President Trump to UN: Things will be different after January 20th

Bulldoze Turtle Bay.


If it isn't an institution that solely serves American Citizen interests, no American Citizen should be forced to fund it. And i don't care if that sounds 'selfish' to Globalists. I'm an American. I'm not a Globalist. My only concern is advancing policies that help Americans. The UN clearly doesn't do that. Therefore, it shouldn't receive my tax dollars.
We are served by having a world that is free and open to trade.

Take a look at the cost of Iraq, of Afghanistan, etc.

We need all the methods of nonviolent conflict resolution we can get.

That can be achieved without Taxpayers being forced to fund a foreign Globalist institution. We were capable of making peace long before there was a UN.
We'll see. He ran on 'America First' though. If he sticks to that, he'll always have my support.
Wtf? He's already abandoned US workers for Thai, Mexican and Chinese workers. Do you not read the news?

He's gonna address the horrific Trade Deals you Globalists have made. I believe him when he says he's gonna pursue an 'America First' agenda. But we will see i guess.

You seemed to have missed a rather important detail about Trump. There is no "America First" agenda. It is strictly a "Trump First" agenda.

Most American Presidents are narcissists. I mean the current President fancies himself a Mao Tse-Tung 'Dear Leader' dictator. You don't become President without being a bit narcissistic. So yes, Trump will have his own best interests in mind. But i still believe him when he says he will pursue an 'America First' agenda. If he doesn't, he'll lose my support.
"America First" does NOT describe an agenda.

It is a piece of partisan BS that is based on the accusation that there is some significant group somewhere in America that doesn't want America on top.

And, that is just plain stupid.
I believe he's gonna work for putting Americans first again.
Why would he change his business practices?

Like i said, i believe him when he says he's gonna pursue an 'America First' agenda. If he goes back on the pledge, he'll lose my support. That being said, the Globalists still run things. So i'm not expecting miracles from Trump. The Globalists will fight him every step of the way. Progress will rough and slow.
Let's remember that we are 5% of the world in population, that Europe is large than the US and China is several times larger - with an economy that is growing fast.

Let's remember that when we make stuff, those other nations are our marketplace, because if we're limited to selling to ourselves, we're in deep trouble.

And, don't expect that to be lost on Goldman Sachs Trump.

I fully realize the Globalists run things. I don't expect any quick miracles from Trump. I'm a realist. But if he does make the effort to put Americans first again, he'll always have my support.
Bulldoze Turtle Bay.


If it isn't an institution that solely serves American Citizen interests, no American Citizen should be forced to fund it. And i don't care if that sounds 'selfish' to Globalists. I'm an American. I'm not a Globalist. My only concern is advancing policies that help Americans. The UN clearly doesn't do that. Therefore, it shouldn't receive my tax dollars.
We are served by having a world that is free and open to trade.

Take a look at the cost of Iraq, of Afghanistan, etc.

We need all the methods of nonviolent conflict resolution we can get.

That can be achieved without Taxpayers being forced to fund a foreign Globalist institution. We were capable of making peace long before there was a UN.
We have a global agenda.

We contribute TRILLIONS to that global agenda.

The cost of the UN is NOTHING compared to what we actually contribute to OUR global agenda.

Beyond that, no, we have absolutely FAILED at creating peace in most places we have tried.

Take Israel for example. We back the one person who has to agree to negotiations. Yet, that person has chosen a course of uncompromising ethnic cleansing, refusing to slow the destruction of Palestinian homes and farms long enough to negotiate!!!

And, there are those in America who think it is unacceptable to even lodge a complaint about that!!
We'll see. He ran on 'America First' though. If he sticks to that, he'll always have my support.
Wtf? He's already abandoned US workers for Thai, Mexican and Chinese workers. Do you not read the news?

He's gonna address the horrific Trade Deals you Globalists have made. I believe him when he says he's gonna pursue an 'America First' agenda. But we will see i guess.

You seemed to have missed a rather important detail about Trump. There is no "America First" agenda. It is strictly a "Trump First" agenda.

Most American Presidents are narcissists. I mean the current President fancies himself a Mao Tse-Tung 'Dear Leader' dictator. You don't become President without being a bit narcissistic. So yes, Trump will have his own best interests in mind. But i still believe him when he says he will pursue an 'America First' agenda. If he doesn't, he'll lose my support.
"America First" does NOT describe an agenda.

It is a piece of partisan BS that is based on the accusation that there is some significant group somewhere in America that doesn't want America on top.

And, that is just plain stupid.

I disagree. Foreigners tend to look out for their own best interests. And that's to be expected. So, there is that 'significant group' that doesn't wanna advance American best interests. But they're not Americans. The UN reflects that perfectly. But there are many American Globalists who don't always fight for Americans' best interests as well.

It's the nature of the UN beast to not always look out for American Citizen best interests. So like i said, if American Globalists wanna contribute their own money to foreign Globalist institutions, that's perfectly fine. But they don't have the right to force all American Taxpayers to fund those institutions. That's how i feel anyway.
Bulldoze Turtle Bay.


If it isn't an institution that solely serves American Citizen interests, no American Citizen should be forced to fund it. And i don't care if that sounds 'selfish' to Globalists. I'm an American. I'm not a Globalist. My only concern is advancing policies that help Americans. The UN clearly doesn't do that. Therefore, it shouldn't receive my tax dollars.
We are served by having a world that is free and open to trade.

Take a look at the cost of Iraq, of Afghanistan, etc.

We need all the methods of nonviolent conflict resolution we can get.

That can be achieved without Taxpayers being forced to fund a foreign Globalist institution. We were capable of making peace long before there was a UN.
We have a global agenda.

We contribute TRILLIONS to that global agenda.

The cost of the UN is NOTHING compared to what we actually contribute to OUR global agenda.

Beyond that, no, we have absolutely FAILED at creating peace in most places we have tried.

Take Israel for example. We back the one person who has to agree to negotiations. Yet, that person has chosen a course of uncompromising ethnic cleansing, refusing to slow the destruction of Palestinian homes and farms long enough to negotiate!!!

And, there are those in America who think it is unacceptable to even lodge a complaint about that!!

As i said, American Globalists are free to contribute their own money to any foreign institution they choose. I have no problem with that. But i do have a problem with them forcing all American Taxpayers to fund such institutions.
I believe he's gonna work for putting Americans first again.
Why would he change his business practices?

Like i said, i believe him when he says he's gonna pursue an 'America First' agenda. If he goes back on the pledge, he'll lose my support. That being said, the Globalists still run things. So i'm not expecting miracles from Trump. The Globalists will fight him every step of the way. Progress will rough and slow.
Let's remember that we are 5% of the world in population, that Europe is large than the US and China is several times larger - with an economy that is growing fast.

Let's remember that when we make stuff, those other nations are our marketplace, because if we're limited to selling to ourselves, we're in deep trouble.

And, don't expect that to be lost on Goldman Sachs Trump.

I fully realize the Globalists run things. I don't expect any quick miracles from Trump. I'm a realist. But if he does make the effort to put Americans first again, he'll always have my support.
I don't think you're getting it.

EVERYBODY in America wants America on top. Again, "America First" is not a policy - it's a partisan accusation to rally around at election time.

Obama wants America First every bit as much as everyone else in America.

There may be things we can do better - there always are. But, suggesting there are Americans who don't want America on top is ridiculous.

It's nutty to think that "America First" is a way to compare any two possible policy directions, because no policy can be evaluated in isolation.
Every administration in recent memory, Democrat, Republican and even outright Socialist has done trade deals that look great on paper.

Make-believe example* to illustrate how it works:

India has very high tariffs on beef imported from America.
America has tariffs on cast iron imported from India.

America agrees to reduce the tariff on cast iron from India.
India, in return, slashes tariffs on American beef.

Great, right?

Sure. But most in India don't eat beef for religious reasons to the reduced tariff applies to maybe 500 pounds of American beef per year.

And America produces cast iron in antiquated plants where workers are paid $57/hour (including the value of pension plans and benefits). Up to now some of the plants have managed to stay open due to the tariff on Indian cast iron.

But now that's all over! Regime Obama will do what? Retrain American steel workers to raise cattle so more been is available to ship to India which has no serious use for American beef?


Fucking brilliant.

That gravy train is about to leave the rails!

*Wanna make book on which liberal snowflake is first to demand a link?
Bulldoze Turtle Bay.


If it isn't an institution that solely serves American Citizen interests, no American Citizen should be forced to fund it. And i don't care if that sounds 'selfish' to Globalists. I'm an American. I'm not a Globalist. My only concern is advancing policies that help Americans. The UN clearly doesn't do that. Therefore, it shouldn't receive my tax dollars.
We are served by having a world that is free and open to trade.

Take a look at the cost of Iraq, of Afghanistan, etc.

We need all the methods of nonviolent conflict resolution we can get.

That can be achieved without Taxpayers being forced to fund a foreign Globalist institution. We were capable of making peace long before there was a UN.
We have a global agenda.

We contribute TRILLIONS to that global agenda.

The cost of the UN is NOTHING compared to what we actually contribute to OUR global agenda.

Beyond that, no, we have absolutely FAILED at creating peace in most places we have tried.

Take Israel for example. We back the one person who has to agree to negotiations. Yet, that person has chosen a course of uncompromising ethnic cleansing, refusing to slow the destruction of Palestinian homes and farms long enough to negotiate!!!

And, there are those in America who think it is unacceptable to even lodge a complaint about that!!

As i said, American Globalists are free to contribute their own money to any foreign institution they choose. I have no problem with that. But i do have a problem with them forcing all American Taxpayers to fund such institutions.
OH, so you are actually worried about taxes!!!

But, the failure of the US to follow the UN plan in Iraq cost AMERICA trillions of dollars in taxes and thousands of our best children.

Sorry, I just see NO consistency in your argument AT ALL.

We here in America claim to stand for something. It's time we actually demonstrate that we mean it.
I believe he's gonna work for putting Americans first again.
Why would he change his business practices?

Like i said, i believe him when he says he's gonna pursue an 'America First' agenda. If he goes back on the pledge, he'll lose my support. That being said, the Globalists still run things. So i'm not expecting miracles from Trump. The Globalists will fight him every step of the way. Progress will rough and slow.
Let's remember that we are 5% of the world in population, that Europe is large than the US and China is several times larger - with an economy that is growing fast.

Let's remember that when we make stuff, those other nations are our marketplace, because if we're limited to selling to ourselves, we're in deep trouble.

And, don't expect that to be lost on Goldman Sachs Trump.

I fully realize the Globalists run things. I don't expect any quick miracles from Trump. I'm a realist. But if he does make the effort to put Americans first again, he'll always have my support.
I don't think you're getting it.

EVERYBODY in America wants America on top. Again, "America First" is not a policy - it's a partisan accusation to rally around at election time.

Obama wants America First every bit as much as everyone else in America.

There may be things we can do better - there always are. But, suggesting there are Americans who don't want America on top is ridiculous.

It's nutty to think that "America First" is a way to compare any two possible policy directions, because no policy can be evaluated in isolation.

Well, we'll just agree to disagree i guess. Many American Globalists may believe they're pursuing policies that put 'Americans on Top', but they're not. I don't believe my Tax Dollars should be given to any foreign institution that doesn't solely have American Citizen best interests in mind.

But hey, if American Globalists wanna contribute their own money to such institutions, i say go for it. I'm good with that. But i cannot support forcing Citizens to do so. There are big differences in philosophies between Globalists and Nationalists. And those differences are now resulting in conflict. The Globalists still have the big edge though. They're still running things. But Nationalists are making progress. It's just gonna be a long hard battle.
Every administration in recent memory, Democrat, Republican and even outright Socialist has done trade deals that look great on paper.

Make-believe example* to illustrate how it works:

India has very high tariffs on beef imported from America.
America has tariffs on cast iron imported from India.

America agrees to reduce the tariff on cast iron from India.
India, in return, slashes tariffs on American beef.

Great, right?

Sure. But most in India don't eat beef for religious reasons to the reduced tariff applies to maybe 500 pounds of American beef per year.

And America produces cast iron in antiquated plants where workers are paid $57/hour (including the value of pension plans and benefits). Up to now some of the plants have managed to stay open due to the tariff on Indian cast iron.

But now that's all over! Regime Obama will do what? Retrain American steel workers to raise cattle so more been is available to ship to India which has no serious use for American beef?


Fucking brilliant.

That gravy train is about to leave the rails!

*Wanna make book on which liberal snowflake is first to demand a link?
You say "America First", but artificially high prices on iron really means no more than Trump buying steel from China.

So, what was best for America?

Frankly, the "America First" crowd comes off as "Me First". And, that's not a bad capitalist attitude, but when we're talking about America, it is not going to be the case that every "Me" gets to be "first".

Too many people think that America, the 5%, can close the doors and win by ignoring the 95%.

However, we actually have to compete with the rest of the world. And, the rest of the world is going to progress as fast as they possibly can.
If it isn't an institution that solely serves American Citizen interests, no American Citizen should be forced to fund it. And i don't care if that sounds 'selfish' to Globalists. I'm an American. I'm not a Globalist. My only concern is advancing policies that help Americans. The UN clearly doesn't do that. Therefore, it shouldn't receive my tax dollars.
We are served by having a world that is free and open to trade.

Take a look at the cost of Iraq, of Afghanistan, etc.

We need all the methods of nonviolent conflict resolution we can get.

That can be achieved without Taxpayers being forced to fund a foreign Globalist institution. We were capable of making peace long before there was a UN.
We have a global agenda.

We contribute TRILLIONS to that global agenda.

The cost of the UN is NOTHING compared to what we actually contribute to OUR global agenda.

Beyond that, no, we have absolutely FAILED at creating peace in most places we have tried.

Take Israel for example. We back the one person who has to agree to negotiations. Yet, that person has chosen a course of uncompromising ethnic cleansing, refusing to slow the destruction of Palestinian homes and farms long enough to negotiate!!!

And, there are those in America who think it is unacceptable to even lodge a complaint about that!!

As i said, American Globalists are free to contribute their own money to any foreign institution they choose. I have no problem with that. But i do have a problem with them forcing all American Taxpayers to fund such institutions.
OH, so you are actually worried about taxes!!!

But, the failure of the US to follow the UN plan in Iraq cost AMERICA trillions of dollars in taxes and thousands of our best children.

Sorry, I just see NO consistency in your argument AT ALL.

We here in America claim to stand for something. It's time we actually demonstrate that we mean it.

It's all about the force. Like i said, i have no problem with American Globalists contributing their own money to foreign institutions. But forcing all Americans to, is just wrong. Our Founding Fathers would not support forcing Citizens to fund foreign entities. Especially entities that don't solely have American Citizen best interests in mind.
If it isn't an institution that solely serves American Citizen interests, no American Citizen should be forced to fund it. And i don't care if that sounds 'selfish' to Globalists. I'm an American. I'm not a Globalist. My only concern is advancing policies that help Americans. The UN clearly doesn't do that. Therefore, it shouldn't receive my tax dollars.
We are served by having a world that is free and open to trade.

Take a look at the cost of Iraq, of Afghanistan, etc.

We need all the methods of nonviolent conflict resolution we can get.

That can be achieved without Taxpayers being forced to fund a foreign Globalist institution. We were capable of making peace long before there was a UN.
We have a global agenda.

We contribute TRILLIONS to that global agenda.

The cost of the UN is NOTHING compared to what we actually contribute to OUR global agenda.

Beyond that, no, we have absolutely FAILED at creating peace in most places we have tried.

Take Israel for example. We back the one person who has to agree to negotiations. Yet, that person has chosen a course of uncompromising ethnic cleansing, refusing to slow the destruction of Palestinian homes and farms long enough to negotiate!!!

And, there are those in America who think it is unacceptable to even lodge a complaint about that!!

As i said, American Globalists are free to contribute their own money to any foreign institution they choose. I have no problem with that. But i do have a problem with them forcing all American Taxpayers to fund such institutions.
OH, so you are actually worried about taxes!!!

But, the failure of the US to follow the UN plan in Iraq cost AMERICA trillions of dollars in taxes and thousands of our best children.

Sorry, I just see NO consistency in your argument AT ALL.

We here in America claim to stand for something. It's time we actually demonstrate that we mean it.

You can stand for something and not force Citizens to fund foreign institutions that don't solely have American best interests in mind. Believe it or not, it can be done.
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We are served by having a world that is free and open to trade.

Take a look at the cost of Iraq, of Afghanistan, etc.

We need all the methods of nonviolent conflict resolution we can get.

That can be achieved without Taxpayers being forced to fund a foreign Globalist institution. We were capable of making peace long before there was a UN.
We have a global agenda.

We contribute TRILLIONS to that global agenda.

The cost of the UN is NOTHING compared to what we actually contribute to OUR global agenda.

Beyond that, no, we have absolutely FAILED at creating peace in most places we have tried.

Take Israel for example. We back the one person who has to agree to negotiations. Yet, that person has chosen a course of uncompromising ethnic cleansing, refusing to slow the destruction of Palestinian homes and farms long enough to negotiate!!!

And, there are those in America who think it is unacceptable to even lodge a complaint about that!!

As i said, American Globalists are free to contribute their own money to any foreign institution they choose. I have no problem with that. But i do have a problem with them forcing all American Taxpayers to fund such institutions.
OH, so you are actually worried about taxes!!!

But, the failure of the US to follow the UN plan in Iraq cost AMERICA trillions of dollars in taxes and thousands of our best children.

Sorry, I just see NO consistency in your argument AT ALL.

We here in America claim to stand for something. It's time we actually demonstrate that we mean it.

It's all about the force. Like i said, i have no problem with American Globalists contributing their own money to foreign institutions. But forcing all Americans to, is just wrong. Our Founding Fathers would not support forcing Citizens to fund foreign entities. Especially entities that don't solely have American Citizen best interests in mind.
We are served by having a world that is free and open to trade.

Take a look at the cost of Iraq, of Afghanistan, etc.

We need all the methods of nonviolent conflict resolution we can get.

That can be achieved without Taxpayers being forced to fund a foreign Globalist institution. We were capable of making peace long before there was a UN.
We have a global agenda.

We contribute TRILLIONS to that global agenda.

The cost of the UN is NOTHING compared to what we actually contribute to OUR global agenda.

Beyond that, no, we have absolutely FAILED at creating peace in most places we have tried.

Take Israel for example. We back the one person who has to agree to negotiations. Yet, that person has chosen a course of uncompromising ethnic cleansing, refusing to slow the destruction of Palestinian homes and farms long enough to negotiate!!!

And, there are those in America who think it is unacceptable to even lodge a complaint about that!!

As i said, American Globalists are free to contribute their own money to any foreign institution they choose. I have no problem with that. But i do have a problem with them forcing all American Taxpayers to fund such institutions.
OH, so you are actually worried about taxes!!!

But, the failure of the US to follow the UN plan in Iraq cost AMERICA trillions of dollars in taxes and thousands of our best children.

Sorry, I just see NO consistency in your argument AT ALL.

We here in America claim to stand for something. It's time we actually demonstrate that we mean it.

You can stand for something and not force Citizens to fund foreign institutions that don't solely have American best interests in mind. Believe it or not, it can be done.
The UN is by far the cheapest approach we have. It was founded by us. It has OUR principles as the foundation.

Suggesting that is a problem due to taxes is just plain stupid.

If you want to save dollars, look at our alternatives - our military and special trade deals.
That can be achieved without Taxpayers being forced to fund a foreign Globalist institution. We were capable of making peace long before there was a UN.
We have a global agenda.

We contribute TRILLIONS to that global agenda.

The cost of the UN is NOTHING compared to what we actually contribute to OUR global agenda.

Beyond that, no, we have absolutely FAILED at creating peace in most places we have tried.

Take Israel for example. We back the one person who has to agree to negotiations. Yet, that person has chosen a course of uncompromising ethnic cleansing, refusing to slow the destruction of Palestinian homes and farms long enough to negotiate!!!

And, there are those in America who think it is unacceptable to even lodge a complaint about that!!

As i said, American Globalists are free to contribute their own money to any foreign institution they choose. I have no problem with that. But i do have a problem with them forcing all American Taxpayers to fund such institutions.
OH, so you are actually worried about taxes!!!

But, the failure of the US to follow the UN plan in Iraq cost AMERICA trillions of dollars in taxes and thousands of our best children.

Sorry, I just see NO consistency in your argument AT ALL.

We here in America claim to stand for something. It's time we actually demonstrate that we mean it.

It's all about the force. Like i said, i have no problem with American Globalists contributing their own money to foreign institutions. But forcing all Americans to, is just wrong. Our Founding Fathers would not support forcing Citizens to fund foreign entities. Especially entities that don't solely have American Citizen best interests in mind.
That can be achieved without Taxpayers being forced to fund a foreign Globalist institution. We were capable of making peace long before there was a UN.
We have a global agenda.

We contribute TRILLIONS to that global agenda.

The cost of the UN is NOTHING compared to what we actually contribute to OUR global agenda.

Beyond that, no, we have absolutely FAILED at creating peace in most places we have tried.

Take Israel for example. We back the one person who has to agree to negotiations. Yet, that person has chosen a course of uncompromising ethnic cleansing, refusing to slow the destruction of Palestinian homes and farms long enough to negotiate!!!

And, there are those in America who think it is unacceptable to even lodge a complaint about that!!

As i said, American Globalists are free to contribute their own money to any foreign institution they choose. I have no problem with that. But i do have a problem with them forcing all American Taxpayers to fund such institutions.
OH, so you are actually worried about taxes!!!

But, the failure of the US to follow the UN plan in Iraq cost AMERICA trillions of dollars in taxes and thousands of our best children.

Sorry, I just see NO consistency in your argument AT ALL.

We here in America claim to stand for something. It's time we actually demonstrate that we mean it.

You can stand for something and not force Citizens to fund foreign institutions that don't solely have American best interests in mind. Believe it or not, it can be done.
The UN is by far the cheapest approach we have. It was founded by us. It has OUR principles as the foundation.

Suggesting that is a problem due to taxes is just plain stupid.

If you want to save dollars, look at our alternatives - our military and special trade deals.

Who's 'We?' If you feel it's so 'cheap', please feel free to contribute your own money to it. You don't have the right to force all Americans to. I cannot support forcing Americans to fund a foreign entity. Especially a foreign entity that isn't solely focused on advancing Americans' best interests. If American Globalists wanna contribute their own money, i'm perfectly fine with that. That's their call. But they shouldn't be allowed to force others to.
We have a global agenda.

We contribute TRILLIONS to that global agenda.

The cost of the UN is NOTHING compared to what we actually contribute to OUR global agenda.

Beyond that, no, we have absolutely FAILED at creating peace in most places we have tried.

Take Israel for example. We back the one person who has to agree to negotiations. Yet, that person has chosen a course of uncompromising ethnic cleansing, refusing to slow the destruction of Palestinian homes and farms long enough to negotiate!!!

And, there are those in America who think it is unacceptable to even lodge a complaint about that!!

As i said, American Globalists are free to contribute their own money to any foreign institution they choose. I have no problem with that. But i do have a problem with them forcing all American Taxpayers to fund such institutions.
OH, so you are actually worried about taxes!!!

But, the failure of the US to follow the UN plan in Iraq cost AMERICA trillions of dollars in taxes and thousands of our best children.

Sorry, I just see NO consistency in your argument AT ALL.

We here in America claim to stand for something. It's time we actually demonstrate that we mean it.

It's all about the force. Like i said, i have no problem with American Globalists contributing their own money to foreign institutions. But forcing all Americans to, is just wrong. Our Founding Fathers would not support forcing Citizens to fund foreign entities. Especially entities that don't solely have American Citizen best interests in mind.
We have a global agenda.

We contribute TRILLIONS to that global agenda.

The cost of the UN is NOTHING compared to what we actually contribute to OUR global agenda.

Beyond that, no, we have absolutely FAILED at creating peace in most places we have tried.

Take Israel for example. We back the one person who has to agree to negotiations. Yet, that person has chosen a course of uncompromising ethnic cleansing, refusing to slow the destruction of Palestinian homes and farms long enough to negotiate!!!

And, there are those in America who think it is unacceptable to even lodge a complaint about that!!

As i said, American Globalists are free to contribute their own money to any foreign institution they choose. I have no problem with that. But i do have a problem with them forcing all American Taxpayers to fund such institutions.
OH, so you are actually worried about taxes!!!

But, the failure of the US to follow the UN plan in Iraq cost AMERICA trillions of dollars in taxes and thousands of our best children.

Sorry, I just see NO consistency in your argument AT ALL.

We here in America claim to stand for something. It's time we actually demonstrate that we mean it.

You can stand for something and not force Citizens to fund foreign institutions that don't solely have American best interests in mind. Believe it or not, it can be done.
The UN is by far the cheapest approach we have. It was founded by us. It has OUR principles as the foundation.

Suggesting that is a problem due to taxes is just plain stupid.

If you want to save dollars, look at our alternatives - our military and special trade deals.

Who's 'We?' If you feel it's so 'cheap', please feel free to contribute your own money to it. You don't have the right to force all Americans to. I cannot support forcing Americans to fund a foreign entity. Especially a foreign entity that isn't solely focused on advancing Americans' best interests. If American Globalists wanna contribute their own money, i'm perfectly fine with that. That's their call. But they shouldn't be allowed to force others to.
"We" is America.

You may not like everything America does, but we aren't going to fund America's international defense and trade policy through crowd sourcing.
As i said, American Globalists are free to contribute their own money to any foreign institution they choose. I have no problem with that. But i do have a problem with them forcing all American Taxpayers to fund such institutions.
OH, so you are actually worried about taxes!!!

But, the failure of the US to follow the UN plan in Iraq cost AMERICA trillions of dollars in taxes and thousands of our best children.

Sorry, I just see NO consistency in your argument AT ALL.

We here in America claim to stand for something. It's time we actually demonstrate that we mean it.

It's all about the force. Like i said, i have no problem with American Globalists contributing their own money to foreign institutions. But forcing all Americans to, is just wrong. Our Founding Fathers would not support forcing Citizens to fund foreign entities. Especially entities that don't solely have American Citizen best interests in mind.
As i said, American Globalists are free to contribute their own money to any foreign institution they choose. I have no problem with that. But i do have a problem with them forcing all American Taxpayers to fund such institutions.
OH, so you are actually worried about taxes!!!

But, the failure of the US to follow the UN plan in Iraq cost AMERICA trillions of dollars in taxes and thousands of our best children.

Sorry, I just see NO consistency in your argument AT ALL.

We here in America claim to stand for something. It's time we actually demonstrate that we mean it.

You can stand for something and not force Citizens to fund foreign institutions that don't solely have American best interests in mind. Believe it or not, it can be done.
The UN is by far the cheapest approach we have. It was founded by us. It has OUR principles as the foundation.

Suggesting that is a problem due to taxes is just plain stupid.

If you want to save dollars, look at our alternatives - our military and special trade deals.

Who's 'We?' If you feel it's so 'cheap', please feel free to contribute your own money to it. You don't have the right to force all Americans to. I cannot support forcing Americans to fund a foreign entity. Especially a foreign entity that isn't solely focused on advancing Americans' best interests. If American Globalists wanna contribute their own money, i'm perfectly fine with that. That's their call. But they shouldn't be allowed to force others to.
"We" is America.

You may not like everything America does, but we aren't going to fund America's international defense and trade policy through crowd sourcing.

I don't like forcing American Citizens to fund foreign entities. Our Founding Fathers would be shocked and appalled. It's time for a revolutionary change in perspective. The Globalists have gotten so much wrong. It is time for 'America First' again. I truly hope Trump can deliver on that somewhat. I mean, i'm not expecting miracles. I just wanna see some progress.
OH, so you are actually worried about taxes!!!

But, the failure of the US to follow the UN plan in Iraq cost AMERICA trillions of dollars in taxes and thousands of our best children.

Sorry, I just see NO consistency in your argument AT ALL.

We here in America claim to stand for something. It's time we actually demonstrate that we mean it.

It's all about the force. Like i said, i have no problem with American Globalists contributing their own money to foreign institutions. But forcing all Americans to, is just wrong. Our Founding Fathers would not support forcing Citizens to fund foreign entities. Especially entities that don't solely have American Citizen best interests in mind.
OH, so you are actually worried about taxes!!!

But, the failure of the US to follow the UN plan in Iraq cost AMERICA trillions of dollars in taxes and thousands of our best children.

Sorry, I just see NO consistency in your argument AT ALL.

We here in America claim to stand for something. It's time we actually demonstrate that we mean it.

You can stand for something and not force Citizens to fund foreign institutions that don't solely have American best interests in mind. Believe it or not, it can be done.
The UN is by far the cheapest approach we have. It was founded by us. It has OUR principles as the foundation.

Suggesting that is a problem due to taxes is just plain stupid.

If you want to save dollars, look at our alternatives - our military and special trade deals.

Who's 'We?' If you feel it's so 'cheap', please feel free to contribute your own money to it. You don't have the right to force all Americans to. I cannot support forcing Americans to fund a foreign entity. Especially a foreign entity that isn't solely focused on advancing Americans' best interests. If American Globalists wanna contribute their own money, i'm perfectly fine with that. That's their call. But they shouldn't be allowed to force others to.
"We" is America.

You may not like everything America does, but we aren't going to fund America's international defense and trade policy through crowd sourcing.

I don't like forcing American Citizens to fund foreign entities. Our Founding Fathers would be shocked and appalled. It's time for a revolutionary change in perspective. The Globalists have gotten so much wrong. It is time for 'America First' again. I truly hope Trump can deliver on that somewhat. I mean, i'm not expecting miracles. I just wanna see some progress.
Have you seen what we give Israel? Are you seriously suggesting we cut that out?

And, again, "America First" is NOT a policy. It is a partisan political slogan. Nobody in America wants America anywhere but in the lead.

If you think something isn't "America First", you have to explain why you think that.
We'll see. He ran on 'America First' though. If he sticks to that, he'll always have my support.
Wtf? He's already abandoned US workers for Thai, Mexican and Chinese workers. Do you not read the news?

He's gonna address the horrific Trade Deals you Globalists have made. I believe him when he says he's gonna pursue an 'America First' agenda. But we will see i guess.

You seemed to have missed a rather important detail about Trump. There is no "America First" agenda. It is strictly a "Trump First" agenda.
How so? You left that part out.
And, again, "America First" is NOT a policy. It is a partisan political slogan. Nobody in America wants America anywhere but in the lead.

If you think something isn't "America First", you have to explain why you think that.
You can say it again and again thousands of times more and it's just as stupid. The left has not acted like they care about America coming first. Many would like to see us knocked down a few pegs. Handing power over to the UN and embracing globalist policies is not putting America first.
It's all about the force. Like i said, i have no problem with American Globalists contributing their own money to foreign institutions. But forcing all Americans to, is just wrong. Our Founding Fathers would not support forcing Citizens to fund foreign entities. Especially entities that don't solely have American Citizen best interests in mind.
You can stand for something and not force Citizens to fund foreign institutions that don't solely have American best interests in mind. Believe it or not, it can be done.
The UN is by far the cheapest approach we have. It was founded by us. It has OUR principles as the foundation.

Suggesting that is a problem due to taxes is just plain stupid.

If you want to save dollars, look at our alternatives - our military and special trade deals.

Who's 'We?' If you feel it's so 'cheap', please feel free to contribute your own money to it. You don't have the right to force all Americans to. I cannot support forcing Americans to fund a foreign entity. Especially a foreign entity that isn't solely focused on advancing Americans' best interests. If American Globalists wanna contribute their own money, i'm perfectly fine with that. That's their call. But they shouldn't be allowed to force others to.
"We" is America.

You may not like everything America does, but we aren't going to fund America's international defense and trade policy through crowd sourcing.

I don't like forcing American Citizens to fund foreign entities. Our Founding Fathers would be shocked and appalled. It's time for a revolutionary change in perspective. The Globalists have gotten so much wrong. It is time for 'America First' again. I truly hope Trump can deliver on that somewhat. I mean, i'm not expecting miracles. I just wanna see some progress.
Have you seen what we give Israel? Are you seriously suggesting we cut that out?

And, again, "America First" is NOT a policy. It is a partisan political slogan. Nobody in America wants America anywhere but in the lead.

If you think something isn't "America First", you have to explain why you think that.

I've always advocated seriously reevaluating our 'Foreign Aid' policy. But unfortunately, Globalists in both major political parties have consistently shouted me down on that.

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