Pride Month - What's To Be Proud Of?

If you are straight do you say to yourself, “damn, I’m sure proud I’m straight?” Or do you just take your sexuality for granted?

Likewise, if you’re gay, what exactly is there to be proud of?

I’m not saying you need to be ashamed of being gay. But why take pride in it? Do you take pride in right handedness or brown eyes? You didn’t exactly get much of a vote in those attributes, either.
He will condemn them for not staying in the bounds the Lord has set. He will condemn those who stood by and let others sin when they could offer them the Lord. Stop sitting on the sidelines and do some good things to people like showing them a better way including staying within the boundaries the Lord has set.

If God created someone he set the boundaries. If he has an issue he can deal with it.
I never said people are different. That’s your bigoted assumption. I said we aren’t born gay. Born without sexual desire doesn’t mean gay. Most eunuchs in those days were castrated and for no good reason. Same with today’s twisted transvestites .
And here’s an example of the right’s fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.
He will condemn them for not staying in the bounds the Lord has set. He will condemn those who stood by and let others sin when they could offer them the Lord. Stop sitting on the sidelines and do some good things to people like showing them a better way including staying within the boundaries the Lord has set.
Religious fear, ignorance, and bigotry is not justification to hate.
It’s a reaction to the fact that for many years, they were told to be ashamed of being gay.
It’s not a generational thing like Black or Hispanic. A black man will have a black child who might face discrimination.

It’s not nearly the same. Gays don’t reproduce another generation that would face discrimination.

This is all simple silliness. We ALL know it.

Pride Month - What's To Be Proud Of? What is it for them to be proud of? And why do they need a month to do it in?​

People of that particular persuasion (mentioning no names or derogatory judgment) all love drama. Come on ..... you gotta' admit it ... they succeeded ..... for a whole month! "Look at us! We even have our own flag!" :hhello:
Who is ignorant? I’m not a bigot. I love sinners but not the sin and am willing to Edison the boundaries the Lord has set. Not what you have set.
Religion and ‘god’ are creations of man; indeed, the bible was written by men, imbued with their fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

The bible is therefore completely devoid of any authority; religious dogma cannot be used to justify conservatives’ fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate directed at gay and transgender Americans.
Religion and ‘god’ are creations of man; indeed, the bible was written by men, imbued with their fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

The bible is therefore completely devoid of any authority; religious dogma cannot be used to justify conservatives’ fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate directed at gay and transgender Americans.
It is devoid of your authority. Not the world. Jesus Christ is real. He is Jehovah. He created the universe under the direction of Father in Heaven who is real too. You are speaking as though you are the god of everything. However, we know you are not but just doing the bidding of Satan. And you fight against the boundaries that the Lord has set. We see this effort as the world is in more and more chaos as the world chooses Satan and his evil in the woke name of miss placed love and kindness without and devoid of Godliness. When will you people wake up and see what you are causing?

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