Priest goes viral with trashing of ‘catholic’ Biden


Pope Francis blocks German Protestants

from receiving Catholic communion

With "German" has this nothing to do. And I do not know what Pope Francis has to do with this decision. This decision had happened a long time before he became pope. The main reason for this is that we Catholics believe the same what for example the protestant Martin Luther had believed. We believe in a real presence of god during communion. The consecrated bread is seen as a real presence of god. That's called "holy transsubstantiation". This is a very serios thing for most Catholics (- and not only for Catholics, what's sometimes a little underestimated). People who don't respect this and see in a communion only a symbolic act - what most protestants are doing - are able to be unintentionally respectless. (Asides of many people who are intentionally respectless). And this form of respectlessness is a very terrible thing for many Catholics. So this rule to give communion only to Catholics in a Catholic church service is first of all a rule to avoid problems.

And a consecrated bread becomes by the way never property of someone. The only lawful use of a consecrated bread is to eat it during church service - under the conditions which are normally only Catholics know. You will often also see many Catholics in a church service, who do not eat a consecrated bread, because they do not feel in the moment it is good to do so - on many different individual reasons. And sometimes also some Catholics are "excommunicated" what doesn't mean someone is not a Catholic any longer. This means just simple not to have the right to eat a consecrated bread.

The "problem" - if it is a problem at all - is by the way that many priests - worldwide, also in the USA - don't care about. They give also protestants the communion - in general or in some special cases. Even Pope Benedict XVI for example did give the communion to Frere Roger - anything else no one ever would had been able to understand.

PS: I'm by the way married with a protestant. We are Germans. We visit meanwhile very seldom any longer a church service, what began specially also because my Protestant wife is not ready to break our Catholic rules in this context, what I - and also every other Catholic, which I know - is ready to do without any problem. A relict of the 30 years war, I guess. People often had to change their religions here. This has positive and negative effects. In this way I learned by the way to love the Swedish tradition around an Italian Saint with the name "Santa Lucia". Funny thing this female Santa - makes a lot of fun.
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Here is an official Roman Catholic website explaining exactly why Non – Catholics cannot receive communion.

Why Can't Non-Catholics Receive Communion?

We should realize that Frere Roger supported Roman catholic Priestly / clerical celibacy.

Frere Roger also accepted the " universal ministry of the Pope ”

The Primate John XXIII - invited Frere Roger to attend the Second Vatican Council as an observer.

Frere Roger was a promoter of the Vatican and completely sold out to the Roman Catholic Church.

So…. who and what was Frere Roger ? ?

He was a Protestant who betrayed his Protestant faith and supported and promoted the Vatican and Vatican core principles, and Frere Roger was on his way to accepting Papal Authority. Frere Roger accepted Papal Authority with the Vatican Primates _

{ TO - Frere Roger } The Vatican Primates were authorities in the ecumenical community of all churches. This is not what Protestants teach.

This is moving out of Protestantism and becoming a Roman Catholic.

If Frere Roger had not joined the Vatican and had rejected these core Catholic teachings - he would have never been given communion from the Vatican Primate Benedict XVI

Vatican Primate Benedict XVI gave communion to Frere Roger - because of his acceptance of the Vatican authority and other Catholic Principles. Not - BECAUSE HE WAS A PROTESTANT.

The VATICAN LAW demands that - The NON CATHOLIC who does not accept Papal authority, may not receive communion. For this very reason, the sharing of Holy Communion between Protestants and Catholics is not possible

(Catechism, No.1400)

Vatican Primate Benedict XVI - demanded that -

To Benedict XVI - Protestants - have no right to even be considered a church.

He stated - - Protestants are mere "ecclesial communities" and their ministers effectively phonies with no right to give communion.

Dismay and anger as Pope declares Protestants cannot have churches

Please understand that Catholics do not allow Non-Catholics to be Saints and Non-Catholics who do not accept
AND PROMOTE CORE CATHOLIC PRINCIPLES - will not be allowed into Rome's heaven.
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Vatican Primate Benedict XVI gave communion to Frere Roger - because of his acceptance of the Vatican authority
¿What is a "Vatican authority"?
and other Catholic Principles. Not - BECAUSE HE WAS A PROTESTANT.

Pope Benedict XVI gave the communion to Frère Roger although Mr. Roger Schutz had been a Protestant during his whole life. My opinion: Well done, Benedict!

By the way. I remember now a Protestant priest who asked once "May I ask who of you is not a Protestant but a Catholic?" and 1/3 of the people of this group were Catholics - married with Protestants. That's normal in our area of the world. Many people live ecumenical Christianity in their daily life.

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Hey there - zaangalewa

Thanks very much for replying to me.

To explain the comment I made regarding " The Vatican Authority "
this is strictly the idea of the Vatican claim regarding " Papal Authority. :

Frere Roger accepted and supported - the claims propigated by the office of the Roman Catholic Church that, the Papal Authority itself claims to have a place of Authority and Potency and Purpose- within all the Protestant Church Communities to work on behalf of God to bring Protestants closer together to Catholics and closer to all other denominations.

In other words Frere Roger supported the Vaticans goals for the Primates spiritually influencing all denominations to become unified.

In other words the Vatican Primates have a direct role assigned to them by God

The Vatican Primates want to convince other Non - Catholics that God has assigned the Pontifs in the SPIRITUAL working within the Christian denominations to bring them all closer together to develop closer relationships among their churches and promote Christian unity.

Frere Roger accepted Papal Authority regarding this aspect. To - Frere Roger, the Vatican Primates should be held up / recognised as authoritive and spiritual advocates of God - to bring this to the Churches.

To - Frere Roger, - the Pontifs were seen as shepherds of God

But the Bible commands that those in Yahashua are not to look to the Roman Catholic Church for teaching nor guidance or influence. This is what many Non - Catholic denominations believe and these denominationsthat believe this - are excluded and denied / prohibited from receiving Catholic communion / Eucharist -

Joe Biden claims to be a Catholic and thus far has never denied the Vaticans spiritual authority - his Canaanite family are also Catholic, therefore they all are accepted for the receiving of Catholic communion / Eucharist regardless of how many little children they have tortured to death and murdered.

Roman Catholics in general will gladly embrace a pedophile rather than embrace someone like Abraham

for eXample - Joe Biden is a murderer and a pedophile who directly works to torture to death and murder thousands of little innocent fully developed children / babies - just as these children were upon and at their final step of being born.

Biden takes a rod and stabs / jabs it into the back of the head of a thousands of children while they are in the process of being born and he sucks their brains out and tosses the children into the trash.

This is the lowest form of pedophilia - something that a snake, a roach or a rat would do.

Adolf Hitler may not have personally physically killed or tortured a Jewish child - but exactly like Hitler / Biden fights for and financially supports and pushes for the torture and murder of thousands of innocent children.

Biden is not even worthy to be considered a pedophile.

But he supports the Papal Vatican Authority and pushes for and supports the Vatcan goals of removing / shipping and relocating the darker unwanted Canaanite males out of the borders areas in the Middle East and relocating them into America.

So he is worthy to receive Communion / Catholic Eucharist.
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Hey there - zaangalewa

Thanks very much for replying to me.

To explain the comment I made regarding " The Vatican Authority "
this is strictly the idea of the Vatican claim regarding " Papal Authority. :

Frere Roger accepted and supported - the claims propigated by the office of the Roman Catholic Church that, the Papal Authority itself claims to have a place of Authority and Potency and Purpose- within all the Protestant Church Communities to work on behalf of God to bring Protestants closer together to Catholics and closer to all other denominations.

In other words Frere Roger supported the Vaticans goals for the Primates spiritually influencing all denominations to become unified.

In other words the Vatican Primates have a direct role assigned to them by God

The Vatican Primates want to convince other Non - Catholics that God has assigned the Pontifs in the SPIRITUAL working within the Christian denominations to bring them all closer together to develop closer relationships among their churches and promote Christian unity.

Frere Roger accepted Papal Authority regarding this aspect. To - Frere Roger, the Vatican Primates should be held up / recognised as authoritive and spiritual advocates of God - to bring this to the Churches.

To - Frere Roger, - the Pontifs were seen as shepherds of God

But the Bible commands that those in Yahashua are not to look to the Roman Catholic Church for teaching nor guidance or influence. This is what many Non - Catholic denominations believe and these denominationsthat believe this - are excluded and denied / prohibited from receiving Catholic communion / Eucharist -

Joe Biden claims to be a Catholic and thus far has never denied the Vaticans spiritual authority - his Canaanite family are also Catholic, therefore they all are accepted for the receiving of Catholic communion / Eucharist regardless of how many little children they have tortured to death and murdered.

Roman Catholics in general will gladly embrace a pedophile rather than embrace someone like Abraham

for eXample - Joe Biden is a murderer and a pedophile who directly works to torture to death and murder thousands of little innocent fully developed children / babies - just as these children were upon and at their final step of being born.

Biden takes a rod and stabs / jabs it into the back of the head of a thousands of children while they are in the process of being born and he sucks their brains out and tosses the children into the trash.

This is the lowest form of pedophilia - something that a snake, a roach or a rat would do.

Adolf Hitler may not have personally physically killed or tortured a Jewish child - but exactly like Hitler / Biden fights for and financially supports and pushes for the torture and murder of thousands of innocent children.

Biden is not even worthy to be considered a pedophile.

But he supports the Papal Vatican Authority and pushes for and supports the Vatcan goals of removing / shipping and relocating the darker unwanted Canaanite males out of the borders areas in the Middle East and relocating them into America.

So he is worthy to receive Communion / Catholic Eucharist.
Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How inscrutable are his judgments and how unsearchable his ways!

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