Pride Month - What's To Be Proud Of?

You pulled too much from this. It does not say they are attracted to the same sex. They are eunuchs.

Eunuchs in the past were often times gay men.

All the same, Jesus is noting that not all are born the same.
If someone is born a certain way from their mother’s womb, they did not choose that.
That’s the fallacy. You assume they were born gay. There is still no scientific proof of this. Romans chapter 1 is clear about participation in homosexual acts.
That’s the fallacy. You assume they were born gay. There is still no scientific proof of this. Romans chapter 1 is clear about participation in homosexual acts.

Jesus notes that not everyone is born the same. That 100% cancel outs your argument that there are only two creations.
Eunuchs in the past were often times gay men.

All the same, Jesus is noting that not all are born the same.
The Bible mentions eunuchs in several places, including the Old Testament and the Gospel of Matthew:
  • Isaiah 56:3-7
    This passage is considered the most descriptive in the Bible about eunuchs, and it may refer to infertile men. Isaiah describes eunuchs as "a dry tree" who will have "a name better than sons and daughters" through God's redeeming act.
  • Matthew 19:12
    Jesus mentions three types of eunuchs in this passage:
    • Natural eunuchs: Born with a physical defect or no desire for marriage or sex
    • Forced eunuchs: Castrated for any reason
    • Voluntary eunuchs: Choose to forego marriage to better serve the Lord
That’s the fallacy. You assume they were born gay. There is still no scientific proof of this. Romans chapter 1 is clear about participation in homosexual acts.

It's clear on adultery also. Oddly I see few calling for stoning.
Jesus notes that not everyone is born the same. That 100% cancel outs your argument that there are only two creations.
The Bible mentions eunuchs in several places, including the Old Testament and the Gospel of Matthew:
  • Isaiah 56:3-7
    This passage is considered the most descriptive in the Bible about eunuchs, and it may refer to infertile men. Isaiah describes eunuchs as "a dry tree" who will have "a name better than sons and daughters" through God's redeeming act.
  • Matthew 19:12
    Jesus mentions three types of eunuchs in this passage:
    • Natural eunuchs: Born with a physical defect or no desire for marriage or sex (no desire either way)
    • Forced eunuchs: Castrated for any reason
    • Voluntary eunuchs: Choose to forego marriage to better serve the Lord
The Bible mentions eunuchs in several places, including the Old Testament and the Gospel of Matthew:
  • Isaiah 56:3-7
    This passage is considered the most descriptive in the Bible about eunuchs, and it may refer to infertile men. Isaiah describes eunuchs as "a dry tree" who will have "a name better than sons and daughters" through God's redeeming act.
  • Matthew 19:12
    Jesus mentions three types of eunuchs in this passage:
    • Natural eunuchs: Born with a physical defect or no desire for marriage or sex
    • Forced eunuchs: Castrated for any reason
    • Voluntary eunuchs: Choose to forego marriage to better serve the Lord

Again, all the same you are arguing that not all are born the same and then out of the other side of your mouth you can't accept that not all are born the same.
Nope. Sexual behavior can be controlled. Plus, since G-d Himself called homosexuality an abomination, by you CLAIMING they were born that way you are claiming G-d to be a liar.
Nope, your God made them that way
Again, all the same you are arguing that not all are born the same and then out of the other side of your mouth you can't accept that not all are born the same.
I never said people are different. That’s your bigoted assumption. I said we aren’t born gay. Born without sexual desire doesn’t mean gay. Most eunuchs in those days were castrated and for no good reason. Same with today’s twisted transvestites .
He didn’t make their minds twisted. That they chose for themselves.
He also does not make cancer nor does he cause Down syndrome. We live in the world but we should not live of the world(sin). God gives us the right to choose for ourselves good or evil. But choosing evil is not without consequences because it is wrong.
A person born with down syndrome shows that?
I never said people are different. That’s your bigoted assumption. I said we aren’t born gay. Born without sexual desire doesn’t mean gay. Most eunuchs in those days were castrated and for no good reason. Same with today’s twisted transvestites .

So you can accept I guess that people are born blind, deaf, malfunctioning organs, no sex drive at all, but you are picky on one thing.

Why not just let God sort it out and leave people alone?
So you can accept I guess that people are born blind, deaf, malfunctioning organs, no sex drive at all, but you are picky on one thing.

Why not just let God sort it out and leave people alone?
He did. In OT and NT times he said it’s against nature and sinful to be in homosexual relationships. He also said it’s sinful and against God to commit adultery as well. Even though it’s natural to be attracted to someone of the opposite sex. Control our urges and mental processes and keep our desires in accordance with the boundaries that the Lord has set. Then, warn our neighbors.
He did. In OT and NT times he said it’s against nature and sinful to be in homosexual relationships. He also said it’s sinful and against God to commit adultery as well. Even though it’s natural to be attracted to someone of the opposite sex. Control our urges and mental processes and keep our desires in accordance with the boundaries that the Lord has set. Then, warn our neighbors.

Seems most who freak over a gay person has no problem supporting a serial adulterer..

Odd that.

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