President Trump selects Jeff Sessions for Attorney step: Lock Her Up!


Furthermore, if you think that the money and power and fame require "force" to get a man come special consideration, I have more bad news for you.

I'll take your word for it.

Nope I won't. I'll take the word of all the women accusers of Bill Clinton, Roger Ailes, and Donald Trump... among many others.

YOu are seriously doubting that fame, money and power get you different treatment from women?


From that right wing rag the Huffington post.

Study: Do Women Want Rich Men? | The Huffington Post

"How money plays into sex, dating and marriage is an often-studied topic. A report by Dr. Catherine Hakim released in January showed that women are choosing richer husbands, or “marrying up” more today than they did in the 1940s. And a controversial 2009 study found that while several factors affected a woman’s reported enjoyment of sex, the most influential was her partner’s income."

Catch that? Knowing the guy had money made the women enjoy sex more.

"Just because women know the conspicuous spender is primarily looking for a fling, that doesn’t mean they won’t try to turn that fling into something more.

“They want the resources, so they’ll think ‘Maybe I can love him in the way that makes him stay long-term,’” Fisher explained.

A study Fisher helped conduct with found that a third of respondents reported having a one-night stand that turned into a long-term relationship. With those numbers in mind, he posited that women might take a chance on the Porsche guy. Just like men, women have dating strategies, and in this instance, the pay-off would be big.

“He had to really work to get that Porsche, and that’s his bait, and she sees the bait,” Fisher said. “She reels him in, and he thinks it’s short term. She has sex with him, and he falls for her. Now her babies can ride around in a Porsche.”

I hope I haven't crushed your romantic soul.

Why? Because you posted something from the Huffington Post? I saw the interview with Gertchen Carlson and a couple other women... The lawsuits and settlements of the women who won sexual harassment cases says otherwise. Does that hurt your feelings buttercup?

Does it hurt your feelings that some women (and men) will say or do anything for money? What reality are you living in?

No, what I don't like is that some men with money think they can do whatever they want to women because they do have money and power.

What if they are by and large correct? (in the context of "let")
In an article titled “It’s like Christmas,” Anglin wrote “honestly, I didn’t even expect this to all come together so beautifully. It’s like we’re going to get absolutely everything we wanted…Basically, we are looking at a Daily Stormer Dream Team in the Trump administration.”

It’s Like Christmas: Sessions for AG, Gen Flynn as National Security Advisor

Blacks had a similar line of thought when Obama was elected 8 years ago.

Somehow, even with him in charge, race relations worsened
Dont you understand why it seems that race relations worsened? Think... when else were race relations really bad, when did they spike? During the civil Right she movement... when all the crap was brought to the surface.

Because lefties have been screaming racism ever time some republican engages in partisan politics.

THis divides the nation, between blacks who feel increasingly under attack, liberals who are outraged by their false perception of racism, and republicans who are increasingly sick and tired of being vilely slandered by assholes.
You got half of it right, extremist on the left do play the race card too much... but you ignored the other half of the equation that exisists in the "Rights" denial and neglect of racial issues. In many instances, when one is brought up from the left, the right argues against it and denys the problem. For some reason the Right takes on an advisarial roll in most race related policy the Left tries to pass... when was the last time the Right lead the charge on a civil rights, pro immigrant, LGBT, or anything aimed at helping the African American community??
Are you claiming that the excess number of sexual harassment cases against these guys like Ailes, Trump, and Clinton have no validity? Many of which have been settled for lots of money?

I am claiming that, like Trump, the famous, tall, billionaire said, that when you are famous and rich, that women are much more likely to "let" you sexually touch them.

"Let" in the standard english usage of the word, that we can reasonable assume that Trump was using, ie NOT THAT HE FORCED THEM.

I am not addressing the others you raise. They are completely irrelevant, as I have not claimed that rich men NEVER harass women, but that women are far more likely to give consent to certain men than you might expect.

I like how you added "tall." How about you add that he also wears a raccoon on his head?

Trump might not have said that, but many women do consider height in their calculation of what is or is not a welcome advance.

My above point stands. do you wish to address it?

DO you have any female friends you could ask about this? In general, not specifically, as I'm sure most of your friends are screaming liberals. NO offense.

I've talked to several woman about this issue, and I didn't find a single one that thought Trump's comments were harmless. Even the Republican supporters. Some still voted for him, because they didn't want Hillary... but they still thought his comments were a way of saying he could freely sexually assault women.

and to be honest... they all believe all his wives were beautiful and only believe they were with him because of his money.

So yeah, there might be some woman that will be with him because of his money... but women also believe that he can get away with acting stupid arounomen because he does have money.

Don't ask them about Trump. That is too much context.

Ask them if there is anyone rich and famous enough that they would give that person a handjob, just because.

You might be surprised at the answers you get.

Why a hand job? When Trump was talking about grabbing pussy?
U.S. Civil Rights Commissioner Peter Kirsanow issued high praise for Donald Trump’s “inspired” decision to tap Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions as his Attorney General.
“Senator Sessions is a good man and a great man. He has done more to protect the jobs and enhance the wages of black workers than anyone in either house of Congress over the last 10 years,” Kirsanow told Breitbart.

Indeed, arguably no U.S. lawmaker has worked more tirelessly than Jeff Sessions to uphold the legacy of Civil Rights leader and late-Democratic Congresswoman Barbara Jordan–who, in arguing for immigration reductions, famously declared that immigration policy “ought to be a place where the national interest comes first, last, and always.”

“Of all the Senators and public officials that I’ve dealt with, I cannot think of anyone who has been more devoted to issues related to wages and employment levels of all Americans, but particularly black American workers,” Kirsanow said of Sessions.

It’s a matter that we have discussed in several Congressional hearings— the most recent of which was in March of this year. He has chaired the [Senate] subcommittee dealing with the impact of… immigration on the employment levels of black Americans.

“He is a man of tremendous integrity. I think it was an inspired pick,” Kirsanow added. “He’s going to be a marvelous Attorney General.”

“Senator Sessions has been a leader in the fight for preserving American jobs and ensuring opportunities for African American workers,” civil rights attorney and founder of the Black American Leadership Alliance, Leah Durant, told Breitbart News.

William Smith, the first Republican African American to serve as Chief Counsel on the Senate Judiciary committee, similarly applauded the announcement:

I had the opportunity to work with Senators Sessions for close to 10 years. Throughout that time, he was more a friend and confidant than the boss. I believe he hired me as the first ever Republican African American Chief Counsel on the Senate Judiciary Committee and I’m not sure there has been another one since me. After I moved to Alabama to practice law and then returned to Washington, Senator Sessions offered me the position of Chief Counsel on the full Judiciary Committee and then basically created a position for me on his Senate Budget Committee, where I continued as his Chief.

“Jeff Sessions is a man of high character and great integrity. He would make an outstanding Attorney General and I’m excited to support him 100 percent,” Smith continued:

[N]ot once did Senator Sessions ever say anything to offend me. Instead, time after time, he stood by me and the conservative causes I was out to support. I remember spending several late nights in the office, not talking about working, but talking about life and family. Senator Sessions was always concerned for my well being. Because he is such a great man, one of the most difficult decisions I have ever made was leaving his employment. In his kindness, he told me if I wanted to come back, I could. He, Mary and his children have treated me like family and I’ll always be grateful for that.

Both Kirsanow and Durant flatly rejected corporate media’s efforts to cast Sessions as anything less than a true champion of black working Americans. “It’s scandalous that they’re trying to say he’s a racist,” Kirsanow told Breitbart:

They are trying to demonize the Alabama of 2016 as somehow being the Alabama of 1946. And they are trying to similarly falsely caricature Sen. Sessions. But that is not the case. I’ve gotten the opportunity to deal with him on a regular basis and he is a wonderful human being.

While corporate media is now recycling smears used 30 years ago to deny Sessions a federal judgeship in the 1980s, even individuals who voted against Sessions’ confirmation at the time ultimately came to regret their decision.

“My vote against candidate Sessions for the federal court was a mistake because I have since found that Sen. Sessions is egalitarian,” said the now-deceased Democratic and Republican Senator from Pennsylvania, Arlen Specter.

As the Weekly Standard‘s Mark Hemingway reports, the smear campaign against Sessions collapses upon even a cursory review of Sessions’ actual record, which includes desegregating schools and taking on the Klan in Alabama.

For instance, Sessions “was one of the only Republican senators to support Eric Holder’s nomination for attorney general,” Hemingway notes:

As a U.S. Attorney he filed several cases to desegregate schools in Alabama. And he also prosecuted the head of the state Klan, Henry Francis Hays, for abducting and killing Michael Donald, a black teenager selected at random. Sessions insisted on the death penalty for Hays. When he was later elected the state Attorney General, Sessions followed through and made sure Hays was executed. The successful prosecution of Hays also led to a $7 million civil judgment against the Klan, effectively breaking the back of the KKK in Alabama.

Similarly, as a U.S. Senator, Sessions has led the fight to defend the jobs and wages of American workers—in particular, those of black American workers.

A full two years before Trump eventually heeded Sessions’ call and proclaimed that under his leadership the GOP would become a “worker’s party,” Sessions urged the Republicans to “becom[e] the Party of Work” by advancing America first policies—particularly on the issues of immigration and trade— that would prioritize and advance the interests of the working American men and women of all backgrounds and legal immigrants already here.

Sessions led the fight against the Paul Ryan-backed controversial expansion to the H-2B visa program, which a 2015 Buzzfeed exposé revealed is being used to disproportionately lay off and replace black American workers.

Perhaps more than any other lawmaker on Capitol Hill, Sessions’ office sought to give sunlight to the discriminatory hiring practices exposed by the Buzzfeed investigation.

According to the report, a supervisor at Hamilton Growers told workers amid mass layoffs: “All you black American people, f**k you all … just go to the office and pick up your check.” The report noted:

According to a lawsuit filed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, about 80 workers, many of them black, were simply told: ‘All you Americans are fired.” […] Time after time, the grower filled the jobs with foreign guest workers instead [of American workers]… many businesses go to extraordinary lengths to skirt the law, deliberately denying jobs to American workers so they can hire foreign workers on H-2 visas instead.

Civil Rights Advocates Praise Jeff Sessions for Protecting Black American Workers - Breitbart
PGT Beauregard...a man of honor and distinction.
P. G. T. Beauregard

Funny. He's a documented racist.
documented? do you really keep extensive files full of petty, nonsensical accusations against everyone you disagree with, or do you just spit out ''he's a racist'' on a continuous robotic loop?

Duh, the Senate previously rejected him for a federal judgeship - because of his racist history.

Jeff Sessions Was Deemed Too Racist To Be A Federal Judge. He'll Now Be Trump's Attorney General.
so you're just repeating some other drone's robotic loop. that's what constitutes documentation in libtard world.
apparently 30 years ago Sessions called some dude the N word...ok i admit he's a racist.
And also, as documented in the article, real racist are so small and insignificant that any actual racist that manages to rise to a position of responsibility, will be completely isolated from other like minded individual and will know that they will only keep their job by conforming to the non-racist culture around them.

The real racists are taking over the White House. You've elected a President with close affiliations with the KKK, and the racists are out in the open now.
He has no affiliations with the KKK, you lying piece of shit.
THe topic was your belief system that women who let men with money, fame and power, sexually touch them, because the men use that money and power to FORCE THEM.

I was not citing the Huffington post. I was citing the information contained in the article with was drawn from scientific studies.

Are you seriously claiming to NOT see who that data is relevant to the topic?

Are you claiming that the excess number of sexual harassment cases against these guys like Ailes, Trump, and Clinton have no validity? Many of which have been settled for lots of money?

I am claiming that, like Trump, the famous, tall, billionaire said, that when you are famous and rich, that women are much more likely to "let" you sexually touch them.

"Let" in the standard english usage of the word, that we can reasonable assume that Trump was using, ie NOT THAT HE FORCED THEM.

I am not addressing the others you raise. They are completely irrelevant, as I have not claimed that rich men NEVER harass women, but that women are far more likely to give consent to certain men than you might expect.

I like how you added "tall." How about you add that he also wears a raccoon on his head?

Trump might not have said that, but many women do consider height in their calculation of what is or is not a welcome advance.

My above point stands. do you wish to address it?

DO you have any female friends you could ask about this? In general, not specifically, as I'm sure most of your friends are screaming liberals. NO offense.

I've talked to several woman about this issue, and I didn't find a single one that thought Trump's comments were harmless. Even the Republican supporters. Some still voted for him, because they didn't want Hillary... but they still thought his comments were a way of saying he could freely sexually assault women.

and to be honest... they all believe all his wives were beautiful and only believe they were with him because of his money.

So yeah, there might be some woman that will be with him because of his money... but women also believe that he can get away with acting stupid around women because he does have money.
I'm sure you know plenty of leftwing douche bag women who will regurgitate the leftwing orthodoxy to you. What does that prove? Only that a lot of people are just as stupid and ill informed as you.
In an article titled “It’s like Christmas,” Anglin wrote “honestly, I didn’t even expect this to all come together so beautifully. It’s like we’re going to get absolutely everything we wanted…Basically, we are looking at a Daily Stormer Dream Team in the Trump administration.”

It’s Like Christmas: Sessions for AG, Gen Flynn as National Security Advisor

Blacks had a similar line of thought when Obama was elected 8 years ago.

Somehow, even with him in charge, race relations worsened
Dont you understand why it seems that race relations worsened? Think... when else were race relations really bad, when did they spike? During the civil Right she movement... when all the crap was brought to the surface.

Because lefties have been screaming racism ever time some republican engages in partisan politics.

THis divides the nation, between blacks who feel increasingly under attack, liberals who are outraged by their false perception of racism, and republicans who are increasingly sick and tired of being vilely slandered by assholes.
You got half of it right, extremist on the left do play the race card too much... but you ignored the other half of the equation that exisists in the "Rights" denial and neglect of racial issues. In many instances, when one is brought up from the left, the right argues against it and denys the problem. For some reason the Right takes on an advisarial roll in most race related policy the Left tries to pass... when was the last time the Right lead the charge on a civil rights, pro immigrant, LGBT, or anything aimed at helping the African American community??

That is because by and large, legal equality has been achieved and what passes for "Civil Rights" today, is actually reverse discrimination.

YOu are aware of the studies demonstrating a 230 sat point bonus for having black skin in Ivy League University addmissions, for one limited example?
I am claiming that, like Trump, the famous, tall, billionaire said, that when you are famous and rich, that women are much more likely to "let" you sexually touch them.

"Let" in the standard english usage of the word, that we can reasonable assume that Trump was using, ie NOT THAT HE FORCED THEM.

I am not addressing the others you raise. They are completely irrelevant, as I have not claimed that rich men NEVER harass women, but that women are far more likely to give consent to certain men than you might expect.

I like how you added "tall." How about you add that he also wears a raccoon on his head?

Trump might not have said that, but many women do consider height in their calculation of what is or is not a welcome advance.

My above point stands. do you wish to address it?

DO you have any female friends you could ask about this? In general, not specifically, as I'm sure most of your friends are screaming liberals. NO offense.

I've talked to several woman about this issue, and I didn't find a single one that thought Trump's comments were harmless. Even the Republican supporters. Some still voted for him, because they didn't want Hillary... but they still thought his comments were a way of saying he could freely sexually assault women.

and to be honest... they all believe all his wives were beautiful and only believe they were with him because of his money.

So yeah, there might be some woman that will be with him because of his money... but women also believe that he can get away with acting stupid arounomen because he does have money.

Don't ask them about Trump. That is too much context.

Ask them if there is anyone rich and famous enough that they would give that person a handjob, just because.

You might be surprised at the answers you get.

Why a hand job? When Trump was talking about grabbing pussy?

To avoid context and pre-arrived at conclusions.

To make them consider how they actual feel about the issue instead of their anti-Trumpness.

I recall once back during the Clinton scandals, I was talking to a younger liberal couple who were friends of mine. The woman was close in age to Monica.

This was a period of time when I was trying hard to ask questions to learn about what people thought instead of just listening to their stated opinions.

SO I asked the woman, if she would give a President a blowjob.

Her and her husband spoke at the same moment. He said not, she said yes.

He nearly broke his neck in giving her a shocked look.

Her reason was that it would be something she would always have in her pocket.

IMO, YOU are paying to much attention to what women SAY and not enough to what they DO.
U.S. Civil Rights Commissioner Peter Kirsanow issued high praise for Donald Trump’s “inspired” decision to tap Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions as his Attorney General.
“Senator Sessions is a good man and a great man. He has done more to protect the jobs and enhance the wages of black workers than anyone in either house of Congress over the last 10 years,” Kirsanow told Breitbart.

Indeed, arguably no U.S. lawmaker has worked more tirelessly than Jeff Sessions to uphold the legacy of Civil Rights leader and late-Democratic Congresswoman Barbara Jordan–who, in arguing for immigration reductions, famously declared that immigration policy “ought to be a place where the national interest comes first, last, and always.”

“Of all the Senators and public officials that I’ve dealt with, I cannot think of anyone who has been more devoted to issues related to wages and employment levels of all Americans, but particularly black American workers,” Kirsanow said of Sessions.

It’s a matter that we have discussed in several Congressional hearings— the most recent of which was in March of this year. He has chaired the [Senate] subcommittee dealing with the impact of… immigration on the employment levels of black Americans.

“He is a man of tremendous integrity. I think it was an inspired pick,” Kirsanow added. “He’s going to be a marvelous Attorney General.”

“Senator Sessions has been a leader in the fight for preserving American jobs and ensuring opportunities for African American workers,” civil rights attorney and founder of the Black American Leadership Alliance, Leah Durant, told Breitbart News.

William Smith, the first Republican African American to serve as Chief Counsel on the Senate Judiciary committee, similarly applauded the announcement:

I had the opportunity to work with Senators Sessions for close to 10 years. Throughout that time, he was more a friend and confidant than the boss. I believe he hired me as the first ever Republican African American Chief Counsel on the Senate Judiciary Committee and I’m not sure there has been another one since me. After I moved to Alabama to practice law and then returned to Washington, Senator Sessions offered me the position of Chief Counsel on the full Judiciary Committee and then basically created a position for me on his Senate Budget Committee, where I continued as his Chief.

“Jeff Sessions is a man of high character and great integrity. He would make an outstanding Attorney General and I’m excited to support him 100 percent,” Smith continued:

[N]ot once did Senator Sessions ever say anything to offend me. Instead, time after time, he stood by me and the conservative causes I was out to support. I remember spending several late nights in the office, not talking about working, but talking about life and family. Senator Sessions was always concerned for my well being. Because he is such a great man, one of the most difficult decisions I have ever made was leaving his employment. In his kindness, he told me if I wanted to come back, I could. He, Mary and his children have treated me like family and I’ll always be grateful for that.

Both Kirsanow and Durant flatly rejected corporate media’s efforts to cast Sessions as anything less than a true champion of black working Americans. “It’s scandalous that they’re trying to say he’s a racist,” Kirsanow told Breitbart:

They are trying to demonize the Alabama of 2016 as somehow being the Alabama of 1946. And they are trying to similarly falsely caricature Sen. Sessions. But that is not the case. I’ve gotten the opportunity to deal with him on a regular basis and he is a wonderful human being.

While corporate media is now recycling smears used 30 years ago to deny Sessions a federal judgeship in the 1980s, even individuals who voted against Sessions’ confirmation at the time ultimately came to regret their decision.

“My vote against candidate Sessions for the federal court was a mistake because I have since found that Sen. Sessions is egalitarian,” said the now-deceased Democratic and Republican Senator from Pennsylvania, Arlen Specter.

As the Weekly Standard‘s Mark Hemingway reports, the smear campaign against Sessions collapses upon even a cursory review of Sessions’ actual record, which includes desegregating schools and taking on the Klan in Alabama.

For instance, Sessions “was one of the only Republican senators to support Eric Holder’s nomination for attorney general,” Hemingway notes:

As a U.S. Attorney he filed several cases to desegregate schools in Alabama. And he also prosecuted the head of the state Klan, Henry Francis Hays, for abducting and killing Michael Donald, a black teenager selected at random. Sessions insisted on the death penalty for Hays. When he was later elected the state Attorney General, Sessions followed through and made sure Hays was executed. The successful prosecution of Hays also led to a $7 million civil judgment against the Klan, effectively breaking the back of the KKK in Alabama.

Similarly, as a U.S. Senator, Sessions has led the fight to defend the jobs and wages of American workers—in particular, those of black American workers.

A full two years before Trump eventually heeded Sessions’ call and proclaimed that under his leadership the GOP would become a “worker’s party,” Sessions urged the Republicans to “becom[e] the Party of Work” by advancing America first policies—particularly on the issues of immigration and trade— that would prioritize and advance the interests of the working American men and women of all backgrounds and legal immigrants already here.

Sessions led the fight against the Paul Ryan-backed controversial expansion to the H-2B visa program, which a 2015 Buzzfeed exposé revealed is being used to disproportionately lay off and replace black American workers.

Perhaps more than any other lawmaker on Capitol Hill, Sessions’ office sought to give sunlight to the discriminatory hiring practices exposed by the Buzzfeed investigation.

According to the report, a supervisor at Hamilton Growers told workers amid mass layoffs: “All you black American people, f**k you all … just go to the office and pick up your check.” The report noted:

According to a lawsuit filed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, about 80 workers, many of them black, were simply told: ‘All you Americans are fired.” […] Time after time, the grower filled the jobs with foreign guest workers instead [of American workers]… many businesses go to extraordinary lengths to skirt the law, deliberately denying jobs to American workers so they can hire foreign workers on H-2 visas instead.

Civil Rights Advocates Praise Jeff Sessions for Protecting Black American Workers - Breitbart

I like how you added "tall." How about you add that he also wears a raccoon on his head?

Trump might not have said that, but many women do consider height in their calculation of what is or is not a welcome advance.

My above point stands. do you wish to address it?

DO you have any female friends you could ask about this? In general, not specifically, as I'm sure most of your friends are screaming liberals. NO offense.

I've talked to several woman about this issue, and I didn't find a single one that thought Trump's comments were harmless. Even the Republican supporters. Some still voted for him, because they didn't want Hillary... but they still thought his comments were a way of saying he could freely sexually assault women.

and to be honest... they all believe all his wives were beautiful and only believe they were with him because of his money.

So yeah, there might be some woman that will be with him because of his money... but women also believe that he can get away with acting stupid arounomen because he does have money.

Don't ask them about Trump. That is too much context.

Ask them if there is anyone rich and famous enough that they would give that person a handjob, just because.

You might be surprised at the answers you get.

Why a hand job? When Trump was talking about grabbing pussy?

To avoid context and pre-arrived at conclusions.

To make them consider how they actual feel about the issue instead of their anti-Trumpness.

I recall once back during the Clinton scandals, I was talking to a younger liberal couple who were friends of mine. The woman was close in age to Monica.

This was a period of time when I was trying hard to ask questions to learn about what people thought instead of just listening to their stated opinions.

SO I asked the woman, if she would give a President a blowjob.

Her and her husband spoke at the same moment. He said not, she said yes.

He nearly broke his neck in giving her a shocked look.

Her reason was that it would be something she would always have in her pocket.

IMO, YOU are paying to much attention to what women SAY and not enough to what they DO.

Did she give Bill Clinton a blowjob? No? Then you're the one paying too much attention to what she said and not enough to what she did.
Trump is not his father.

and it was a not a klan rally. it was a rally for everyone, and some folks from the klan showed up...
The sense I get from Leftists is that they are perpetually unhappy, angry and often violent people. Probably what makes them so racist.
I like how you added "tall." How about you add that he also wears a raccoon on his head?

Trump might not have said that, but many women do consider height in their calculation of what is or is not a welcome advance.

My above point stands. do you wish to address it?

DO you have any female friends you could ask about this? In general, not specifically, as I'm sure most of your friends are screaming liberals. NO offense.

I've talked to several woman about this issue, and I didn't find a single one that thought Trump's comments were harmless. Even the Republican supporters. Some still voted for him, because they didn't want Hillary... but they still thought his comments were a way of saying he could freely sexually assault women.

and to be honest... they all believe all his wives were beautiful and only believe they were with him because of his money.

So yeah, there might be some woman that will be with him because of his money... but women also believe that he can get away with acting stupid arounomen because he does have money.

Don't ask them about Trump. That is too much context.

Ask them if there is anyone rich and famous enough that they would give that person a handjob, just because.

You might be surprised at the answers you get.

Why a hand job? When Trump was talking about grabbing pussy?

To avoid context and pre-arrived at conclusions.

To make them consider how they actual feel about the issue instead of their anti-Trumpness.

I recall once back during the Clinton scandals, I was talking to a younger liberal couple who were friends of mine. The woman was close in age to Monica.

This was a period of time when I was trying hard to ask questions to learn about what people thought instead of just listening to their stated opinions.

SO I asked the woman, if she would give a President a blowjob.

Her and her husband spoke at the same moment. He said not, she said yes.

He nearly broke his neck in giving her a shocked look.

Her reason was that it would be something she would always have in her pocket.

IMO, YOU are paying to much attention to what women SAY and not enough to what they DO.

Yeah.....nobody ever mentions that Monica had already had an affair with another married man.
He has no affiliations with the KKK, you lying piece of shit.

His father was arrested in New York in a Klan Rally in the 1920's. His father was a Klansman. This is why he's sending out his dog whistle message to the troops.

In 1927, Donald Trump’s father was arrested after a Klan riot in Queens

That doesn't prove his father was a member of the Klan, and even if it did, it proves nothing about Trump. The Klan was very big in the 1920s. Many members of Congress were in the Klan. It was not an uncommon thing.

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