Pro abortionists chant "Hail satan" in response to pro lifer singing Amazing Grace

Ok dude, I never said they were equal.

KARL MARX SAID that Communism BEINGS with Atheism, therefore Communism is a SUBSET of Atheism.

Do you need a lesson in etymology dipshit?

The prefix A- is Greek for without Theism is Greek for belief in god(s) Together it means without belief in god(s).

Communism comes from the french word communisme which means in common.

One is a metaphysical concept and the other is an economic political concept. The two are not related.

Apparently you are quite dense, as well as being the only person stupid enough to try to make the argument that communism and atheism don't typically go together. Well, you and Pogo, now there's a relationshp! :lol: Read a history book.

"Read a history book" my ass. No they don't "typically go together"; they have no relationship. The association fallacy that two things once existed in the same place --- which requires one to go :lalala: on all the instances where they did not --- STILL doesn't make them the same thing. Except to incorrigibly simple minds.

Organized religion is about thought control. Just as any governmental/institutional power trip is about thought control*. Any entity bent on seeking power for itself is going to oppose other entities that also or already control the same thoughts. That might mean declaring theocracy to get the rabble on the same page; or it might mean the opposite side of the same coin, declaring anti-theocracy. Same thing, same purpose. It has everything to do with power tripping and nothing to do with the nature of the philosophy. Sorry if you're too simpleminded to see that.

(*just as, say, pretending not to get simple satire and taking it literally to strawman it into a face-value statement is thought control)

/STILL offtopic
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Ok dude, I never said they were equal.

KARL MARX SAID that Communism BEINGS with Atheism, therefore Communism is a SUBSET of Atheism.

Do you need a lesson in etymology dipshit?

The prefix A- is Greek for without Theism is Greek for belief in god(s) Together it means without belief in god(s).

Communism comes from the french word communisme which means in common.

One is a metaphysical concept and the other is an economic political concept. The two are not related.

Apparently you are quite dense, as well as being the only person stupid enough to try to make the argument that communism and atheism don't typically go together. Well, you and Pogo, now there's a relationshp! :lol: Read a history book.

Cuba is a Catholic communist country.
Do you need a lesson in etymology dipshit?

The prefix A- is Greek for without Theism is Greek for belief in god(s) Together it means without belief in god(s).

Communism comes from the french word communisme which means in common.

One is a metaphysical concept and the other is an economic political concept. The two are not related.

Apparently you are quite dense, as well as being the only person stupid enough to try to make the argument that communism and atheism don't typically go together. Well, you and Pogo, now there's a relationshp! :lol: Read a history book.

"Read a history book" my ass. No they don't "typically go together"; they have no relationship. The association fallacy that two things once existed in the same place STILL doesn't make them the same thing. Except to incorrigibly simple minds.

/STILL offtopic

Not one person in this thread has said that they are the same thing. But you keep punching away at that lovely strawman that you keep attempting to build in desperation!
The Book of Acts isn't communism.

I pretty much get a good laugh at most of his 'assertions', you do have to wonder how one manages to come to the conclusions that he does. Poor thing.
I don't think he said they were equal? So your point is refuting what exactly?

And yet they always seem to be in bed together? Of course, you'll once again denounce any relationship between the two I'm sure. :cuckoo:

"They always seem" huh? :rofl:


What, did K-Mart have a sale on strawmen today?

I don't need to "denounce" something that has never existed. The fact that some of you are brainless enough to conflate unrelated dynamics solely because they happen in the same place is your failing, not mine.

I suspect it comes from the same failure that hammers the world into simplistic comic-book figurines where everything is made of either 'good' or 'evil'. For shit's sake grow up.

Yes, they always seem to be found together, you're refuting that?

Of course. "They always seem" is not argument. It's bullshit.
Do you need a lesson in etymology dipshit?

The prefix A- is Greek for without Theism is Greek for belief in god(s) Together it means without belief in god(s).

Communism comes from the french word communisme which means in common.

One is a metaphysical concept and the other is an economic political concept. The two are not related.

Apparently you are quite dense, as well as being the only person stupid enough to try to make the argument that communism and atheism don't typically go together. Well, you and Pogo, now there's a relationshp! :lol: Read a history book.

Cuba is a Catholic communist country.

Cuba? Seriously? That's the best you can do? :lol:
"They always seem" huh? :rofl:


What, did K-Mart have a sale on strawmen today?

I don't need to "denounce" something that has never existed. The fact that some of you are brainless enough to conflate unrelated dynamics solely because they happen in the same place is your failing, not mine.

I suspect it comes from the same failure that hammers the world into simplistic comic-book figurines where everything is made of either 'good' or 'evil'. For shit's sake grow up.

Yes, they always seem to be found together, you're refuting that?

Of course. "They always seem" is not argument. It's bullshit.

Again, are you refuting that? Put up, or shut the hell up!
They sure do. The witchhunt, Israel-Palestine War, the crusades and Protestant-Catholic wars in Europe caused a lot of casualties. Then all the people killed because they did not want to convert to another religion. Actually, almost all wars iin the Western world before 1800 were because of religious reasons. And in the rest of the world a lot of wars are still for religious reasons.

You are obviously both stupid and uneducated - so we know you voted for Obama twice.

Still, the Crusades were a drop in the bucket compared to the genocide of Stalin. Casualties in the hundreds at most battles. Stalin and Mao were slaughtering millions at a time.

Now if you were smart, you wouldn't be a leftist. BUT let's pretend it's possible to be smart and a leftist. If that were the case, you would blame the lack of sophisticated weapons and stammer that those you are trained to hate WOULD have killed as many as your beloved comrades, if only they had access to machine guns and Zylon B as your heroes did...
Apparently you are quite dense, as well as being the only person stupid enough to try to make the argument that communism and atheism don't typically go together. Well, you and Pogo, now there's a relationshp! :lol: Read a history book.

Cuba is a Catholic communist country.

Cuba? Seriously? That's the best you can do? :lol:

It completely destroys your argument so yes, it is quite efficient.
Cuba is a Catholic communist country.

Cuba? Seriously? That's the best you can do? :lol:

It completely destroys your argument so yes, it is quite efficient.

You clearly don't understand the argument then.

I would also point out the Cuba isn't responsible for nearly the amount of communist atrocities as say: Lenin/stalin, pol pot, Mao, etc. All of whom were executing an atheist idealogy.
The Book of Acts isn't communism.

Isn't it?

Wanna tell these people they've been doing it wrong for five hundred years?

>> Originating in the Austrian province of Tyrol in the 16th century, the forerunners of the Hutterites migrated to Moravia to escape persecution. There, under the leadership of Jakob Hutter, they developed the communal form of living based on the New Testament books of the Acts of the Apostles (Chapters 2 (especially Verse 44), 4, and 5) and 2 Corinthians <<​

Oh look ... Christians practicing Communism. And they got it from the bible. AWK- ward....
Yep you libtards are all about choice right?

Soda - no
Types of Alcoholic Drink Mixes - no
Light blubs -no
Right to Work (right not to join a Union) - no
School Choice - no
Right to Choose one's healthcare - no
Right to carry guns provided by the constitution - no

Yep you are all about choice!
How 'Pro-Choice' are Democrats? - YouTube

Loved that video. So funny seeing people try to justify denying people their choice in so many areas.

"Seven Strawmen for Seven Dolts". Held over by popular ignorance. Brought to you by Fallacies-R-Us.

Would you mind explaining your comment?
The Book of Acts isn't communism.

Isn't it?

Wanna tell these people they've been doing it wrong for five hundred years?

>> Originating in the Austrian province of Tyrol in the 16th century, the forerunners of the Hutterites migrated to Moravia to escape persecution. There, under the leadership of Jakob Hutter, they developed the communal form of living based on the New Testament books of the Acts of the Apostles (Chapters 2 (especially Verse 44), 4, and 5) and 2 Corinthians <<​

Oh look ... Christians practicing Communism. And they got it from the bible. AWK- ward....

It's their right to voluntarily participate in sharing.

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