Priest goes viral with trashing of ‘catholic’ Biden

President Biden is following the law

He also supports laws about divorce even though his faith doesn’t

Participation in any religion in the (once) United States is entirely optional.

Xiden has elected not to participate except for an empty display of showmanship.

Any religion remains free to expel any person who it wishes.

Sad that an all-male clergy hath not the balls do do that.

Biden has attended Catholic Mass every week for his entire life.
It was Trump who held photo-ops with a Bible
Those who believe in abortion

The death of human beings after an abortion is a fact and not a belief. Why not to abort someone who is not able to read, because everyone who starts to read is a human being? That's absurde. But what is the real difference between an unborn baby 24 hours ago before it was born and/or aborted? Why not to abort someone who owns a printing of the declaration of indepenendece - or whoever did read this declaration once in the internet? What is the real criterion to make a difference between human beings and human beings, which are allowed to kill?

should not be persecuted for their beliefs. Those who act on those believes should not be imprisoned. They should not be fined. They should simply be parted out with the proceeds going to reduce taxation.

Sorry - but the women who agree that someone makes an abortion within their own body for to kill their own baby are also only victims of this perverted system, which men made to be able to fuck every woman whenever they like to fuck a woman, while they do not like to be responsible for anything what they do, isn't it? I'm sure to agree with abortions means often only to agree with manipulation, brainwash and/or concrete pressure.
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Those who believe in abortion should not be persecuted for their beliefs. Those who act on those believes should not be imprisoned. They should not be fined. They should simply be parted out with the proceeds going to reduce taxation.
So basically, you want to be paid for every abortion.
President Biden is following the law

He also supports laws about divorce even though his faith doesn’t

Participation in any religion in the (once) United States is entirely optional.

Xiden has elected not to participate except for an empty display of showmanship.

Any religion remains free to expel any person who it wishes.

Sad that an all-male clergy hath not the balls do do that.

Biden has attended Catholic Mass every week for his entire life.
It was Trump who held photo-ops with a Bible

So what? Sleepy Joe must have been sleeping through those masses as he doesn't know that Almighty God put Adam and Eve (not Steve) into the Garden.
Dupe post - Yeah we saw this lunatic who is apparently unaware that over 60% of Catholics support a woman's right to choose and the use of birth control.

Abortion means the end of the existence of a human being in this world here. To call this a "right to choose" sounds somehow perverted sometimes.

And birthcontrol never was a problem within the Catholic church. A problem exists only in context of some methods of birth control. So a problem is to use "the pill" for example - but not birth control per se. Birth control is part of family planing. Not so abortion. That's totally different. If someone not knows why it's not good to use the pill, then this is relativelly unimportant. But never anyone should use abortion as an instrument of birth control.

One lil problem. A fetus isn’t in “this world here” and cannot live on its own outside the womb.

PS: Catholic orthodoxy has long shunned birth control. Where ya been?

Dupe post - Yeah we saw this lunatic who is apparently unaware that over 60% of Catholics support a woman's right to choose and the use of birth control.

Abortion means the end of the existence of a human being in this world here. To call this a "right to choose" sounds somehow perverted sometimes.

And birthcontrol never was a problem within the Catholic church. A problem exists only in context of some methods of birth control. So a problem is to use "the pill" for example - but not birth control per se. Birth control is part of family planing. Not so abortion. That's totally different. If someone not knows why it's not good to use the pill, then this is relativelly unimportant. But never anyone should use abortion as an instrument of birth control.

One lil problem. A fetus isn’t in “this world here” and cannot live on its own outside the womb. ...

You do now not live inside the uterus of your mother any longer, fetus, which you once was. How comes? I will tell you: You are a little older now - that's all.
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PS: Catholic orthodoxy has long shunned birth control. Where ya been?

Most people think that the families in the middles ages, when everyone was a Catholic in the civilized part of Europe, were big poor families as had existed during early industrialization - but that's wrong. Catholics had in average always the same family size as it is usual today in the western world: 1-3 children (in average).
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"Those who can make you believe absurdities - Can make you commit atrocities." -Voltaire

I heard Voltaire made a lot of money with slave trade - so it looks like he also had believed on his own in some absurdities.
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Dupe post - Yeah we saw this lunatic who is apparently unaware that over 60% of Catholics support a woman's right to choose and the use of birth control.

Abortion means the end of the existence of a human being in this world here. To call this a "right to choose" sounds somehow perverted sometimes.

And birthcontrol never was a problem within the Catholic church. A problem exists only in context of some methods of birth control. So a problem is to use "the pill" for example - but not birth control per se. Birth control is part of family planing. Not so abortion. That's totally different. If someone not knows why it's not good to use the pill, then this is relativelly unimportant. But never anyone should use abortion as an instrument of birth control.

One lil problem. A fetus isn’t in “this world here” and cannot live on its own outside the womb.

PS: Catholic orthodoxy has long shunned birth control. Where ya been?

The Church has always moved slowly. Measure twice cut once, so to speak. I'm a Catholic and I don't shun birth control.

But let me flip that around on you, Margaret Sanger opposed abortion. Margaret Sanger would not allow abortions in her clinics. Margaret Sanger believed that abortion was an abomination and she was correct.
PS: Catholic orthodoxy has long shunned birth control. Where ya been?

Most people think that the families in the middles ages, when everyone was a Catholic in the civilized part of Europe, were big poor families as had existed during early industrialization - but that's wrong. Catholics had in average always the same family size as it is usual today in the western world: 1-3 children (in average).
I gotta call Linky, Linky on that one
Catholics in the Middle Ages may have ended up with smaller families because of childhood mortality. But they had large numbers of children
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"Those who can make you believe absurdities - Can make you commit atrocities." -Voltaire

I heard Voltaire made a lot of money with slave trade - so it looks like he also had believed on his own in some absurdities.

I had to fact check your musings because they had the putrid essence of a butt nugget ;)
Voltaire had complex views on the issue of race, but profiting from the slave trade?
Don't think so.

What do we learn about Voltaire’s views on race and slavery from this scene?​
His views on that matter were complex. Three main propositions could be presented here:​
1) Voltaire intended this scene to be a condemnation of only certain practices in the slave trade and the shortcomings of the law (Code Noir, in particular) while he thought slavery was a fact of life. OR
2) Voltaire was against the entire institution of slavery yet he still believed in racial inequality. OR
3) Voltaire was a proto-abolitionist calling for universal equality between all the races as we understand it today.​
Although there’s some supporting evidence for the first choice, most likely the truth is between the first and the second option.​

You do now not live inside the uterus of your mother any longer, fetus, which you once was. How comes? I will tell you: You are a little older now - that's all.

You a funny guy zaang. I am opposed to any and all abortion past the first trimester unless the health and life of the mother is at risk. And no, I was a cluster of cells at 90 days, not a human being.
You do now not live inside the uterus of your mother any longer, fetus, which you once was. How comes? I will tell you: You are a little older now - that's all.

You a funny guy zaang.

Am I? And why do you use the expression "zaang"? What means this?

I am opposed to any and all abortion past the first trimester unless the health and life of the mother is at risk. And no, I was a cluster of cells at 90 days, not a human being

Not a good idea to hunt together with you. You will first shoot and afterwards find out what you shot down.

This "cluster of cells" has a heart beat and you can even see the sex of the baby.

So what is the exact difference between the cluster of cells which you are now - and wich you was in the age of 90 days after conception? What makes you now in the conception of your cells to a human being and why was you not a human being at this time of your life?
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You do now not live inside the uterus of your mother any longer, fetus, which you once was. How comes? I will tell you: You are a little older now - that's all.

You a funny guy zaang.

Am I?

I am opposed to any and all abortion past the first trimester unless the health and life of the mother is at risk. And no, I was a cluster of cells at 90 days, not a human being

Not a good idea to gto tohint with you. Youwiol shot fosrt and aftrwrds fintry tofidn out what it what you shot down.

What is the exact difference between the cluster of cells which you are now and wich you was in the age of 90 days after conception? What makes you now in the concetions of your cells ot human being and why was you not a human being at this time of your life?

Still drunk from last night, or happy fingers Zaang? Covfefe!! :lol:

Not a good idea to gto tohint with you. Youwiol shot fosrt and aftrwrds fintry tofidn out what it what you shot down.

Every sperm is sacred dude - Stop wasting them!

PS: Catholic orthodoxy has long shunned birth control. Where ya been?

Most people think that the families in the middles ages, when everyone was a Catholic in the civilized part of Europe, were big poor families as had existed during early industrialization - but that's wrong. Catholics had in average always the same family size as it is usual today in the western world: 1-3 children (in average).
I gotta call Linky, Linky on that one
Catholics in the Middle Ages may have ended up with smaller families because of childhood mortality. But they had large numbers of children
They had not a high number of children. 1-3. Sure they had more births - because the average life span was much lower than today. Babies and children often died. It exists by the way also nothing what I could call "dark age" - except the early 20th century. Practically everything what the English speaking pseudo-intellectuals say about the middle ages is nothing else than only bullshit.
You do now not live inside the uterus of your mother any longer, fetus, which you once was. How comes? I will tell you: You are a little older now - that's all.

You a funny guy zaang.

Am I?

I am opposed to any and all abortion past the first trimester unless the health and life of the mother is at risk. And no, I was a cluster of cells at 90 days, not a human being

Not a good idea to gto tohint with you. Youwiol shot fosrt and aftrwrds fintry tofidn out what it what you shot down.

What is the exact difference between the cluster of cells which you are now and wich you was in the age of 90 days after conception? What makes you now in the concetions of your cells ot human being and why was you not a human being at this time of your life?

Still drunk from last night, or happy fingers Zaang? Covfefe!! :lol:

Not a good idea to gto tohint with you. Youwiol shot fosrt and aftrwrds fintry tofidn out what it what you shot down.

Every sperm is sacred dude - Stop wasting them!

What's your IQ? Why are you convinced from something, what's definetelly wrong - and in the moment you start to understand that you are wrong, then you try to flee into a mad fantasy world - and to follow the selfmade "rules" of such a world in the reality all around you? This will not help you or anyone else at all. By the way. You should try to be slower. Always to be too fast means always to be too slow.
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What's your IQ? Why aer you convinced from something what's definatelly wrong and in the moment you start to understand that you are wrong you try to flee into a mad fantasy world and to follow the "rules" of such a world in the reality all around you?

Dunno, but after reading a hundred or so of your posts, I figure yours falls somewhere south of 60. ;)

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