Prices at The Restaurants

You're nothing but words on a screen to me. Why do give other people the power to make you so angry?
People who are ruining this country, and then launch insults at those who point it out, make me angry.
As for the increase in prices at Restaurants let me say that Credit card companies’ fees are already being paid by customers because they are part of a merchant’s overhead expenses.
I also know that the restaurant industry has been devastated by our governments imposed regulations, and SHUT-DOWNS , and I for one have been VERY Sympathetic about that from day one.
However, over the last few weeks I have notices after getting my bill from some restaurants a Credit Card Fee for using my card.
Now I dine out several times weekly with my wife and have notices a Fee added on the bill for using a credit card, ranging from 2 percent to 4 percent. Being told about it in advance, or having it listed on the Menu is not the Issue, not at all.
As we all know very well the cost of eating out has skyrocketed with food and also the drink prices! And mostly all of the restaurants have raised their prices. I know that, and I’m not complaining about that. But now adding a Credit Card Fee on top is what I think TO MUCH.
I believe that without a doubt it will reduce the number of times people go out to a restaurant. That is a Given.
And as a customer who frequently dines in restaurants, I know will impact my going out for dinner as often as I have been..
First of all, I feel that if the restaurant is raising their prices then they should not be charging this ridiculous fee for the use of someone using their Card As a practical matter, since more than 80, and maybe 90 percent of bills at full-service restaurants are paid by credit cards, such fees should be built into the prices, as they most probably were already. .
I think the prices they are charging now is getting to be too much already, then you include the tip, the gas to get there, the Valet for parking, and now a credit card fee?. They are going to be pricing themselves out of existence.
All prices already went up. I’m VERY Sorry for all those that suffered last year. But my fixed income didn’t go up, and I’,m sure that most of their other customers haven't either

Some fools actually think plastic is good, since they have those phony 'cash back' scams and other gimmicks. I eat at one restaurant that actually does what they all should be doing,, which is give discounts for cash paying customers. Wonder why they all don't do that. Why should I pay extra so some dumbasses who have to use plastic because they can't afford cash to pay for what they buy? It's ridiculous and a rip off.
You make you angry. Righteous outrage can be addictive but it is ultimately pointless.
The judgmental leftist speaketh.

Justified anger is useful….it spurs people to take corrective action. That is why the House is now R majority, and why the Senate will be in 2924.
The judgmental leftist speaketh.

Justified anger is useful….it spurs people to take corrective action. That is why the House is now R majority, and why the Senate will be in 2924.
Even if you walk around raging all day long it will not change the world one bit.
Even if you walk around raging all day long it will not change the world one bit.
Maybe my involvement in Republican organizations, along with campaign efforts, will have a small effect in fighting people like you.

Maybe my involvement in Republican organizations, along with campaign efforts, will have a small effect in fighting people like you.

If that makes you happy it's fine with me. Might want to quit taking politics so personally though. Life is too short.
I haven't heard of that but it would be great if it really happened.

No, it would not. Point and miles and rewards will all go away.

The CC companies will charge higher interest across the board to make up for loss of revenue.

And places like WalMart and Amazon and all the rest will not lower their prices on cent despite no longer paying the fee to the CC companies.
I have noticed more and more local businesses that either offer a discount if you pay with cash/check or a fee added if you pay with a card. Both are the same thing, each business just words it differently.

Oh, they're completely opposite.

If they offer a discount, that adversely affects the restaurant's finances.

If they charge a fee that adversely affects yours...
Oh, they're completely opposite.

If they offer a discount, that adversely affects the restaurant's finances.

If they charge a fee that adversely affects yours...

If they are offering the discount to avoid paying the CC fee, then how would it adversely affect the restaurant's finances?
And their expense is less since you did not use a CC and they were not charged a fee....thus they break even.

Which is as stupid way to run a business. A business doesn't exist to break even. It exists to make money.

If a burger and fries is on the menu for $15.00, and you pay for that with cash, the restaurant gets $15.00 for something that they paid, let's say, $4.00 to source. Their profit is $11.00. Any discount for paying will result in the restaurant making less money. The expense of putting that meal together doesn't change based on the form of payment used.

If the restaurant charges 3% if you use a credit card, then you pay $15.45 and the restaurant loses nothing...
Which is as stupid way to run a business. A business doesn't exist to break even. It exists to make money.

If a burger and fries is on the menu for $15.00, and you pay for that with cash, the restaurant gets $15.00 for something that they paid, let's say, $4.00 to source. Their profit is $11.00. Any discount for paying will result in the restaurant making less money. The expense of putting that meal together doesn't change based on the form of payment used.

They are making money, they are just breaking even on that fee to the CC company or the discount to the customer.

If the restaurant charges 3% if you use a credit card, then you pay $15.45 and the restaurant loses nothing...

It is the same thing.

If a restaurant charges 3% if I use a credit card, then I pay $15.45 and the restaurant send .45 to the CC company and their profit is 11 dollars.

If the restaurant gives me a discount for not using the card, I pay $15.00 and the restaurant their profit is 11 dollars.

Either way the profit if the same for the.

The way most do things now is they charge the 15.45 to everyone, regardless of if you pay cash or a card.
If that makes you happy it's fine with me. Might want to quit taking politics so personally though. Life is too short.
Maybe you should stop calling people “insufferable” - and then tell them to stop taking it so personally. Seems like you want to be able to call people names when they disagree with you, and then when they respond negatively, you say not to take it personally.

Maybe you should learn to address people more civilly.

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