President Trump selects Jeff Sessions for Attorney step: Lock Her Up!

He has no affiliations with the KKK, you lying piece of shit.

His father was arrested in New York in a Klan Rally in the 1920's. His father was a Klansman. This is why he's sending out his dog whistle message to the troops.

In 1927, Donald Trump’s father was arrested after a Klan riot in Queens

So an incident that happened once 89 years ago, before Trump was born is relevant how?

People aren't "born" racist. They are taught to be racist... and a large part of that comes from their family.
He has no affiliations with the KKK, you lying piece of shit.

His father was arrested in New York in a Klan Rally in the 1920's. His father was a Klansman. This is why he's sending out his dog whistle message to the troops.

In 1927, Donald Trump’s father was arrested after a Klan riot in Queens

So an incident that happened once 89 years ago, before Trump was born is relevant how?

People aren't "born" racist. They are taught to be racist... and a large part of that comes from their family.

So once racist is always racist, even though it was 89 years ago?
He has no affiliations with the KKK, you lying piece of shit.

His father was arrested in New York in a Klan Rally in the 1920's. His father was a Klansman. This is why he's sending out his dog whistle message to the troops.

In 1927, Donald Trump’s father was arrested after a Klan riot in Queens

So an incident that happened once 89 years ago, before Trump was born is relevant how?

People aren't "born" racist. They are taught to be racist... and a large part of that comes from their family.

So once racist is always racist, even though it was 89 years ago?

No I had a racist mom and her family was racist. My father and his family wasn't. I'm not racist. But then again I was also raised by my father's parents. Trump's father on the other hand raised him and spent a whole lot of time working with him and grooming him. To think that if his father was really in the Klan and some of that didn't rub of on him, that would be irrational.
He has no affiliations with the KKK, you lying piece of shit.

His father was arrested in New York in a Klan Rally in the 1920's. His father was a Klansman. This is why he's sending out his dog whistle message to the troops.

In 1927, Donald Trump’s father was arrested after a Klan riot in Queens

So an incident that happened once 89 years ago, before Trump was born is relevant how?

People aren't "born" racist. They are taught to be racist... and a large part of that comes from their family.

So once racist is always racist, even though it was 89 years ago?

No I had a racist mom and her family was racist. My father and his family wasn't. I'm not racist. But then again I was also raised by my father's parents. Trump's father on the other hand raised him and spent a whole lot of time working with him and grooming him. To think that if his father was really in the Klan and some of that didn't rub of on him, that would be irrational.

Sorry, I'm not buying it, people can change and do all the time. Wasn't Al Gore Sr. A racist? Yet do you think Al Gore is a racist?
He has no affiliations with the KKK, you lying piece of shit.

His father was arrested in New York in a Klan Rally in the 1920's. His father was a Klansman. This is why he's sending out his dog whistle message to the troops.

In 1927, Donald Trump’s father was arrested after a Klan riot in Queens

So an incident that happened once 89 years ago, before Trump was born is relevant how?

People aren't "born" racist. They are taught to be racist... and a large part of that comes from their family.

So once racist is always racist, even though it was 89 years ago?

No I had a racist mom and her family was racist. My father and his family wasn't. I'm not racist. But then again I was also raised by my father's parents. Trump's father on the other hand raised him and spent a whole lot of time working with him and grooming him. To think that if his father was really in the Klan and some of that didn't rub of on him, that would be irrational.
You're drawing a conclusion that can't be supported by the available evidence. You don't even know if Trump's father was in the KKK. All you know is that he was arrested after the KKK and some fascist group instigated a riot.
His father was arrested in New York in a Klan Rally in the 1920's. His father was a Klansman. This is why he's sending out his dog whistle message to the troops.

In 1927, Donald Trump’s father was arrested after a Klan riot in Queens

So an incident that happened once 89 years ago, before Trump was born is relevant how?

People aren't "born" racist. They are taught to be racist... and a large part of that comes from their family.

So once racist is always racist, even though it was 89 years ago?

No I had a racist mom and her family was racist. My father and his family wasn't. I'm not racist. But then again I was also raised by my father's parents. Trump's father on the other hand raised him and spent a whole lot of time working with him and grooming him. To think that if his father was really in the Klan and some of that didn't rub of on him, that would be irrational.

Sorry, I'm not buying it, people can change and do all the time. Wasn't Al Gore Sr. A racist? Yet do you think Al Gore is a racist?

Donald Trump was in charge of his father's companies when they were charged with racial discimination in renting out apartments in New York. Trump settled the suit with no admission of wrongdoing, but the company was charged on more than one occasion thereafter. Each time they claimed to change their rental practices, but follow ups revealed they had just changed their tactics to discourage blacks from renting.

Trump actually bragged about allowing blacks into Mar-a-lago - in the 1990's, like it was a big deal. What took him so long?
His father was arrested in New York in a Klan Rally in the 1920's. His father was a Klansman. This is why he's sending out his dog whistle message to the troops.

In 1927, Donald Trump’s father was arrested after a Klan riot in Queens

So an incident that happened once 89 years ago, before Trump was born is relevant how?

People aren't "born" racist. They are taught to be racist... and a large part of that comes from their family.

So once racist is always racist, even though it was 89 years ago?

No I had a racist mom and her family was racist. My father and his family wasn't. I'm not racist. But then again I was also raised by my father's parents. Trump's father on the other hand raised him and spent a whole lot of time working with him and grooming him. To think that if his father was really in the Klan and some of that didn't rub of on him, that would be irrational.

Sorry, I'm not buying it, people can change and do all the time. Wasn't Al Gore Sr. A racist? Yet do you think Al Gore is a racist?

Al Gore's father was a racist senator who voted against the civil rights bill.
So an incident that happened once 89 years ago, before Trump was born is relevant how?

People aren't "born" racist. They are taught to be racist... and a large part of that comes from their family.

So once racist is always racist, even though it was 89 years ago?

No I had a racist mom and her family was racist. My father and his family wasn't. I'm not racist. But then again I was also raised by my father's parents. Trump's father on the other hand raised him and spent a whole lot of time working with him and grooming him. To think that if his father was really in the Klan and some of that didn't rub of on him, that would be irrational.

Sorry, I'm not buying it, people can change and do all the time. Wasn't Al Gore Sr. A racist? Yet do you think Al Gore is a racist?

Donald Trump was in charge of his father's companies when they were charged with racial discimination in renting out apartments in New York. Trump settled the suit with no admission of wrongdoing, but the company was charged on more than one occasion thereafter. Each time they claimed to change their rental practices, but follow ups revealed they had just changed their tactics to discourage blacks from renting.

Trump actually bragged about allowing blacks into Mar-a-lago - in the 1990's, like it was a big deal. What took him so long?

What took Byrd so long? 89 years ago you are having to go back to find an issue. Sorry but it looks like you are a partisan nut job.

Blacks had a similar line of thought when Obama was elected 8 years ago.

Somehow, even with him in charge, race relations worsened
Dont you understand why it seems that race relations worsened? Think... when else were race relations really bad, when did they spike? During the civil Right she movement... when all the crap was brought to the surface.

Because lefties have been screaming racism ever time some republican engages in partisan politics.

THis divides the nation, between blacks who feel increasingly under attack, liberals who are outraged by their false perception of racism, and republicans who are increasingly sick and tired of being vilely slandered by assholes.
You got half of it right, extremist on the left do play the race card too much... but you ignored the other half of the equation that exisists in the "Rights" denial and neglect of racial issues. In many instances, when one is brought up from the left, the right argues against it and denys the problem. For some reason the Right takes on an advisarial roll in most race related policy the Left tries to pass... when was the last time the Right lead the charge on a civil rights, pro immigrant, LGBT, or anything aimed at helping the African American community??

That is because by and large, legal equality has been achieved and what passes for "Civil Rights" today, is actually reverse discrimination.

YOu are aware of the studies demonstrating a 230 sat point bonus for having black skin in Ivy League University addmissions, for one limited example?
The problem with you're attitude is one of two things, maybe both... either a straight up denial that racism still exists in our society or an ignorance to racial effects of history. In a country with a history of slavery, oppression and white privelege there is an inherent advantage to the white race, generally speaking. A significantly larger portion of white citizens have come from generations of wealth, higher education, and social influence that provides better opportunities. Not to say there aren't plenty of white workers who grew success from nothing... but if you look at whites compared to other minority groups you have a dispropprtiaonal transfer of wealth, privelege, and opportunity.

The black community has been trying to grow from nothing since the days of slavery, and the struggles have been long and hard, fighting discrimination in the workplace, social bias, and the cultural disadvantages that permeate through community's of poverty, high crime and low education.

So you have whites that come from higher class property and business owners compared to blacks that come from a history of oppression, poverty and lack of education.

You are right that legally we have done some great things to even the playing field, but we can't ignore history and it's effects. This is where the Republican Party is missing the ball. They tend to deny or argue against what I just stated. If they showed a basic understanding, consideration, and acknowledgement of the imbalance it would go a long way to bridge much of the racial divide that exist in our society.
His father was arrested in New York in a Klan Rally in the 1920's. His father was a Klansman. This is why he's sending out his dog whistle message to the troops.

In 1927, Donald Trump’s father was arrested after a Klan riot in Queens

So an incident that happened once 89 years ago, before Trump was born is relevant how?

People aren't "born" racist. They are taught to be racist... and a large part of that comes from their family.

So once racist is always racist, even though it was 89 years ago?

No I had a racist mom and her family was racist. My father and his family wasn't. I'm not racist. But then again I was also raised by my father's parents. Trump's father on the other hand raised him and spent a whole lot of time working with him and grooming him. To think that if his father was really in the Klan and some of that didn't rub of on him, that would be irrational.
You're drawing a conclusion that can't be supported by the available evidence. You don't even know if Trump's father was in the KKK. All you know is that he was arrested after the KKK and some fascist group instigated a riot.

One of the newspaper accounts of the day says that all arrested were KKK. THIS is why David Duke is so thrilled with his election. The KKK is now planning a big public rally in Washington.

You can continue to pretend that your candidate isn't a racist or isn't pandering to the alt-right but all of the evidence says otherwise.
So an incident that happened once 89 years ago, before Trump was born is relevant how?

People aren't "born" racist. They are taught to be racist... and a large part of that comes from their family.

So once racist is always racist, even though it was 89 years ago?

No I had a racist mom and her family was racist. My father and his family wasn't. I'm not racist. But then again I was also raised by my father's parents. Trump's father on the other hand raised him and spent a whole lot of time working with him and grooming him. To think that if his father was really in the Klan and some of that didn't rub of on him, that would be irrational.
You're drawing a conclusion that can't be supported by the available evidence. You don't even know if Trump's father was in the KKK. All you know is that he was arrested after the KKK and some fascist group instigated a riot.

One of the newspaper accounts of the day says that all arrested were KKK. THIS is why David Duke is so thrilled with his election. The KKK is now planning a big public rally in Washington.

You can continue to pretend that your candidate isn't a racist or isn't pandering to the alt-right but all of the evidence says otherwise.

Blow it out your ass lady. All you're proving is that you're a leftwing douche bag. This is the flimsiest shit imaginable, but it's enough for reptiles like you to go around making the most vicious kind of allegation. If you could win on the issues, you wouldn't have to resort to sleazy stuff like this.

The American public has grown tired of this shit. That's one reason Trump one. We've had our fill of your ilk.
People aren't "born" racist. They are taught to be racist... and a large part of that comes from their family.

So once racist is always racist, even though it was 89 years ago?

No I had a racist mom and her family was racist. My father and his family wasn't. I'm not racist. But then again I was also raised by my father's parents. Trump's father on the other hand raised him and spent a whole lot of time working with him and grooming him. To think that if his father was really in the Klan and some of that didn't rub of on him, that would be irrational.
You're drawing a conclusion that can't be supported by the available evidence. You don't even know if Trump's father was in the KKK. All you know is that he was arrested after the KKK and some fascist group instigated a riot.

One of the newspaper accounts of the day says that all arrested were KKK. THIS is why David Duke is so thrilled with his election. The KKK is now planning a big public rally in Washington.

You can continue to pretend that your candidate isn't a racist or isn't pandering to the alt-right but all of the evidence says otherwise.

Blow it out your ass lady. All you're proving is that you're a leftwing douche bag. This is the flimsiest shit imaginable, but it's enough for reptiles like you to go around making the most vicious kind of allegation. If you could win on the issues, you wouldn't have to resort to sleazy stuff like this.

The American public has grown tired of this shit. That's one reason Trump one. We've had our fill of your ilk.
Eat a snickers Bripat, you get so ornery when you're losing arguments
So an incident that happened once 89 years ago, before Trump was born is relevant how?

People aren't "born" racist. They are taught to be racist... and a large part of that comes from their family.

So once racist is always racist, even though it was 89 years ago?

No I had a racist mom and her family was racist. My father and his family wasn't. I'm not racist. But then again I was also raised by my father's parents. Trump's father on the other hand raised him and spent a whole lot of time working with him and grooming him. To think that if his father was really in the Klan and some of that didn't rub of on him, that would be irrational.
You're drawing a conclusion that can't be supported by the available evidence. You don't even know if Trump's father was in the KKK. All you know is that he was arrested after the KKK and some fascist group instigated a riot.

One of the newspaper accounts of the day says that all arrested were KKK. THIS is why David Duke is so thrilled with his election. The KKK is now planning a big public rally in Washington.

You can continue to pretend that your candidate isn't a racist or isn't pandering to the alt-right but all of the evidence says otherwise.

He is not my candidate, I voted a third party because the Republicans and Democrats nominated poor choices, yet, just like JFK, LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama, they are all my Presidents.

You are speculating and an 89 year old incident of a father of a son not yet born is pure partisan nuttiness. That is like the partisan numb nuts that whine about what Obamas father may or may not have done.
So an incident that happened once 89 years ago, before Trump was born is relevant how?

People aren't "born" racist. They are taught to be racist... and a large part of that comes from their family.

So once racist is always racist, even though it was 89 years ago?

No I had a racist mom and her family was racist. My father and his family wasn't. I'm not racist. But then again I was also raised by my father's parents. Trump's father on the other hand raised him and spent a whole lot of time working with him and grooming him. To think that if his father was really in the Klan and some of that didn't rub of on him, that would be irrational.
You're drawing a conclusion that can't be supported by the available evidence. You don't even know if Trump's father was in the KKK. All you know is that he was arrested after the KKK and some fascist group instigated a riot.

One of the newspaper accounts of the day says that all arrested were KKK. THIS is why David Duke is so thrilled with his election. The KKK is now planning a big public rally in Washington.

You can continue to pretend that your candidate isn't a racist or isn't pandering to the alt-right but all of the evidence says otherwise.

Going by what grandparents MIGHT have been?
People aren't "born" racist. They are taught to be racist... and a large part of that comes from their family.

So once racist is always racist, even though it was 89 years ago?

No I had a racist mom and her family was racist. My father and his family wasn't. I'm not racist. But then again I was also raised by my father's parents. Trump's father on the other hand raised him and spent a whole lot of time working with him and grooming him. To think that if his father was really in the Klan and some of that didn't rub of on him, that would be irrational.
You're drawing a conclusion that can't be supported by the available evidence. You don't even know if Trump's father was in the KKK. All you know is that he was arrested after the KKK and some fascist group instigated a riot.

One of the newspaper accounts of the day says that all arrested were KKK. THIS is why David Duke is so thrilled with his election. The KKK is now planning a big public rally in Washington.

You can continue to pretend that your candidate isn't a racist or isn't pandering to the alt-right but all of the evidence says otherwise.

Going by what grandparents MIGHT have been?

Yep, because when it is all you got, to stir the racial pot, it's all you got to stir the racial pot. Racism is a weapon the Democratic Party uses to stir up fear and hate.

Blacks had a similar line of thought when Obama was elected 8 years ago.

Somehow, even with him in charge, race relations worsened
Dont you understand why it seems that race relations worsened? Think... when else were race relations really bad, when did they spike? During the civil Right she movement... when all the crap was brought to the surface.

Because lefties have been screaming racism ever time some republican engages in partisan politics.

THis divides the nation, between blacks who feel increasingly under attack, liberals who are outraged by their false perception of racism, and republicans who are increasingly sick and tired of being vilely slandered by assholes.
You got half of it right, extremist on the left do play the race card too much... but you ignored the other half of the equation that exisists in the "Rights" denial and neglect of racial issues. In many instances, when one is brought up from the left, the right argues against it and denys the problem. For some reason the Right takes on an advisarial roll in most race related policy the Left tries to pass... when was the last time the Right lead the charge on a civil rights, pro immigrant, LGBT, or anything aimed at helping the African American community??

That is because by and large, legal equality has been achieved and what passes for "Civil Rights" today, is actually reverse discrimination.

YOu are aware of the studies demonstrating a 230 sat point bonus for having black skin in Ivy League University addmissions, for one limited example?
Oh bullshit!
So once racist is always racist, even though it was 89 years ago?

No I had a racist mom and her family was racist. My father and his family wasn't. I'm not racist. But then again I was also raised by my father's parents. Trump's father on the other hand raised him and spent a whole lot of time working with him and grooming him. To think that if his father was really in the Klan and some of that didn't rub of on him, that would be irrational.
You're drawing a conclusion that can't be supported by the available evidence. You don't even know if Trump's father was in the KKK. All you know is that he was arrested after the KKK and some fascist group instigated a riot.

One of the newspaper accounts of the day says that all arrested were KKK. THIS is why David Duke is so thrilled with his election. The KKK is now planning a big public rally in Washington.

You can continue to pretend that your candidate isn't a racist or isn't pandering to the alt-right but all of the evidence says otherwise.

Blow it out your ass lady. All you're proving is that you're a leftwing douche bag. This is the flimsiest shit imaginable, but it's enough for reptiles like you to go around making the most vicious kind of allegation. If you could win on the issues, you wouldn't have to resort to sleazy stuff like this.

The American public has grown tired of this shit. That's one reason Trump one. We've had our fill of your ilk.
Eat a snickers Bripat, you get so ornery when you're losing arguments
There is no argument, douche bag. There is only vile buckets of slime. Left wingers don't argue. They only smear and name call.
No I had a racist mom and her family was racist. My father and his family wasn't. I'm not racist. But then again I was also raised by my father's parents. Trump's father on the other hand raised him and spent a whole lot of time working with him and grooming him. To think that if his father was really in the Klan and some of that didn't rub of on him, that would be irrational.
You're drawing a conclusion that can't be supported by the available evidence. You don't even know if Trump's father was in the KKK. All you know is that he was arrested after the KKK and some fascist group instigated a riot.

One of the newspaper accounts of the day says that all arrested were KKK. THIS is why David Duke is so thrilled with his election. The KKK is now planning a big public rally in Washington.

You can continue to pretend that your candidate isn't a racist or isn't pandering to the alt-right but all of the evidence says otherwise.

Blow it out your ass lady. All you're proving is that you're a leftwing douche bag. This is the flimsiest shit imaginable, but it's enough for reptiles like you to go around making the most vicious kind of allegation. If you could win on the issues, you wouldn't have to resort to sleazy stuff like this.

The American public has grown tired of this shit. That's one reason Trump one. We've had our fill of your ilk.
Eat a snickers Bripat, you get so ornery when you're losing arguments
There is no argument, douche bag. There is only vile buckets of slime. Left wingers don't argue. They only smear and name call.
Snickers dude. Eat one

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