President Trump to UN: Things will be different after January 20th

I get such a kick out of people opposing "globalization", as if they knew what that meant. Globalization is economic law of the 21st century. Fighting it is equivalent to fighting the law of gravity. The only countries I know of that are not in globalization economies are Cuba and North Korea, and Cuba will be soon. Every auto manufacturer in the world builds parts all over the world. Not only that, there is no such thing as an "American car company". Fords sells more cars in countries other than American than they do in America. GM does the same. Chrysler is not even owned by an American company. Textiles, TV's, clothing, toys, electronics, steel, plastics, petroleum, gas, ships, consumer goods, iron ore and rare earth mining, pharmaceuticals. You name it. It all comes from every country in the world. 93% of everything sold in Walmart is produced, at least in part, in foreign countries. Even airplanes are manufactured in Europe. The only damned thing this country manufactures here and sells elsewhere are weapon systems. And there are, apparently, millions of Americans who don't like that system and think that they can go back to a world economic system based on nationalism, which is exactly what it was in 1940. Nations competing with one another means nations willing to go to war over scarce resources, like Japan, who found himself SOL because they had no petroleum, iron, or rubber. NAZIS headed straight for the oil fields of Romania after invading Russia. Not that it is even POSSIBLE to return to economic nationalism. The economy of the world today is interwoven, and interdependent to such an extent that if a major trading partner, such as China, failed, it would bring the world right back to 1929, on a world wide basis. Trump is all talk, with no economic pragmatism. He doesn't even believe it himself. But somewhere there is a Fruit-of-the Loom x-employee who thinks that Trump will reset the hands of time back to 1948, and they will be making men's briefs again in South Carolina. The whole thing is pathetic.
I get such a kick out of people opposing "globalization", as if they knew what that meant. Globalization is economic law of the 21st century. Fighting it is equivalent to fighting the law of gravity. The only countries I know of that are not in globalization economies are Cuba and North Korea, and Cuba will be soon. Every auto manufacturer in the world builds parts all over the world. Not only that, there is no such thing as an "American car company". Fords sells more cars in countries other than American than they do in America. GM does the same. Chrysler is not even owned by an American company. Textiles, TV's, clothing, toys, electronics, steel, plastics, petroleum, gas, ships, consumer goods, iron ore and rare earth mining, pharmaceuticals. You name it. It all comes from every country in the world. 93% of everything sold in Walmart is produced, at least in part, in foreign countries. Even airplanes are manufactured in Europe. The only damned thing this country manufactures here and sells elsewhere are weapon systems. And there are, apparently, millions of Americans who don't like that system and think that they can go back to a world economic system based on nationalism, which is exactly what it was in 1940. Nations competing with one another means nations willing to go to war over scarce resources, like Japan, who found himself SOL because they had to petroleum, iron, or rubber. NAZIS headed straight for the oil fields of Romania after invading Russia. Not that it is even POSSIBLE to return to economic nationalism. The economy of the world today is interwoven, and interdependent to such an extent that if a major trading partner, such as China, failed, it would bring the world right back to 1929, on a world wide basis. Trump is all talk, with no economic pragmatism. He doesn't even believe it himself. But somewhere there is a Fruit-of-the Loom x-employee who thinks that Trump will reset the hands of time back to 1948, and they will be making men's briefs again in South Carolina. the whole thing is pathetic.

The Globalists have gotten so much wrong. If Trump at least attempts to put Americans first again, he'll always have my support. The Globalists have decimated American Workers. Any reverse of course, will be considered huge progress to me. I wish Trump all the best.
I get such a kick out of people opposing "globalization", as if they knew what that meant. Globalization is economic law of the 21st century. Fighting it is equivalent to fighting the law of gravity. The only countries I know of that are not in globalization economies are Cuba and North Korea, and Cuba will be soon. Every auto manufacturer in the world builds parts all over the world. Not only that, there is no such thing as an "American car company". Fords sells more cars in countries other than American than they do in America. GM does the same. Chrysler is not even owned by an American company. Textiles, TV's, clothing, toys, electronics, steel, plastics, petroleum, gas, ships, consumer goods, iron ore and rare earth mining, pharmaceuticals. You name it. It all comes from every country in the world. 93% of everything sold in Walmart is produced, at least in part, in foreign countries. Even airplanes are manufactured in Europe. The only damned thing this country manufactures here and sells elsewhere are weapon systems. And there are, apparently, millions of Americans who don't like that system and think that they can go back to a world economic system based on nationalism, which is exactly what it was in 1940. Nations competing with one another means nations willing to go to war over scarce resources, like Japan, who found himself SOL because they had to petroleum, iron, or rubber. NAZIS headed straight for the oil fields of Romania after invading Russia. Not that it is even POSSIBLE to return to economic nationalism. The economy of the world today is interwoven, and interdependent to such an extent that if a major trading partner, such as China, failed, it would bring the world right back to 1929, on a world wide basis. Trump is all talk, with no economic pragmatism. He doesn't even believe it himself. But somewhere there is a Fruit-of-the Loom x-employee who thinks that Trump will reset the hands of time back to 1948, and they will be making men's briefs again in South Carolina. the whole thing is pathetic.

The Globalists have gotten so much wrong. If Trump at least attempts to put Americans first again, he'll always have my support. The Globalists have decimated American Workers. Any reverse of course, will be considered huge progress to me. I wish Trump all the best.

I am sure that Trump will single handedly reverse globalization just as soon as he freezes the sun, and turns the moon in to a ball of fire.
I get such a kick out of people opposing "globalization", as if they knew what that meant. Globalization is economic law of the 21st century. Fighting it is equivalent to fighting the law of gravity. The only countries I know of that are not in globalization economies are Cuba and North Korea, and Cuba will be soon. Every auto manufacturer in the world builds parts all over the world. Not only that, there is no such thing as an "American car company". Fords sells more cars in countries other than American than they do in America. GM does the same. Chrysler is not even owned by an American company. Textiles, TV's, clothing, toys, electronics, steel, plastics, petroleum, gas, ships, consumer goods, iron ore and rare earth mining, pharmaceuticals. You name it. It all comes from every country in the world. 93% of everything sold in Walmart is produced, at least in part, in foreign countries. Even airplanes are manufactured in Europe. The only damned thing this country manufactures here and sells elsewhere are weapon systems. And there are, apparently, millions of Americans who don't like that system and think that they can go back to a world economic system based on nationalism, which is exactly what it was in 1940. Nations competing with one another means nations willing to go to war over scarce resources, like Japan, who found himself SOL because they had to petroleum, iron, or rubber. NAZIS headed straight for the oil fields of Romania after invading Russia. Not that it is even POSSIBLE to return to economic nationalism. The economy of the world today is interwoven, and interdependent to such an extent that if a major trading partner, such as China, failed, it would bring the world right back to 1929, on a world wide basis. Trump is all talk, with no economic pragmatism. He doesn't even believe it himself. But somewhere there is a Fruit-of-the Loom x-employee who thinks that Trump will reset the hands of time back to 1948, and they will be making men's briefs again in South Carolina. the whole thing is pathetic.

The Globalists have gotten so much wrong. If Trump at least attempts to put Americans first again, he'll always have my support. The Globalists have decimated American Workers. Any reverse of course, will be considered huge progress to me. I wish Trump all the best.

I am sure that Trump will single handedly reverse globalization just as soon as he freezes the sun, and turns the moon in to a ball of fire.

I'm a realist. I know the Globalists run things. I don't expect quick miracles from Trump. But if he can just begin to reverse things, i'll have to consider that huge progress. The Globalists threw American Workers overboard many years ago. So reversing things can't happen immediately. It's gonna be a long grueling process. The Globalists will fight Trump every step of the way. But it's gonna be refreshing seeing someone at least try to help Americans again.
I get such a kick out of people opposing "globalization", as if they knew what that meant. Globalization is economic law of the 21st century. Fighting it is equivalent to fighting the law of gravity. The only countries I know of that are not in globalization economies are Cuba and North Korea, and Cuba will be soon. Every auto manufacturer in the world builds parts all over the world. Not only that, there is no such thing as an "American car company". Fords sells more cars in countries other than American than they do in America. GM does the same. Chrysler is not even owned by an American company. Textiles, TV's, clothing, toys, electronics, steel, plastics, petroleum, gas, ships, consumer goods, iron ore and rare earth mining, pharmaceuticals. You name it. It all comes from every country in the world. 93% of everything sold in Walmart is produced, at least in part, in foreign countries. Even airplanes are manufactured in Europe. The only damned thing this country manufactures here and sells elsewhere are weapon systems. And there are, apparently, millions of Americans who don't like that system and think that they can go back to a world economic system based on nationalism, which is exactly what it was in 1940. Nations competing with one another means nations willing to go to war over scarce resources, like Japan, who found himself SOL because they had to petroleum, iron, or rubber. NAZIS headed straight for the oil fields of Romania after invading Russia. Not that it is even POSSIBLE to return to economic nationalism. The economy of the world today is interwoven, and interdependent to such an extent that if a major trading partner, such as China, failed, it would bring the world right back to 1929, on a world wide basis. Trump is all talk, with no economic pragmatism. He doesn't even believe it himself. But somewhere there is a Fruit-of-the Loom x-employee who thinks that Trump will reset the hands of time back to 1948, and they will be making men's briefs again in South Carolina. the whole thing is pathetic.

The Globalists have gotten so much wrong. If Trump at least attempts to put Americans first again, he'll always have my support. The Globalists have decimated American Workers. Any reverse of course, will be considered huge progress to me. I wish Trump all the best.

I am sure that Trump will single handedly reverse globalization just as soon as he freezes the sun, and turns the moon in to a ball of fire.

I'm a realist. I know the Globalists run things. I don't expect quick miracles from Trump. But if he can just begin to reverse things, i'll have to consider that huge progress. The Globalists threw American Workers overboard many years ago. So reversing things can't happen immediately. It's gonna be a long grueling process. The Globalists will fight Trump every step of the way. But it's gonna be refreshing seeing someone at least try to help Americans again.

...and we will all return to a world of steam locomotives, and buggy whips. The Andrew Sisters will be resurrected, and everyone will toss out their TV sets made in South Korea, and China, and tune in to Fibber McGee and Molly on their Philco Radio.
I get such a kick out of people opposing "globalization", as if they knew what that meant. Globalization is economic law of the 21st century. Fighting it is equivalent to fighting the law of gravity. The only countries I know of that are not in globalization economies are Cuba and North Korea, and Cuba will be soon. Every auto manufacturer in the world builds parts all over the world. Not only that, there is no such thing as an "American car company". Fords sells more cars in countries other than American than they do in America. GM does the same. Chrysler is not even owned by an American company. Textiles, TV's, clothing, toys, electronics, steel, plastics, petroleum, gas, ships, consumer goods, iron ore and rare earth mining, pharmaceuticals. You name it. It all comes from every country in the world. 93% of everything sold in Walmart is produced, at least in part, in foreign countries. Even airplanes are manufactured in Europe. The only damned thing this country manufactures here and sells elsewhere are weapon systems. And there are, apparently, millions of Americans who don't like that system and think that they can go back to a world economic system based on nationalism, which is exactly what it was in 1940. Nations competing with one another means nations willing to go to war over scarce resources, like Japan, who found himself SOL because they had to petroleum, iron, or rubber. NAZIS headed straight for the oil fields of Romania after invading Russia. Not that it is even POSSIBLE to return to economic nationalism. The economy of the world today is interwoven, and interdependent to such an extent that if a major trading partner, such as China, failed, it would bring the world right back to 1929, on a world wide basis. Trump is all talk, with no economic pragmatism. He doesn't even believe it himself. But somewhere there is a Fruit-of-the Loom x-employee who thinks that Trump will reset the hands of time back to 1948, and they will be making men's briefs again in South Carolina. the whole thing is pathetic.

The Globalists have gotten so much wrong. If Trump at least attempts to put Americans first again, he'll always have my support. The Globalists have decimated American Workers. Any reverse of course, will be considered huge progress to me. I wish Trump all the best.

I am sure that Trump will single handedly reverse globalization just as soon as he freezes the sun, and turns the moon in to a ball of fire.

I'm a realist. I know the Globalists run things. I don't expect quick miracles from Trump. But if he can just begin to reverse things, i'll have to consider that huge progress. The Globalists threw American Workers overboard many years ago. So reversing things can't happen immediately. It's gonna be a long grueling process. The Globalists will fight Trump every step of the way. But it's gonna be refreshing seeing someone at least try to help Americans again.

...and we will all return to a world of steam locomotives, and buggy whips. The Andrew Sisters will be resurrected, and everyone will toss out their TV sets made in South Korea, and China, and tune in to Fibber McGee and Molly on their Philco Radio.

Focusing on helping Americans again, will be a good thing. It's time for that. And if Trump lives up to his pledge, he'll always have my support. I'm not expecting miracles. I'll take what i can get at this point.
Does living up to his pledge mean sourcing his product lines from within America?
And, again, "America First" is NOT a policy. It is a partisan political slogan. Nobody in America wants America anywhere but in the lead.

If you think something isn't "America First", you have to explain why you think that.
You can say it again and again thousands of times more and it's just as stupid. The left has not acted like they care about America coming first. Many would like to see us knocked down a few pegs. Handing power over to the UN and embracing globalist policies is not putting America first.
What's stupid is the very thought that "America First" is a policy - or even something that is scorned by some number of Americans.

We aren't "handing over" power to the UN. In fact, the UN is almost always brought along by the USA in favor of policies that the US supports. The result is that our power is magnified across the globe.

And, your "globalist" think is total BS unless you can come up with some specific meaning.
Bulldoze Turtle Bay.


If it isn't an institution that solely serves American Citizen interests, no American Citizen should be forced to fund it. And i don't care if that sounds 'selfish' to Globalists. I'm an American. I'm not a Globalist. My only concern is advancing policies that help Americans. The UN clearly doesn't do that. Therefore, it shouldn't receive my tax dollars.

I am an American so fuck the human race arguement....

Hitler had the I am German and fuck the human race and how did that end up...

You guys are pissed that Illegal Settlers are being told they are illegal... The settlements have nothing to do with Israeli security or sovereignty, it is a land grab and the deliberate ethnic cleansing of the palestinian people from their land...
Bulldoze Turtle Bay.


If it isn't an institution that solely serves American Citizen interests, no American Citizen should be forced to fund it. And i don't care if that sounds 'selfish' to Globalists. I'm an American. I'm not a Globalist. My only concern is advancing policies that help Americans. The UN clearly doesn't do that. Therefore, it shouldn't receive my tax dollars.

I am an American so fuck the human race arguement....

Hitler had the I am German and fuck the human race and how did that end up...

You guys are pissed that Illegal Settlers are being told they are illegal... The settlements have nothing to do with Israeli security or sovereignty, it is a land grab and the deliberate ethnic cleansing of the palestinian people from their land...

Feel free to contribute your own income to foreign institutions like the UN. I won't stop you. But don't force all Americans to. I'm only interested in advancing my nation's best interests. I know that sounds 'selfish' to you Globalists, but it's how i feel.
You're wise to avoid discussing Hair Drumpf's commitment to 'America first'.

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