President Trump surges with Black voters... Trump +15 in latest poll.


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
Comment: This whole sham trial has been a huge backfire for Democrats and an enormous opportunity for MAGA and Republicans.

Now it's the moment to shatter Democrats stranglehold on African American voters

Here's the article which links to a Rasmussen poll...



Comment: This whole sham trial has been a huge backfire for Democrats and an enormous opportunity for MAGA and Republicans.

Now it's the moment to shatter Democrats stranglehold on African American voters

Here's the article which links to a Rasmussen poll...

View attachment 957596

View attachment 957597

Well of course. Negroes know a lot about being unfairly charged with fake crimes, right IM2?
in my 20 plus years on internet forums, I have never ran across anyone as addicted to polls as you are.
It's not like you were not warned it would happen.....Street cred is a thing with blacks and other minorities who have felt the boot of the man on their necks.....Real or something the leftists claimed was happening.

Leftist dems live in a bubble and they don't understand the real world.....They care shit-all about those that struggle in that real world every day........Their views around everything from the faggots to the hoax of climate change is an luxury we can ill afford because we are not in luxury times.....We are in $5.00+ Happy Meal times.

You are undone and you did it to yourselves so FOAD.
Comment: This whole sham trial has been a huge backfire for Democrats and an enormous opportunity for MAGA and Republicans.

Now it's the moment to shatter Democrats stranglehold on African American voters

Here's the article which links to a Rasmussen poll...

View attachment 957596

View attachment 957597

Actually, he hasn't surged with voters because nobody as voted yet.

What exactly is he surging in -- support, likeability, identification ( :auiqs.jpg:), what? Support of what, his proposals?
Comment: This whole sham trial has been a huge backfire for Democrats and an enormous opportunity for MAGA and Republicans.

Now it's the moment to shatter Democrats stranglehold on African American voters

Here's the article which links to a Rasmussen poll...

View attachment 957596

View attachment 957597

Him holding a rally in the South Bronx, a place he probably wouldn't have visited if not for the trial; had to have a big impact.

If I was advising him I would tell him to hit the swing states and fly out to unchartered territory once in awhile to hold a rally. They pay dividends as people spread the word of mouth even if they didn't attend. "Hey did you hear that Trump visited us in the South Bronx"? "What? No way in hell".

It is vital to bring Americans together again, rollback America to the 1980s.

Every negative action against him will be expressed by Trump during the debates. They are gifting him so much more than they imagine.

538 drops Rasmussen Reports from its analysis​

Polls are not predictions, to be sure, but to place this data into an appropriate context, the last time a presidential candidate won the national popular vote by ten points was 30 years ago, when Ronald Reagan won 49 states. Everything we know about contemporary politics indicates the 2024 election will be close, just like all but one of the presidential elections in this century. So the odds are very high that the Raz poll is an outlier, which would hardly be a novel finding; FiveThirtyEight dropped Rasmussen Reports from its polling averages and even from its pollster rankings this year after the firm failed to answer questions about its methodology.

Comment: This whole sham trial has been a huge backfire for Democrats and an enormous opportunity for MAGA and Republicans.

Now it's the moment to shatter Democrats stranglehold on African American voters

Here's the article which links to a Rasmussen poll...

View attachment 957596

View attachment 957597

Honestly this does not surprise me one bit. Our black Americans are taking it in the shorts just like the rest of us are, actually in some ways our black Americans are taking it in the shorts from g'ment worse than anyone else. Check out the below link & listen for the part about black American males & there supposed social security benefits.

Him holding a rally in the South Bronx, a place he probably wouldn't have visited if not for the trial; had to have a big impact.

If I was advising him I would tell him to hit the swing states and fly out to unchartered territory once in awhile to hold a rally. They pay dividends as people spread the word of mouth even if they didn't attend. "Hey did you hear that Trump visited us in the South Bronx"? "What? No way in hell".

It is vital to bring Americans together again, rollback America to the 1980s.
You believe anything, eh?

in my 20 plus years on internet forums, I have never ran across anyone as addicted to polls as you are.
Not only are call blockers trending, but I have a hunch that Gen Z has taken it upon themselves to skewer polls for the hell of it.

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