing Them By The Pussy’ Even *Wrong*?

It doesn't matter what the question is. His answer refers to the actual statement Trump made.

And anyone with two cents will tell you that Trump was referring to using his money and power to force women into "letting" him do it. That's not real consent. Ask Fox News how well that works out.

There was nothing in the tape to suggest what you are making up.

"Let" was there indicating consent.

There was nothing there indicating force.
Hey derp derp... read the comments again. I wasn't talking about Trump's tape. I was talking about Sessions being asked if it was sexual assault to grab a woman by the pussy.
Here's Sessions' comment

“I don’t characterize that as sexual assault,” Sessions told The Weekly Standard in the spin room after Sunday night’s presidential debate. “I think that’s a stretch. I don’t know what he meant.”

He's obviously talking about Trump's comment, not the act of grabbing a woman's pussy.

How convenient you left out the question,

TWS: So if you grab a woman by the genitals, that’s not sexual assault?

SESSIONS: I don’t know. It’s not clear that he—how that would occur.

Trump Idiots: Really, Is ‘Grabbing Them By The Pussy’ Even *Wrong*?

It doesn't matter what the question is. His answer refers to the actual statement Trump made.

And anyone with two cents will tell you that Trump was referring to using his money and power to force women into "letting" him do it. That's not real consent. Ask Fox News how well that works out.

There was nothing in the tape to suggest what you are making up.

"Let" was there indicating consent.

There was nothing there indicating force.

You obviously didn't watch the Gretchen Carlson interview the other night.
The Snowflakes think all Conservatives are Racist, so we can expect the same accusations against any and all Trump picks.

Meanwhile, the DNC was the party exposed by their own leaked e-mails as being racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Catholic, Anti-Semites!

Same ol' same ol' get busted doing something - accuse the Conservatives of doing it.

I calls 'em like I sees 'em, and both Sessions and Bannon have some racist attitudes in their pasts.

LOL! Sure they do.

You should read this.

You Are Still Crying Wolf
Good article. Like I said, I think we have to look at what Session has said and done since 1986, to be fair. Bannon is another story. If Dems have been crying wolf, what is actually happening is that now that there is a real concern in the room, no one is listening. Trump will have who he likes, and there's no stopping him. But it is not empty bellyaching when it comes to that guy.

If that is true, you have no one to blame but your selves for your last 40 years of behavior.

And also, as documented in the article, real racist are so small and insignificant that any actual racist that manages to rise to a position of responsibility, will be completely isolated from other like minded individual and will know that they will only keep their job by conforming to the non-racist culture around them.
Here's Sessions' comment

“I don’t characterize that as sexual assault,” Sessions told The Weekly Standard in the spin room after Sunday night’s presidential debate. “I think that’s a stretch. I don’t know what he meant.”

He's obviously talking about Trump's comment, not the act of grabbing a woman's pussy.

How convenient you left out the question,

TWS: So if you grab a woman by the genitals, that’s not sexual assault?

SESSIONS: I don’t know. It’s not clear that he—how that would occur.

Trump Idiots: Really, Is ‘Grabbing Them By The Pussy’ Even *Wrong*?

It doesn't matter what the question is. His answer refers to the actual statement Trump made.

And anyone with two cents will tell you that Trump was referring to using his money and power to force women into "letting" him do it. That's not real consent. Ask Fox News how well that works out.

There was nothing in the tape to suggest what you are making up.

"Let" was there indicating consent.

There was nothing there indicating force.

You obviously didn't watch the Gretchen Carlson interview the other night.


Furthermore, if you think that the money and power and fame require "force" to get a man come special consideration, I have more bad news for you.

It doesn't matter what the question is. His answer refers to the actual statement Trump made.

And anyone with two cents will tell you that Trump was referring to using his money and power to force women into "letting" him do it. That's not real consent. Ask Fox News how well that works out.

There was nothing in the tape to suggest what you are making up.

"Let" was there indicating consent.

There was nothing there indicating force.

You obviously didn't watch the Gretchen Carlson interview the other night.


Furthermore, if you think that the money and power and fame require "force" to get a man come special consideration, I have more bad news for you.

I'll take your word for it.

Nope I won't. I'll take the word of all the women accusers of Bill Clinton, Roger Ailes, and Donald Trump... among many others.
In light of this thread and the irrational rantings of the liberal body politic it's clear that if AG designees do not already have armed Secret Service protection they damn well need to have it - immediately!
In an article titled “It’s like Christmas,” Anglin wrote “honestly, I didn’t even expect this to all come together so beautifully. It’s like we’re going to get absolutely everything we wanted…Basically, we are looking at a Daily Stormer Dream Team in the Trump administration.”

It’s Like Christmas: Sessions for AG, Gen Flynn as National Security Advisor

Blacks had a similar line of thought when Obama was elected 8 years ago.

Somehow, even with him in charge, race relations worsened
Dont you understand why it seems that race relations worsened? Think... when else were race relations really bad, when did they spike? During the civil Right she movement... when all the crap was brought to the surface.

Because lefties have been screaming racism ever time some republican engages in partisan politics.

THis divides the nation, between blacks who feel increasingly under attack, liberals who are outraged by their false perception of racism, and republicans who are increasingly sick and tired of being vilely slandered by assholes.
In an article titled “It’s like Christmas,” Anglin wrote “honestly, I didn’t even expect this to all come together so beautifully. It’s like we’re going to get absolutely everything we wanted…Basically, we are looking at a Daily Stormer Dream Team in the Trump administration.”

It’s Like Christmas: Sessions for AG, Gen Flynn as National Security Advisor

Blacks had a similar line of thought when Obama was elected 8 years ago.

Somehow, even with him in charge, race relations worsened
Dont you understand why it seems that race relations worsened? Think... when else were race relations really bad, when did they spike? During the civil Right she movement... when all the crap was brought to the surface.

Because lefties have been screaming racism ever time some republican engages in partisan politics.

THis divides the nation, between blacks who feel increasingly under attack, liberals who are outraged by their false perception of racism, and republicans who are increasingly sick and tired of being vilely slandered by assholes.

Funny, no one is calling Romney a racist... just a sell out. He started the #NeverTrump campaign, and is now visiting Trump trying to get a job.
And also, as documented in the article, real racist are so small and insignificant that any actual racist that manages to rise to a position of responsibility, will be completely isolated from other like minded individual and will know that they will only keep their job by conforming to the non-racist culture around them.

The real racists are taking over the White House. You've elected a President with close affiliations with the KKK, and the racists are out in the open now.
When someone starts asking for individual definitions of words, to the point of complaining that some sites a dictionary,

that is some who knows that they are lying.

I asked how THEY define racist. Not what the definition is from some site. Then I asked if that was indeed their definition, who gets to apply that definition. Simple bit of reasoning. Sorry you don't understand it.

I understand perfectly.

You want to start a sophist game about what is or isn't racism.

As long as that discussion goes on, you get to constantly smear your enemies with vile slurs, ie racist.

And all you have to do to keep it going is to dismiss anything that settles the issue, like a dictionary definition.

You lefties do this because you know that you cannot make the case for your policies or positions based on their merits.

So, instead, you use various logical fallacies and propaganda techniques.

In other words, you are a troll.

And a fairly vile one, as you are purposefully and actively tearing this nation apart.

I'm sorry I'm not a blind political part follower that let's my mind get warped by a loud mouthed, lying, fraud. That scares you, I get it. Suck it up buttercup.

Your denial, in the context of your blind partisanship in the rest of this thread has zero credibility.

My point about your pretense of confusion over the meaning of the word "racism" stands.

You are engaged in race bating propaganda, because you know that you cannot defend your lefty policies and positions based on their merits.

You are substituting insults and smears For serious or honest debate.

That makes you the lying troll, asshole.

Your tears taste so salty! I don't even need to label Sessions a racist. The Senate confirmation committee already did that for me. Makes you made doesn't it?

Your Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Authority has already been noted, dismissed and even ridiculed.

Yet you continue to ignore all of that and repeat your "point".

THAT is the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

There are not debating techniques. They are at best failures of reasoning, or more likely purposeful propaganda.
In an article titled “It’s like Christmas,” Anglin wrote “honestly, I didn’t even expect this to all come together so beautifully. It’s like we’re going to get absolutely everything we wanted…Basically, we are looking at a Daily Stormer Dream Team in the Trump administration.”

It’s Like Christmas: Sessions for AG, Gen Flynn as National Security Advisor

Blacks had a similar line of thought when Obama was elected 8 years ago.

Somehow, even with him in charge, race relations worsened
Dont you understand why it seems that race relations worsened? Think... when else were race relations really bad, when did they spike? During the civil Right she movement... when all the crap was brought to the surface.

Because lefties have been screaming racism ever time some republican engages in partisan politics.

THis divides the nation, between blacks who feel increasingly under attack, liberals who are outraged by their false perception of racism, and republicans who are increasingly sick and tired of being vilely slandered by assholes.

Funny, no one is calling Romney a racist... just a sell out. He started the #NeverTrump campaign, and is now visiting Trump trying to get a job.

Correct. LEFTIES falsely called him a racist when he was running for the Presidency, because that is what they do.

NOW, in this election, as Romney, as part of the Party elite, worked to sabotage first the Primary Process and then tried to sabotage our candidate, ie betrayed those who he should have supported, he was fairly called a "Sell out".
I asked how THEY define racist. Not what the definition is from some site. Then I asked if that was indeed their definition, who gets to apply that definition. Simple bit of reasoning. Sorry you don't understand it.

I understand perfectly.

You want to start a sophist game about what is or isn't racism.

As long as that discussion goes on, you get to constantly smear your enemies with vile slurs, ie racist.

And all you have to do to keep it going is to dismiss anything that settles the issue, like a dictionary definition.

You lefties do this because you know that you cannot make the case for your policies or positions based on their merits.

So, instead, you use various logical fallacies and propaganda techniques.

In other words, you are a troll.

And a fairly vile one, as you are purposefully and actively tearing this nation apart.

I'm sorry I'm not a blind political part follower that let's my mind get warped by a loud mouthed, lying, fraud. That scares you, I get it. Suck it up buttercup.

Your denial, in the context of your blind partisanship in the rest of this thread has zero credibility.

My point about your pretense of confusion over the meaning of the word "racism" stands.

You are engaged in race bating propaganda, because you know that you cannot defend your lefty policies and positions based on their merits.

You are substituting insults and smears For serious or honest debate.

That makes you the lying troll, asshole.

Your tears taste so salty! I don't even need to label Sessions a racist. The Senate confirmation committee already did that for me. Makes you made doesn't it?

Your Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Authority has already been noted, dismissed and even ridiculed.

Yet you continue to ignore all of that and repeat your "point".

THAT is the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

There are not debating techniques. They are at best failures of reasoning, or more likely purposeful propaganda.

Appeal to Authority? I simply use them as a supporting argument since they were actually at the hearing and heard all of the evidence. I read what testimony I could find and made my opinion. Which no matter what I say, you are going to say it is wrong.

I asked you simple questions that were yes or no... and your answers for both was "it depends." If you don't have the balls to answer a yes or no question, then you have absolutely no room to criticize my stance on the issue.

Blacks had a similar line of thought when Obama was elected 8 years ago.

Somehow, even with him in charge, race relations worsened
Dont you understand why it seems that race relations worsened? Think... when else were race relations really bad, when did they spike? During the civil Right she movement... when all the crap was brought to the surface.

Because lefties have been screaming racism ever time some republican engages in partisan politics.

THis divides the nation, between blacks who feel increasingly under attack, liberals who are outraged by their false perception of racism, and republicans who are increasingly sick and tired of being vilely slandered by assholes.

Funny, no one is calling Romney a racist... just a sell out. He started the #NeverTrump campaign, and is now visiting Trump trying to get a job.

Correct. LEFTIES falsely called him a racist when he was running for the Presidency, because that is what they do.

NOW, in this election, as Romney, as part of the Party elite, worked to sabotage first the Primary Process and then tried to sabotage our candidate, ie betrayed those who he should have supported, he was fairly called a "Sell out".

Fun fact... which I have told you multiple times. The Senate was Republican controlled and he still couldn't get the confirmation when it went to a full Senate vote. So guess what? Not just Lefties wrote him off as racist.

Edit: sorry I thought we were still on the Sessions discussion.

I don't recall Lefties calling Romney racist... I remember them saying he was too rich and out of touch to relate to the poor.
And also, as documented in the article, real racist are so small and insignificant that any actual racist that manages to rise to a position of responsibility, will be completely isolated from other like minded individual and will know that they will only keep their job by conforming to the non-racist culture around them.

The real racists are taking over the White House. You've elected a President with close affiliations with the KKK, and the racists are out in the open now.

Those specific beliefs are dealt with in the linked article by a liberal writer who purposefully did not write this article until AFTER the election for fear of mistakenly being thought a Trump Supporter.

He is on your side, and makes a number of points you need to be aware of.

INcluding some comparisons as to how puny and completely irrelevant the Klan is today.
I understand perfectly.

You want to start a sophist game about what is or isn't racism.

As long as that discussion goes on, you get to constantly smear your enemies with vile slurs, ie racist.

And all you have to do to keep it going is to dismiss anything that settles the issue, like a dictionary definition.

You lefties do this because you know that you cannot make the case for your policies or positions based on their merits.

So, instead, you use various logical fallacies and propaganda techniques.

In other words, you are a troll.

And a fairly vile one, as you are purposefully and actively tearing this nation apart.

I'm sorry I'm not a blind political part follower that let's my mind get warped by a loud mouthed, lying, fraud. That scares you, I get it. Suck it up buttercup.

Your denial, in the context of your blind partisanship in the rest of this thread has zero credibility.

My point about your pretense of confusion over the meaning of the word "racism" stands.

You are engaged in race bating propaganda, because you know that you cannot defend your lefty policies and positions based on their merits.

You are substituting insults and smears For serious or honest debate.

That makes you the lying troll, asshole.

Your tears taste so salty! I don't even need to label Sessions a racist. The Senate confirmation committee already did that for me. Makes you made doesn't it?

Your Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Authority has already been noted, dismissed and even ridiculed.

Yet you continue to ignore all of that and repeat your "point".

THAT is the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

There are not debating techniques. They are at best failures of reasoning, or more likely purposeful propaganda.

Appeal to Authority? I simply use them as a supporting argument since they were actually at the hearing and heard all of the evidence. I read what testimony I could find and made my opinion. Which no matter what I say, you are going to say it is wrong.

I asked you simple questions that were yes or no... and your answers for both was "it depends." If you don't have the balls to answer a yes or no question, then you have absolutely no room to criticize my stance on the issue.

That you thought it was a simple yes or no question, and I disagreed is not evidence of cowardice on my part.

Though it is evidence of some failing on your part.
I'm sorry I'm not a blind political part follower that let's my mind get warped by a loud mouthed, lying, fraud. That scares you, I get it. Suck it up buttercup.

Your denial, in the context of your blind partisanship in the rest of this thread has zero credibility.

My point about your pretense of confusion over the meaning of the word "racism" stands.

You are engaged in race bating propaganda, because you know that you cannot defend your lefty policies and positions based on their merits.

You are substituting insults and smears For serious or honest debate.

That makes you the lying troll, asshole.

Your tears taste so salty! I don't even need to label Sessions a racist. The Senate confirmation committee already did that for me. Makes you made doesn't it?

Your Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Authority has already been noted, dismissed and even ridiculed.

Yet you continue to ignore all of that and repeat your "point".

THAT is the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

There are not debating techniques. They are at best failures of reasoning, or more likely purposeful propaganda.

Appeal to Authority? I simply use them as a supporting argument since they were actually at the hearing and heard all of the evidence. I read what testimony I could find and made my opinion. Which no matter what I say, you are going to say it is wrong.

I asked you simple questions that were yes or no... and your answers for both was "it depends." If you don't have the balls to answer a yes or no question, then you have absolutely no room to criticize my stance on the issue.

That you thought it was a simple yes or no question, and I disagreed is not evidence of cowardice on my part.

Though it is evidence of some failing on your part.

No, you failed to take a stance on something simple. Is saying a white lawyer who defends a black man is a race traitor racist? There is no "depends" in that equation. It either is or it isn't.

A white man calling Black men "boy" in the south is very racist. Yet you say "it depends."

Just the fact that you are so much a Trump supporter that you argue the most trivial things, for you to even say "it depends" tells me you KNOW it is racist, but you just won't admit it.
It doesn't matter what the question is. His answer refers to the actual statement Trump made.

And anyone with two cents will tell you that Trump was referring to using his money and power to force women into "letting" him do it. That's not real consent. Ask Fox News how well that works out.

There was nothing in the tape to suggest what you are making up.

"Let" was there indicating consent.

There was nothing there indicating force.

You obviously didn't watch the Gretchen Carlson interview the other night.


Furthermore, if you think that the money and power and fame require "force" to get a man come special consideration, I have more bad news for you.

I'll take your word for it.

Nope I won't. I'll take the word of all the women accusers of Bill Clinton, Roger Ailes, and Donald Trump... among many others.

YOu are seriously doubting that fame, money and power get you different treatment from women?


From that right wing rag the Huffington post.

Study: Do Women Want Rich Men? | The Huffington Post

"How money plays into sex, dating and marriage is an often-studied topic. A report by Dr. Catherine Hakim released in January showed that women are choosing richer husbands, or “marrying up” more today than they did in the 1940s. And a controversial 2009 study found that while several factors affected a woman’s reported enjoyment of sex, the most influential was her partner’s income."

Catch that? Knowing the guy had money made the women enjoy sex more.

"Just because women know the conspicuous spender is primarily looking for a fling, that doesn’t mean they won’t try to turn that fling into something more.

“They want the resources, so they’ll think ‘Maybe I can love him in the way that makes him stay long-term,’” Fisher explained.

A study Fisher helped conduct with found that a third of respondents reported having a one-night stand that turned into a long-term relationship. With those numbers in mind, he posited that women might take a chance on the Porsche guy. Just like men, women have dating strategies, and in this instance, the pay-off would be big.

“He had to really work to get that Porsche, and that’s his bait, and she sees the bait,” Fisher said. “She reels him in, and he thinks it’s short term. She has sex with him, and he falls for her. Now her babies can ride around in a Porsche.”

I hope I haven't crushed your romantic soul.

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