President Trump selects school choice advocate Betsy DeVos of Michigan for Education Secretary

Secretary DeVos does not support Common Core. Secretary DeVos does not support Common Core.

she said so on twitter.
Don't contradick Carbo...she'll have a nervous breakdown.
Breaking News: Dr. Ben Carson has accepted the secretary of Housing and Urban Development position, according to the Wall Street Journal.

When asked what experience a surgeon had in urban housing Secretary Carson said "Of all the prior secretaries, or anyone today who might be a secretary, I am the only one who actually lived in government urban housing."

That met with crossed eyes and silence.
DeVos' brother is ex Seal Eric Prince who was a founder of Blackwater. She got what it takes to take on whoever.

Trump's appointments so far have been right on wonderful.
Breaking News: Dr. Ben Carson has accepted the secretary of Housing and Urban Development position, according to the Wall Street Journal.

When asked what experience a surgeon had in urban housing Secretary Carson said "Of all the prior secretaries, or anyone today who might be a secretary, I am the only one who actually lived in government urban housing."

That met with crossed eyes and silence. made it off the old democrat plantation
Breaking News: Dr. Ben Carson has accepted the secretary of Housing and Urban Development position, according to the Wall Street Journal.

When asked what experience a surgeon had in urban housing Secretary Carson said "Of all the prior secretaries, or anyone today who might be a secretary, I am the only one who actually lived in government urban housing."

That met with crossed eyes and silence.
The heart of the problem. Liberals call us racist...but have no clue what they mean...and no solution to inner city problems....other than shovel money at pols...
Breaking News: Dr. Ben Carson has accepted the secretary of Housing and Urban Development position, according to the Wall Street Journal.

When asked what experience a surgeon had in urban housing Secretary Carson said "Of all the prior secretaries, or anyone today who might be a secretary, I am the only one who actually lived in government urban housing."

That met with crossed eyes and silence.
The heart of the problem. Liberals call us racist...but have no clue what they mean...and no solution to inner city problems....other than shovel money at pols...

The problem is they use racist as a catch all, they overuse it. I've seen them call you a racist and as your granddaughter I know you're not, you judge a person on their integrity, their character, how they present themselves and what they do in life. That's not racism
Breaking News: Dr. Ben Carson has accepted the secretary of Housing and Urban Development position, according to the Wall Street Journal.

When asked what experience a surgeon had in urban housing Secretary Carson said "Of all the prior secretaries, or anyone today who might be a secretary, I am the only one who actually lived in government urban housing."

That met with crossed eyes and silence.

So he's bragging about what RWnuts would call sucking off the government teat?

Let's review what Carson said only a few days ago:

"Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson has told President-elect Donald Trumpthat he isn't interested in serving as secretary of Health and Human Services, a Carson ally confirmed to The Hill on Tuesday...."

His friend Armstrong Williams cited Carson's reason:

"Dr. Carson feels he has no government experience, he's never run a federal agency. The last thing he would want to do was take a position that could cripple the presidency."
Let's review what Carson said only a few days ago:

"Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson has told President-elect Donald Trumpthat he isn't interested in serving as secretary of Health and Human Services, a Carson ally confirmed to The Hill on Tuesday...."

His friend Armstrong Williams cited Carson's reason:

"Dr. Carson feels he has no government experience, he's never run a federal agency. The last thing he would want to do was take a position that could cripple the presidency."
And then he remembered who has been president the last eight years....
Let's review what Carson said only a few days ago:

"Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson has told President-elect Donald Trumpthat he isn't interested in serving as secretary of Health and Human Services, a Carson ally confirmed to The Hill on Tuesday...."

His friend Armstrong Williams cited Carson's reason:

"Dr. Carson feels he has no government experience, he's never run a federal agency. The last thing he would want to do was take a position that could cripple the presidency."
And then he remembered who has been president the last eight years....

Dumb Deer is against Dr Carson...must be because he's where have we heard that the last eight years?
Let's review what Carson said only a few days ago:

"Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson has told President-elect Donald Trumpthat he isn't interested in serving as secretary of Health and Human Services, a Carson ally confirmed to The Hill on Tuesday...."

His friend Armstrong Williams cited Carson's reason:

"Dr. Carson feels he has no government experience, he's never run a federal agency. The last thing he would want to do was take a position that could cripple the presidency."
And then he remembered who has been president the last eight years....

Is that supposed to mean something?

Carson is trying to cripple the Trump presidency out of revenge?
Let's review what Carson said only a few days ago:

"Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson has told President-elect Donald Trumpthat he isn't interested in serving as secretary of Health and Human Services, a Carson ally confirmed to The Hill on Tuesday...."

His friend Armstrong Williams cited Carson's reason:

"Dr. Carson feels he has no government experience, he's never run a federal agency. The last thing he would want to do was take a position that could cripple the presidency."
And then he remembered who has been president the last eight years....

Dumb Deer is against Dr Carson...must be because he's where have we heard that the last eight years?

Let's all take a guess why you like the black guys.
All I care about is that whiney liberals still need to pay back their student loans..............:lmao:.............
Let's review what Carson said only a few days ago:

"Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson has told President-elect Donald Trumpthat he isn't interested in serving as secretary of Health and Human Services, a Carson ally confirmed to The Hill on Tuesday...."

His friend Armstrong Williams cited Carson's reason:

"Dr. Carson feels he has no government experience, he's never run a federal agency. The last thing he would want to do was take a position that could cripple the presidency."
And then he remembered who has been president the last eight years....

Dumb Deer is against Dr Carson...must be because he's where have we heard that the last eight years?

So now you admit you're a racist. Duh, thanks Princess Obvious.
Pay up your student loans, Generation 'Snowflake'. Safe spaces and 'crying rooms' ain't cheap! Trump, ....:udaman:.
Secretary DeVos does not support Common Core. Secretary DeVos does not support Common Core.

she said so on twitter.

Well I hope she has something to replace common core with. Common core was made so that there are standards that every state must follow. Prior to common core any child moving to another state would either do really well because the standards were lower than their previous state or really poorly because the standards are higher than their previous state.

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