President Trump selects Jeff Sessions for Attorney step: Lock Her Up!

Yeah right, I never have been, nor ever will be racist. I've lost really good friends because they couldn't show enough respect to stop using the "N" word in front of me. So get bent.

Whoops you went back into denial, to for you to admit it, it's okay, time will get you well.

Sure, you not liking me or listening to the things I have to say is your loss, not mine. :blahblah:

Ohh, it looks like I hurt your little feelings, when you get better and heal yourself, you will be fine sunshine, do give up.


You trolling again Lewdog, you still butt hurt over an election you thought you had and yet your candidate is not going to be President?

You must be hurting badly. You racists hate getting your asses kicked.

My candidate? I'm sorry... none of my choice of candidates got a chance to run for President. Once again, showing how ignorant you are. I've said since day one of being on this board that I think Bill Clinton should have been removed from office and that I think Hillary should be in jail. So I guess your reading comprehension is working out well for you. Congrats! Now go sit in your rocking chair and watch Trump ruin your retirement funds.
Because lefties have been screaming racism ever time some republican engages in partisan politics.

THis divides the nation, between blacks who feel increasingly under attack, liberals who are outraged by their false perception of racism, and republicans who are increasingly sick and tired of being vilely slandered by assholes.
You got half of it right, extremist on the left do play the race card too much... but you ignored the other half of the equation that exisists in the "Rights" denial and neglect of racial issues. In many instances, when one is brought up from the left, the right argues against it and denys the problem. For some reason the Right takes on an advisarial roll in most race related policy the Left tries to pass... when was the last time the Right lead the charge on a civil rights, pro immigrant, LGBT, or anything aimed at helping the African American community??

That is because by and large, legal equality has been achieved and what passes for "Civil Rights" today, is actually reverse discrimination.

YOu are aware of the studies demonstrating a 230 sat point bonus for having black skin in Ivy League University addmissions, for one limited example?
The problem with you're attitude is one of two things, maybe both... either a straight up denial that racism still exists in our society or an ignorance to racial effects of history. In a country with a history of slavery, oppression and white privelege there is an inherent advantage to the white race, generally speaking. A significantly larger portion of white citizens have come from generations of wealth, higher education, and social influence that provides better opportunities. Not to say there aren't plenty of white workers who grew success from nothing... but if you look at whites compared to other minority groups you have a dispropprtiaonal transfer of wealth, privelege, and opportunity.

The black community has been trying to grow from nothing since the days of slavery, and the struggles have been long and hard, fighting discrimination in the workplace, social bias, and the cultural disadvantages that permeate through community's of poverty, high crime and low education.

So you have whites that come from higher class property and business owners compared to blacks that come from a history of oppression, poverty and lack of education.

You are right that legally we have done some great things to even the playing field, but we can't ignore history and it's effects. This is where the Republican Party is missing the ball. They tend to deny or argue against what I just stated. If they showed a basic understanding, consideration, and acknowledgement of the imbalance it would go a long way to bridge much of the racial divide that exist in our society.

YOu made the accusation that the reason that race relations worsened over that last 8 years, was because Obama was elected, with the implication that it was racist whites who were provoked by that.

I pointed out what actually happened was that normal partisan politics were falsely called racism by lefties and I explained how that massive use of the Race Card is what worsened race relations.

You admitted that was true, to your credit, but tried to balance that out be asking what the Right seems to always take an adversarial position to Civil Rights recently.

I pointed out that that was because legal equality has been reached and what passes for Civil Rights today is actually reverse discrimination, and provided an example.

YOur response is to justify that reverse discrimination.

You are the one missing the ball.

THe racial divide is caused by the Lefts and minorities belief that they are entitled to discriminate against Whites and their insistence of demonizing anyone that rightfully complains about that, as racist.
We agree on most statements till we get to the point where you think all is fair so we should be done with it... I on the other hand think we still have more work todo and most of that work is simply in our language and how we discuss and address racial issues. Your dismissive attitude and claims of anti white racism don't help things, it just shows lack of understanding and compassion.

I understand your points and do not deny their existence but they are not as significant as other issues that you flat out ignore

My dismissive attitude is quite called for when one considers the decades of race baiting I have been subjected to, WHILE dealing with actual anti-white discrimination.

INdeed, you will get no better response from non-white guilt filled liberal whites, in your lifetime.

We are done with being blamed for the sins of our ancestors or the failings of minority communities,

and we reject that idea that this fix for either of those is for US to be discriminated against.

NOt just done. FUCKING DONE.
His father was arrested in New York in a Klan Rally in the 1920's. His father was a Klansman. This is why he's sending out his dog whistle message to the troops.

In 1927, Donald Trump’s father was arrested after a Klan riot in Queens

So an incident that happened once 89 years ago, before Trump was born is relevant how?

Because they have are terrified of Trump and they are desperate to marginalize him.

THey called him racist during the campaign. They even called him Hitler.

Somehow that failed to work.

He even did did relatively well with minorities.

They HAVE To stop him somehow.

And they only have ONE tool in their tool box.

Call him racist.

...and a liar, con-artist, snake oil salesman, and fraud.

Have you forgotten that no one cares about your name calling anymore? Wasn't that pounded though your think skull election night?

No... you Trump supporters don't care what Trump does as long as he is a Republican.

1. He saved the Ford plant in Kentucky? Lie
2. He sold his OWN supporters books and hats that are worth less than $10... for $135 each making people believe they were really autographed but were actually auto-penned. con-artist and snake oil salesman
3. He just settled a fraud case for Trump University for $25 million. Fraud

These isn't name calling. It's the truth. The fact you won't just own up and recognize the guy you supported is scum, shows that either you are denial, or your stupid. You chose.

If you don't think that corporations are reexamining their outsourcing decisions in the light of the Trump win you are insane.

He will be President, with a mandate to stop outsourcing.

He will address the issue and there is not much sympathy for the outsourcers to be found.

THey could end up getting fucked.

And I hope they do.
Whoops you went back into denial, to for you to admit it, it's okay, time will get you well.

Sure, you not liking me or listening to the things I have to say is your loss, not mine. :blahblah:

Ohh, it looks like I hurt your little feelings, when you get better and heal yourself, you will be fine sunshine, do give up.


You trolling again Lewdog, you still butt hurt over an election you thought you had and yet your candidate is not going to be President?

You must be hurting badly. You racists hate getting your asses kicked.

My candidate? I'm sorry... none of my choice of candidates got a chance to run for President. Once again, showing how ignorant you are. I've said since day one of being on this board that I think Bill Clinton should have been removed from office and that I think Hillary should be in jail. So I guess your reading comprehension is working out well for you. Congrats! Now go sit in your rocking chair and watch Trump ruin your retirement funds.

Yeah, like I read your posts? Lol! You aren't important enough to care who you did or didn't vote for. Sorry buckwheat, continue on with your racist rants.
Sure, you not liking me or listening to the things I have to say is your loss, not mine. :blahblah:

Ohh, it looks like I hurt your little feelings, when you get better and heal yourself, you will be fine sunshine, do give up.


You trolling again Lewdog, you still butt hurt over an election you thought you had and yet your candidate is not going to be President?

You must be hurting badly. You racists hate getting your asses kicked.

My candidate? I'm sorry... none of my choice of candidates got a chance to run for President. Once again, showing how ignorant you are. I've said since day one of being on this board that I think Bill Clinton should have been removed from office and that I think Hillary should be in jail. So I guess your reading comprehension is working out well for you. Congrats! Now go sit in your rocking chair and watch Trump ruin your retirement funds.

Yeah, like I read your posts? Lol! You aren't important enough to care who you did or didn't vote for. Sorry buckwheat, continue on with your racist rants.

Calling someone racist while perpetuating a racist name. Nice!

So an incident that happened once 89 years ago, before Trump was born is relevant how?

Because they have are terrified of Trump and they are desperate to marginalize him.

THey called him racist during the campaign. They even called him Hitler.

Somehow that failed to work.

He even did did relatively well with minorities.

They HAVE To stop him somehow.

And they only have ONE tool in their tool box.

Call him racist.

...and a liar, con-artist, snake oil salesman, and fraud.

Have you forgotten that no one cares about your name calling anymore? Wasn't that pounded though your think skull election night?

No... you Trump supporters don't care what Trump does as long as he is a Republican.

1. He saved the Ford plant in Kentucky? Lie
2. He sold his OWN supporters books and hats that are worth less than $10... for $135 each making people believe they were really autographed but were actually auto-penned. con-artist and snake oil salesman
3. He just settled a fraud case for Trump University for $25 million. Fraud

These isn't name calling. It's the truth. The fact you won't just own up and recognize the guy you supported is scum, shows that either you are denial, or your stupid. You chose.

If you don't think that corporations are reexamining their outsourcing decisions in the light of the Trump win you are insane.

He will be President, with a mandate to stop outsourcing.

He will address the issue and there is not much sympathy for the outsourcers to be found.

THey could end up getting fucked.

And I hope they do.

So... you want to name your own fallacy you just made?
Ohh, it looks like I hurt your little feelings, when you get better and heal yourself, you will be fine sunshine, do give up.


You trolling again Lewdog, you still butt hurt over an election you thought you had and yet your candidate is not going to be President?

You must be hurting badly. You racists hate getting your asses kicked.

My candidate? I'm sorry... none of my choice of candidates got a chance to run for President. Once again, showing how ignorant you are. I've said since day one of being on this board that I think Bill Clinton should have been removed from office and that I think Hillary should be in jail. So I guess your reading comprehension is working out well for you. Congrats! Now go sit in your rocking chair and watch Trump ruin your retirement funds.

Yeah, like I read your posts? Lol! You aren't important enough to care who you did or didn't vote for. Sorry buckwheat, continue on with your racist rants.

Calling someone racist while perpetuating a racist name. Nice!


How is Papageorgio a racist name?

You trolling again Lewdog, you still butt hurt over an election you thought you had and yet your candidate is not going to be President?

You must be hurting badly. You racists hate getting your asses kicked.

My candidate? I'm sorry... none of my choice of candidates got a chance to run for President. Once again, showing how ignorant you are. I've said since day one of being on this board that I think Bill Clinton should have been removed from office and that I think Hillary should be in jail. So I guess your reading comprehension is working out well for you. Congrats! Now go sit in your rocking chair and watch Trump ruin your retirement funds.

Yeah, like I read your posts? Lol! You aren't important enough to care who you did or didn't vote for. Sorry buckwheat, continue on with your racist rants.

Calling someone racist while perpetuating a racist name. Nice!


How is Papageorgio a racist name?

Because they have are terrified of Trump and they are desperate to marginalize him.

THey called him racist during the campaign. They even called him Hitler.

Somehow that failed to work.

He even did did relatively well with minorities.

They HAVE To stop him somehow.

And they only have ONE tool in their tool box.

Call him racist.

...and a liar, con-artist, snake oil salesman, and fraud.

Have you forgotten that no one cares about your name calling anymore? Wasn't that pounded though your think skull election night?

No... you Trump supporters don't care what Trump does as long as he is a Republican.

1. He saved the Ford plant in Kentucky? Lie
2. He sold his OWN supporters books and hats that are worth less than $10... for $135 each making people believe they were really autographed but were actually auto-penned. con-artist and snake oil salesman
3. He just settled a fraud case for Trump University for $25 million. Fraud

These isn't name calling. It's the truth. The fact you won't just own up and recognize the guy you supported is scum, shows that either you are denial, or your stupid. You chose.

If you don't think that corporations are reexamining their outsourcing decisions in the light of the Trump win you are insane.

He will be President, with a mandate to stop outsourcing.

He will address the issue and there is not much sympathy for the outsourcers to be found.

THey could end up getting fucked.

And I hope they do.

So... you want to name your own fallacy you just made?

I want you to someday deal with issues instead of name calling.

But, I will settle for calling you on your bullshit since that can't happen.
...and a liar, con-artist, snake oil salesman, and fraud.

Have you forgotten that no one cares about your name calling anymore? Wasn't that pounded though your think skull election night?

No... you Trump supporters don't care what Trump does as long as he is a Republican.

1. He saved the Ford plant in Kentucky? Lie
2. He sold his OWN supporters books and hats that are worth less than $10... for $135 each making people believe they were really autographed but were actually auto-penned. con-artist and snake oil salesman
3. He just settled a fraud case for Trump University for $25 million. Fraud

These isn't name calling. It's the truth. The fact you won't just own up and recognize the guy you supported is scum, shows that either you are denial, or your stupid. You chose.

If you don't think that corporations are reexamining their outsourcing decisions in the light of the Trump win you are insane.

He will be President, with a mandate to stop outsourcing.

He will address the issue and there is not much sympathy for the outsourcers to be found.

THey could end up getting fucked.

And I hope they do.

So... you want to name your own fallacy you just made?

I want you to someday deal with issues instead of name calling.

But, I will settle for calling you on your bullshit since that can't happen.

You called me on name calling, and I pointed out FACTS that Donald Trump has done since being elected to prove him worthy of those names. You didn't address those FACTS, but instead went off on a Red Herring. Now... you can deal with the FACTS... or you can just quit replying. Whatever.
You trolling again Lewdog, you still butt hurt over an election you thought you had and yet your candidate is not going to be President?

You must be hurting badly. You racists hate getting your asses kicked.

My candidate? I'm sorry... none of my choice of candidates got a chance to run for President. Once again, showing how ignorant you are. I've said since day one of being on this board that I think Bill Clinton should have been removed from office and that I think Hillary should be in jail. So I guess your reading comprehension is working out well for you. Congrats! Now go sit in your rocking chair and watch Trump ruin your retirement funds.

Yeah, like I read your posts? Lol! You aren't important enough to care who you did or didn't vote for. Sorry buckwheat, continue on with your racist rants.

Calling someone racist while perpetuating a racist name. Nice!


How is Papageorgio a racist name?


I call everyone buckwheat, it is usually white people, sorry you have thin skin racist ass.
My candidate? I'm sorry... none of my choice of candidates got a chance to run for President. Once again, showing how ignorant you are. I've said since day one of being on this board that I think Bill Clinton should have been removed from office and that I think Hillary should be in jail. So I guess your reading comprehension is working out well for you. Congrats! Now go sit in your rocking chair and watch Trump ruin your retirement funds.

Yeah, like I read your posts? Lol! You aren't important enough to care who you did or didn't vote for. Sorry buckwheat, continue on with your racist rants.

Calling someone racist while perpetuating a racist name. Nice!


How is Papageorgio a racist name?


I call everyone buckwheat, it is usually white people, sorry you have thin skin racist ass.

Sure you do. Why are you still replying to me? II think you have a crush on me. No, I'm not sending you any naked pics. Go back to your rocking chair...
Yeah, like I read your posts? Lol! You aren't important enough to care who you did or didn't vote for. Sorry buckwheat, continue on with your racist rants.

Calling someone racist while perpetuating a racist name. Nice!


How is Papageorgio a racist name?


I call everyone buckwheat, it is usually white people, sorry you have thin skin racist ass.

Sure you do. Why are you still replying to me? II think you have a crush on me. No, I'm not sending you any naked pics. Go back to your rocking chair...

Do you need to be left alone you racist asshole?

I am here to be entertained, you do a good job of making me laugh with your racist stupidity.

You are the board clown, get used to it.
Calling someone racist while perpetuating a racist name. Nice!


How is Papageorgio a racist name?


I call everyone buckwheat, it is usually white people, sorry you have thin skin racist ass.

Sure you do. Why are you still replying to me? II think you have a crush on me. No, I'm not sending you any naked pics. Go back to your rocking chair...

Do you need to be left alone you racist asshole?

I am here to be entertained, you do a good job of making me laugh with your racist stupidity.

You are the board clown, get used to it.
You got half of it right, extremist on the left do play the race card too much... but you ignored the other half of the equation that exisists in the "Rights" denial and neglect of racial issues. In many instances, when one is brought up from the left, the right argues against it and denys the problem. For some reason the Right takes on an advisarial roll in most race related policy the Left tries to pass... when was the last time the Right lead the charge on a civil rights, pro immigrant, LGBT, or anything aimed at helping the African American community??

That is because by and large, legal equality has been achieved and what passes for "Civil Rights" today, is actually reverse discrimination.

YOu are aware of the studies demonstrating a 230 sat point bonus for having black skin in Ivy League University addmissions, for one limited example?
The problem with you're attitude is one of two things, maybe both... either a straight up denial that racism still exists in our society or an ignorance to racial effects of history. In a country with a history of slavery, oppression and white privelege there is an inherent advantage to the white race, generally speaking. A significantly larger portion of white citizens have come from generations of wealth, higher education, and social influence that provides better opportunities. Not to say there aren't plenty of white workers who grew success from nothing... but if you look at whites compared to other minority groups you have a dispropprtiaonal transfer of wealth, privelege, and opportunity.

The black community has been trying to grow from nothing since the days of slavery, and the struggles have been long and hard, fighting discrimination in the workplace, social bias, and the cultural disadvantages that permeate through community's of poverty, high crime and low education.

So you have whites that come from higher class property and business owners compared to blacks that come from a history of oppression, poverty and lack of education.

You are right that legally we have done some great things to even the playing field, but we can't ignore history and it's effects. This is where the Republican Party is missing the ball. They tend to deny or argue against what I just stated. If they showed a basic understanding, consideration, and acknowledgement of the imbalance it would go a long way to bridge much of the racial divide that exist in our society.

YOu made the accusation that the reason that race relations worsened over that last 8 years, was because Obama was elected, with the implication that it was racist whites who were provoked by that.

I pointed out what actually happened was that normal partisan politics were falsely called racism by lefties and I explained how that massive use of the Race Card is what worsened race relations.

You admitted that was true, to your credit, but tried to balance that out be asking what the Right seems to always take an adversarial position to Civil Rights recently.

I pointed out that that was because legal equality has been reached and what passes for Civil Rights today is actually reverse discrimination, and provided an example.

YOur response is to justify that reverse discrimination.

You are the one missing the ball.

THe racial divide is caused by the Lefts and minorities belief that they are entitled to discriminate against Whites and their insistence of demonizing anyone that rightfully complains about that, as racist.
We agree on most statements till we get to the point where you think all is fair so we should be done with it... I on the other hand think we still have more work todo and most of that work is simply in our language and how we discuss and address racial issues. Your dismissive attitude and claims of anti white racism don't help things, it just shows lack of understanding and compassion.

I understand your points and do not deny their existence but they are not as significant as other issues that you flat out ignore

My dismissive attitude is quite called for when one considers the decades of race baiting I have been subjected to, WHILE dealing with actual anti-white discrimination.

INdeed, you will get no better response from non-white guilt filled liberal whites, in your lifetime.

We are done with being blamed for the sins of our ancestors or the failings of minority communities,

and we reject that idea that this fix for either of those is for US to be discriminated against.

NOt just done. FUCKING DONE.
Haha, look at you up on your soapbox "we are done...." "We reject..." I'm sorry to tell you that you appear to be suffering from delusions of grandeur. You speak for yourself. Now you can choose to dismiss the points I have made. I've acknowledged the validity of your points and agree they should be discussed. But you are never going to get a productive conversation if you can't understand or acknowledge the points that I've made. You are simply going to push yourself into the wingnut category that Is never going to be taken seriously by the majority.
How is Papageorgio a racist name?


I call everyone buckwheat, it is usually white people, sorry you have thin skin racist ass.

Sure you do. Why are you still replying to me? II think you have a crush on me. No, I'm not sending you any naked pics. Go back to your rocking chair...

Do you need to be left alone you racist asshole?

I am here to be entertained, you do a good job of making me laugh with your racist stupidity.

You are the board clown, get used to it.

Nice pic of you troll! See you entertain so well! Keep it up bub.
Have you forgotten that no one cares about your name calling anymore? Wasn't that pounded though your think skull election night?

No... you Trump supporters don't care what Trump does as long as he is a Republican.

1. He saved the Ford plant in Kentucky? Lie
2. He sold his OWN supporters books and hats that are worth less than $10... for $135 each making people believe they were really autographed but were actually auto-penned. con-artist and snake oil salesman
3. He just settled a fraud case for Trump University for $25 million. Fraud

These isn't name calling. It's the truth. The fact you won't just own up and recognize the guy you supported is scum, shows that either you are denial, or your stupid. You chose.

If you don't think that corporations are reexamining their outsourcing decisions in the light of the Trump win you are insane.

He will be President, with a mandate to stop outsourcing.

He will address the issue and there is not much sympathy for the outsourcers to be found.

THey could end up getting fucked.

And I hope they do.

So... you want to name your own fallacy you just made?

I want you to someday deal with issues instead of name calling.

But, I will settle for calling you on your bullshit since that can't happen.

You called me on name calling, and I pointed out FACTS that Donald Trump has done since being elected to prove him worthy of those names. You didn't address those FACTS, but instead went off on a Red Herring. Now... you can deal with the FACTS... or you can just quit replying. Whatever.

See when your leader referred to her enemies as "deplorables" she made it clear that this was an US vs Them election where she, if she won, would not be our president, but yours, and out to harm US and our interests.

THat was not the only evidence of that of course, but simply the iconic moment of it.

IN light of that, I don't care about your minor complaints about "our guy".

Whatever flaws he may or may not have are irrelevant compared to the fact that he has not defined himself as our enemy.

I just can't take your minor issues seriously.

And you don't care about them either.

If ALL OF THOSE COMPLAINS turned out to be false, demonstrated false to your satisfaction, it would not make an iota of difference to you either.
That is because by and large, legal equality has been achieved and what passes for "Civil Rights" today, is actually reverse discrimination.

YOu are aware of the studies demonstrating a 230 sat point bonus for having black skin in Ivy League University addmissions, for one limited example?
The problem with you're attitude is one of two things, maybe both... either a straight up denial that racism still exists in our society or an ignorance to racial effects of history. In a country with a history of slavery, oppression and white privelege there is an inherent advantage to the white race, generally speaking. A significantly larger portion of white citizens have come from generations of wealth, higher education, and social influence that provides better opportunities. Not to say there aren't plenty of white workers who grew success from nothing... but if you look at whites compared to other minority groups you have a dispropprtiaonal transfer of wealth, privelege, and opportunity.

The black community has been trying to grow from nothing since the days of slavery, and the struggles have been long and hard, fighting discrimination in the workplace, social bias, and the cultural disadvantages that permeate through community's of poverty, high crime and low education.

So you have whites that come from higher class property and business owners compared to blacks that come from a history of oppression, poverty and lack of education.

You are right that legally we have done some great things to even the playing field, but we can't ignore history and it's effects. This is where the Republican Party is missing the ball. They tend to deny or argue against what I just stated. If they showed a basic understanding, consideration, and acknowledgement of the imbalance it would go a long way to bridge much of the racial divide that exist in our society.

YOu made the accusation that the reason that race relations worsened over that last 8 years, was because Obama was elected, with the implication that it was racist whites who were provoked by that.

I pointed out what actually happened was that normal partisan politics were falsely called racism by lefties and I explained how that massive use of the Race Card is what worsened race relations.

You admitted that was true, to your credit, but tried to balance that out be asking what the Right seems to always take an adversarial position to Civil Rights recently.

I pointed out that that was because legal equality has been reached and what passes for Civil Rights today is actually reverse discrimination, and provided an example.

YOur response is to justify that reverse discrimination.

You are the one missing the ball.

THe racial divide is caused by the Lefts and minorities belief that they are entitled to discriminate against Whites and their insistence of demonizing anyone that rightfully complains about that, as racist.
We agree on most statements till we get to the point where you think all is fair so we should be done with it... I on the other hand think we still have more work todo and most of that work is simply in our language and how we discuss and address racial issues. Your dismissive attitude and claims of anti white racism don't help things, it just shows lack of understanding and compassion.

I understand your points and do not deny their existence but they are not as significant as other issues that you flat out ignore

My dismissive attitude is quite called for when one considers the decades of race baiting I have been subjected to, WHILE dealing with actual anti-white discrimination.

INdeed, you will get no better response from non-white guilt filled liberal whites, in your lifetime.

We are done with being blamed for the sins of our ancestors or the failings of minority communities,

and we reject that idea that this fix for either of those is for US to be discriminated against.

NOt just done. FUCKING DONE.
Haha, look at you up on your soapbox "we are done...." "We reject..." I'm sorry to tell you that you appear to be suffering from delusions of grandeur. You speak for yourself. Now you can choose to dismiss the points I have made. I've acknowledged the validity of your points and agree they should be discussed. But you are never going to get a productive conversation if you can't understand or acknowledge the points that I've made. You are simply going to push yourself into the wingnut category that Is never going to be taken seriously by the majority.

In this I feel comfortable speaking for pretty much all white non white guilt liberals.

I think the election of Trump despite the MASSIVE AND NON-STOP RACE BAITING by the vile media, shows that.

I've addressed your points.

Minorities have legal equality. The GOP supports that.

In fact there is rampant and wide spread anti-white discrimination as per the Ivy League example.

The factors that drive that Ivy League anti-white discrimination are not limited to Ivy League Universities, they are nearly universal in our society.
No... you Trump supporters don't care what Trump does as long as he is a Republican.

1. He saved the Ford plant in Kentucky? Lie
2. He sold his OWN supporters books and hats that are worth less than $10... for $135 each making people believe they were really autographed but were actually auto-penned. con-artist and snake oil salesman
3. He just settled a fraud case for Trump University for $25 million. Fraud

These isn't name calling. It's the truth. The fact you won't just own up and recognize the guy you supported is scum, shows that either you are denial, or your stupid. You chose.

If you don't think that corporations are reexamining their outsourcing decisions in the light of the Trump win you are insane.

He will be President, with a mandate to stop outsourcing.

He will address the issue and there is not much sympathy for the outsourcers to be found.

THey could end up getting fucked.

And I hope they do.

So... you want to name your own fallacy you just made?

I want you to someday deal with issues instead of name calling.

But, I will settle for calling you on your bullshit since that can't happen.

You called me on name calling, and I pointed out FACTS that Donald Trump has done since being elected to prove him worthy of those names. You didn't address those FACTS, but instead went off on a Red Herring. Now... you can deal with the FACTS... or you can just quit replying. Whatever.

See when your leader referred to her enemies as "deplorables" she made it clear that this was an US vs Them election where she, if she won, would not be our president, but yours, and out to harm US and our interests.

THat was not the only evidence of that of course, but simply the iconic moment of it.

IN light of that, I don't care about your minor complaints about "our guy".

Whatever flaws he may or may not have are irrelevant compared to the fact that he has not defined himself as our enemy.

I just can't take your minor issues seriously.

And you don't care about them either.

If ALL OF THOSE COMPLAINS turned out to be false, demonstrated false to your satisfaction, it would not make an iota of difference to you either.

Can you read? I've said umpteen million times Clinton isn't MY leader derp. I've said I wanted her in jail. I'm not really sure what it takes for you to understand these things called... WORDS... but maybe, if you are half as smart as you say you are, you'll eventually get it.

So it's not important to you that Trump has committed fraud on his his own U.S. citizens? It doesn't matter to you that Trump has literally cheated his very own supporters out of money? It doesn't matter to you that Trump has been proven a liar by trying to tell a lie to his followers to make himself look good? So... your saying you have no moral code? Gotcha. Thanks for clearing that up. Now why should anyone care about your opinion if you admit you don't have a moral code?
If you don't think that corporations are reexamining their outsourcing decisions in the light of the Trump win you are insane.

He will be President, with a mandate to stop outsourcing.

He will address the issue and there is not much sympathy for the outsourcers to be found.

THey could end up getting fucked.

And I hope they do.

So... you want to name your own fallacy you just made?

I want you to someday deal with issues instead of name calling.

But, I will settle for calling you on your bullshit since that can't happen.

You called me on name calling, and I pointed out FACTS that Donald Trump has done since being elected to prove him worthy of those names. You didn't address those FACTS, but instead went off on a Red Herring. Now... you can deal with the FACTS... or you can just quit replying. Whatever.

See when your leader referred to her enemies as "deplorables" she made it clear that this was an US vs Them election where she, if she won, would not be our president, but yours, and out to harm US and our interests.

THat was not the only evidence of that of course, but simply the iconic moment of it.

IN light of that, I don't care about your minor complaints about "our guy".

Whatever flaws he may or may not have are irrelevant compared to the fact that he has not defined himself as our enemy.

I just can't take your minor issues seriously.

And you don't care about them either.

If ALL OF THOSE COMPLAINS turned out to be false, demonstrated false to your satisfaction, it would not make an iota of difference to you either.

Can you read? I've said umpteen million times Clinton isn't MY leader derp. I've said I wanted her in jail. I'm not really sure what it takes for you to understand these things called... WORDS... but maybe, if you are half as smart as you say you are, you'll eventually get it.

So it's not important to you that Trump has committed fraud on his his own U.S. citizens? It doesn't matter to you that Trump has literally cheated his very own supporters out of money? It doesn't matter to you that Trump has been proven a liar by trying to tell a lie to his followers to make himself look good? So... your saying you have no moral code? Gotcha. Thanks for clearing that up. Now why should anyone care about your opinion if you admit you don't have a moral code?

The way you feel compelled to misrepresent my words is very much what one would expect from a partisan lefty.

My point was clear.

Us vs them.

Quibbling about details of alleged misdeeds might have mattered in the early primaries.

But once it came down to a choice between someone admitting she was out to get US, and someone who at least claimed to be on our side,

the rest faded away to meaningless noise.

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