President Trump to UN: Things will be different after January 20th

I don't understand why American Taxpayers are forced to fund the UN. It's a foreign Globalist institution that doesn't have American Citizens' best interests in mind. No American should be forced to fund an institution that doesn't solely serve American interests.

I'm not a Globalist. I don't support the NWO Globalist agenda. If some wanna donate their own money to the UN, so be it. But no American Citizen should be forced to.

To the OP - he's not "president trump".

But, he most certainly IS 100% "globalist". Honestly, I can't imagine anyone who is more "globalist" than the trumpery. Check out the link in my sig for proof.
Yeah, he is. I will always refer to him as "President Trump." Obama has worked tirelessly AGAINST America's interest. President Trump appears to be our first real President since President Reagan.

He promised to move us away from Globalist policies that don't serve American Citizen interests. I truly hope he keeps that promise. I'm fine if American Globalists wanna donate their own money to the UN. That's their call. But i cannot support forcing American Taxpayers to. If it isn't an institution serving American Citizen interests, why should they be forced to fund it? I'm an American. I'm only interested in advancing American interests.
I don't understand why American Taxpayers are forced to fund the UN. It's a foreign Globalist institution that doesn't have American Citizens' best interests in mind. No American should be forced to fund an institution that doesn't solely serve American interests.

I'm not a Globalist. I don't support the NWO Globalist agenda. If some wanna donate their own money to the UN, so be it. But no American Citizen should be forced to.

To the OP - he's not "president trump".

But, he most certainly IS 100% "globalist". Honestly, I can't imagine anyone who is more "globalist" than the trumpery. Check out the link in my sig for proof.

We'll see. He ran on 'America First' though. If he sticks to that, he'll always have my support. I'm a proud Nationalist. I'm not a Globalist.

Nationalist is just another name for ignorant, inbred, trailer trash. Hope you fall down and break your face.

Duh Donuld would shit on you in a second if it put money in his pocket and he is indeed a "globalist" and he hates the US. Wise up moron.

Whatever. You wanna be a Globalist, so be it. Donate your own money to the UN. Just don't force me to. I'm only interested in advancing American Citizen interests. I'm a Nationalist.
I don't understand why American Taxpayers are forced to fund the UN. It's a foreign Globalist institution that doesn't have American Citizens' best interests in mind. No American should be forced to fund an institution that doesn't solely serve American interests.

I'm not a Globalist. I don't support the NWO Globalist agenda. If some wanna donate their own money to the UN, so be it. But no American Citizen should be forced to.

To the OP - he's not "president trump".

But, he most certainly IS 100% "globalist". Honestly, I can't imagine anyone who is more "globalist" than the trumpery. Check out the link in my sig for proof.
Yeah, he is. I will always refer to him as "President Trump." Obama has worked tirelessly AGAINST America's interest. President Trump appears to be our first real President since President Reagan.

He promised to move us away from Globalist policies that don't serve American Citizen interests. I truly hope he keeps that promise. I'm fine if American Globalists wanna donate their own money to the UN. That's their call. But i cannot support forcing American Taxpayers to. If it isn't an institution serving American Citizen interests, why should they be forced to fund it? I'm an American. I'm only interested in advancing American interests.

You should send a note to Trump telling him how you feel. I think that he is in Scotland right now buying another golf course.
I don't understand why American Taxpayers are forced to fund the UN. It's a foreign Globalist institution that doesn't have American Citizens' best interests in mind. No American should be forced to fund an institution that doesn't solely serve American interests.

I'm not a Globalist. I don't support the NWO Globalist agenda. If some wanna donate their own money to the UN, so be it. But no American Citizen should be forced to.

To the OP - he's not "president trump".

But, he most certainly IS 100% "globalist". Honestly, I can't imagine anyone who is more "globalist" than the trumpery. Check out the link in my sig for proof.

We'll see. He ran on 'America First' though. If he sticks to that, he'll always have my support. I'm a proud Nationalist. I'm not a Globalist.

Nationalist is just another name for ignorant, inbred, trailer trash. Hope you fall down and break your face.

Duh Donuld would shit on you in a second if it put money in his pocket and he is indeed a "globalist" and he hates the US. Wise up moron.

America is the new Trump bank He'll take it for all he can

I don't understand why American Taxpayers are forced to fund the UN. It's a foreign Globalist institution that doesn't have American Citizens' best interests in mind. No American should be forced to fund an institution that doesn't solely serve American interests.

I'm not a Globalist. I don't support the NWO Globalist agenda. If some wanna donate their own money to the UN, so be it. But no American Citizen should be forced to.
That article pretty much said nothing. I sure hope Trump has good fortune dealing win the Israil situation, no president has had much luck since Jimmy Carter. Not that I blame anybody but Israil and the Palestinians themselves.

As for the U.N. they should move it to Belgium or Switzerland or at least Puerto Rico.

As long as Netanyahu is paying bribes to US congress to sabotage peace (a mil to Tom Cotton, for starters), there can be no meeting of minds.

The resort where we stay on an PR island buts up to land owned by the trumpery. For years now, we have dreaded that he ight up and decide to build some monstrosity there.

King Trumpery did say he would replace the marble behind the speaker's podium at the UN. That's about as difficult as he can handle.

Another injection of leftist fantasy to try and drive their narrative.

SHOW everyone how he is bribing them. SHOW US, or shut up, lying little snowflake!
I don't understand why American Taxpayers are forced to fund the UN. It's a foreign Globalist institution that doesn't have American Citizens' best interests in mind. No American should be forced to fund an institution that doesn't solely serve American interests.

I'm not a Globalist. I don't support the NWO Globalist agenda. If some wanna donate their own money to the UN, so be it. But no American Citizen should be forced to.

And here you have an injection of an Iranian. Lets see how long it takes this person, and the far left liberals to join forces in this thread--)
I don't understand why American Taxpayers are forced to fund the UN. It's a foreign Globalist institution that doesn't have American Citizens' best interests in mind. No American should be forced to fund an institution that doesn't solely serve American interests.

I'm not a Globalist. I don't support the NWO Globalist agenda. If some wanna donate their own money to the UN, so be it. But no American Citizen should be forced to.

To the OP - he's not "president trump".

But, he most certainly IS 100% "globalist". Honestly, I can't imagine anyone who is more "globalist" than the trumpery. Check out the link in my sig for proof.
Yeah, he is. I will always refer to him as "President Trump." Obama has worked tirelessly AGAINST America's interest. President Trump appears to be our first real President since President Reagan.

He promised to move us away from Globalist policies that don't serve American Citizen interests. I truly hope he keeps that promise. I'm fine if American Globalists wanna donate their own money to the UN. That's their call. But i cannot support forcing American Taxpayers to. If it isn't an institution serving American Citizen interests, why should they be forced to fund it? I'm an American. I'm only interested in advancing American interests.

You should send a note to Trump telling him how you feel. I think that he is in Scotland right now buying another golf course.

Well, i voted for him. Hopefully that will be enough. I don't support forcing American Taxpayers to fund a foreign Globalist institution that doesn't serve American Citizen interests. I think Trump's kinda on the same page with me on that. It's time for America First.
I don't understand why American Taxpayers are forced to fund the UN. It's a foreign Globalist institution that doesn't have American Citizens' best interests in mind. No American should be forced to fund an institution that doesn't solely serve American interests.

I'm not a Globalist. I don't support the NWO Globalist agenda. If some wanna donate their own money to the UN, so be it. But no American Citizen should be forced to.

And here you have an injection of an Iranian. Lets see how long it takes this person, and the far left liberals to join forces in this thread--)
No big deal we join with Iran YOU join with Putin and Russia
I don't understand why American Taxpayers are forced to fund the UN. It's a foreign Globalist institution that doesn't have American Citizens' best interests in mind. No American should be forced to fund an institution that doesn't solely serve American interests.

I'm not a Globalist. I don't support the NWO Globalist agenda. If some wanna donate their own money to the UN, so be it. But no American Citizen should be forced to.

To the OP - he's not "president trump".

But, he most certainly IS 100% "globalist". Honestly, I can't imagine anyone who is more "globalist" than the trumpery. Check out the link in my sig for proof.
Yeah, he is. I will always refer to him as "President Trump." Obama has worked tirelessly AGAINST America's interest. President Trump appears to be our first real President since President Reagan.

The cognitive dissonance from you RWNJ traitors is justn astounding. FACT is, Obamaset records for US jobs and cut taxes for US citizens. Ronnie RayGun killed jobs and raised taxes - what - 11 times!!

King Trumpery will be even more corrupt that reagan was. It too reagan a while to amass the same number of investigations that trump already has.

The US is now the trump's family petty cash fund and you will pony up, right along with the rest of us.
I don't understand why American Taxpayers are forced to fund the UN. It's a foreign Globalist institution that doesn't have American Citizens' best interests in mind. No American should be forced to fund an institution that doesn't solely serve American interests.

I'm not a Globalist. I don't support the NWO Globalist agenda. If some wanna donate their own money to the UN, so be it. But no American Citizen should be forced to.

To the OP - he's not "president trump".

But, he most certainly IS 100% "globalist". Honestly, I can't imagine anyone who is more "globalist" than the trumpery. Check out the link in my sig for proof.
Yeah, he is. I will always refer to him as "President Trump." Obama has worked tirelessly AGAINST America's interest. President Trump appears to be our first real President since President Reagan.

He promised to move us away from Globalist policies that don't serve American Citizen interests. I truly hope he keeps that promise. I'm fine if American Globalists wanna donate their own money to the UN. That's their call. But i cannot support forcing American Taxpayers to. If it isn't an institution serving American Citizen interests, why should they be forced to fund it? I'm an American. I'm only interested in advancing American interests.

You should send a note to Trump telling him how you feel. I think that he is in Scotland right now buying another golf course.

Well, i voted for him. Hopefully that will be enough. I don't support forcing American Taxpayers to fund a foreign Globalist institution that doesn't serve American Citizen interests. I think Trump's kinda on the same page with me on that. It's time for America First.

By voting for trump, you are already funding foreign globalists. Read the link in my sig for PROOF.

I don't understand why American Taxpayers are forced to fund the UN. It's a foreign Globalist institution that doesn't have American Citizens' best interests in mind. No American should be forced to fund an institution that doesn't solely serve American interests.

I'm not a Globalist. I don't support the NWO Globalist agenda. If some wanna donate their own money to the UN, so be it. But no American Citizen should be forced to.

To the OP - he's not "president trump".

But, he most certainly IS 100% "globalist". Honestly, I can't imagine anyone who is more "globalist" than the trumpery. Check out the link in my sig for proof.
Yeah, he is. I will always refer to him as "President Trump." Obama has worked tirelessly AGAINST America's interest. President Trump appears to be our first real President since President Reagan.

He promised to move us away from Globalist policies that don't serve American Citizen interests. I truly hope he keeps that promise. I'm fine if American Globalists wanna donate their own money to the UN. That's their call. But i cannot support forcing American Taxpayers to. If it isn't an institution serving American Citizen interests, why should they be forced to fund it? I'm an American. I'm only interested in advancing American interests.

You should send a note to Trump telling him how you feel. I think that he is in Scotland right now buying another golf course.

Well, i voted for him. Hopefully that will be enough. I don't support forcing American Taxpayers to fund a foreign Globalist institution that doesn't serve American Citizen interests. I think Trump's kinda on the same page with me on that. It's time for America First.
How about forcing American taxpayers to fund a foreign country, Israel, to the tune of $4bn+ annually?
I don't understand why American Taxpayers are forced to fund the UN. It's a foreign Globalist institution that doesn't have American Citizens' best interests in mind. No American should be forced to fund an institution that doesn't solely serve American interests.

I'm not a Globalist. I don't support the NWO Globalist agenda. If some wanna donate their own money to the UN, so be it. But no American Citizen should be forced to.

To the OP - he's not "president trump".

But, he most certainly IS 100% "globalist". Honestly, I can't imagine anyone who is more "globalist" than the trumpery. Check out the link in my sig for proof.
Yeah, he is. I will always refer to him as "President Trump." Obama has worked tirelessly AGAINST America's interest. President Trump appears to be our first real President since President Reagan.

The cognitive dissonance from you RWNJ traitors is justn astounding. FACT is, Obamaset records for US jobs and cut taxes for US citizens. Ronnie RayGun killed jobs and raised taxes - what - 11 times!!

King Trumpery will be even more corrupt that reagan was. It too reagan a while to amass the same number of investigations that trump already has.

The US is now the trump's family petty and you will pony up, right along with the rest of us.

Interesting, i feel i'm the opposite of a 'Traitor.' I wanna get back to America First. I don't feel i should be forced to fund a foreign Globalist institution that doesn't solely serve American interests. I feel i'm a true Patriot. Our Founding Fathers would not have supported forcing Taxpayers to fund foreign institutions.

I feel us Nationalists are beginning to take our country back. I don't believe foreigners should be making decisions for Americans. They don't always have American best interests in mind. It's time for a change in course. Time to get back to promoting American Citizen interests.
I don't understand why American Taxpayers are forced to fund the UN. It's a foreign Globalist institution that doesn't have American Citizens' best interests in mind. No American should be forced to fund an institution that doesn't solely serve American interests.

I'm not a Globalist. I don't support the NWO Globalist agenda. If some wanna donate their own money to the UN, so be it. But no American Citizen should be forced to.

To the OP - he's not "president trump".

But, he most certainly IS 100% "globalist". Honestly, I can't imagine anyone who is more "globalist" than the trumpery. Check out the link in my sig for proof.

We'll see. He ran on 'America First' though. If he sticks to that, he'll always have my support. I'm a proud Nationalist. I'm not a Globalist.

Nationalist is just another name for ignorant, inbred, trailer trash. Hope you fall down and break your face.

Duh Donuld would shit on you in a second if it put money in his pocket and he is indeed a "globalist" and he hates the US. Wise up moron.

Fascist is just another name for democrat....Dudley Luddite....
To the OP - he's not "president trump".

But, he most certainly IS 100% "globalist". Honestly, I can't imagine anyone who is more "globalist" than the trumpery. Check out the link in my sig for proof.
Yeah, he is. I will always refer to him as "President Trump." Obama has worked tirelessly AGAINST America's interest. President Trump appears to be our first real President since President Reagan.

He promised to move us away from Globalist policies that don't serve American Citizen interests. I truly hope he keeps that promise. I'm fine if American Globalists wanna donate their own money to the UN. That's their call. But i cannot support forcing American Taxpayers to. If it isn't an institution serving American Citizen interests, why should they be forced to fund it? I'm an American. I'm only interested in advancing American interests.

You should send a note to Trump telling him how you feel. I think that he is in Scotland right now buying another golf course.

Well, i voted for him. Hopefully that will be enough. I don't support forcing American Taxpayers to fund a foreign Globalist institution that doesn't serve American Citizen interests. I think Trump's kinda on the same page with me on that. It's time for America First.
How about forcing American taxpayers to fund a foreign country, Israel, to the tune of $4bn+ annually?

I've always advocated re-thinking our 'Foreign Aid' policy. But the Globalists in both major political parties routinely shout me down on that.
I don't understand why American Taxpayers are forced to fund the UN. It's a foreign Globalist institution that doesn't have American Citizens' best interests in mind. No American should be forced to fund an institution that doesn't solely serve American interests.

I'm not a Globalist. I don't support the NWO Globalist agenda. If some wanna donate their own money to the UN, so be it. But no American Citizen should be forced to.

To the OP - he's not "president trump".

But, he most certainly IS 100% "globalist". Honestly, I can't imagine anyone who is more "globalist" than the trumpery. Check out the link in my sig for proof.
Yeah, he is. I will always refer to him as "President Trump." Obama has worked tirelessly AGAINST America's interest. President Trump appears to be our first real President since President Reagan.

The cognitive dissonance from you RWNJ traitors is justn astounding. FACT is, Obamaset records for US jobs and cut taxes for US citizens. Ronnie RayGun killed jobs and raised taxes - what - 11 times!!

King Trumpery will be even more corrupt that reagan was. It too reagan a while to amass the same number of investigations that trump already has.

The US is now the trump's family petty and you will pony up, right along with the rest of us.

Interesting, i feel i'm the opposite of a 'Traitor.' I wanna get back to America First. I don't feel i should be forced to fund a foreign Globalist institution that doesn't solely serve American interests. I feel i'm a true Patriot. Our Founding Fathers would not have supported forcing Taxpayers to fund foreign institutions.

I feel us Nationalists are beginning to take our country back. I don't believe foreigners should be making decisions for Americans. They don't always have American best interests in mind. It's time for a change in course. Time to get back to promoting American Citizen interests.
In times of trouble who does America go to?? FOREIGNERS,,,,,,korea Nam Iraq etc etc Ignore them at Americas risk
I don't understand why American Taxpayers are forced to fund the UN. It's a foreign Globalist institution that doesn't have American Citizens' best interests in mind. No American should be forced to fund an institution that doesn't solely serve American interests.

I'm not a Globalist. I don't support the NWO Globalist agenda. If some wanna donate their own money to the UN, so be it. But no American Citizen should be forced to.

To the OP - he's not "president trump".

But, he most certainly IS 100% "globalist". Honestly, I can't imagine anyone who is more "globalist" than the trumpery. Check out the link in my sig for proof.

We'll see. He ran on 'America First' though. If he sticks to that, he'll always have my support. I'm a proud Nationalist. I'm not a Globalist.

Nationalist is just another name for ignorant, inbred, trailer trash. Hope you fall down and break your face.

Duh Donuld would shit on you in a second if it put money in his pocket and he is indeed a "globalist" and he hates the US. Wise up moron.

Fascist is just another name for democrat....Dudley Luddite....

Do you realize what these people are saying, lol---------->their candidate, Hillary, Rotten, Clinton, pushed the Russian reset, and that was ok. And so, that means, since she took the same tract as Trump and Obama, it is ok for them to support the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world. How illogical do people actually have to be to buy into this lefty nonsense!
I don't understand why American Taxpayers are forced to fund the UN. It's a foreign Globalist institution that doesn't have American Citizens' best interests in mind. No American should be forced to fund an institution that doesn't solely serve American interests.

I'm not a Globalist. I don't support the NWO Globalist agenda. If some wanna donate their own money to the UN, so be it. But no American Citizen should be forced to.

To the OP - he's not "president trump".

But, he most certainly IS 100% "globalist". Honestly, I can't imagine anyone who is more "globalist" than the trumpery. Check out the link in my sig for proof.
Yeah, he is. I will always refer to him as "President Trump." Obama has worked tirelessly AGAINST America's interest. President Trump appears to be our first real President since President Reagan.

The cognitive dissonance from you RWNJ traitors is justn astounding. FACT is, Obamaset records for US jobs and cut taxes for US citizens. Ronnie RayGun killed jobs and raised taxes - what - 11 times!!

King Trumpery will be even more corrupt that reagan was. It too reagan a while to amass the same number of investigations that trump already has.

The US is now the trump's family petty and you will pony up, right along with the rest of us.

Interesting, i feel i'm the opposite of a 'Traitor.' I wanna get back to America First. I don't feel i should be forced to fund a foreign Globalist institution that doesn't solely serve American interests. I feel i'm a true Patriot. Our Founding Fathers would not have supported forcing Taxpayers to fund foreign institutions.

I feel us Nationalists are beginning to take our country back. I don't believe foreigners should be making decisions for Americans. They don't always have American best interests in mind. It's time for a change in course. Time to get back to promoting American Citizen interests.
In times of trouble who does America go to?? FOREIGNERS,,,,,,korea Nam Iraq etc etc Ignore them at Americas risk

Foreigners tend to have their own best interests in mind. That's the big rub i have with foreign institutions like the UN. If it's not solely serving American Citizen interests, American Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to fund it. But again, i'm not a Globalist. I'm a Nationalist.
I don't understand why American Taxpayers are forced to fund the UN. It's a foreign Globalist institution that doesn't have American Citizens' best interests in mind. No American should be forced to fund an institution that doesn't solely serve American interests.

I'm not a Globalist. I don't support the NWO Globalist agenda. If some wanna donate their own money to the UN, so be it. But no American Citizen should be forced to.

To the OP - he's not "president trump".

But, he most certainly IS 100% "globalist". Honestly, I can't imagine anyone who is more "globalist" than the trumpery. Check out the link in my sig for proof.
Yeah, he is. I will always refer to him as "President Trump." Obama has worked tirelessly AGAINST America's interest. President Trump appears to be our first real President since President Reagan.

The cognitive dissonance from you RWNJ traitors is justn astounding. FACT is, Obamaset records for US jobs and cut taxes for US citizens. Ronnie RayGun killed jobs and raised taxes - what - 11 times!!

King Trumpery will be even more corrupt that reagan was. It too reagan a while to amass the same number of investigations that trump already has.

The US is now the trump's family petty cash fund and you will pony up, right along with the rest of us.
He set records for educating idiots being a prime example.....

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