President Trump surges with Black voters... Trump +15 in latest poll.

Forget the putrid stench of desperation emanating from Magadonia, America is not going to elect a convicted felon to the Office of the Presidency.

June 2, 2024: Half of Americans think Trump's guilty verdict was correct, should end campaign: POLL​

47% say they think the charges against Trump were politically motivated.

June 4, 2024: Post-Trump Conviction Polls Show Warning Signs—Most Independents Think Trump Should Drop Out​

He does not want you to suck dicks, he, unlike you, does not give a fuck about your sex life. You on the other hand cannot stop thinking about his.

Why is that?

There you go with your phony reverse-psychology again. I hate fags, so you insinuate that I am one.

I also hate Democrats too. Does that make me a closet Democrat or something?

I also hate liver and onions. So does that mean I really like liver and onions?

I also like guns too. So by your logic that's supposed to mean that I don't really like guns and I think they're icky?

I think you just want me to shut about about your pothead faggot candidate, which ain't gonna happen, bro.
Comment: This whole sham trial has been a huge backfire for Democrats and an enormous opportunity for MAGA and Republicans.

Now it's the moment to shatter Democrats stranglehold on African American voters

Here's the article which links to a Rasmussen poll...

View attachment 957596

View attachment 957597

WOW! Those figures are AMAZING!

shouldn't be so surprised though... Blacks know all about being wrongly convicted... their people dying on death row in bigger #s than Whites--which may no longer be the case? I heard that has been fixed. But in any case, Blacks know all about this (even though the cops actually "manhandle" or actually shoot Whites more than Blacks..)

In any case,

Democrats shouldn't be surprised.

Blacks love to celebrate criminality, it's part of their black culture.
Were the Sopranos black? That was the higest rated show of its time.

Whites have a history of criminal behavior that started from day one. At least 50 of the so-called founders were criminals. Whites are supporting the campaign of a convicted felon right now. Whites organized crime and turned it into a businsess. Whites legalized many of the most destructive drugs creating millions of drug addicts. I am talking about alcohol, prescription drugs and nicotine. Whites have embezzled and scammed people out of trillions of dollars. Whites control the manufacturing, shipping, sales, and distribution of deadly weapons in this country.

So it ain't blacks who celebrate crime, and using a Rasmussen poll is no accurate indicator of black support for trump. Blacks will not support a convicted felon. And most blacks do not see any similarity in what this rich white boy has endured and what blacks do. A black person would have been convicted of all 91 counts right now in all 4 cases. No one black would be having a case sitting before the supreme court arguing how they are immune from crimes no matter what they do.

I will go as far as to say that what has been posted is a lie.




If she were to win this election, it would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis. In that situation, we could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and ultimately a criminal trial.”​

If she wins, it would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis. In that situation, we could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and, ultimately, a criminal trial. It would grind government to a halt.”​

  • Brilliant
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WOW! Those figures are AMAZING!

shouldn't be so surprised though... Blacks know all about being wrongly convicted... their people dying on death row in bigger #s than Whites--which may no longer be the case? I heard that has been fixed. But in any case, Blacks know all about this (even though the cops actually "manhandle" or actually shoot Whites more than Blacks..)

In any case,


This poll is not accurate.

Cops shot fewer whites in prportion to white population than they do blacks. You can't argue per capita when its shown that more whites commit crime then claim more whites are shot by police. If you want to say more whites are shot, then it's because more whites are comitting crimes.

538 drops Rasmussen Reports from its analysis​

Polls are not predictions, to be sure, but to place this data into an appropriate context, the last time a presidential candidate won the national popular vote by ten points was 30 years ago, when Ronald Reagan won 49 states. Everything we know about contemporary politics indicates the 2024 election will be close, just like all but one of the presidential elections in this century. So the odds are very high that the Raz poll is an outlier, which would hardly be a novel finding; FiveThirtyEight dropped Rasmussen Reports from its polling averages and even from its pollster rankings this year after the firm failed to answer questions about its methodology.

Who’s 538?
This poll is not accurate.

Cops shot fewer whites in prportion to white population than they do blacks.
NOT true. I have heard the statistics I cited from more than one news source

not going to argue it

Many Whites do have sympathy for the plight of Black people (though in the 21st century things aren't half as bad as b4)
This poll is not accurate.

Cops shot fewer whites in prportion to white population than they do blacks. You can't argue per capita when its shown that more whites commit crime then claim more whites are shot by police. If you want to say more whites are shot, then it's because more whites are comitting crimes.
You need to make up your mind. You want to use raw numbers when talking about crimes committed, but then swap to percentages and per capita when talking about number of whites shot.
There you go with your phony reverse-psychology again. I hate fags, so you insinuate that I am one.

I also hate Democrats too. Does that make me a closet Democrat or something?

I also hate liver and onions. So does that mean I really like liver and onions?

I also like guns too. So by your logic that's supposed to mean that I don't really like guns and I think they're icky?

I think you just want me to shut about about your pothead faggot candidate, which ain't gonna happen, bro.

I did not say you were one, I pointed out the fact you very often post about sucking dicks. You bring it up in threads that have nothing to do with the topic.

I merely asked you do that.
Sure sure, but Joe is in deep shit though. :dunno:
Joe is? What about The Donald?

"He shouldn’t be allowed to run...If he were to win this election, it would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis. In that situation, we could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and ultimately a criminal trial. If he wins, it would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis. In that situation, we could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and, ultimately, a criminal trial. It would grind government to a halt.” --

paraphrasing Donald Trump
NOT true. I have heard the statistics I cited from more than one news source

not going to argue it

Many Whites do have sympathy for the plight of Black people (though in the 21st century things aren't half as bad as b4)
I've studied the statistics for 30 years. So you can't argue. Sympathy? The plight of blacks is because of white racism. It's about whites changing, not white sympathy. And nobody black wants to here how its nota as bad as b4 from some white person because that's not true, It's done differenty than before. That's how it always happens.
You need to make up your mind. You want to use raw numbers when talking about crimes committed, but then swap to percentages and per capita when talking about number of whites shot.
No, that's what you guys do.

Every year since I started readng the UCR (1994), whites have been arrested at aporoximately 3 times the rate of blacks. Now, since that is the case, more whites numerically will get shot by police due to the fact there is more interaction. And if more whites are being arrested by number then more whites are participating in criminal actvity. Which means they are getting shot for fighting or resisting arrest to use the claims made to excuse police killings of blacks. Yet when this gets bought up, I get the but per capita.... So then it's whites who have the problem.
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Hmm, are they important? Barely have ever even heard of them
I guess. There evauations have prven to be very accirate. They are most certainly more important than Rasmussen.
It's easy to tell Biden thinks he's superior to Blacks. You can tell he doesn't even like them. MAGA
It's easy to tell that you believe right wing propaganda. So when Biden stands before a group of blacks telling them how blacks can relate to convict criminals, then we will agree that Biden thinks he's superior to us.
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