President Trump: “We are at the brink of World War 3 in Ukraine. And we need a peace deal right now. I would have a peace deal within 24hrs"

Holy shit, you're just too dishonest to talk to. Fuck off, loser.
Pitiful information-deprived victims of leftist OMISSION media come in here, not knowing a damn thing. Here's your education. You're welcome.

The limited number of people who engaged in violent attacks against police officers were leftwing agent provacateurs, and Trump supporters egged on by leftwingers,

Egged on by bullhorn carrying leftists. Ex. Water Masterson, Peter Scattini, Crackhead Barney & friends.

BOMBSHELL: Leftists Infiltrated 1/6 Protests Disguised As Pro-Trump Reporters While Working With Democrat News Outlets - National File

Far Left Activists Infiltrated Jan. 6 Protests Dressed as Conservatives with OAN Microphone – Breached Capitol Grounds, Gave FBI Tips on How to Infiltrate Trump Rallies (VIDEO) - Survive the News

IT WAS A SETUP! FBI Admits Jan. 6 Was Deep State Operation – They Were Running At Least One Operative in the Crowd at the US Capitol (VIDEO) - Survive the News

It Wasn’t Just the FBI – The Capitol Police Also Had at Least 3 Operatives Planted Inside the Jan. 6 Trump Protests - Survive the News

It appears that some key players in the organization and execution of the January 6 terrorist “Insurrection” may have been Deep-State operatives working for the FBI or various other US intelligence agencies that day. Among these men were Stewart Rhodes, who founded the patriot group Oath Keepers, and Ray Epps, president of the Arizona chapter. Agent provacateurs.

It became more and more evident, as the Revolver reporters began to dig deeper, that the “Insurrection” seemed to be a bought and paid-for FBI operation, contrived to frame Donald Trump and his supporters for the violence the FBI was orchestrating. All this while the FBI quietly left the linchpins of their J6 operation, Oath Keepers Epps and Rhodes, free and unindicted. The FBI even went so far as to remove Epps’s photograph from the FBI’s January 6th Most Wanted List after the Revolver News exposé was posted.

The FBI’s idea (its psyop) was to hijack the peaceful protest on January 6, 2021, and then to spark mayhem. Working with the corporate media, this would create the intentional misimpression that the protestors were all racist insurrectionists. The Feds’ primary goal is to demonize freedom-loving Americans nationwide; and their secondary goal is to instill fear in ordinary Americans that the same will happen to them if they speak or act, effectively silencing them. Cowed, they won’t act even as they witness leftists engage in the planned destruction of America and her institutions, by those who have sworn to protect and serve it.

No charge for the tutoring.
Who do you call "our allies" ? China, and the Europeans who weren't paying their fair shares into NATO ?

The Obama Administration reached a agreement with NATO members to devote a certain amount to defense. Numerous members have been helping Ukraine.
Pitiful information-deprived victims of leftist OMISSION media come in here, not knowing a damn thing. Here's your education. You're welcome.

The limited number of people who engaged in violent attacks against police officers were leftwing agent provacateurs, and Trump supporters egged on by leftwingers,

Egged on by bullhorn carrying leftists. Ex. Water Masterson, Peter Scattini, Crackhead Barney & friends.

BOMBSHELL: Leftists Infiltrated 1/6 Protests Disguised As Pro-Trump Reporters While Working With Democrat News Outlets - National File

Far Left Activists Infiltrated Jan. 6 Protests Dressed as Conservatives with OAN Microphone – Breached Capitol Grounds, Gave FBI Tips on How to Infiltrate Trump Rallies (VIDEO) - Survive the News

IT WAS A SETUP! FBI Admits Jan. 6 Was Deep State Operation – They Were Running At Least One Operative in the Crowd at the US Capitol (VIDEO) - Survive the News

It Wasn’t Just the FBI – The Capitol Police Also Had at Least 3 Operatives Planted Inside the Jan. 6 Trump Protests - Survive the News

It appears that some key players in the organization and execution of the January 6 terrorist “Insurrection” may have been Deep-State operatives working for the FBI or various other US intelligence agencies that day. Among these men were Stewart Rhodes, who founded the patriot group Oath Keepers, and Ray Epps, president of the Arizona chapter. Agent provacateurs.

It became more and more evident, as the Revolver reporters began to dig deeper, that the “Insurrection” seemed to be a bought and paid-for FBI operation, contrived to frame Donald Trump and his supporters for the violence the FBI was orchestrating. All this while the FBI quietly left the linchpins of their J6 operation, Oath Keepers Epps and Rhodes, free and unindicted. The FBI even went so far as to remove Epps’s photograph from the FBI’s January 6th Most Wanted List after the Revolver News exposé was posted.

The FBI’s idea (its psyop) was to hijack the peaceful protest on January 6, 2021, and then to spark mayhem. Working with the corporate media, this would create the intentional misimpression that the protestors were all racist insurrectionists. The Feds’ primary goal is to demonize freedom-loving Americans nationwide; and their secondary goal is to instill fear in ordinary Americans that the same will happen to them if they speak or act, effectively silencing them. Cowed, they won’t act even as they witness leftists engage in the planned destruction of America and her institutions, by those who have sworn to protect and serve it.

No charge for the tutoring.

Right wing fascists will support a fellow fascist.
YOU are the pro-Putin assholes. You and Biden, and the rest of the Democrat airhead weaklings.

Now back to the football game.

You are so full of bullshit that you can't keep track of all your lies. You are the treasonous weak traitors.
Having classified documents.
Follow the money
Burisma money
Russian money
Chinese money
The crimes in Hunter's laptop
Showering with his daughter
Breaking US law by having open borders

You just struck out several times.
Trump surrendered to no bad guys.
Trump could have stopped Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Trump was indeed very tough on Russia when he was President.
He sent massive shiploads of HighTech weaponry to Ukraine to help it defend itself against Russia. Obama had refused to do that!

Also, Trump ordered a massacre of hundreds of Russian Wagner troops in Syria. Only a couple of Russians survived.

So yes, Trump would scare the Russians enough to at least make them show up at the negotiation table.

Trump signed a surrender document with the Taliban.
Trump abandoned Syria to Russia and gave them a US built airfield in Syria.
Putin sent mercenaries to attack US forces in Syria and Trump did nothing about it.
There WAS peace you idiot. NOW, with sad sack Biden is when there is war.

And the list in Post # 87 sure isn't what Putin wanted. Your public confession of ignorance and stupidity is noted. Ho hum.

Because Trump was doing Putin's dirty work. Biden refuses to do Putin's dirty work.
Who attacked the US?
Antifa, BLM, and the criminals who the democrats enable.

You attack voting rights to establish a dictatorship.
You attack free speech rights.
You take away the rights of people you don't agree with.
You want to establish your own version of Putin's Russia.

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