President Trump's plan for H-1B visa's could see MORE jobs for AMERICANS!

And the Anti White racists continue to show us why they were CRUSHED in 2016......please please continue!

I'm sorry, but most of your post is just wrong.

A) they weren't crushed. They lost because of the system. A different system and Trump wouldn't have stood a chance.
B) No anti-White racism, but hey, you keep pretending to be the victim. Boohoo.
C) I feel sorry for you.
A. They were crushed and badly so. That "system" is called the electoral college smartly put in place by our founders so the elitist coasts didn't get to elect the president but ALL the people did.
B. Yes indeed LOTS of anti white racism but you keep crying snowflake I would be to if I saw my idol's work being destroyed.
C. I don't give a shit. Truly I don't.

There are no statistics which can show "crushed and badly so"

In the presidential election the democrats got more votes. Nearly 3 million more. Yes, Trump won 30 to Hillary's 20, 304 to 227 on the electoral college, but that's not such a big defeat, especially when 3 of the four states that were within 1% went to Trump and half within 5% went to Trump.

Of those under 1% Trump gained 46 electoral college seats to Hillary's 4. You turn those 46 seats around, that's 92 seat change. That would have given Hillary 273 and Trump 258 which would have won it for the Democrats.

The difference in those seats was less than 11,000 votes in Michigan, 44,000 votes in PA and 13,000 votes in Wisconsin.

You have a whole country voting, and it comes down to three states and how 68,000 people voted. That's not being crushed. That's such a slight difference.
You have seen the map of how ppl voted on election night other than the big cities its ALL RED.


Let me guess, you're going to try and make the usual Koch brothers paid for view of the election that if you have 10 people in one county, they should have the same amount of power as 10 million in another....

The simple fact is that the Republicans don't represent all those people who voted for them. A better system would see at the very least 6 different parties representing different interests.
Oh I agree on the 6 different parties part but yes the electoral college is to give equal representation to EVERY part of the country....all in all I think democracy sucks and prefer a system run by the strongest,most able etc. I prefer a dictatorship of course run by me but would be fine with a system where it starts at lowest level and each citizen votes for a council who then selects one of their own to move up to regional level to state and then is picked from there to lead country. Course I also believe in a country where its 1 people,1 view and 1 system for us all. All pushing for the same thing etc. You can read the links in my signature for a better understanding what I believe.
Just need to find some rednecks with skills then, other than being able to crush beer cans on their forehead, that is.

maybe stop teaching bullshit in schools like how to be a roommate or have to have anal sex during a blue moon....and teach real skills

oh and actually teach them, don't stop teaching them because minorities cant hack the subject.

Well I agree.

Kids need to learn skills that will prepare them for an adult life. Sex education is extremely important too.

Ah, you've not heard of it, so it can't be true, hey?

But I wasn't really being that serious. Chlamydia is treatable. The point I was making was that just because "people are fine", doesn't mean that something shouldn't be done about it.

And you say it. There are things you can do to avoid STDs. That's why you need sex ed.

I'm mean one class for an hour can pretty much do's not something they need to teach kiddies or concentrate that much on....People were fine before sex ed.....
We need to focus on academic subjects(science, math, history, English, and Civics) and practical ones (home ec, balancing budgets, how to not get into huge debt) , sports and arts are important as well and then you can opt for college or vocational....
. but instead we waste time on social justice, black studies, how to live with a roommate, stupid shit that just divides people and makes them angry......

People were fine before mass education. So let's stop mass education. People were fine before inoculations for serious diseases, they just died a lot, but they were fine.


People with Chlamydia are fine.


This is a death map from Chlamydia. You can see that in the Americas and Europe people don't die from Chlamydia. So fuck it, let's not tell them about it because "they're fine".


Here's a map of teenage pregnancies. Well, the kids who get pregnant are fine, they don't need to be told not to connect their private parts with the private parts of the other sex, they'll be fine, you go through a 9 month pregnancy and the chances of dying from it are minimal, so who cares? Let's not teach them about it.

But, if you take a closer look, the places that have the higher teenage pregnancy rates, and the places with higher STD rates, are the states full of people saying "People were fine before we started teaching them about sex ed".

deaths from chlamydia? I've never heard of that

Can you die from chlamydia if not treated?
Women frequently develop pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). PID can cause infertility (not being able to get pregnant), chronic pelvic pain, tubal pregnancies, and the continued spread of the disease. In men, untreated chlamydia can cause urethral infection and complications such as swollen and tender testicles.
Chlamydia (chlamydia trachomatis genital infection)
Chlamydia (chlamydia trachomatis genital infection)
Search for: Can you die from chlamydia if not treated?

Can chlamydia kill you?
Chlamydia does not cause problems if you treat it right away. But left untreated, it can lead to serious problems, especially for women: If it spreads, it can cause pelvic inflammatory disease . This serious infection can make it hard or impossible for a woman to get pregnant.

I don't see death as an issue man..

but again, how many classes do you need to teach about STDs....wear a condom if you don't know the person......better yet, know the isn't that I said it's something you can do in like 1 don't need a PHD.......

Let me guess, you're going to try and make the usual Koch brothers paid for view of the election that if you have 10 people in one county, they should have the same amount of power as 10 million in another....

The simple fact is that the Republicans don't represent all those people who voted for them. A better system would see at the very least 6 different parties representing different interests.
Do you even know how the process works? Counties have nothing to do with it...
But it is funny, you guys all live in the cities run by democrats and say how shitty the country is........

For fuck's sake. You need to go read what I was replying to.

I don't live in a city run by democrats. Thank you.
I didn't say you specifically, it was a general statement.....liberals live in cities.....where do you live?
I live in the suburbs of Memphis.

I don't give out personal information, and for your own good, I'd suggest you don't either.
I don't think giving the city in which you live can be an helps for people to know where you're coming from.......

You don't. Have you seen the level of moronic on this board?

I don't even tell people my gender because I don't need to be attacked by people for things they think they can use to attack you with. They know your city, they know your state, they will start making things up about you.

It's happened too many times to me.
I'm sorry, but most of your post is just wrong.

A) they weren't crushed. They lost because of the system. A different system and Trump wouldn't have stood a chance.
B) No anti-White racism, but hey, you keep pretending to be the victim. Boohoo.
C) I feel sorry for you.
A. They were crushed and badly so. That "system" is called the electoral college smartly put in place by our founders so the elitist coasts didn't get to elect the president but ALL the people did.
B. Yes indeed LOTS of anti white racism but you keep crying snowflake I would be to if I saw my idol's work being destroyed.
C. I don't give a shit. Truly I don't.

There are no statistics which can show "crushed and badly so"

In the presidential election the democrats got more votes. Nearly 3 million more. Yes, Trump won 30 to Hillary's 20, 304 to 227 on the electoral college, but that's not such a big defeat, especially when 3 of the four states that were within 1% went to Trump and half within 5% went to Trump.

Of those under 1% Trump gained 46 electoral college seats to Hillary's 4. You turn those 46 seats around, that's 92 seat change. That would have given Hillary 273 and Trump 258 which would have won it for the Democrats.

The difference in those seats was less than 11,000 votes in Michigan, 44,000 votes in PA and 13,000 votes in Wisconsin.

You have a whole country voting, and it comes down to three states and how 68,000 people voted. That's not being crushed. That's such a slight difference.
You have seen the map of how ppl voted on election night other than the big cities its ALL RED.


Let me guess, you're going to try and make the usual Koch brothers paid for view of the election that if you have 10 people in one county, they should have the same amount of power as 10 million in another....

The simple fact is that the Republicans don't represent all those people who voted for them. A better system would see at the very least 6 different parties representing different interests.
Oh I agree on the 6 different parties part but yes the electoral college is to give equal representation to EVERY part of the country....all in all I think democracy sucks and prefer a system run by the strongest,most able etc. I prefer a dictatorship of course run by me but would be fine with a system where it starts at lowest level and each citizen votes for a council who then selects one of their own to move up to regional level to state and then is picked from there to lead country. Course I also believe in a country where its 1 people,1 view and 1 system for us all. All pushing for the same thing etc. You can read the links in my signature for a better understanding what I believe.

The EC does not give equal representation to every part of the country. (well would if I could actually post it. the link is below.)


A Campaign Map, Morphed By Money

This is an election map of money spent. It shows that 12 states get all the attention.
Do you even know how the process works? Counties have nothing to do with it...
But it is funny, you guys all live in the cities run by democrats and say how shitty the country is........

For fuck's sake. You need to go read what I was replying to.

I don't live in a city run by democrats. Thank you.
I didn't say you specifically, it was a general statement.....liberals live in cities.....where do you live?
I live in the suburbs of Memphis.

I don't give out personal information, and for your own good, I'd suggest you don't either.
I don't think giving the city in which you live can be an helps for people to know where you're coming from.......

You don't. Have you seen the level of moronic on this board?

I don't even tell people my gender because I don't need to be attacked by people for things they think they can use to attack you with. They know your city, they know your state, they will start making things up about you.

It's happened too many times to me.
im a big boy... confidence....if you have it, you wont care and people will hate you more. its why i love it when trump brags, because it makes so many people mad for no reason....they hate the fact that he is not an indecisive, unsure, and kind of person....there is more to it, just hard to articulate.

im from memphis, if people want to slam it, good for them, but they do so out of ignorance

and thats one reason i like him.
A. They were crushed and badly so. That "system" is called the electoral college smartly put in place by our founders so the elitist coasts didn't get to elect the president but ALL the people did.
B. Yes indeed LOTS of anti white racism but you keep crying snowflake I would be to if I saw my idol's work being destroyed.
C. I don't give a shit. Truly I don't.

There are no statistics which can show "crushed and badly so"

In the presidential election the democrats got more votes. Nearly 3 million more. Yes, Trump won 30 to Hillary's 20, 304 to 227 on the electoral college, but that's not such a big defeat, especially when 3 of the four states that were within 1% went to Trump and half within 5% went to Trump.

Of those under 1% Trump gained 46 electoral college seats to Hillary's 4. You turn those 46 seats around, that's 92 seat change. That would have given Hillary 273 and Trump 258 which would have won it for the Democrats.

The difference in those seats was less than 11,000 votes in Michigan, 44,000 votes in PA and 13,000 votes in Wisconsin.

You have a whole country voting, and it comes down to three states and how 68,000 people voted. That's not being crushed. That's such a slight difference.
You have seen the map of how ppl voted on election night other than the big cities its ALL RED.


Let me guess, you're going to try and make the usual Koch brothers paid for view of the election that if you have 10 people in one county, they should have the same amount of power as 10 million in another....

The simple fact is that the Republicans don't represent all those people who voted for them. A better system would see at the very least 6 different parties representing different interests.
Oh I agree on the 6 different parties part but yes the electoral college is to give equal representation to EVERY part of the country....all in all I think democracy sucks and prefer a system run by the strongest,most able etc. I prefer a dictatorship of course run by me but would be fine with a system where it starts at lowest level and each citizen votes for a council who then selects one of their own to move up to regional level to state and then is picked from there to lead country. Course I also believe in a country where its 1 people,1 view and 1 system for us all. All pushing for the same thing etc. You can read the links in my signature for a better understanding what I believe.

The EC does not give equal representation to every part of the country. (well would if I could actually post it. the link is below.)


A Campaign Map, Morphed By Money

This is an election map of money spent. It shows that 12 states get all the attention.

a couple of things

money is not the end all be all.. 2016 proved that bigly

second the ec was invented to make sure the population gets power and attention, not just huge cities, same reason for the senate existing. ca has no more power than iowa
For fuck's sake. You need to go read what I was replying to.

I don't live in a city run by democrats. Thank you.
I didn't say you specifically, it was a general statement.....liberals live in cities.....where do you live?
I live in the suburbs of Memphis.

I don't give out personal information, and for your own good, I'd suggest you don't either.
I don't think giving the city in which you live can be an helps for people to know where you're coming from.......

You don't. Have you seen the level of moronic on this board?

I don't even tell people my gender because I don't need to be attacked by people for things they think they can use to attack you with. They know your city, they know your state, they will start making things up about you.

It's happened too many times to me.
im a big boy... confidence....if you have it, you wont care and people will hate you more. its why i love it when trump brags, because it makes so many people mad for no reason....they hate the fact that he is not an indecisive, unsure, and kind of person....there is more to it, just hard to articulate.

im from memphis, if people want to slam it, good for them, but they do so out of ignorance

and thats one reason i like him.

Good for you. You like Trump because he takes the office of president and makes it look like something it's never been, the sort of place you can just turn up and have a good time being famous. The job is supposed to be about running the country.. not about entertaining the masses.
There are no statistics which can show "crushed and badly so"

In the presidential election the democrats got more votes. Nearly 3 million more. Yes, Trump won 30 to Hillary's 20, 304 to 227 on the electoral college, but that's not such a big defeat, especially when 3 of the four states that were within 1% went to Trump and half within 5% went to Trump.

Of those under 1% Trump gained 46 electoral college seats to Hillary's 4. You turn those 46 seats around, that's 92 seat change. That would have given Hillary 273 and Trump 258 which would have won it for the Democrats.

The difference in those seats was less than 11,000 votes in Michigan, 44,000 votes in PA and 13,000 votes in Wisconsin.

You have a whole country voting, and it comes down to three states and how 68,000 people voted. That's not being crushed. That's such a slight difference.
You have seen the map of how ppl voted on election night other than the big cities its ALL RED.


Let me guess, you're going to try and make the usual Koch brothers paid for view of the election that if you have 10 people in one county, they should have the same amount of power as 10 million in another....

The simple fact is that the Republicans don't represent all those people who voted for them. A better system would see at the very least 6 different parties representing different interests.
Oh I agree on the 6 different parties part but yes the electoral college is to give equal representation to EVERY part of the country....all in all I think democracy sucks and prefer a system run by the strongest,most able etc. I prefer a dictatorship of course run by me but would be fine with a system where it starts at lowest level and each citizen votes for a council who then selects one of their own to move up to regional level to state and then is picked from there to lead country. Course I also believe in a country where its 1 people,1 view and 1 system for us all. All pushing for the same thing etc. You can read the links in my signature for a better understanding what I believe.

The EC does not give equal representation to every part of the country. (well would if I could actually post it. the link is below.)


A Campaign Map, Morphed By Money

This is an election map of money spent. It shows that 12 states get all the attention.

a couple of things

money is not the end all be all.. 2016 proved that bigly

second the ec was invented to make sure the population gets power and attention, not just huge cities, same reason for the senate existing. ca has no more power than iowa

No, it's not. The reason why I showed money is because it shows where people's interests lie. They spend money because they think it will buy them something.

The 12 states they spend money on are the places with the closest races.

Michigan, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin were the four closest states with 0.22% to 0.75% between the two main runners. Basically three of these four won the race for Trump. Had Hillary won these four states she'd have won the presidency.

Florida, Minnesota, Nebraska (2nd district), Nevada, Arizona, North Carolina and Colorado were those between 1% and 5%.

Ohio, Iowa, Virginia are other states that matter.

Nebraska doesn't get much money because it's 2nd district only gives 1 EC vote. So they ignore it. Arizona was closer than it probably would have been normally. Basically it's been Republican for a long while now. Clinton won there in his second election victory, just, but without Bob Dole he wouldn't have won, and the previous Democrat to win was Truman.

So, there are 12 states, more or less, which the candidates focus on. Wyoming has the highest ration of EC seats to population, and they don't give a damn. It doesn't spread over the country, it spreads over 12 states out of 50.

Just need to find some rednecks with skills then, other than being able to crush beer cans on their forehead, that is.

What is truly sad is all of these hi tech CEO's tell these kids to go into massive debt to get STEM degree's, then they won't hire them and instead import Indian engineers and programmers because they are cheap. You are your own worst enemy. You spout the BS, but don't have a clue what you are actually saying.
You have seen the map of how ppl voted on election night other than the big cities its ALL RED.


Let me guess, you're going to try and make the usual Koch brothers paid for view of the election that if you have 10 people in one county, they should have the same amount of power as 10 million in another....

The simple fact is that the Republicans don't represent all those people who voted for them. A better system would see at the very least 6 different parties representing different interests.
Oh I agree on the 6 different parties part but yes the electoral college is to give equal representation to EVERY part of the country....all in all I think democracy sucks and prefer a system run by the strongest,most able etc. I prefer a dictatorship of course run by me but would be fine with a system where it starts at lowest level and each citizen votes for a council who then selects one of their own to move up to regional level to state and then is picked from there to lead country. Course I also believe in a country where its 1 people,1 view and 1 system for us all. All pushing for the same thing etc. You can read the links in my signature for a better understanding what I believe.

The EC does not give equal representation to every part of the country. (well would if I could actually post it. the link is below.)


A Campaign Map, Morphed By Money

This is an election map of money spent. It shows that 12 states get all the attention.

a couple of things

money is not the end all be all.. 2016 proved that bigly

second the ec was invented to make sure the population gets power and attention, not just huge cities, same reason for the senate existing. ca has no more power than iowa

No, it's not. The reason why I showed money is because it shows where people's interests lie. They spend money because they think it will buy them something.

The 12 states they spend money on are the places with the closest races.

Michigan, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin were the four closest states with 0.22% to 0.75% between the two main runners. Basically three of these four won the race for Trump. Had Hillary won these four states she'd have won the presidency.

Florida, Minnesota, Nebraska (2nd district), Nevada, Arizona, North Carolina and Colorado were those between 1% and 5%.

Ohio, Iowa, Virginia are other states that matter.

Nebraska doesn't get much money because it's 2nd district only gives 1 EC vote. So they ignore it. Arizona was closer than it probably would have been normally. Basically it's been Republican for a long while now. Clinton won there in his second election victory, just, but without Bob Dole he wouldn't have won, and the previous Democrat to win was Truman.

So, there are 12 states, more or less, which the candidates focus on. Wyoming has the highest ration of EC seats to population, and they don't give a damn. It doesn't spread over the country, it spreads over 12 states out of 50.

yeah they spend it there, because of the nomination process.....

Iowa wouldn't get squat if it weren't for that process, same with new Hampshire....
as for the electoral just depends on states you think you can win....they change......republicans used to dominate California....before the crazies ended up there.....
Ohio is trending republican, most of the Midwest is.....the south is......the democrats have the northeast and the coasts.....
A lot of that has to do with priorities........

Let me guess, you're going to try and make the usual Koch brothers paid for view of the election that if you have 10 people in one county, they should have the same amount of power as 10 million in another....

The simple fact is that the Republicans don't represent all those people who voted for them. A better system would see at the very least 6 different parties representing different interests.
Oh I agree on the 6 different parties part but yes the electoral college is to give equal representation to EVERY part of the country....all in all I think democracy sucks and prefer a system run by the strongest,most able etc. I prefer a dictatorship of course run by me but would be fine with a system where it starts at lowest level and each citizen votes for a council who then selects one of their own to move up to regional level to state and then is picked from there to lead country. Course I also believe in a country where its 1 people,1 view and 1 system for us all. All pushing for the same thing etc. You can read the links in my signature for a better understanding what I believe.

The EC does not give equal representation to every part of the country. (well would if I could actually post it. the link is below.)


A Campaign Map, Morphed By Money

This is an election map of money spent. It shows that 12 states get all the attention.

a couple of things

money is not the end all be all.. 2016 proved that bigly

second the ec was invented to make sure the population gets power and attention, not just huge cities, same reason for the senate existing. ca has no more power than iowa

No, it's not. The reason why I showed money is because it shows where people's interests lie. They spend money because they think it will buy them something.

The 12 states they spend money on are the places with the closest races.

Michigan, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin were the four closest states with 0.22% to 0.75% between the two main runners. Basically three of these four won the race for Trump. Had Hillary won these four states she'd have won the presidency.

Florida, Minnesota, Nebraska (2nd district), Nevada, Arizona, North Carolina and Colorado were those between 1% and 5%.

Ohio, Iowa, Virginia are other states that matter.

Nebraska doesn't get much money because it's 2nd district only gives 1 EC vote. So they ignore it. Arizona was closer than it probably would have been normally. Basically it's been Republican for a long while now. Clinton won there in his second election victory, just, but without Bob Dole he wouldn't have won, and the previous Democrat to win was Truman.

So, there are 12 states, more or less, which the candidates focus on. Wyoming has the highest ration of EC seats to population, and they don't give a damn. It doesn't spread over the country, it spreads over 12 states out of 50.

yeah they spend it there, because of the nomination process.....

Iowa wouldn't get squat if it weren't for that process, same with new Hampshire....
as for the electoral just depends on states you think you can win....they change......republicans used to dominate California....before the crazies ended up there.....
Ohio is trending republican, most of the Midwest is.....the south is......the democrats have the northeast and the coasts.....
A lot of that has to do with priorities........

New Hampshire was a very close state last time around. It could make a difference in an election. Maybe there will be fights for candidates to get nominated, but that's not where most of the money is coming from. It's coming to convince people to vote one way or another. in Wyoming they don't bother. Why not? Each individual has the strongest vote in the country, and yet it gets ignored.

Yes, the states can change. But the reality is, going into the election, 80% of people's vote gets ignored. Democracy?

Look, in Germany 44.19 million people's vote counted out of 46.9 million people who voted. The other 2.7 million people voted for parties who didn't make the 5% threshold which exists in Germany.

That means about 95% of the people voted for a candidate or for a party and this party was given power based on those votes.

In the US presidential election 46% of people voted for Trump. The other 54% of people voted and get no representation in the White House.

Within the electoral college each state, or part of state, has people who vote, and their vote is counted but their person doesn't win. So their vote is then nothing. They don't even get represented in the EC, let alone the WH.

770,000 people in Alabama didn't vote for Trump but voted for someone else. Their vote doesn't count. No one gives a damn what they think. They're simply not being represented at all.

Each state has this. It has people who voted and their vote doesn't count. Is that fair?

Hell no it's not.

Germany has 6 parties in the Bundestag. The US has 2. The US feels more like a dirty dictatorship than a real democracy because THE PEOPLE do NOT get to vote for their president, and their say in the House is a bit better but still not great.

Yes, it has a lot to do with priorities.

80% of the country doesn't get counted under "priorities".

"I'm sorry sir, we have democracy, but not for you, because you live in the wrong state"

Err.... what the fuck?

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