Pro-choice at record low...41 percent.

No one has the "right" to murder another individual...

I love how the left continually uses the Fourteenth Amendment to justify gay marriage, yet the fetus is not entitled to the same rights?

Leftists are a bunch of hypocrites and sociopaths...

This is why they're continually changing what words mean. It's to hide what they do/who they are/what they want.

And conservatives aren't?
When was the last time we tried to re-define a word that defines our humanity, our family, our speech?

Abortion = choice
baby = fetus
human = personhood
alive = thinking at advanced level
marriage = any two people
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OMG I HAVE A GROUPIE!!!!! I feel so loved. Hugs and kisses all around. :thanks:

But in all honestly I never really made my position clear I guess. If a friend came to me pregnant, not sure if they wanted to keep the baby I would advocate carrying the baby to term. That if they decided they would not be a fit mother that adoption is always an option. If they told me they were thinking about abortion I would try to disuade them not to get one. But if in the end they made their mind up to get one, I would still love and support that friend.

With that being said, I would much rather a friend or loved one receive an abortion at a legal clinic rather than having to go to some "clinic" not legal, and getting their abortion done there.

The reason I say life begins when a clump of cells can distinguish between different part of the body, until then they are uncategorized cells, which, for me at least do not hold conscious life. It's a tricky area, I agree, and my views on the matter are still changing. (PS. I took bio in high school, my sophomore year and got an A+, class was too easy, and I remained a virgin until college.)

If there are any insults you would like to throw my way, go ahead. :banana:

Ah, the ubiquitous "I'm a good person, REALLY" song-and-dance. I always wonder if they ever convince themselves, because they sure aren't impressing anyone else.

You really know jack squat about the history of abortion, don't you? Somebody told you about the "bad old days" of women dropping like flies in back alleys with coat hangers up their coochies, and you bought it hook, line, and sinker like the gullible little tweenie that you are.

The reason I say life begins at conception is science. Only children and those who think like them believe that "in my view" and "beliefs" and "feelings" are any sort of substitution for facts.

If your next post is just going to be another mindless repetition of "I believe it's this way, and I'm really smart and a good person, I KNOW I am", don't even bother. I've heard you twice already, and it'll be just as worthless and meaningless a third time, not to mention all the other times I've heard the same thing, word-for-word, from other idiots who think they're saying something brilliant and original.

When you can think for yourself and debate like a grown-up, instead of just flattering yourself that you do, come see me. I don't waste time talking to children playing dress-up.

I just find it really ironic that you tell me to have a grown up conversation yet you resort to insults and the holier than thou attitude.

Why on earth you decided to single me out. I have no idea. If you really think im am a teenager does it really make you feel better insulting a teen still learning their place in the world?

"You're being mean! Waaaahhh!" That's all you had to say here. Is it supposed to demonstrate to us what a mature debater you are when you ignore the points to whine about the fact that I wasn't nice to you while making them?

Single you out? Don't flatter yourself, child. Next time you join a message board, try reading it for a bit before jumping in the middle like an eager puppy, expecting kisses and praise for sharing your "wisdom". Had you bothered to find out anything about THIS board before opening your mouth, you'd know that every person who makes the same stupid remarks you have - and believe me, sweetie pie, they're the EXACT SAME stupid remarks, word for word, no matter how profoundly original you thought they were - gets the exact same treatment.

Sorry to contradict your teachers, but you're not special. You're just a meaningless face in a crowd of ignorant drones, chanting the same mindless mantras they all are.

If you can't handle being challenged and contradicted without crying about how it's personal . . . well, you'll fit right in with all the other contemptible idiots we laugh at around here. Either suck it up and accept your new station in life, or go find a message board that's more your speed. I'm sure there's one for Justin Bieber around here somewhere.
Ah, the ubiquitous "I'm a good person, REALLY" song-and-dance. I always wonder if they ever convince themselves, because they sure aren't impressing anyone else.

You really know jack squat about the history of abortion, don't you? Somebody told you about the "bad old days" of women dropping like flies in back alleys with coat hangers up their coochies, and you bought it hook, line, and sinker like the gullible little tweenie that you are.

The reason I say life begins at conception is science. Only children and those who think like them believe that "in my view" and "beliefs" and "feelings" are any sort of substitution for facts.

If your next post is just going to be another mindless repetition of "I believe it's this way, and I'm really smart and a good person, I KNOW I am", don't even bother. I've heard you twice already, and it'll be just as worthless and meaningless a third time, not to mention all the other times I've heard the same thing, word-for-word, from other idiots who think they're saying something brilliant and original.

When you can think for yourself and debate like a grown-up, instead of just flattering yourself that you do, come see me. I don't waste time talking to children playing dress-up.

I just find it really ironic that you tell me to have a grown up conversation yet you resort to insults and the holier than thou attitude.

Why on earth you decided to single me out. I have no idea. If you really think im am a teenager does it really make you feel better insulting a teen still learning their place in the world?

"You're being mean! Waaaahhh!" That's all you had to say here. Is it supposed to demonstrate to us what a mature debater you are when you ignore the points to whine about the fact that I wasn't nice to you while making them?

Single you out? Don't flatter yourself, child. Next time you join a message board, try reading it for a bit before jumping in the middle like an eager puppy, expecting kisses and praise for sharing your "wisdom". Had you bothered to find out anything about THIS board before opening your mouth, you'd know that every person who makes the same stupid remarks you have - and believe me, sweetie pie, they're the EXACT SAME stupid remarks, word for word, no matter how profoundly original you thought they were - gets the exact same treatment.

Sorry to contradict your teachers, but you're not special. You're just a meaningless face in a crowd of ignorant drones, chanting the same mindless mantras they all are.

If you can't handle being challenged and contradicted without crying about how it's personal . . . well, you'll fit right in with all the other contemptible idiots we laugh at around here. Either suck it up and accept your new station in life, or go find a message board that's more your speed. I'm sure there's one for Justin Bieber around here somewhere.

You don't actually claim to be a Christian, do you? I mean - really. Everything from your avatar to your attitude to your never-ending rage screams Hellbound Psycho to me.

You do nothing but mock, shame, ridicule, belittle and attempt to degrade. I look at 'the fruits of the spirit' and cannot find a solitary match.

I just don't understand what on God's green led you to believe you were some kind of wonderful.
This thread shows you who the real party of divisiveness is. Apparently if you're for a woman's right to choose, according to the GOP; you're for murdering babies.

Yup. If you're for a woman's right to choose to kill her baby, you ARE for killing babies.

If you find simple logic and truth to be divisive, I have to ask what possible reason we could have for NOT wanting to divide ourselves from you. Yoking ourselves to a bunch of delusional purveyors of evil isn't exactly to our benefit.
Ah, the ubiquitous "I'm a good person, REALLY" song-and-dance. I always wonder if they ever convince themselves, because they sure aren't impressing anyone else.

You really know jack squat about the history of abortion, don't you? Somebody told you about the "bad old days" of women dropping like flies in back alleys with coat hangers up their coochies, and you bought it hook, line, and sinker like the gullible little tweenie that you are.

The reason I say life begins at conception is science. Only children and those who think like them believe that "in my view" and "beliefs" and "feelings" are any sort of substitution for facts.

If your next post is just going to be another mindless repetition of "I believe it's this way, and I'm really smart and a good person, I KNOW I am", don't even bother. I've heard you twice already, and it'll be just as worthless and meaningless a third time, not to mention all the other times I've heard the same thing, word-for-word, from other idiots who think they're saying something brilliant and original.

When you can think for yourself and debate like a grown-up, instead of just flattering yourself that you do, come see me. I don't waste time talking to children playing dress-up.

I just find it really ironic that you tell me to have a grown up conversation yet you resort to insults and the holier than thou attitude.

Why on earth you decided to single me out. I have no idea. If you really think im am a teenager does it really make you feel better insulting a teen still learning their place in the world?

"You're being mean! Waaaahhh!" That's all you had to say here. Is it supposed to demonstrate to us what a mature debater you are when you ignore the points to whine about the fact that I wasn't nice to you while making them?

Single you out? Don't flatter yourself, child. Next time you join a message board, try reading it for a bit before jumping in the middle like an eager puppy, expecting kisses and praise for sharing your "wisdom". Had you bothered to find out anything about THIS board before opening your mouth, you'd know that every person who makes the same stupid remarks you have - and believe me, sweetie pie, they're the EXACT SAME stupid remarks, word for word, no matter how profoundly original you thought they were - gets the exact same treatment.

Sorry to contradict your teachers, but you're not special. You're just a meaningless face in a crowd of ignorant drones, chanting the same mindless mantras they all are.

If you can't handle being challenged and contradicted without crying about how it's personal . . . well, you'll fit right in with all the other contemptible idiots we laugh at around here. Either suck it up and accept your new station in life, or go find a message board that's more your speed. I'm sure there's one for Justin Bieber around here somewhere.

I could care less if you throw insults my way. Just pointing out how your remarks sound to the general public. And why didn't I respond to your discussion points? I'm tired to writing the exact same thing again and again.

I never said I was special, just that you singled me out for some unknown reason.

PS: justin beiber could be my neighbor and I still wound't care.

So this is for you:

Because I am done replying to you. This is a childish, pointless attack and I'm over it.
I'd be curious to know what you think the "middle ground" is on this.

The middle ground is birth control education. As was stated in the posts preceding the ones you quoted.

More than 46 percent of abortions are the result of unwanted pregnancies which in turn were the result of not using any kind of birth control.

Raising the use of birth control would lower the number of abortions.

This is the middle ground that can be found between the pro-life and pro-choice groups.

Overturning Roe v Wade would not have any effect on the number of abortions. All this rhetorical bomb throwing has no effect, either.

But raising birth control usage would lower the number of abortions. We could put a serious dent in that number. And when abortions become less frequent, they become less socially acceptable.

It's win/win for everyone.

Abortion aside; look for a massive increase in spending on Prisons over the next 10-20 years.

Cutting off the pennies spent for contraception today will result in a burgeoning prison population down the road. The facts are clear on this; unwanted pregnancies often lead to a life of crime for the child.

So if you're around my age range (late 30's), you may want to buy some stock in CCA (Corrections Corporation of America). This is where the jobs will come from thanks to the short-sighted policies of today.

Schools will get more over-crowded, there will be more people on entitlements, greater prison population, more crime of course, etc....

Oh, my God in Heaven. There they are again: two of the favorite refrains from liberals. "If you don't want us killing our babies, then YOU have to cough up to pay for our birth control. The responsibility for our profligate fucking is ON YOU!"; and "Abortion lowers crime. See, it's a GOOD thing we killed all those nasty, lower-class babies before they could grow up and rob people."

I doubt I even need to explain to you how much contempt I have for the idea that the solution is EVER that the government needs to baby people at the taxpayers' expense, or why, and I think you probably already know how thoroughly debunked the whole crime thing is. If not, you should stop speaking immediately until you're more informed, because you REALLY don't need to compound your lack of intellect with a lack of education.
The ultimate in "control over people" is killing them when they can't defend themselves. The ultimate "control" over people is lying to them in order to trick them into buying into genocide. And that has always been the darling of the left.

How about "isn't it better to kill them if they would have a miserable life"? Again, the power is all in the hands of the person doing the killing. The ultimate control.

Rights are good and wonderful..but rights don't extend over the lives of other. Killing babies is not a *right* anymore than beating your child is a *right*.
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The ultimate in "control over people" is killing them when they can't defend themselves. The ultimate "control" over people is lying to them in order to trick them into buying into genocide. And that has always been the darling of the left.

How about "isn't it better to kill them if they would have a miserable life"? Again, the power is all in the hands of the person doing the killing. The ultimate control.

Rights are good and wonderful..but rights don't extend over the lives of other. Killing babies is not a *right* anymore than beating your child is a *right*.

I can't help wondering what you'd rant against next, if Roe v Wade were overturned and gay marriage were just absolutely abolished. Would that be your version of Christian heaven on earth, or would your OCD insist you find something else to bitch about.
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Dumbfuck....there is a huge difference between them dying on accident in a war zone and killing them on purpose in a clinic. You see a girl or woman walks into a room and a doctor comes in to kill her baby......

In the first trimester, there is no baby involved.

You may have no heart, but that 1st trimester baby does. Where did you misplace yours?

My money's on the same place her brain went.
I wonder what's wrong with Boop that she hears an entirely different conversation than the one that is actually happening.
This thread shows you who the real party of divisiveness is. Apparently if you're for a woman's right to choose, according to the GOP; you're for murdering babies.

And we wonder why it's so difficult to find middle ground...

For real.

Its a shame the abortion issue is controlled by the overly emotional. There will never be any progress as long as they continue to sabotage things.
Again, CONDOMS do the trick..... It's not exactly like a 15-year old cant buy condoms...

Funny how when I was a teen I always had condoms and if I didn't someone else had a rubber....

So you're saying sex education is the answer? Thanks, sir!

Are you fucking serious???

I knew how to use a rubber and what it was when I was 10....

No one educated me on sex - I knew about sex and how babies were made by the age of 7.

There is no need for sex education...... These days kids learn all that shit by the time they are able to reproduce.

More to the point, where are liberals getting the idea that there are hordes of kids out there in the American hinterlands who don't know about condoms?
The middle ground is birth control education. As was stated in the posts preceding the ones you quoted.

More than 46 percent of abortions are the result of unwanted pregnancies which in turn were the result of not using any kind of birth control.

Raising the use of birth control would lower the number of abortions.

This is the middle ground that can be found between the pro-life and pro-choice groups.

Overturning Roe v Wade would not have any effect on the number of abortions. All this rhetorical bomb throwing has no effect, either.

But raising birth control usage would lower the number of abortions. We could put a serious dent in that number. And when abortions become less frequent, they become less socially acceptable.

It's win/win for everyone.

Abortion aside; look for a massive increase in spending on Prisons over the next 10-20 years.

Cutting off the pennies spent for contraception today will result in a burgeoning prison population down the road. The facts are clear on this; unwanted pregnancies often lead to a life of crime for the child.

So if you're around my age range (late 30's), you may want to buy some stock in CCA (Corrections Corporation of America). This is where the jobs will come from thanks to the short-sighted policies of today.

Schools will get more over-crowded, there will be more people on entitlements, greater prison population, more crime of course, etc....

Oh, my God in Heaven. There they are again: two of the favorite refrains from liberals. "If you don't want us killing our babies, then YOU have to cough up to pay for our birth control. The responsibility for our profligate fucking is ON YOU!"; and "Abortion lowers crime. See, it's a GOOD thing we killed all those nasty, lower-class babies before they could grow up and rob people."

I doubt I even need to explain to you how much contempt I have for the idea that the solution is EVER that the government needs to baby people at the taxpayers' expense, or why, and I think you probably already know how thoroughly debunked the whole crime thing is. If not, you should stop speaking immediately until you're more informed, because you REALLY don't need to compound your lack of intellect with a lack of education.

I would like it noted I did not call for free birth control. I'm sure some here remember my posts in opposition to everything the one percenter Sandra Fluke stands for.

I am callilng for more birth control education. We need birth control use to be increased through education.

It is a safe bet that most Americans are unaware that half of all abortions are the result of no birth control being used during the sex act which led to the unwanted pregnancy.

Some pressure can be brought to bear to change this.

I like to stick to facts, but unfortunately there is no data about why those who don't use birth control do not use it. Is it because they can't afford it, or is it because they just choose to chance it in the heat of the moment?

I cannot allow my bias to state one or the other as fact. But I do believe birth control education would go a long way toward reducing the number of abortions.

Screaming at each other certainly doesn't create a consensus to act on. One has to wonder what the overly emotional are getting out of a stalement.
More to the point, where are liberals getting the idea that there are hordes of kids out there in the American hinterlands who don't know about condoms?

They aren't using them. If the cost isn't prohibiting them, what is?

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